
Panic! at the Disco - But It's Better If You Do

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 14 de junio de 2014 at 14:38:56

Artist: Panic! at the Disco
Title: But It's Better If You Do
Tags: a fever you can't sweat out alternative synthrock patd mancusojuanmattos
BPM: 170
Filesize: 5064kb
Play Time: 02:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Average (1,91 stars, 241 notes)
  2. Challenging (3,71 stars, 490 notes)
  3. Difficult (2,28 stars, 303 notes)
  4. Relaxing (1,52 stars, 187 notes)
  5. Tough (4,45 stars, 601 notes)
Download: Panic! at the Disco - But It's Better If You Do
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
New map! :D.. I really like this song but I'm mapping this specially because Kei asked me to do so some time ago haha :P.
All diffs. were done by me!
Oh.. a little note, this maps contain parts in 1/3 and 1/4 (Kiai sections mapped in 1/3 and the rest in 1/2 - 1/4), I made a little ''colourhax'' for a better appreciation.
I hope you like this map!

Relaxing (Easy+) - 100%
Average (Normal) - 100%
Difficult (Hard-) - 100%
Challenging (Hard) - 100%
Tough (Insane) - 100%
Good luck with this project man! you are free to call me for mod
orz I don't have stars now, sorry!
2nd~ If this map is ready, then you should move it to pending~ o3o Anyway I don't have kds star to give it a star, sorry~ D:
Always thought [Challenging] was the hardest diff of this kind of spread lol
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Good luck with this project man! you are free to call me for mod
orz I don't have stars now, sorry!
:o.. I'll call you xD. And don't worry for the star!

Lapis Aoki wrote:

2nd~ If this map is ready, then you should move it to pending~ o3o Anyway I don't have kds star to give it a star, sorry~ D:
It wasn't ready at this time, I needed to complete ''Tough''.. But now is Pending :D!

Sonnyc wrote:

Always thought [Challenging] was the hardest diff of this kind of spread lol

Well.. this is ready for mods! :)
EDIT: star ~

Mancu o/ Dios esta cancion es asombrosa!


  1. En todas las dificultades, te recomiendo que remuevas el Widescreen Support ya que no hay storyboard.
  2. Todo en orden.

  1. 00:21:193 (4) - creo que para mantener consistencia podrias colocar un NC aqui.
  2. 00:28:252 (1,1) - Nazi* el blanket lo veo un poco raro, que tal hacer la curva del siguiente slider asi:
  3. 00:37:075 (3) - ese whistle en el cuerpo del slider suena raro, creo que esto no fue intencional ya que en las demas dificultades no lo agregaste, pero solo es una opinion mia, igual podrias dejarlo si a ti te gusta.
  4. 02:00:723 (2,1) - man un stack en la dificultad mas baja puede resultar confuso, podrias considerar remover el apilamiento imo puede ser mas legible.
  5. 02:51:899 (1) - te acuerdas lo que te mencione en el otro mapa acerca del soft 5% en vez de sampleset normal , creo que en este caso tambien aplicaria. (obviamente para todas las diffs)
  6. 00:03:899 (1) - agrega un whistle en el cuerpo del slider, para tener consistencia con la diff Average.
  7. 00:12:370 (1) - Finish por consistencia.

  1. 00:37:075 (3) - whistle en el cuerpo del slider, consistencia con la diff Relaxing.
  2. 01:45:546 (1) - Nazi* que te parece mover este circle a X:348 Y:292.
  3. 02:41:899 (3,4) - blanket? :p

  1. 01:25:075 (1) - cambia a sampleset normal, para mantener consistencia con las diffs anteriores.
  2. 01:52:958 - se me es curioso porque en la diff average agregaste una nota aqui, pero en una mas dificil simplemente la ignoras, creo que seria mejor agregar algo para clickear aqui.

  1. Nazi* 00:46:134 (1) - Y:284


LOL siento que esta diffs es mas facil que la "Difficult" xD
  1. 00:05:134 (5,6,7) - Nazi* bad blanket.
  2. 00:09:017 (6,1) - Nazi* que tal apilarlos entre si?
  3. 01:58:075 (6) - NC
Nothing much to say, perfect as always!

me gusto mucho el mapa :3 espero te sirva este pobre mod!
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Mancu o/ Dios esta cancion es asombrosa! Lo se :D


  1. En todas las dificultades, te recomiendo que remuevas el Widescreen Support ya que no hay storyboard. Oops.. Me olvide! Listo.
  2. Todo en orden.

  1. 00:21:193 (4) - creo que para mantener consistencia podrias colocar un NC aqui. Tenes razon.. listo.
  2. 00:28:252 (1,1) - Nazi* el blanket lo veo un poco raro, que tal hacer la curva del siguiente slider asi: Hmm.. a mi me gusta como esta :P, pero despues lo arreglo.
  3. 00:37:075 (3) - ese whistle en el cuerpo del slider suena raro, creo que esto no fue intencional ya que en las demas dificultades no lo agregaste, pero solo es una opinion mia, igual podrias dejarlo si a ti te gusta. Es cierto, no sigue nada xD. Listo
  4. 02:00:723 (2,1) - man un stack en la dificultad mas baja puede resultar confuso, podrias considerar remover el apilamiento imo puede ser mas legible. No me parece confuso, ya que hay un New Combo en el slider despues de la nota, esto lo hace mas legible.
  5. 02:51:899 (1) - te acuerdas lo que te mencione en el otro mapa acerca del soft 5% en vez de sampleset normal , creo que en este caso tambien aplicaria. (obviamente para todas las diffs) Hice un par de ajustes aca, reduci el spinner en 1/1, puse el soft sampleset y agregue un whistle al final de este (en todas las dificultades)
  6. 00:03:899 (1) - agrega un whistle en el cuerpo del slider, para tener consistencia con la diff Average. No suena tan bien en esta dificultad.
  7. 00:12:370 (1) - Finish por consistencia. Ok.

  1. 00:37:075 (3) - whistle en el cuerpo del slider, consistencia con la diff Relaxing. Ya lo elimine en la relaxing, porque era innecesario..
  2. 01:45:546 (1) - Nazi* que te parece mover este circle a X:348 Y:292. Prefiero el stack.
  3. 02:41:899 (3,4) - blanket? :p No esta 100% bien hecha, pero me gusta como fluye asi, despues lo cambio si es muy necesario :P

  1. 01:25:075 (1) - cambia a sampleset normal, para mantener consistencia con las diffs anteriores. Listo
  2. 01:52:958 - se me es curioso porque en la diff average agregaste una nota aqui, pero en una mas dificil simplemente la ignoras, creo que seria mejor agregar algo para clickear aqui. Prefiero dejar el slider largo xD, y no se porque lo hice :p

  1. Nazi* 00:46:134 (1) - Y:284 LOL!! eso es realmente nazi xD.


LOL siento que esta diffs es mas facil que la "Difficult" xD wut? Esta tiene mas variedades en ritmo y spacing y te parece mas facil que la difficult? xD.
  1. 00:05:134 (5,6,7) - Nazi* bad blanket. Sabia que alguien iba a mencionar esto, fui muy vago para cambiarlo antes xD. Pero ahora esta listo :p
  2. 00:09:017 (6,1) - Nazi* que tal apilarlos entre si? Sure!
  3. 01:58:075 (6) - NC Nah.. no es necesario aca :P
Nothing much to say, perfect as always! Thanks! :3

me gusto mucho el mapa :3 espero te sirva este pobre mod!
Gracias por el mod Gerin! :D
Holi, haciendo un "random" mod por aqui, solo pequeñas sugerencias.

