
Skin Q&A..need help..pls!!!ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

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ok, the point of this thread is....I just can't find this sliderfollowcircle.png anywhere , and it's looks nice to me ~

Eizan Arizawa
please don't ask in sub forum
if you have a question just go here and ask anything you want about skinning
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ㄴ Sorry, but There was no one there....ㅜ_ㅜ
Ayesha Altugle

ichigo49 wrote:

ㄴ Sorry, but There was no one there....ㅜ_ㅜ
You will get the answer so soon as long as you posted there.
The player on the video is gone and the description on the youtube page says that the skin is on private use.
Sorry but I'm locking this now. Please go to the thread that Eizan wrote if you have more questions (or need any help).
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