
kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年11月15日 at 下午 03:45:56

Artist: kanonxkanon
Title: Calendula Requiem
Source: Shiki
Tags: 屍鬼 分島花音 opening Wakeshima kanon an cafe blood black sunako ghost toshio rose ono fuyumi fujisaki ryū Corpse Demons
BPM: 140
Filesize: 25998kb
Play Time: 05:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Shiki Revive (4.7 stars, 1366 notes)
Download: kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem
Download: kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
TV Size version : kanon*kanon - Calendula Requiem -Shiki TV size-
Thanks mod
Colin Hou
Hollow Wings
Charles445 (Offset)
F D Flourite
alacat (Metadata check)
Map log
DATA: #2 Approval map - カレンデュラ レクイエム (金盏花镇魂曲)
Video Encode Thanks : Colin Hou
MV :
2014/9/08 Diff stars 4.42 →4.66
2015/1/05 Remove hitsound and background,redownload plz
2015/1/17 Change Artist and romanise artist,redownload plz
2015/11/11 Change uninherited (red) offsets by TicClick fix and hitsound delay by Gamu suggestion
カレンデュラ レクイエム
徒波 (あだなみ)に乱されて
更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網
ソレデモ ココニイタイ
ココロガ キシムオトハ
マダイキテルトイウ ショウコダカラ
I love you ♥
Colin Hou
artist: kanon×kanon
romanized artist: kanonxkanon

链接: 密码:3mbl
[Shiki Revive]
00:05:757 (1,2,3,4) - 其实 123算1组 4算1组你这样摆感觉挺奇怪的
00:16:469 (1) - 叠起来感觉很奇怪 建议跳
00:30:610 (1) - 红线上有音别漏
00:31:467 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 真心感觉蠢
00:51:821 (2) - ctrl+g
01:07:783 add a note 感觉更饱满
01:11:747 (1) - 改成NOTE
01:19:246 (2) - 改成2个NOTE 这里有2个音
01:46:028 (1) - 同00:30:610 (1)
01:54:812 (1,2,3) - FLOW不好
02:16:371 加个NOTE
02:20:335 (1) - 改成NOTE
02:27:834 (2) - 改成2个NOTE 这里有2个音
02:30:084 加个NOTE
03:10:904 (1,2,3,4,5) - 建议这样节奏 你这太不爽了
03:25:473 (1) - 同00:30:610 (1)
03:33:187我 建议你这段用3分音做超有感觉的。4分音完全破坏了

[Shiki Revive]
建议hp6或者更低 hp7有点几把
00:02:329 (6) - 试试224丨84
00:25:789 - 漏音
00:46:037 (1) - 可以试试去掉 会更有节奏感
00:54:178 (2) - ctrl+g试试
00:55:357 - 加个圈?
01:58:883 - 这里感觉可以和01:31:459 用一种节奏感觉好一点 你试试看
02:12:622 (1,2,3,4) - 可以跳啊
03:05:226 (2,3,1) - 这个距离感觉大了 移近点吧
03:28:473 (2,3) - 试试再各自前1/4拍的地方加个圈变成二连 感觉还不错
04:34:892 (1) - 减少一次折返吧 没必要节奏压那么紧
04:35:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 卧槽 尾杀?太几把 建议ds弄小点
04:50:975 - 从这里开始漏了不少音 把后面的滑条拆开吧
04:52:689 - 就算是结束了也不能这样漏音wa
摸的时候一直在看bg video所以摸到现在 美丽
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

[Shiki Revive]
00:05:757 (1,2,3,4) - 其实 123算1组 4算1组你这样摆感觉挺奇怪的 說的也是 這四個改了一下位置
00:16:469 (1) - 叠起来感觉很奇怪 建议跳 忘了這邊擺一個跳了
00:30:610 (1) - 红线上有音别漏
00:31:467 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 真心感觉蠢 或許以后會改一下吧(個人也覺得跳太大),先不動這裡了。
00:51:821 (2) - ctrl+g
01:07:783 add a note 感觉更饱满 是可以調,但位置還要大改,先不動這裡了。
01:11:747 (1) - 改成NOTE 發現改note還不錯,fixed.
01:19:246 (2) - 改成2个NOTE 这里有2个音
01:46:028 (1) - 同00:30:610 (1) 也改
01:54:812 (1,2,3) - FLOW不好 恩,移動了一點
02:16:371 加个NOTE 是可以調,但位置還要大改,先不動這裡了。
02:20:335 (1) - 改成NOTE 改了
02:27:834 (2) - 改成2个NOTE 这里有2个音
02:30:084 加个NOTE 是可以調,但位置還要大改,先不動這裡了。
03:10:904 (1,2,3,4,5) - 建议这样节奏 你这太不爽了 好 勉強接受
03:25:473 (1) - 同00:30:610 (1)
03:33:187我 建议你这段用3分音做超有感觉的。4分音完全破坏了 什麼? 這有3分音我怎聽不出來..改了 我只聽到1/8的
我太懒 懶JB 8-)