Quisiera poder obtener colores asi para los combos q_q

00:34:252 (3) - Talvez acortar este en 1/3? Tendria un poco mas de consistencia seguir las voces como lo estas haciendo en esta parte. Si haces esto tal vez podrias remover 00:35:311 (4) para ser un poco mas fiel a las voces (y no hacer complicado el ritmo al tener un circulo en 4/3). Esto implicaria cambiar el ritmo en partes como 00:45:546 (3,1), para mantener la consistencia.
00:40:958 (1) - Talvez remover el slider y poner un circulo en 00:41:311 por razones similares a arriba?
01:25:075 (4) - Tal vez acortar este tambien?
01:37:428 (1) - Igual que en 00:40:958 (1) -
02:32:487 (4) - No se te olvido un NC aqui?
02:28:605 (4,5) - Una sugerencia similar a lo que he comentado sobre las voces aqui.

01:45:546 (1) - Remover el NC?
02:48:958 (1) - El flujo aqui es algo raro, que tal si lo haces un poco mas natural? No exactamente como en la imagen, solo la uso para dar una idea de a que me refiero >~<
O tal vez hacer un stack rotando el slider un poco, no seria tan dificil ya que todo el kiai ha introducido el ritmo en 1/3

02:20:840 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color?
02:51:899 (1) - ^

00:28:252 (1,2,3) - Preferiria empezar esta parte con un ritmo como este, ya que introduce mejor el 1/3 al golpear en cada tick blanco, por lo que seria mas natural.

00:57:193 (3) - Tal vez solo poner un whistle en el final, teniendolo en todo se oye muy fuera de lugar.
02:20:840 (1) - Remover NC?
02:51:899 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color?

00:28:252 (1,2,3)- Similar a lo que dije en Challenging
00:57:193 (3) - Lo mismo que en Challenging sobre el whistle.
01:25:075 (1,2,3) - Algo similar a lo que mencione en mi primera sugerencia
01:49:781 - 02:18:017 - Los combos largos en esta parte son a proposito?
02:28:605 (1) - En mi opinion un stream completo se jugaria mejor, el ritmo en 1/3 ya esta bien introducido desde los kiai anteriores asi que no deberia ser mucho problema.
02:51:193 (2) - ^
02:51:899 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color?

Amo el flujo de tus mapas, espero mi mod te sirva de ayuda, buena suerte o/
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Holi, haciendo un "random" mod por aqui, solo pequeñas sugerencias. Oh.. Sorpresa :3

Quisiera poder obtener colores asi para los combos q_q xD

00:34:252 (3) - Talvez acortar este en 1/3? Tendria un poco mas de consistencia seguir las voces como lo estas haciendo en esta parte. Si haces esto tal vez podrias remover 00:35:311 (4) para ser un poco mas fiel a las voces (y no hacer complicado el ritmo al tener un circulo en 4/3). Esto implicaria cambiar el ritmo en partes como 00:45:546 (3,1), para mantener la consistencia. Pero no hay nada tan concreto sobre 1/3, sin embargo sobre el downbeat sigue actuando la voz y los cymbals, lo cual hace el patron mas sencillo para una Easy.
00:40:958 (1) - Talvez remover el slider y poner un circulo en 00:41:311 por razones similares a arriba? El comienzo del slider sigue bien el instrumental, y una nota despues de un final de un slider sobre 1/3 tick puede llegar a ser algo confuso para esta dificultad.
01:25:075 (4) - Tal vez acortar este tambien? Igual que en el primer punto.
01:37:428 (1) - Igual que en 00:40:958 (1) - Igual que en 00:40:958
02:32:487 (4) - No se te olvido un NC aqui? En realdiad en 02:33:546 - xD. Lo agregue ahi en cambio.
02:28:605 (4,5) - Una sugerencia similar a lo que he comentado sobre las voces aqui. No, por la misma razon que en el primer punto que me diste.

01:45:546 (1) - Remover el NC? Hmm.. bueno.
02:48:958 (1) - El flujo aqui es algo raro, que tal si lo haces un poco mas natural? No exactamente como en la imagen, solo la uso para dar una idea de a que me refiero >~< Lo arregle de una manera similar a la segunda ''screenshoot'' que me diste.
O tal vez hacer un stack rotando el slider un poco, no seria tan dificil ya que todo el kiai ha introducido el ritmo en 1/3

02:20:840 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color? Arregle el Color.
02:51:899 (1) - ^ Por un gusto personal, prefiero dejar el rojo para terminar el mapa.

00:28:252 (1,2,3) - Preferiria empezar esta parte con un ritmo como este, ya que introduce mejor el 1/3 al golpear en cada tick blanco, por lo que seria mas natural. Lo pense en un principio, pero me gusta mas la idea de aumentar la dificultad en los patrones de 1/3 a medida que pasa la musica, por eso hice esto.

00:57:193 (3) - Tal vez solo poner un whistle en el final, teniendolo en todo se oye muy fuera de lugar. Yo creo que se oye perfecto, remove el slider y fijate el sonido que hay en el background y te das cuenta.
02:20:840 (1) - Remover NC? Prefiero dejarlo, se siente necesario por el ''golpe'' en el drum.
02:51:899 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color? Igual que Difficult.

00:28:252 (1,2,3)- Similar a lo que dije en Challenging Mismo que en Challenging.
00:57:193 (3) - Lo mismo que en Challenging sobre el whistle. (^)
01:25:075 (1,2,3) - Algo similar a lo que mencione en mi primera sugerencia Pero aca no es lo mismo, yo empece el ''downbeat'' con un comienzo de Slider lo cual es razonable, a su vez hice lo que pretendia, aumentar la dificultad de los 1/3 a medida que pasa el mapa.
01:49:781 - 02:18:017 - Los combos largos en esta parte son a proposito? Basicamente si, al usar mucho 1/4 y tener un ritmo constante en la musica, no hay muchos lugares para poner NC, por eso preferi usar combos largos en esta seccion.
02:28:605 (1) - En mi opinion un stream completo se jugaria mejor, el ritmo en 1/3 ya esta bien introducido desde los kiai anteriores asi que no deberia ser mucho problema.
02:51:193 (2) - ^ Puede ser, pero me gusta como esta. De todos modos, lo tendre en cuenta a futuro.
02:51:899 (1) - Remover el NC/Arreglar el color? Igual que en Difficult y Challenging.

Amo el flujo de tus mapas, espero mi mod te sirva de ayuda, buena suerte o/
Gracias por el mod Dake. Perdon por decir que no en unas cuantas cosas, espero haberte explicado bien porque no realice los cambios, de todos modos fue de ayuda :3.

  1. It feels like you could reduce OD by one tick in easier diffs. Since the rhythm is changebla and it's a rather tricky song, rreducing the OD would be a nice idea!
  2. Drag your breaks to the beats, so they will fit with the music.This little thing will make your mapset even better!
Not so relaxing! :P Honestly, Id' consider it as a Normal diff, rather than Easy+.
  1. 01:59:664 (1,2) - this combo feels quit shortand inconsistent. Yes, it fits, but it doesn't look cool, in my opinion. Take a look at this and see if you like it or not. :)
  2. 02:09:546 (1,2,3) - move them 1/2 later, so they will perfectly with the vocals. They sound kinda weird the way they are!
  3. 02:02:134 (2) - if I'm not mistaken, the vocals end at 02:02:664 - and slider sounds a bit off. What's more, the sliderslide sound doesn't fit at all, so i'd prefer to replace this slider with two circles or something like this..

