
[web] Can't change thread page when searching with spaces [confirmed]

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1) Enter search string using space, like "test build"
2) Click on any link that follows "Topic:", like "osu!stream Discussion", for a topic that has more than 1 page
3) Pages won't change when you click on their number. Moreso, "hilit" parameter of url becomes weirder and weirder each time you try to change the page.

Easily fixed by adding "?" symbol before parameter string, like ... d&start=45
instead of ... d&start=45
wow, that's... pretty bad D: confirming
just fix it ppy that would be nic3
thats been around for a while i think. i think its cause the search is towards that page. you can fix this buy clicking on the thread topic name.
p/1785214/hilit=filter takes you to Index » osu! » Feature Requests » Allow to use different Approach Rates in map
clicking on Allow to use different Approach Rates in map takes you to
t/47941/start=0 and then you can swap pages again.
its kinda a round about way. but it does work. hope you can understand that x.x
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Well, but it cancels the search highlighting. Kind of defeating the purpose :3
...Or so I would like say, but it just hit me that highlighting does not work at all.
This should now be resolved :).
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Nope :D
Page switcher links are still t/76914/hilit=test+build&start=15 , not t/76914?hilit=test+build&start=15 , so it's still the same problem :3

Also, is highlighting not supposed to work? span class="posthilit" is present on page, but it seems there's no css entry for it.
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The issue is still NOT resolved, fyi. Why would you move the topic?
I believe the issue was resolved because while your link above doesn't work, it is not longer possible to create such a malformed URL. If it is, please provide a link to the search page, rather than the resulting linked page.
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Oh, come on, it's moved again?
Ah yes, confirming; it's almost fixed, but not quite!


Note how the ? after the topic number changes to a / when you change the page. This one character is doing all the breaking...
Being moved isn't an issue (was automated); I still follow threads in this forum.
This issue seems to have returned (see t/108560/)
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MillhioreF wrote:

This issue seems to have returned (see t/108560/)
I believe it was never actually fixed completely. Yet the topic was already moved to 'resolved' twice, so I just stopped bumping it :| I value my account too much to provoke dev staff with my grumbling :3
I wasn't able to move it out of completed requests back then, either... but now I am! Let's see if we can get this fixed for good.
As the search highlighting wasn't even working, I have removed this from the URLs provided in search. It should also fix this issue.
This still happens. It is not resolved.
Please provide the exact case it still fails. I can't replicate.
I need to know how you got to that page, though. Can you provide each step in the process?
I searched James training. I click on the link and it links to


Just standard old search with topic enabled.
I go to the bottom of Gameplay and Rankings and search "james training" in the bottom box:

Then I can click on the title of any search result and it will result in the "hilit" parameter.

"Jump to post" works fine, however.
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By the way, you could make post highlighting work, if you want. Search terms are properly wrapped in
<span class="posthilit">
, so all you need to do is to modify stylesheets.
This is still broken.
The search highlighting still occurs if you click on the "Topic: <topicname>" in the upper bar of a search result. Moving out of Resolved yet again :o
So this was brought up a year ago or something here

However it is broken again. If i were to go search and pull up a thread i get a link like
selecting next or jumping to a page with the numbers next to "next" gives me
which fails to go to the next/specified page. However
does take me to the correct page.

This fix would make it so much easier to search the forum before i make bug requests and we hate duplicate bug requests right? (completely disregarding the fact that the "hilit=XxxXXx" doesnt seem to add anything to my browsing experience other than inducing this bug)

Duplicatable on any multi page forum post you can find with search when browsing with chrome 26.0.1410.64 m

It appears this only happens with the little search box at the bottom of a forum/thread (or at the top of a completed search). Because only from that little box does it start adding the "hilit=XxXxX" stuff. Using the Search button at the top of the page next to Settings does not add the "hilit=XxxXXx" stuff and so doesnt produce this bug.
Bump! Been getting a couple duplicate topics about this recently.
Duplicate of t/95686 - I don't blame you for missing it though, it was on page 3 of low priority. I've bumped it back up again to be more visible, since it's quite an annoyance IMO.
What part isn't working here?
There's a detailed post here: t/133253
Highlight is working now (which is cool) but this bug persists!

XPJ38 wrote:

There's a detailed post here: t/133253
I'll just merge that then.
@devs good Luck fixing
@Millhi thx for keeping this up.
but isn't this pretty low priority? I mean, not many use search and then try to go to the next page. Us maybe, but it's so extremely easy to resolve, just hit the title of the topic or erase the +search keywords in the url.
It primarily affects us who actually are supposed to use search as it's intended to be used.

It's medium-low priority.
moving it there then.
Moving to low priority due to obsoletion of medium priority.
Problem Details:
when using the search function (top right of web ui, next to settings), using dislpay results as topics makes it impossible to change pages
edit: also applies to search in thread box, or if you click to directly access the thread in view as posts
(fix for both user and whoever's doing the coding included)

How to replicate:
via normal usage:
open said search page
type in 2 terms into the box (the "+" in front of the term doesn't matter)
under search options select display results as topics
search, then open any topic
you should be unable to change pages

reason this happens: (might not actually be right since I have no access to how the server actually processes these things)
(i'm mainly talking about editing the url bar here)
all posts in the thread have a "post number", which starts counting from 0
when you click on a page number, it takes how many posts you chose to display per page (appears to be 15, i'm not sure if the option can even be changed) and mutiplies it by the page number you click and appends start=<derivedvalue> to the end of the url. (you can infact enter a custom number by editing the URL and jump to a specific post) however, when you search using the above method upon clicking on the link you arrive on the page with "hilit=term1+term2" inside your url. the plus sign ESCAPES the start= thing and thus makes the server ignore it.
go ahead and add a + before any "start=" and watch it break the page function.

fix for end user:
remove the "+". (manually edit the url)
actually remove the whole "hilit=termone+termtwo" because i don't even know what hilit does.

fix for server administrator:
parameterlise things correctly or remove the hilit thing since it doesnt seem to do anything

damn, how many people actually fully utilise the search function?
Video or screenshot showing the problem:

i can't quite post a picture, but i could do a video should the problem not replicate on your side

osu! version:its a website bug

This one? (post in that topic if so)

Marcin wrote:

This one? (post in that topic if so)
its a different issue, i'm dealing with being unable to change pages after opening the topic, that's dealing with changing the page of the search results changing the search condition back to "all terms" instead of " any of the terms"
Merged with correct topic.

I really would like to see this fixed.
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