ZZHBOY wrote:

[Shiki Revive]
建议hp6或者更低 hp7有点几把 如果不JB點就不叫APP了
00:02:329 (6) - 试试224丨84 不改,5和6想做對稱。
00:25:789 - 漏音
00:46:037 (1) - 可以试试去掉 会更有节奏感 不刪,刪了之後感覺莫名,最後刪了00:46:358 (4) 這note.
00:54:178 (2) - ctrl+g试试 換了,然後這邊幾個objects換動了位置
00:55:357 - 加个圈? 是有聽到一點的音但不是很明顯,所以不加
01:58:883 - 这里感觉可以和01:31:459 用一种节奏感觉好一点 你试试看
02:12:622 (1,2,3,4) - 可以跳啊 好吧還是改大間距了
03:05:226 (2,3,1) - 这个距离感觉大了 移近点吧 是不覺得怎樣,但移到了一點位置
03:28:473 (2,3) - 试试再各自前1/4拍的地方加个圈变成二连 感觉还不错 不改,前面sjoy說這邊是1/3,所以不適用這個型式。
04:34:892 (1) - 减少一次折返吧 没必要节奏压那么紧 勉強接受,改了
04:35:749 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 卧槽 尾杀?太几把 建议ds弄小点 的確超級尾殺梗,先不動這裡,要泡還早,我在想想要怎改這梗才適合音樂。
04:50:975 - 从这里开始漏了不少音 把后面的滑条拆开吧 不了就這樣吧
04:52:689 - 就算是结束了也不能这样漏音wa 再想看看吧
摸的时候一直在看bg video所以摸到现在 美丽惡俗ZZH
謝謝ZZ波 ~ !
IRC0 0
来骗发KD XD
20:13 smallboat: 嗨嗨ax   求摸個app
20:13 axschiming: 哟
20:13 axschiming: np下吧
20:14 *smallboat is listening to [ kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem]
20:15 axschiming: 大概摸不出什么东西;w;
20:15 axschiming: 哇
20:15 axschiming: shiki
20:17 smallboat: lol
20:17 smallboat: 你知道喔.-.
20:18 smallboat: 還有+mv
20:18 axschiming: 见到了
20:18 axschiming: 怪不得那么大
20:18 smallboat: 剛好25m
20:18 smallboat: 跟音效加起來
20:18 smallboat: =.=
20:18 smallboat: 我還把音效剪了
20:18 axschiming: 233
20:19 smallboat: 現在下載是24.7 但是實際容量是25
20:19 axschiming: 我IRC提点意见那样行吗0.0
20:19 smallboat: 好
20:20 axschiming: 我先看看吧
20:20 smallboat: 好
20:20 smallboat: 你錢面不是飛球嗎 先看他的吧
20:21 axschiming: 没有啊
20:21 smallboat: 剛好像看到你摸菲求
20:21 smallboat: 的圖
20:21 axschiming: 我只是看看图
20:21 axschiming: 我没接任何mod
20:21 smallboat: 哦哦
20:21 axschiming: 0 0
20:21 smallboat: Guy斷2個
20:22 axschiming: 连小船也会用短滑条那么丧失的梗
20:22 smallboat: 诶 我也是會用阿
20:22 axschiming: 23
20:22 axschiming: 3
20:22 axschiming: 我还以为你是善良麻婆
20:23 smallboat: 我放的夠近了
20:23 axschiming: 01:17:746 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,3) -
20:24 axschiming: 这一段啊我觉得能用4个一组摆摆花样的感觉0 0
20:24 axschiming: 那个蓝色的
20:24 smallboat: 藍線?
20:24 axschiming: 不是
20:24 axschiming: 蓝色的note
20:25 axschiming: 1234和5678有点分段感的感觉会更棒的样子0 0
20:26 smallboat: 哦前面的note嗎
20:26 axschiming: 嗯那个蓝色的连打
20:27 smallboat: 如果這樣的話也許要改成滑條.
20:27 smallboat: 或者4到5的note跳一下
20:27 axschiming: 0 0
20:27 axschiming: 等等
20:28 smallboat: 那我再看看這裡吧LOL
20:30 axschiming: 能上Q吗
20:30 smallboat: ?
20:30 smallboat: 我Q都在線
20:30 axschiming: 好
20:30 axschiming: 我发发图你看看大概那个样子好不好
20:30 smallboat: 好
20:45 axschiming: 01:26:317 (1) -
20:46 axschiming: 0.0
20:46 axschiming: 这里强调一下?
20:47 smallboat: 所謂強調 =大聲點?
20:47 axschiming: 大声也好变速也好0 0
20:47 smallboat: 好
20:48 smallboat: 那麼..或許會做一下
20:48 axschiming: ?
20:48 smallboat: 會修個大聲
20:48 axschiming: 嗯
20:48 axschiming: 突出一下那里就行了
20:48 smallboat: 好
20:48 axschiming: 02:12:622 (1,2,3,4) -
20:49 axschiming: 这里要不要做个ANTIJUMP梗0 0
20:49 smallboat: 好阿
20:50 axschiming: 02:32:762 (3) - 288,132的位置试试看,其实我只是单纯无聊..无视也可..
20:52 smallboat: ok再看看 因為想壓滑條尾
20:52 axschiming: 嗯
20:52 smallboat: 不過我這樣放又覺得有點近
20:52 smallboat: ol
20:52 smallboat: 我再看看能不能放遠點
20:52 axschiming: 我只是觉得放那里flow好点
20:53 axschiming: 顺便压了那个转角处
20:53 axschiming: lol
20:53 smallboat: 哦 那麼我再想一下 :)
20:54 axschiming: 好
20:54 axschiming: 02:37:368 (3,4,5,6) -
20:54 axschiming: 有点乱哦
20:54 smallboat: 有嗎
20:55 axschiming: 0 0
20:55 axschiming: 个人感觉吧,可能真不乱
20:55 smallboat: 或許我這邊放太多note
20:55 smallboat: 0.0/