    Nothing else to say. The diff itself doesn't feel like Easy, but it's still a good one!
  1. 01:13:605 (4,5,1) - I guess it's done on purpoe, though it looks a bit confusing and doesn't really represent the music, imo.
    Note: it happens a few more times, so I just want to make sure that it's intentional. though I really dislike the DS-changes it's okay to keep hem :(
  2. 01:41:311 (3,4) - nazi - the flow in your map looks quite alright in general. There's a few mistakes like this one which hurt it so much. You can easily fix it if you make the transitons a bit smoother
  3. 01:45:193 (4,5) - nazi - I do like nazi mods ;_;/ - I'd rather unstack them, so the flow won't stop and it makes thepattern more readable. Try it in action and see if you like it or not!
  4. 01:56:840 (3) - the actual drumming pattern starts on 01:57:017 - so I recommend you to have some fun with the 1/2 beats example
  5. 02:32:370 (4) - don't you feel like placing a new combo here? Feel like it may make your patterns a bit more consisttent and enjoyable!

    Nice diff!
  1. 00:56:311 (1,2) - since it's a calm part, I want you to avoid this jump. Keep the DS consistent here, it sounds better, imo.
  2. 01:25:075 (1) - simple arc-shaped slider would work better here. First of all, the loop looks a bit messy and it isn't the "perfect shape". So, yeah, sometimes it's better to keep your patterns simple! :P
  3. 01:42:017 (5,6) - nazi - the DS should be increased by x0.1 :P Normally, you use x0.6 for this kind of patterns.
  4. 02:30:605 (3) - nazi - in order to make the transition smoother, you could change the direction of (3)'s tail. So, it'll look like this. This little thing will imrove your flow greately, imo!

    Pretty neat. I like it, though, you could improve a couple of your patterns to make them prettier! :)
  1. 00:21:723 (4,5,1) - sorry about being a bit too nazi - try to keep the DS consistent between these three. I think it's a good idea because these beats have exactly the same sound.
  2. 02:13:252 (6,7) - man, this is cruel! Try t avoid stacking 1/2s and 1/4s when it's possible. It makespatterns hardly-readable and doesn't flows good, imo. :(

    Great diff! Like your style, man.
  1. 01:55:075 (6,7,8,9,10) - I think that you should replace this mini-stream with a slider, just like you did it with the previous one. Why? Because it's a Hard diff, and it feels kinda too hard for this mapset, imo.
  2. 02:23:664 (1) - whooo~ there's a NC bug, you really should fix it! :(

    Great diff! Like it a lot!
Kinda disagree with the way how you've mapped the easiest diff, but it's still a neat mapset!


Best of luck!
Hi! Here's your requested mod.

01:35:664 (2,3) - (nazi) you could move the red point of (3) a little bit to the right for a nicer blanket -
01:56:487 (4) - normal sampleset sounds a bit awkward here, because the beat in the music is not that loud, I think a sound from drum sampleset would fit better, for example finish or anything you think would fit
01:57:193 (1) - this plays weird because the beat in the song starts earlier, so you should start this slider earlier 01:57:017 - and lengthen it -
01:58:958 (3) - this slider is too long and doesn't fit that well to the beat, it should be like this: - but if you don't want to change it at least use soft sampleset at the end of the slider, since the music is not that loud at the point where you end the slider
02:07:781 (4) - same here about using soft sampleset
02:50:487 (2) - it is annoying that the slider starts later than the lyrics so I would suggest something like this:

01:52:958 (4) - this plays really weird like this (even though I guess you just wanted to make it simple), however I think that this could be also simple and would sound better - OR
01:56:840 (3) - this one is also awkward because you start the slider earlier than the beat, I can hear the soft beat in the background but it's not loud enough to start a slider and you also focus on the loud beats so you should follow the loud beats in my opinion, this is what I think would fit - - having (6) on the white tick also sounds weird, so I hope you consider these changes

00:34:134 - add a hit circle so that you follow this pattern? - 00:33:428 (4,5) - the lyrics go just as fast as here
01:41:899 - same reason as above ^ and I also think that the flow will be better because you don't end mapping to that fast lyrics abruptly (if you add the hit circle)
01:56:840 (3) - it is kind of annoying that the beat is in the middle of the slider, so you could maybe divide it like this? -
01:59:311 (2) - this should be earlier 01:59:134 - since the beat is there, I can see that you're just trying to create a somewhat "easy" pattern, but it sounds weird since the hit circle is too loud when the song is soft, so if you don't want to change it at least use soft or drum sampleset or something that is not as loud
02:28:487 - add hit circe for the same reason as the previous ones?
02:33:075 - add hit circle here too because the music has this kind of melody which I can't really explain, but the hit circle would fit a lot to the song and flow could be better too if you added it
02:45:428 - add hit circle for same reasons and you also do it nicely here 02:48:605 (5) - and this part is similar to the one I pointed out so it should be fine to add something

00:07:781 (3,1) - why did you use higher spacing between these? you should put them closer
00:29:193 (3) - I think you shouldn't start the kiai with a slider end, I think something similar to this could also work:
01:17:399 (1) - use soft sampleset here? because the spinner doesn't end on anything loud
01:56:311 (8,1) - use drum finish at the end of the slider and on the hit circle? since you seem to hit the soft beat in the music that's why the hitsound shouldn't be so loud :P
01:59:311 (10) - ^
02:03:723 (8) - add NC? because this combo is quite long and because the melody in the song changes a little bit (but it's too hard to explain exactly what sound changes)
02:06:546 (8,9,1) - why not use the same distance for the stream as 02:05:840 (3,4,5) - ?
02:16:781 (10) - add NC because it's too long and because he starts singing a new "line"?? well it's hard to explain but it sounds like the "I" starts a new section

00:29:193 (3) - the same that I suggested on Tough, try not to start the kiai with a sliderend, and you don't do start the kiai with sliderends at the similar parts of the map
01:17:311 (1) - why don't you add a hit circle just like you did here? 02:20:840 (1,1) - it would fit to the beat

That's all, it's a very nice mapset so there is not much to say, good luck! :3
Random modding~ (Maybe I'll finish the rest later)


00:05:840 (7) - Check placement.Move to (440,184) maybe. Can't accept this blanket ;w;
00:23:311 (8) - 1 Grid down place. The spacing is quite noticably different.
00:28:252 (1,2) - Drag them to (8,72). This makes the flow among (2,3) same as (1,2).
01:13:605 (6) - (nazi?) (408,92) the third, and (396,40) the last slider point makes a better shape.
01:25:781 (1) - 1 grid up for spacing of 01:25:075 (5,6,1).
01:45:546 (4) - Umm imo the sound is the same along the music, and adding a Finish also here would be the best selection..
02:01:781 (6) - Mind adding a curve on (28,204)? It gives a better flow with the triplet.


00:17:664 (1,3) - I think the NC should start from (3).
00:21:193 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Uhmm from my personal opinion, tidying up using a polygon circle would be better..
01:17:311 (1) - Consider placing this at the center like 02:20:840 (1)? Maybe it would be a different case though..
01:45:546 (1) - Same opinion as [Challenging].

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Sonnyc wrote:

Always thought [Challenging] was the hardest diff of this kind of spread lol
Although I've mentioned this like a joke, [Tough] sounds somewhat weak as the name of a hardest difficulty. I really suggest to switch two names. A precedent wouldn't help much, hope you can also refer to this map ..

Good luck~~
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Hola! привет!

  1. It feels like you could reduce OD by one tick in easier diffs. Since the rhythm is changebla and it's a rather tricky song, rreducing the OD would be a nice idea! I think it makes sense. Reduced!
  2. Drag your breaks to the beats, so they will fit with the music.This little thing will make your mapset even better! Hmm.. this is just a minor thing I have to say.. I'll consider it later anyway!
Not so relaxing! :P Honestly, Id' consider it as a Normal diff, rather than Easy+. I think it is an Easy+, you know the rhythm change constantly in this song, and I think I couldn't make an easier diff. than this one because it'll became really undermapped and to be sincere I don't want to undermap more than this, I think is enough. In addition, this fit properly as the easiest diff. in the mapset, so I don't see any problem with that :P
  1. 01:59:664 (1,2) - this combo feels quit shortand inconsistent. Yes, it fits, but it doesn't look cool, in my opinion. Take a look at this and see if you like it or not. :) I did that for two reasons, the first one is obvious because it is following the music in a proper way, the second one is to make this stack easier to read to new players, so I'll keep this as it is.
  2. 02:09:546 (1,2,3) - move them 1/2 later, so they will perfectly with the vocals. They sound kinda weird the way they are! But.. I'm following the vocals here as I did in 01:06:017 (1,2,3) -
  3. 02:02:134 (2) - if I'm not mistaken, the vocals end at 02:02:664 - and slider sounds a bit off. What's more, the sliderslide sound doesn't fit at all, so i'd prefer to replace this slider with two circles or something like this.. Hmm.. I see your point but I'm not totally agree with you because in some way the sliderslide is following the vocals till this ends, this little last part fits with drums I guess.

    Nothing else to say. The diff itself doesn't feel like Easy, but it's still a good one!
  1. 01:13:605 (4,5,1) - I guess it's done on purpoe, though it looks a bit confusing and doesn't really represent the music, imo.
    Note: it happens a few more times, so I just want to make sure that it's intentional. though I really dislike the DS-changes it's okay to keep hem :( Yeah.. it's done on porpose, and I don't know why you say it is confusing because it is following properly vocals and drums at the same time, is something interesting for this diff. btw, about the DS, my experience say me that sometimes is ok to reduce it a bit in this kind of difficulties, they will learn the rhythm better, especially due to the high BPM (that's why I reduced the DS almost always when I used 1/2 patterns here)
  2. 01:41:311 (3,4) - nazi - the flow in your map looks quite alright in general. There's a few mistakes like this one which hurt it so much. You can easily fix it if you make the transitons a bit smoother Nice one.. Fixed. And fixed one or two more after this suggestion :3
  3. 01:45:193 (4,5) - nazi - I do like nazi mods ;_;/ - I'd rather unstack them, so the flow won't stop and it makes thepattern more readable. Try it in action and see if you like it or not! Alright, I think somebody else have suggested me that before as well, fixed.
  4. 01:56:840 (3) - the actual drumming pattern starts on 01:57:017 - so I recommend you to have some fun with the 1/2 beats example But I'm not following that, instead I'm following the drums in the background that it is a constant 1/1.
  5. 02:32:370 (4) - don't you feel like placing a new combo here? Feel like it may make your patterns a bit more consisttent and enjoyable! Hmm.. k

    Nice diff!
  1. 00:56:311 (1,2) - since it's a calm part, I want you to avoid this jump. Keep the DS consistent here, it sounds better, imo. Makes sense.. Fixed.
  2. 01:25:075 (1) - simple arc-shaped slider would work better here. First of all, the loop looks a bit messy and it isn't the "perfect shape". So, yeah, sometimes it's better to keep your patterns simple! :P Well, I didn't like tthis slider either xD. Fixed the slider and the spacing.
  3. 01:42:017 (5,6) - nazi - the DS should be increased by x0.1 :P Normally, you use x0.6 for this kind of patterns. lol.. Fixed!
  4. 02:30:605 (3) - nazi - in order to make the transition smoother, you could change the direction of (3)'s tail. So, it'll look like this. This little thing will imrove your flow greately, imo! Fixed the pattern and the slider!

    Pretty neat. I like it, though, you could improve a couple of your patterns to make them prettier! :) Yes, that's true. I fixed some sliders and patterns to make the diff. neater, thanks for pointing out this :3
  1. 00:21:723 (4,5,1) - sorry about being a bit too nazi - try to keep the DS consistent between these three. I think it's a good idea because these beats have exactly the same sound. Hmm.. nah.. it doesn't have a big difference during the gameplay.
  2. 02:13:252 (6,7) - man, this is cruel! Try t avoid stacking 1/2s and 1/4s when it's possible. It makespatterns hardly-readable and doesn't flows good, imo. :( Fixed because is bolded haha xD.

    Great diff! Like your style, man. Thanks :).. I'm glad you like it.
  1. 01:55:075 (6,7,8,9,10) - I think that you should replace this mini-stream with a slider, just like you did it with the previous one. Why? Because it's a Hard diff, and it feels kinda too hard for this mapset, imo. I don't think so, there are only 5 notes and well compressed.. this is ok for a Hard.
  2. 02:23:664 (1) - whooo~ there's a NC bug, you really should fix it! :( lol.. Added a New combo xD

    Great diff! Like it a lot!
Kinda disagree with the way how you've mapped the easiest diff, but it's still a neat mapset! Well.. I explained that when I answer your mod for the easy, feel free to read it there :3.


Best of luck!
Thanks bro! :3


Mystyk wrote:

Hi! Here's your requested mod. Hiya Mystyk!

01:35:664 (2,3) - (nazi) you could move the red point of (3) a little bit to the right for a nicer blanket - Alrighty!
01:56:487 (4) - normal sampleset sounds a bit awkward here, because the beat in the music is not that loud, I think a sound from drum sampleset would fit better, for example finish or anything you think would fit Hmm.. ok
01:57:193 (1) - this plays weird because the beat in the song starts earlier, so you should start this slider earlier 01:57:017 - and lengthen it - The current slider is following the guitar and the drums in the background, and this slider ends exactly where the ''stressfull'' part in the guitar ends, so I don't know why you say it doesn't fit :P
01:58:958 (3) - this slider is too long and doesn't fit that well to the beat, it should be like this: - but if you don't want to change it at least use soft sampleset at the end of the slider, since the music is not that loud at the point where you end the slider
02:07:781 (4) - same here about using soft sampleset I prefer to keep the whistle + normal sound because I'm following the vocal here and I think it is fitting properly.
02:50:487 (2) - it is annoying that the slider starts later than the lyrics so I would suggest something like this: Sure! Fixed.

01:52:958 (4) - this plays really weird like this (even though I guess you just wanted to make it simple), however I think that this could be also simple and would sound better - OR Fixed, but on my own accord, I didn't use your screenshoots.
01:56:840 (3) - this one is also awkward because you start the slider earlier than the beat, I can hear the soft beat in the background but it's not loud enough to start a slider and you also focus on the loud beats so you should follow the loud beats in my opinion, this is what I think would fit - - having (6) on the white tick also sounds weird, so I hope you consider these changes Is not that soft and in this section I prefer to follow the drums and not the guitar, so I'll keep that. (really, the drums sound really clear in this section, and it is a good thing to find variety in a map)

00:34:134 - add a hit circle so that you follow this pattern? - 00:33:428 (4,5) - the lyrics go just as fast as here Nah.. I'm doing a mix here between drums and voclas and here i want to follow only the drums, that's why I did a little pause to emphasize that.
01:41:899 - same reason as above ^ and I also think that the flow will be better because you don't end mapping to that fast lyrics abruptly (if you add the hit circle) Same as before, and this little part in vocals sounds higher than the rest i have to say.
01:56:840 (3) - it is kind of annoying that the beat is in the middle of the slider, so you could maybe divide it like this? - I'm following only drums, as I did in the easier diffs.!
01:59:311 (2) - this should be earlier 01:59:134 - since the beat is there, I can see that you're just trying to create a somewhat "easy" pattern, but it sounds weird since the hit circle is too loud when the song is soft, so if you don't want to change it at least use soft or drum sampleset or something that is not as loud Same as beffore!
02:28:487 - add hit circe for the same reason as the previous ones? Same as before.
02:33:075 - add hit circle here too because the music has this kind of melody which I can't really explain, but the hit circle would fit a lot to the song and flow could be better too if you added it Definetly, there is not a clear sound in there, I don't like how this note sounds sincerely.
02:45:428 - add hit circle for same reasons and you also do it nicely here 02:48:605 (5) - and this part is similar to the one I pointed out so it should be fine to add something Well.. After a lot of ''no'' in this kind of stuff, I have to say this sounds coherent. So, fixed.