20:56 axschiming: 那个串有点歪的样子
20:56 smallboat: 好
20:56 axschiming: 嗯
20:58 axschiming: 02:40:046 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:58 axschiming: 这附近也是和最初说的一样0 0
20:58 smallboat: 0.0
20:58 smallboat: 好
20:59 axschiming: 后四声间距大点试试?
20:59 smallboat: ok可
21:02 axschiming: 03:09:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
21:02 axschiming: 这里有点违和的感觉
21:02 smallboat: ?
21:03 axschiming: 我是不跟主旋律会死斯基
21:03 axschiming: 233
21:03 smallboat: 0.0
21:06 axschiming: 0 0
21:06 axschiming: 我发图给你
21:06 smallboat: 好
21:06 axschiming: 啊你在手机上?
21:06 smallboat: 沒有 在電腦
21:07 axschiming: 啊好
21:13 axschiming: 后面也没啥啦
21:14 axschiming: 就是跟之前差不多的建议0 0
21:14 smallboat: 好0 0
21:14 axschiming: 就酱紫w
21:14 smallboat: 有些劍意好
21:14 axschiming: 咱不会音效
21:14 smallboat: 建議
21:14 smallboat: 好w
21:14 smallboat: 沒關係
21:14 axschiming: 嗯w
21:15 smallboat: 你先過濾一下post吧
21:15 smallboat: w
21:15 smallboat: thx ax
21:15 axschiming: 不客气:D
Hello, mod due request.
In first, i want to say something about whole map. I've played this map, and i got feel that i played a bunch of innecessary jumps that doesn't fit this map, because it's more calmly. This map was played well, but if jumps weren't here, map would be much better and pleasant for playing with calmly flow. This is your decide, and i understand it, but i want to say that this map doesn't fit the song, because jumps like 01:09:605 (2,3) - this and 01:22:031 (3,4,5,6) - this and other big jumps are too fast for this song and breaks the flow, making player twitch the cursor, when it's not necessary.
This is just my point and you shouldn't get mad because i told it. Now, the mod.
00:01:900 (4,5,6) - these jumps doesn't fit, this is calmly part of song, make something calmer
00:19:469 (1) - how about making it round?
00:20:326 (3) - and this too, flow will be better
00:24:611 (1) - make it smoother a little
00:25:897 (6,2) - blanket with these objects will look better
00:55:464 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - i just don't like how it looks and plays, if you don't mind, make (1)s and (2)s spaced a little like here 02:04:052 (1,2) -
01:04:677 (3,4) - try to stack them, because this pattern is confusing a little and even spacing doesn't help, player wants to press (4) later
01:09:605 (2,3) - they're doesn't makes sense, there is 5 notes 1/4 in music starting at 01:09:390 -
01:20:103 - there's 5 1/4 notes too
02:11:658 (5) - why did you add this beat when 02:11:015 - there's no beat? i think these patterns should be same
02:13:907 (1,2) - looks just bad for me, remind about patterns in 2009, unstack them if you don't mind
02:18:407 - and there's too 5 1/4 notes in rhythm. (don't forget that BATs are very picky about rhythm in approval maps)
02:32:119 - ^
03:01:477 (2,3,4,5,6) - are you sure about such spacing in calm part?
03:04:048 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
03:06:619 (6) - repeat sliders with 2 and more repeats pretty boring to play, try to change it
03:35:758 (8) - add NC
03:36:615 (1) - remove NC
03:40:900 (7) - add NC
03:41:757 (1) - remove NC
and in following parts too, because these NCs aren't fitting, you should attach them to vocal
04:11:538 - yeah you know
04:25:251 - and again
05:05:545 (2) - add NC

In whole point map is good even with unfitting jumps, good luck with ranking!
sad thats you don't use normal-whistles :(
Topic Starter

axschiming wrote:

IRC0 0
来骗发KD XD
20:13 smallboat: 嗨嗨ax   求摸個app
20:13 axschiming: 哟
20:13 axschiming: np下吧
20:14 *smallboat is listening to [ kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem]
20:15 axschiming: 大概摸不出什么东西;w;
20:15 axschiming: 哇
20:15 axschiming: shiki
20:17 smallboat: lol
20:17 smallboat: 你知道喔.-.
20:18 smallboat: 還有+mv
20:18 axschiming: 见到了
20:18 axschiming: 怪不得那么大
20:18 smallboat: 剛好25m
20:18 smallboat: 跟音效加起來
20:18 smallboat: =.=
20:18 smallboat: 我還把音效剪了
20:18 axschiming: 233
20:19 smallboat: 現在下載是24.7 但是實際容量是25
20:19 axschiming: 我IRC提点意见那样行吗0.0
20:19 smallboat: 好
20:20 axschiming: 我先看看吧
20:20 smallboat: 好
20:20 smallboat: 你錢面不是飛球嗎 先看他的吧
20:21 axschiming: 没有啊
20:21 smallboat: 剛好像看到你摸菲求
20:21 smallboat: 的圖
20:21 axschiming: 我只是看看图
20:21 axschiming: 我没接任何mod
20:21 smallboat: 哦哦
20:21 axschiming: 0 0
20:21 smallboat: Guy斷2個
20:22 axschiming: 连小船也会用短滑条那么丧失的梗
20:22 smallboat: 诶 我也是會用阿
20:22 axschiming: 23
20:22 axschiming: 3
20:22 axschiming: 我还以为你是善良麻婆
20:23 smallboat: 我放的夠近了
20:23 axschiming: 01:17:746 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,1,2,3) -
20:24 axschiming: 这一段啊我觉得能用4个一组摆摆花样的感觉0 0
20:24 axschiming: 那个蓝色的
20:24 smallboat: 藍線?
20:24 axschiming: 不是
20:24 axschiming: 蓝色的note
20:25 axschiming: 1234和5678有点分段感的感觉会更棒的样子0 0
20:26 smallboat: 哦前面的note嗎
20:26 axschiming: 嗯那个蓝色的连打
20:27 smallboat: 如果這樣的話也許要改成滑條.
20:27 smallboat: 或者4到5的note跳一下
20:27 axschiming: 0 0
20:27 axschiming: 等等
20:28 smallboat: 那我再看看這裡吧LOL
20:30 axschiming: 能上Q吗
20:30 smallboat: ?
20:30 smallboat: 我Q都在線
20:30 axschiming: 好
20:30 axschiming: 我发发图你看看大概那个样子好不好
20:30 smallboat: 好
20:45 axschiming: 01:26:317 (1) -
20:46 axschiming: 0.0
20:46 axschiming: 这里强调一下?
20:47 smallboat: 所謂強調 =大聲點?
20:47 axschiming: 大声也好变速也好0 0
20:47 smallboat: 好
20:48 smallboat: 那麼..或許會做一下
20:48 axschiming: ?
20:48 smallboat: 會修個大聲
20:48 axschiming: 嗯
20:48 axschiming: 突出一下那里就行了
20:48 smallboat: 好
20:48 axschiming: 02:12:622 (1,2,3,4) -
20:49 axschiming: 这里要不要做个ANTIJUMP梗0 0
20:49 smallboat: 好阿
20:50 axschiming: 02:32:762 (3) - 288,132的位置试试看,其实我只是单纯无聊..无视也可..
20:52 smallboat: ok再看看 因為想壓滑條尾
20:52 axschiming: 嗯
20:52 smallboat: 不過我這樣放又覺得有點近
20:52 smallboat: ol
20:52 smallboat: 我再看看能不能放遠點
20:52 axschiming: 我只是觉得放那里flow好点
20:53 axschiming: 顺便压了那个转角处
20:53 axschiming: lol
20:53 smallboat: 哦 那麼我再想一下 :)
20:54 axschiming: 好
20:54 axschiming: 02:37:368 (3,4,5,6) -
20:54 axschiming: 有点乱哦
20:54 smallboat: 有嗎
20:55 axschiming: 0 0
20:55 axschiming: 个人感觉吧,可能真不乱
20:55 smallboat: 或許我這邊放太多note
20:55 smallboat: 0.0/
20:56 axschiming: 那个串有点歪的样子
20:56 smallboat: 好
20:56 axschiming: 嗯
20:58 axschiming: 02:40:046 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:58 axschiming: 这附近也是和最初说的一样0 0
20:58 smallboat: 0.0
20:58 smallboat: 好
20:59 axschiming: 后四声间距大点试试?
20:59 smallboat: ok可
21:02 axschiming: 03:09:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
21:02 axschiming: 这里有点违和的感觉
21:02 smallboat: ?
21:03 axschiming: 我是不跟主旋律会死斯基
21:03 axschiming: 233
21:03 smallboat: 0.0
21:06 axschiming: 0 0
21:06 axschiming: 我发图给你
21:06 smallboat: 好
21:06 axschiming: 啊你在手机上?
21:06 smallboat: 沒有 在電腦
21:07 axschiming: 啊好
21:13 axschiming: 后面也没啥啦
21:14 axschiming: 就是跟之前差不多的建议0 0
21:14 smallboat: 好0 0
21:14 axschiming: 就酱紫w
21:14 smallboat: 有些劍意好
21:14 axschiming: 咱不会音效
21:14 smallboat: 建議
21:14 smallboat: 好w
21:14 smallboat: 沒關係
21:14 axschiming: 嗯w
21:15 smallboat: 你先過濾一下post吧
21:15 smallboat: w
21:15 smallboat: thx ax
21:15 axschiming: 不客气:D
@axschiming : Almost fixed,thanks your IRC suggestion :)