00:07:781 (3,1) - why did you use higher spacing between these? you should put them closer I would like to emphasize the tone in vocals and instrumental, i think it plays fine.
00:29:193 (3) - I think you shouldn't start the kiai with a slider end, I think something similar to this could also work: Fixed but on my own :P
01:17:399 (1) - use soft sampleset here? because the spinner doesn't end on anything loud Done.
01:56:311 (8,1) - use drum finish at the end of the slider and on the hit circle? since you seem to hit the soft beat in the music that's why the hitsound shouldn't be so loud :P
01:59:311 (10) - ^ Both fixed!
02:03:723 (8) - add NC? because this combo is quite long and because the melody in the song changes a little bit (but it's too hard to explain exactly what sound changes) Hmm.. Ok
02:06:546 (8,9,1) - why not use the same distance for the stream as 02:05:840 (3,4,5) - ? In my opinion, the tone of the music is a bit higher than other parts, that's why I wanted to increase the spacing a bit.
02:16:781 (10) - add NC because it's too long and because he starts singing a new "line"?? well it's hard to explain but it sounds like the "I" starts a new section Alright.

00:29:193 (3) - the same that I suggested on Tough, try not to start the kiai with a sliderend, and you don't do start the kiai with sliderends at the similar parts of the map Fixed.
01:17:311 (1) - why don't you add a hit circle just like you did here? 02:20:840 (1,1) - it would fit to the beat Done

That's all, it's a very nice mapset so there is not much to say, good luck! :3
Thanks for the nice mod, dear! :3


Sonnyc wrote:

Random modding~ (Maybe I'll finish the rest later):3


00:05:840 (7) - Check placement.Move to (440,184) maybe. Can't accept this blanket ;w; Why not? plays perfectly to me :P.. Anyway, fixed the blanket because sucked, really. (I thought I've fixed it before).
00:23:311 (8) - 1 Grid down place. The spacing is quite noticably different. lol.. Done.
00:28:252 (1,2) - Drag them to (8,72). This makes the flow among (2,3) same as (1,2). I've changed this pattern in the previous mod.
01:13:605 (6) - (nazi?) (408,92) the third, and (396,40) the last slider point makes a better shape. Definetly, looks much better :3. Fixed.
01:25:781 (1) - 1 grid up for spacing of 01:25:075 (5,6,1). Done.
01:45:546 (4) - Umm imo the sound is the same along the music, and adding a Finish also here would be the best selection.. The intensity in the song decrease considerably, so I prefer to don't put any hitsound here.
02:01:781 (6) - Mind adding a curve on (28,204)? It gives a better flow with the triplet. In my opinion, the pattern looks cleaner without a curve here.


00:17:664 (1,3) - I think the NC should start from (3). I added a new combo in there because you're right, but i kept the previous NC due to the jump.
00:21:193 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Uhmm from my personal opinion, tidying up using a polygon circle would be better.. Hmm.. I prefer this pattern as it is.
01:17:311 (1) - Consider placing this at the center like 02:20:840 (1)? Maybe it would be a different case though.. Nah... the spacing became too short between the notes.
01:45:546 (1) - Same opinion as [Challenging]. Same.

Sonnyc wrote:

Always thought [Challenging] was the hardest diff of this kind of spread lol
Although I've mentioned this like a joke, [Tough] sounds somewhat weak as the name of a hardest difficulty. I really suggest to switch two names. A precedent wouldn't help much, hope you can also refer to this map ..
About this, I'm using the names that Gonzvlo put in his maps, and I still think that Tough sounds stronger than Challenging. Anyway, I'll consider that if somebody else mention it.
Good luck~~
Thanks for modding! :3.. And i hope you can check the other diffs. as well. :3

Thanks a lot guys! Useful mods all of them :3.. Everything is updated now!
hi from my modding queue

02:19:428(3) - try to move this circle to x:324 y:88
00:04:950(1) - slider end - try to remove clap
00:05:311(2) - ^same
00:17:664(4) - slider start - add whistle


00:44:370(3) - try to arrange this slider like this
01:34:420(2) - try to move this slider to x:148 y:64 (stack)
01:42:017(5) - try to move this slider to x:360 y:92 (stack)

00:04:075(2) - remove whistle
sorry for the short mod
the song is so cool
Topic Starter

arviejhay wrote:

hi from my modding queue Hiya!

02:19:428(3) - try to move this circle to x:324 y:88 Hmm.. I wanted some of symetry here but i have to say this plays better. Moved.
00:04:950(1) - slider end - try to remove clap
00:05:311(2) - ^same Hmm.. why? it is following properly the music and my hitsounding.
00:17:664(4) - slider start - add whistle Nah.. just the clap sounds better in my opinion.


00:44:370(3) - try to arrange this slider like this Horizontally flows better at least in my personal point of view, so I'll keep that.
01:34:420(2) - try to move this slider to x:148 y:64 (stack)
01:42:017(5) - try to move this slider to x:360 y:92 (stack) But I don't want a stack in these places, the flow become weird if I stack these patterns, really.

00:04:075(2) - remove whistle Hmm.. I don't think so, since it is following vocals in a proper way :P
sorry for the short mod
the song is so cool
Well, I've only changed one thing from your mod but it was still useful xD.
Thanks a lot for modding and starring! :)

Edit: Fixed the title, I don't know why but ''if'' was not capitalized D:.. Well, should be ok now!
Hi! mod from my queue :)


01:22:252 (4) - isn't this supposed to end at 01:22:781 - or 01:22:870 -
02:06:723 (3) - maybe move this some grids down?
02:11:134 - maybe there should be a slider here, like you did at 01:07:605 (4) - also because I feel a bit empty here.
02:46:252 (2) - this should start at 02:46:075 - (eaven if you never did something similar in the map) I mean this is the only part when I feel you missed the finish beat maybe try something like this? 02:49:075 (1) - same here


00:23:664 (1) - move to x:436 - y:344 just to be precise in following the previous slider line.
00:36:252 (2) - shouldn't this start at 00:36:193 - ? I think it sounds better in this case
01:14:487 (1) - fix spacing?
01:45:546 (5) - maybe you can try moving to x:256 y:240 just if you would like to try a completely symmetric pattern
02:41:899 (3,4) - make a better blancket?
02:43:605 - I think there should be a note here, just also to follow the vocalt to the end of the map.


00:12:193 - add a note here?
00:33:105 - add a note or make a little slider here to follow all the vocals
01:24:899 - ^
00:34:075 - ^
00:37:311 (4) - move the second point of this slider one grid right to make it more alligned with 00:37:075 (3) -


00:33:193 (4) - move 5 grid right, since you have a perfect placement in all the map, I think is better to keep this flow.
01:23:311 (2) - here the same, move just 1 or 2 grids up
02:46:605 (2) - move 5 or 6 grids up?


02:26:134 (7) - shouldn't this be some grids down? I mean to be similar to other same pattern you used in the rest of the map, like this 01:34:840 (3,4,5) -
02:42:370 (2) - maybe make this curve?

That's all. Cool song and very good map. (as always)
Topic Starter

luxoDeh wrote:

Hi! mod from my queue :) Hi!