Kyubey wrote:

Hello, mod due request.
In first, i want to say something about whole map. I've played this map, and i got feel that i played a bunch of innecessary jumps that doesn't fit this map, because it's more calmly. This map was played well, but if jumps weren't here, map would be much better and pleasant for playing with calmly flow. This is your decide, and i understand it, but i want to say that this map doesn't fit the song, because jumps like 01:09:605 (2,3) - this and 01:22:031 (3,4,5,6) - this and other big jumps are too fast for this song and breaks the flow, making player twitch the cursor, when it's not necessary.
This is just my point and you shouldn't get mad because i told it. Now, the mod.
00:01:900 (4,5,6) - these jumps doesn't fit, this is calmly part of song, make something calmer Move a bit.
00:19:469 (1) - how about making it round? Change a curve slider and move a bit.
00:20:326 (3) - and this too, flow will be better ^
00:24:611 (1) - make it smoother a little Change a bit curve in the slider
00:25:897 (6,2) - blanket with these objects will look better fixed
00:55:464 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - i just don't like how it looks and plays, if you don't mind, make (1)s and (2)s spaced a little like here 02:04:052 (1,2) - fixed
01:04:677 (3,4) - try to stack them, because this pattern is confusing a little and even spacing doesn't help, player wants to press (4) later I think it is fine,no hard to read problem.
01:09:605 (2,3) - they're doesn't makes sense, there is 5 notes 1/4 in music starting at 01:09:390 - Sure,then I "ll consider it here,but I think it is fine now.
01:20:103 - there's 5 1/4 notes too ^
02:11:658 (5) - why did you add this beat when 02:11:015 - there's no beat? i think these patterns should be same Have a bit sound in blue line ,so I place a stream here.
02:13:907 (1,2) - looks just bad for me, remind about patterns in 2009, unstack them if you don't mind Sure,no stack and move a bit
02:18:407 - and there's too 5 1/4 notes in rhythm. (don't forget that BATs are very picky about rhythm in approval maps) As the same with 01:09:605
02:32:119 - ^ ^
03:01:477 (2,3,4,5,6) - are you sure about such spacing in calm part? Sure,I think it is fine,many people say okay here.
03:04:048 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^ ^
03:06:619 (6) - repeat sliders with 2 and more repeats pretty boring to play, try to change it Perhaps I "ll consider it.
03:35:758 (8) - add NC fixed
03:36:615 (1) - remove NC fixed
03:40:900 (7) - add NC fixed
03:41:757 (1) - remove NC fixed
and in following parts too, because these NCs aren't fitting, you should attach them to vocal Okay
04:11:538 - yeah you know As the same with 01:09:605
04:25:251 - and again ^
05:05:545 (2) - add NC fixed

In whole point map is good even with unfitting jumps, good luck with ranking! Thanks!
sad thats you don't use normal-whistles :( Because the MB is full,so I don"t add this.

Thanks Kyubey ~ !

  1. I thought the artist (romanised) is kanon x kanon, well chech the artist and if you still want to keep it the way it is now, add kanon to the tags. So the search will work for those who look for "kanon x kanon" (with spaces).
  2. The name of the anime is 屍鬼 and Shiki goes to the tags as a romanised name of the anime. Adding Corpse Demons to the tags is also a good idea, since it's an english-translated title of the anime.
  1. Set the tickrate to 1, the current one sounds REALLY confusing during the 1/3 part!
  2. 01:10:890 (1,2) - the way how you suddenly switch from jumps to antijumps is bugging me. I see what you're trying to do, but the rhythm of the song does not change here and I'd go on with consistent spacing there to make i more readable.
    Note: 04:46:904 (1,2,3) - same here. Well, you can emphasize the vocals here in a different way! example
  3. 03:06:619 (6) - you don't use such sliders a lot and this one confuses me a lot. The second repeat may be a bit unreadable, so I'd replace it with a circle just to make the diff a bit more consistent and intuitively understandable!
  4. 03:17:760 (1) - minor - shape of the slider seems a bit messy comparing to the shape of the previous 03:16:903 (1) - not a big deal, but you may want to fix it. :)
  5. 03:58:040 - I would simply finish the spinner here since it sounds quite good with the song and helps to point out the end of the piano-part. Also, it gives some time to recove to the players, which is also awesome for this kind of maps!

    As I've told you in game, the spacing in the diff feels really confusing and choppy to me. Even for the Extra/Marathon diff it feels too complicated and not reasonable sometimes, so I recommend you to consider fixing it!

Best of luck!

[Shiki Revive]
  1. 00:23:326 (10,11,12) - Humm.. Try an arrange like this.

  2. 01:18:068 (4,1) - This spacing is really awkward. Please follow slider?
  3. 01:19:032 (1) - removeNc? I think no need.
  4. 01:44:957 (1) - ^
  5. 02:41:760 (3) - too near please use large spacing.
  6. 03:10:476 (1) - un snapped.
Fight~~ :)
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. I thought the artist (romanised) is kanon x kanon, well chech the artist and if you still want to keep it the way it is now, add kanon to the tags. So the search will work for those who look for "kanon x kanon" (with spaces).Perhaps your suggestion is true,so I change this.
  2. The name of the anime is 屍鬼 and Shiki goes to the tags as a romanised name of the anime. Adding Corpse Demons to the tags is also a good idea, since it's an english-translated title of the anime. Okay,add "Corpse Demons" tag.
  1. Set the tickrate to 1, the current one sounds REALLY confusing during the 1/3 part! Okay,fixed.
  2. 01:10:890 (1,2) - the way how you suddenly switch from jumps to antijumps is bugging me. I see what you're trying to do, but the rhythm of the song does not change here and I'd go on with consistent spacing there to make i more readable.Move a bit.
    Note: 04:46:904 (1,2,3) - same here. Well, you can emphasize the vocals here in a different way! Sure,change rhythm here.example
  3. 03:06:619 (6) - you don't use such sliders a lot and this one confuses me a lot. The second repeat may be a bit unreadable, so I'd replace it with a circle just to make the diff a bit more consistent and intuitively understandable! I consider it.
  4. 03:17:760 (1) - minor - shape of the slider seems a bit messy comparing to the shape of the previous 03:16:903 (1) - not a big deal, but you may want to fix it. :) Sure,change 03:16:903 slider here.
  5. 03:58:040 - I would simply finish the spinner here since it sounds quite good with the song and helps to point out the end of the piano-part. Also, it gives some time to recove to the players, which is also awesome for this kind of maps! Perhaps I"ll consider this.

    As I've told you in game, the spacing in the diff feels really confusing and choppy to me. Even for the Extra/Marathon diff it feels too complicated and not reasonable sometimes, so I recommend you to consider fixing it! Sure,almost fixed,very thanks !

Best of luck!

Thanks -Bakari- ~ ! :)

Satellite wrote:


[Shiki Revive]
  1. 00:23:326 (10,11,12) - Humm.. Try an arrange like this. fixed.

  2. 01:18:068 (4,1) - This spacing is really awkward. Please follow slider? fixed,and I"ll fix 1/4 note jump in another part.
  3. 01:19:032 (1) - removeNc? I think no need. Okay,fixed.
  4. 01:44:957 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 02:41:760 (3) - too near please use large spacing. Nice!
  6. 03:10:476 (1) - un snapped.Forgot notice it,fixed
Fight~~ :) fighto ~ ! ww

Thanks Satellite ~ ! :)
To axschiming: 之前的1/4 note跳,后來我又改掉了,試玩的都噴這裡,sorry.

05:05:746 (2,3,4) - 也加大間距
05:09:710 (1) - 在05:13:674 - 完結
Hollow Wings
as ur req

no kd

[Shiki Revive]
00:34:895 (3) - nc
03:34:472 (5,6,7) - 像这种地方以及后面一大段我觉得只用这种节奏稍微有点单调的说,我觉得你在这种地方可以多花点心思变点花样,那样更有趣些