01:22:252 (4) - isn't this supposed to end at 01:22:781 - or 01:22:870 - Hmm.. Vocals and the hard drum are placed in 01:22:840 -, so I don't think this should be changed.
02:06:723 (3) - maybe move this some grids down? Why? It plays and look good to me.
02:11:134 - maybe there should be a slider here, like you did at 01:07:605 (4) - also because I feel a bit empty here. I wanted to don't make this part so stressful, but at the end it'll be easier to read I think. Added a slider.
02:46:252 (2) - this should start at 02:46:075 - (eaven if you never did something similar in the map) I mean this is the only part when I feel you missed the finish beat maybe try something like this? Could be, but this pattern will become really complicated for this difficulty I have to say, new players will learn more this if I put the objects over white ticks.
02:49:075 (1) - same here (^). This follow the instrumental anyway.


00:23:664 (1) - move to x:436 - y:344 just to be precise in following the previous slider line. Sure.
00:36:252 (2) - shouldn't this start at 00:36:193 - ? I think it sounds better in this case Maybe a little part of the vocals start over the red tick, but the highest part start over a 1/3 tick, that's why I used that.
01:14:487 (1) - fix spacing? Fixed.
01:45:546 (5) - maybe you can try moving to x:256 y:240 just if you would like to try a completely symmetric pattern No, I don't want more symetry, just flow :P
02:41:899 (3,4) - make a better blancket? Meh.. don't bother me with that again :P. Fixed.
02:43:605 - I think there should be a note here, just also to follow the vocalt to the end of the map. No, at all. I'm not following vocals in this last part of the map, only drums because is the best thing in my opinion. In addition, this beat is not following vocals clearly I have to say.


00:12:193 - add a note here? No, I didn't want to make really consecutive patterns, I did this difficulty to make a better spread between Average and Challenging, that's why I prefer to avoid that.
00:33:105 - add a note or make a little slider here to follow all the vocals Used a little slider.
01:24:899 - ^ I started to follow drums in there, I wanted to emphasize them, in addition a note over a red tick doesn't fit at all.
00:34:075 - ^ (^)
00:37:311 (4) - move the second point of this slider one grid right to make it more alligned with 00:37:075 (3) - it doesn't show a big difference I have to say, but fixed.


00:33:193 (4) - move 5 grid right, since you have a perfect placement in all the map, I think is better to keep this flow. Hmm.. no, thanks. I wanted a little compress in this pattern and actually flows fine where the note is (you don't need to move the mouse to click in this note), and it'll provide a better flow with the following pattern.
01:23:311 (2) - here the same, move just 1 or 2 grids up I like how it is, I don't want to change that.
02:46:605 (2) - move 5 or 6 grids up? ^. And this will flow worse than now if I make this change.


02:26:134 (7) - shouldn't this be some grids down? I mean to be similar to other same pattern you used in the rest of the map, like this 01:34:840 (3,4,5) - Sure thing. Moved.
02:42:370 (2) - maybe make this curve? Sure.. why not? :)

That's all. Cool song and very good map. (as always)
Thanks for modding :D!

god damn it zexous

  1. The background quality is pretty poor, I can clearly see the jpg artefacts.
  2. 01:42:723 - Lower the volume for this bit, consecutive finishes are really loud.

  1. AR 4? It's a pretty tough read.
  2. 00:09:017 (4) - Since the vocals are on 00:09:193 I'd suggest placing a circle there instead of a sliderend.
  3. 00:40:958 (1,2) - Doesn't flow too great. Can the end of (1) be more on the left of (2)?
  4. 00:57:546 - Kinda same here I guess. Ending it with a circle would really accentuate it more.
  5. 01:13:428 (4,1) - Why isn't this just horizontal?
  6. 01:32:840 (2,3) - This blanket could be better.
  7. 01:41:311 (2,3) - ^
  8. 02:07:781 (4) - Same as before. A circle or slider starting at 02:08:134 would accentuate the music better.
  9. 02:14:487 (4) - ^ at 02:14:840.
  10. 02:47:311 (3) - Odd place to start the slider. Why not at 02:47:664 and have something at 02:47:193 as well?
  11. 02:50:311 (2) - Start needs to be at 02:50:370, snapped to 1/3.
  1. OD 3 seems a bit low and inappropriate due the the difficulty of the map itself.
  2. 00:02:311 (3) - The curves look bad and it's not symmetrical.
  3. 00:20:664 (5) - Move this up a bit for better flow.
  4. 00:28:252 (1) - These curves don't look too good either. Move the second and fourth points more towards the center of the curve or consider adding two.
  5. 00:32:370 (1) - These play awkwardly. You use these a lot on the other diffs from now on as well, so I won't mention them, because it'd just take up over half the mod.
    It's generally just better to start objects on the white tick in these cases because it accentuates the snares more, plays less awkwardly and flows a lot better.
  6. 01:07:605 (4,5,1) - Why is the distance between (4) and (5) bigger than between (5) and (1)?
  7. 01:09:546 (3,4,5) - ^
  8. 01:13:605 (4,5,1) - ^
  9. 01:30:723 (7,1) - Distance is a bit big? Not sure, but it confused me.
  10. 02:16:605 (1,2,3) - Pointing (3) to the left would improve the flow.
  11. 02:35:664 (2,3) - This doesn't flow well either.
  12. 02:39:899 (4) - Same as the other wave slider before.
  13. 02:51:781 - Put a circle here? The vocal line lands there.
  1. OD 6?
  2. 00:02:134 (3) - Like before, since the vocals are the main focus, place and object starting at 00:02:311, not ending.
  3. 00:03:370 (6) - Kind of the opposite here. Vocals are on both ends, but the end has a clap here, which would work better on a start or a circle.
  4. 00:11:840 (5) - Same as the first.
  5. 00:12:370 (1,2) - Why do these overlap?
  6. 00:15:193 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  7. 00:20:311 (5,6) - Not blanketed well, causing an overlap.
  8. 00:20:487 (6) - Same problem as before. I really feel a slider starting at 00:20:664 would be more appropriate.
  9. 00:34:252 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  10. 01:07:605 (4) - Move the points in the curves more towards the middle.
  11. 01:11:134 (7) - Same as before. Start an object at 01:11:311, not end it.
  12. 01:25:075 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  13. 02:11:134 (7) - ^
  14. 02:15:370 (1) - Same as before.
  15. 02:16:428 (3) - ^
  16. 02:30:605 (3) - Not symmetrical.
  17. 02:34:840 (1) - ^
  1. OD 7?
  2. 00:11:840 (6,7) - Turn these around to accentuate the vocals and snare more.
  3. 00:14:664 (6,7) - ^
  4. 00:33:193 (4) - Move this more to the right for better flow.
  5. 00:36:958 (6,7) - These are neat, but unless they're really close together, they'll mess up your flow great if you put them in opposite directions of the flow all the time.
  6. 00:38:017 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - There, that's a lot better. Why don't you do this more often instead of using awkward sliders?
  7. 00:41:193 (4,5) - Same as before.
  8. 00:43:664 (2,3) - ^
  9. 00:57:193 (3) - The whistles are way too loud.
  10. 01:03:193 (1) - Move the points in the curves more towards the middle to make it look better.
  11. 01:05:487 (5) - Start and object at 01:05:664, not end it.
  12. 01:11:134 (6,7) - Turns these around to accentuate the vocals and snare more.
  13. 01:32:017 (3,4) - Same as before. The flow just breaks completely here.
  14. 01:36:605 (4,5) - ^
  15. 02:03:017 (2) - Why not a triple? You have this intense streamy part before and then you just stop using them.
  16. 02:04:428 (2) - ^
  17. 02:07:428 (2,4) - Blanket could be better.
  18. 02:16:428 (2) - Start an object at 02:16:605, not end it. Would follow the vocals better.
  19. 02:25:664 (5,6) - Same as before.
  1. OD 8? Would be nice since it's the highest difficulty.
  2. 00:01:076 (1) - This isn't symmetrical.
  3. 00:02:311 (1) - ^
  4. 00:09:899 (2) - Clap?
  5. 00:11:311 (6) - Not symmetrical.
  6. 00:11:840 (7,8) - Reverse these to accentuate the vocals and snare.
  7. 00:14:664 (3,4) - ^
  8. 00:15:193 (1,2,3) - These could be lined up better.
  9. 00:18:193 (1,2) - Reverse these as well.
  10. 00:20:487 (5) - Feels like something is missing without a slider or circle starting at 00:20:664.
  11. 00:21:193 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - These stars are rather irregular.
  12. 00:48:252 (3,4) - Again, these mess up flow a bit.
  13. 00:48:958 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  14. 00:57:193 (3) - Same as Challenging.
  15. 01:11:134 (8) - Start an object at 01:11:311 instead of ending one.
  16. 01:13:075 (1,2) - Move these ahead by 1/2 and put a circle at 01:13:075.
  17. 01:34:840 (3,4) - Messy flow again.
  18. 02:02:664 (2) - Start an object at 02:02:840 instead of ending one there.
  19. 02:09:370 (7,1) - Why no triple here?
  20. 02:15:370 (2) - Start something at 02:15:546.
  21. 02:16:075 (6) - Same at 02:16:252.
  22. 02:28:487 (9,1,2,3,4,5,1) - The start of the stream is a bit awkward because of the slider. I'd suggest replacing it by two circles or adding a return to it.
  23. 02:43:311 (1) - This isn't symmetrical.
  24. 02:44:840 (5,6) - This blanket could be better.
  25. 02:46:605 (2) - Replace by a circle and start a slider at 02:46:840.
  26. 02:51:075 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Same as the other stream.
Topic Starter

Yoeri wrote:

god damn it zexous

  1. The background quality is pretty poor, I can clearly see the jpg artefacts. I like how it looks the BG, but I'll wait for more opinions.
  2. 01:42:723 - Lower the volume for this bit, consecutive finishes are really loud. The music volume increase as well, so keeping the volume with the finishers will fit the music better.

  1. AR 4? It's a pretty tough read. it'll be really hard for new players I've to say.
  2. 00:09:017 (4) - Since the vocals are on 00:09:193 I'd suggest placing a circle there instead of a sliderend. I did that because my experience say that new players can read easier 1/1 objects than a 2/3 pattern, placing the slider start over the red tick will make this pattern easier to read for new players, anyway this doesn't sound bad.
  3. 00:40:958 (1,2) - Doesn't flow too great. Can the end of (1) be more on the left of (2)? Fixed a bit, anyway I couldn't feel a bad flow during the gameplay, but still I fixed it.
  4. 00:57:546 - Kinda same here I guess. Ending it with a circle would really accentuate it more. I don't want to emphasize this downbeat, the music pitch over it is lower, I wanted to produce the same effect that appeared in the music with this slider (and the whistle in the sliderslider), try deleting this slider and you'll notice this sound (effect) in the music.
  5. 01:13:428 (4,1) - Why isn't this just horizontal? Why should I make it horizontal? hehe, is the same I've to say.
  6. 01:32:840 (2,3) - This blanket could be better. Fixed a bit.
  7. 01:41:311 (2,3) - ^ Fixed, moving the middle sliderway point one grid up hehe.
  8. 02:07:781 (4) - Same as before. A circle or slider starting at 02:08:134 would accentuate the music better.
  9. 02:14:487 (4) - ^ at 02:14:840. I prefer the slider ends here, I don't know, I still think fits better with the song.
  10. 02:47:311 (3) - Odd place to start the slider. Why not at 02:47:664 and have something at 02:47:193 as well? I don't agree, the ''long vocal'' starts here, that's why I used a 2/1 slider and disregarding the downbeat.
  11. 02:50:311 (2) - Start needs to be at 02:50:370, snapped to 1/3. Agree with you about it.. Fixed.
  1. OD 3 seems a bit low and inappropriate due the the difficulty of the map itself. I'm still doubting about this point, let's wait others opinions before to change this again.
  2. 00:02:311 (3) - The curves look bad and it's not symmetrical. Fixed.
  3. 00:20:664 (5) - Move this up a bit for better flow. I think this flows alright.
  4. 00:28:252 (1) - These curves don't look too good either. Move the second and fourth points more towards the center of the curve or consider adding two. Ok
  5. 00:32:370 (1) - These play awkwardly. You use these a lot on the other diffs from now on as well, so I won't mention them, because it'd just take up over half the mod.
    It's generally just better to start objects on the white tick in these cases because it accentuates the snares more, plays less awkwardly and flows a lot better. As I said before, maybe this plays awkward to you but I have to say this is easier for average players, I've explained that before so feel free to read my answer in the easy.
  6. 01:07:605 (4,5,1) - Why is the distance between (4) and (5) bigger than between (5) and (1)? I did the following thing.. Sliders + Sliders in 1/2 normal spacing, Sliders + Note in 1/2 I reduced the spacing, a bit easier to read to average players.
  7. 01:09:546 (3,4,5) - ^
  8. 01:13:605 (4,5,1) - ^ ^^
  9. 01:30:723 (7,1) - Distance is a bit big? Not sure, but it confused me. Reduced a bit.
  10. 02:16:605 (1,2,3) - Pointing (3) to the left would improve the flow. I like how this pattern flows and looks, so I won't change that.
  11. 02:35:664 (2,3) - This doesn't flow well either. Fixed this one.
  12. 02:39:899 (4) - Same as the other wave slider before. Fixed a bit.
  13. 02:51:781 - Put a circle here? The vocal line lands there. Nah.. thanks.
  1. OD 6? nah.. at least for now
  2. 00:02:134 (3) - Like before, since the vocals are the main focus, place and object starting at 00:02:311, not ending. You should to understand this point, I'm not following vocals at all in this section at the beginning, I'm following the instrumental.
  3. 00:03:370 (6) - Kind of the opposite here. Vocals are on both ends, but the end has a clap here, which would work better on a start or a circle. Same here, I'm following the instrumental.
  4. 00:11:840 (5) - Same as the first. In this case, I'm following vocals but to complete the phrase is better this slider instead of a single note I have to say.
  5. 00:12:370 (1,2) - Why do these overlap? I don't know how the fuck you catch this, because is really small xD. Anyway, fixed.
  6. 00:15:193 (1) - Not symmetrical. I don't want symetrical sliders when I used wave sliders, I only search for well looking sliders. I fixed a bit this one, but still is not symetrical.
  7. 00:20:311 (5,6) - Not blanketed well, causing an overlap. Moved (6) 1 grid to the right, I think is better now.
  8. 00:20:487 (6) - Same problem as before. I really feel a slider starting at 00:20:664 would be more appropriate. Definetly complete better the lyric ''veteran sits two away'' (obviously the word away) this slider end.
  9. 00:34:252 (1) - Not symmetrical. As I explained before, I'm not looking for symetry here, just for a well looking slider (I won't response again when you say ''Not Symetrical'' because it'll become really repetitive.
  10. 01:07:605 (4) - Move the points in the curves more towards the middle. Fixed a bit.
  11. 01:11:134 (7) - Same as before. Start an object at 01:11:311, not end it. I'm following the instrumental here pls!
  12. 01:25:075 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  13. 02:11:134 (7) - ^
  14. 02:15:370 (1) - Same as before.
  15. 02:16:428 (3) - ^ I won't repeat this again neither, it looks like you don't learn what I'm following, I actually explained tones of times why I'm using sliders ends, so I won't repeat it again. Try to read my previous answer in this similar points and try to learn what I'm doing please.
  16. 02:30:605 (3) - Not symmetrical.
  17. 02:34:840 (1) - ^
  1. OD 7? Hmm.. No changes for now.
  2. 00:11:840 (6,7) - Turn these around to accentuate the vocals and snare more. I'm following the instrumental here, not vocals!
  3. 00:14:664 (6,7) - ^ ^
  4. 00:33:193 (4) - Move this more to the right for better flow. Fixed.
  5. 00:36:958 (6,7) - These are neat, but unless they're really close together, they'll mess up your flow great if you put them in opposite directions of the flow all the time. Man.. You don't need to move the mouse during the gameplay, just to do the sliders, so I don't catch why this have a bad flow. In addition, as you say, this look pretty neat, so I won't change this.