From your PM request

  1. Red - Unrankable issue, you must fixed
  2. Purple - Highly recommended, consider to use it
  3. Black - Suggestion, feel free to fixed or not
  4. Gray - Personal preference
  1. I'm quite sure your timing is wrong, try this timing: BPM: 140.000, Offset: 613 (Actually I'm not so sure about this timing, you need a BAT recheck before it goes approved.)
  2. Hmm, just a suggesion here, I heard your S:C1 is some kind of Normal sample, maybe you can change this to N:C1, and change S:C2 to S:C1, so you can use soft-whistle in N:C1 to enrich your hitsounds, also it will affect taiko hitsounds too
After you fixed these, I'll continue the pattern check
[Shiki Revive]
  1. 03:33:829 (3) - 1/3snap please, 移到03:33:901 - 原因不说了,必须得改的。。。
  2. 03:44:114 (3) - ^(这个改不改说法不大反正也没啥音,不过在一段1/3的par突然来1/2你自己看吧=。=)
  3. 03:11:976 (5,6,1) - 这种是个什么玩意。。。作图带点常识行不
  4. 03:57:183 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里timing不对,这种纯钢琴的part而且一听音就不在线上,建议你好好的仔细测下bpm和offset
  5. 04:36:835 - 傻baka?这根红线时间点完全莫名奇妙!本来downbeat位置是对的,这样被你一弄反而不对了。那里是局部强音不等于重音的节奏,别乱改timing。。。。。
  6. 03:04:048 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 串轨节奏差评!
  7. 整体节奏太烂,没亮点,而且一会3/4一会1/2听起来十分难听,我指的是KIAI,第一小节3/4+1/2,3/4+1/2可以,但是和第二小节的纯1/2听起来就觉得怪,而且第三小节3个3/4更奇怪,又忽略人声又不对着鼓点,作为自创轨更不合理。建议重新组合下。。。
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:


05:05:746 (2,3,4) - 也加大間距 這裡已加
05:09:710 (1) - 在05:13:674 - 完結 OK

謝柚子 ~ !

Hollow Wings wrote:

as ur req

no kd

[Shiki Revive]
00:34:895 (3) - nc
03:34:472 (5,6,7) - 像这种地方以及后面一大段我觉得只用这种节奏稍微有点单调的说,我觉得你在这种地方可以多花点心思变点花样,那样更有趣些
只是我的意见 蠻有用的建議,或許我會把一些部分的滑條形狀改改


謝謝HW ~ !

OniJAM wrote:

From your PM request

  1. Red - Unrankable issue, you must fixed
  2. Purple - Highly recommended, consider to use it
  3. Black - Suggestion, feel free to fixed or not
  4. Gray - Personal preference
  1. I'm quite sure your timing is wrong, try this timing: BPM: 140.000, Offset: 613 (Actually I'm not so sure about this timing, you need a BAT recheck before it goes approved.)恩我會找445看看測個timing
  2. Hmm, just a suggesion here, I heard your S:C1 is some kind of Normal sample, maybe you can change this to N:C1, and change S:C2 to S:C1, so you can use soft-whistle in N:C1 to enrich your hitsounds, also it will affect taiko hitsounds too change hitsound name.
After you fixed these, I'll continue the pattern checkSure

謝謝歐尼醬 ~ !

Fycho wrote:

[Shiki Revive]
  1. 03:33:829 (3) - 1/3snap please, 移到03:33:901 - 原因不说了,必须得改的。。。說的堆,fix
  2. 03:44:114 (3) - ^(这个改不改说法不大反正也没啥音,不过在一段1/3的par突然来1/2你自己看吧=。=)^
  3. 03:11:976 (5,6,1) - 这种是个什么玩意。。。作图带点常识行不忘了這是1/4了,remove it.
  4. 03:57:183 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这里timing不对,这种纯钢琴的part而且一听音就不在线上,建议你好好的仔细测下bpm和offset 的確有一點錯,有叫445來測但美麗
  5. 04:36:835 - 傻baka?这根红线时间点完全莫名奇妙!本来downbeat位置是对的,这样被你一弄反而不对了。那里是局部强音不等于重音的节奏,别乱改timing。。。。。好,remove 這條紅線。
  6. 03:04:048 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 串轨节奏差评!改了一點
  7. 整体节奏太烂,没亮点,而且一会3/4一会1/2听起来十分难听,我指的是KIAI,第一小节3/4+1/2,3/4+1/2可以,但是和第二小节的纯1/2听起来就觉得怪,而且第三小节3个3/4更奇怪,又忽略人声又不对着鼓点,作为自创轨更不合理。建议重新组合下。。。這個也懶得大改了,先保留,或許以后我會慢慢改一點節奏
I think add +14, would be better
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

I think add +14, would be better
Okay,added!thanks 445! :)
Hello! Sorry for being late with this m4m

General Stuff
  1. The video offset is placed too early. if you notice you'll see that the singer starts singing still when there is only melody without vocal LOL. Try to place it at offset: 1057. It looks perfect.

Shiki Revive
  1. 00:02:343 (6) - What about adding new combo here? New melody is starting just on this downbeat, it'd be cool
  2. 00:05:342 (4) - This slider flows so bad after the 00:04:057 (1,2,3) ones. I would keep the same logic on this pattern copy-pastying the 00:04:485 (2) like you did for 00:04:057 (1,3) placing it some grid left than 00:04:485 (2). You should fix the 00:05:771 (1) as well if you apply this
  3. 00:07:056 (4) - What about adding normal sampleset on this slider's tail to fill the drum of the melody? I would set normal sampleset on this finish as well:
  4. 00:07:485 (1). Same for 00:08:342 (3)'s head and so on, like 00:09:199 (1) with all those drum sounds. I won't mention it anymore, I guess you got it
  5. 00:19:269 (6,7,1) - Stack it better
  6. 00:22:697 (7) - New combo
  7. 00:35:552 (4) - NC here as well. The melody is different
  8. 00:54:514 (3,4,5,6,7) - To get a better flow I'd change the position of some elements from 00:54:835 (5). What about making something like: ? Flows much better!
  9. 00:58:692 (4) - Move to x:348 y:80 to keep the pattern consistent
  10. 01:00:941 (2) - This looked kinda unexpected to me, honestly. Move it closer to the previous (1) pls
  11. 01:38:115 (7) - New combo
  12. 02:09:529 (2,3) - Make the spacing bigger? So much spacing unconsistency <_<
  13. 02:31:490 (8,1) - switch ncs
  14. 03:05:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I don't understand this overbig and overhuge spacing, honestly...
  15. 03:29:558 Silence this slider's tick, it's confusing, same for 03:30:201 (6), 03:31:915 (4,6) - same and so on
  16. 03:44:770 (5) - new combo?
  17. 03:57:126 Add a red line here and set those circles in this way: they are actually really off. Moreover, re-add a red line on 03:58:268 (5)
  18. 04:55:274 (7) - NC
  19. 04:57:203 (5,1) - Switch NCs

This diff needs more and more work. There are so much inconsistent spacings <_< well, i hope it helped at least, good luck with it!
Topic Starter
Sorry,I forget to notice this map,forget give to ur KD :o

I'll check it soon ! Thanks Chewin suggestion ~ ! :)

(Perhaps I'll replace some parts)

Chewin wrote:

Hello! Sorry for being late with this m4m I'm so late mod reply to this ,too. :o

General Stuff
  1. The video offset is placed too early. if you notice you'll see that the singer starts singing still when there is only melody without vocal LOL. Try to place it at offset: 1057. It looks perfect. Fixed.

Shiki Revive
  1. 00:02:343 (6) - What about adding new combo here? New melody is starting just on this downbeat, it'd be cool Fixed.
  2. 00:05:342 (4) - This slider flows so bad after the 00:04:057 (1,2,3) ones. I would keep the same logic on this pattern copy-pastying the 00:04:485 (2) like you did for 00:04:057 (1,3) placing it some grid left than 00:04:485 (2). You should fix the 00:05:771 (1) as well if you apply this Consider it.
  3. 00:07:056 (4) - What about adding normal sampleset on this slider's tail to fill the drum of the melody? I would set normal sampleset on this finish as well: Fixed.
  4. 00:07:485 (1). Same for 00:08:342 (3)'s head and so on, like 00:09:199 (1) with all those drum sounds. I won't mention it anymore, I guess you got it Added finish in slider head at 00:08:342 (3) & 00:09:199 (1),fixed.
  5. 00:19:269 (6,7,1) - Stack it better Fixed.
  6. 00:22:697 (7) - New combo Fixed.
  7. 00:35:552 (4) - NC here as well. The melody is different Fixed.
  8. 00:54:514 (3,4,5,6,7) - To get a better flow I'd change the position of some elements from 00:54:835 (5). What about making something like: ? Flows much better! Feel looks fine now.
  9. 00:58:692 (4) - Move to x:348 y:80 to keep the pattern consistent Fixed.
  10. 01:00:941 (2) - This looked kinda unexpected to me, honestly. Move it closer to the previous (1) pls Fixed.
  11. 01:38:115 (7) - New combo Fixed.
  12. 02:09:529 (2,3) - Make the spacing bigger? So much spacing unconsistency <_< Okay,fixed.
  13. 02:31:490 (8,1) - switch ncs Fixed.
  14. 03:05:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I don't understand this overbig and overhuge spacing, honestly... Sounds like this music seems can make jump,so no change this.
  15. 03:29:558 Silence this slider's tick, it's confusing, same for 03:30:201 (6), 03:31:915 (4,6) - same and so on Fixed.
  16. 03:44:770 (5) - new combo? Fixed.
  17. 03:57:126 Add a red line here and set those circles in this way: they are actually really off. Moreover, re-add a red line on 03:58:268 (5) Perhaps don't add this,look fine now.
  18. 04:55:274 (7) - NC Fixed.
  19. 04:57:203 (5,1) - Switch NCs Fixed.

This diff needs more and more work. There are so much inconsistent spacings <_< well, i hope it helped at least, good luck with it!Sure,help a lot ~ ! Thanks Chewin !
你怎么坑了 吃食

00:15:198 (4) - 这里是不是放歪了
00:31:481 (1,2,3,1) - 感觉放个三角型,黄色note放中间好看些
00:32:981 (2,3,4,5) - 偏了一点,虽然不是什么问题_(:зゝ∠)_ 还是说下比较好
03:09:204 (1) -to 03:10:704 (2) - 这是不是太跳了orz有点读不清

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