  6. 00:38:017 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - There, that's a lot better. Why don't you do this more often instead of using awkward sliders? awkward sliders? I don't catch it :P.. Anyway, I listen properly the music to see where I should use single notes and where is better to use sliders mixed with notes, the vocals and the instrumental provide me that, that's why sometimes I used only notes and sometimes mixed notes with sliders.
  7. 00:41:193 (4,5) - Same as before.
  8. 00:43:664 (2,3) - ^ No changes, as I explained that before.
  9. 00:57:193 (3) - The whistles are way too loud. That's true.. Fixed.
  10. 01:03:193 (1) - Move the points in the curves more towards the middle to make it look better. Fixed a little.
  11. 01:05:487 (5) - Start and object at 01:05:664, not end it. NO! D:.. (Explained before.)
  12. 01:11:134 (6,7) - Turns these around to accentuate the vocals and snare more. ^
  13. 01:32:017 (3,4) - Same as before. The flow just breaks completely here.
  14. 01:36:605 (4,5) - ^ Please, testplay the map again, and you will notice this are as similar as a stacked pattern during the gameplay, that it doesn't flow bad at all.
  15. 02:03:017 (2) - Why not a triple? You have this intense streamy part before and then you just stop using them.
  16. 02:04:428 (2) - ^ I decided to use some variety here, and some kick sliders play fine. Is a Hard after all, and some kicks sliders are easier to read.
  17. 02:07:428 (2,4) - Blanket could be better. lol.. Definetly, fixed.
  18. 02:16:428 (2) - Start an object at 02:16:605, not end it. Would follow the vocals better.
  19. 02:25:664 (5,6) - Same as before. No changes here, and in the previous suggestion, I already explained that so I think I shouldn't explain this again.
  1. OD 8? Would be nice since it's the highest difficulty. No changes for now.
  2. 00:01:076 (1) - This isn't symmetrical.
  3. 00:02:311 (1) - ^ Explained in previous difficulties, read it in there please.
  4. 00:09:899 (2) - Clap? I prefer to keep the soft whistle, because I'm following the instrumental here.
  5. 00:11:311 (6) - Not symmetrical.
  6. 00:11:840 (7,8) - Reverse these to accentuate the vocals and snare.
  7. 00:14:664 (3,4) - ^ I'm following the instrumental in both cases, and I'm sure this is the best way to follow the music.
  8. 00:15:193 (1,2,3) - These could be lined up better. Nah..
  9. 00:18:193 (1,2) - Reverse these as well. I've mixed the instrumental and vocals in this slider, some variety is good sometimes I think :P
  10. 00:20:487 (5) - Feels like something is missing without a slider or circle starting at 00:20:664. Same thing that I've stated in ''Difficult'' about the phrase and the word ''away'' in lyrics..
  11. 00:21:193 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - These stars are rather irregular. Who wants a regular star xD?? Anyway, do you have any suggestion in this point :/
  12. 00:48:252 (3,4) - Again, these mess up flow a bit. You know what I'm going to answer here.
  13. 00:48:958 (1) - Not symmetrical.
  14. 00:57:193 (3) - Same as Challenging. Fixed.
  15. 01:11:134 (8) - Start an object at 01:11:311 instead of ending one.
  16. 01:13:075 (1,2) - Move these ahead by 1/2 and put a circle at 01:13:075.
  17. 01:34:840 (3,4) - Messy flow again.
  18. 02:02:664 (2) - Start an object at 02:02:840 instead of ending one there.
  19. 02:09:370 (7,1) - Why no triple here? Because vocals gave me something more like a kick slider rather than 2 notes.
  20. 02:15:370 (2) - Start something at 02:15:546.
  21. 02:16:075 (6) - Same at 02:16:252.
  22. 02:28:487 (9,1,2,3,4,5,1) - The start of the stream is a bit awkward because of the slider. I'd suggest replacing it by two circles or adding a return to it.
  23. 02:43:311 (1) - This isn't symmetrical. At least for me, it was easier to read due to the 1/3 rhythm, some testplayers suggested me that in the past as well, I'll wait for more opinions though
  24. 02:44:840 (5,6) - This blanket could be better. Fixed.
  25. 02:46:605 (2) - Replace by a circle and start a slider at 02:46:840. No, explained before.
  26. 02:51:075 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Same as the other stream. Same as before.
Ugh.. thanks for modding, but sorry because I didn't agree with almost all in your mod, I think you didn't understand what I tried to follow, anyway I appreciate your time to do this mod.
Let's try to rank this! :D
Challenging song to map, and I believe you've done a good job.

- I like how you've done the colourhaxing, but I don't think the grey and red go together well. There are many alternate solutions for this like using green/blue with red/orange, because most colours don't go well with grey. You could also use a light grey/dark grey with red/orange to avoid the blue colour, or use three colours per each section for more variety. If you can't tell, combo colours are super serious business to me, but as long as you find something you're happy with I'm okay with it.
- I would recommend OD8 on Tough to vary the scoreboards and encourage the player to attain a higher accuracy. In a similar fashion, I would actually go with OD +1 on all difficulties for the same reason unless you have strong feelings otherwise.

Very well done, highly polished mapset. I didn't find any significant errors within the maps, so you get my seal of approval, or something. If I gather the motivation to re-join the BAT you may have a bubble. Not used to this responsibility-free lifestyle yet.
Topic Starter

SapphireGhost wrote:

Challenging song to map, and I believe you've done a good job. Hi! And thanks :3

- I like how you've done the colourhaxing, but I don't think the grey and red go together well. There are many alternate solutions for this like using green/blue with red/orange, because most colours don't go well with grey. You could also use a light grey/dark grey with red/orange to avoid the blue colour, or use three colours per each section for more variety. If you can't tell, combo colours are super serious business to me, but as long as you find something you're happy with I'm okay with it. I've fixed that, I hope you like it :3
- I would recommend OD8 on Tough to vary the scoreboards and encourage the player to attain a higher accuracy. In a similar fashion, I would actually go with OD +1 on all difficulties for the same reason unless you have strong feelings otherwise. Yeah.. I was doubting a lot about this, fixed then

Very well done, highly polished mapset. I didn't find any significant errors within the maps, so you get my seal of approval, or something. If I gather the motivation to re-join the BAT you may have a bubble. Not used to this responsibility-free lifestyle yet. Glad to listen that! :) And.. I see..
Thanks a lot for modding and starring SG!
Man is time to rank this ;___;
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Gero wrote:

Man is time to rank this ;___;
I'm trying that ;___;
Mod pendiente de hace... 2 meses? orz
Disculpa la demora Mancu u.u

Nada, excepto que tuve que quitar el skin para llenarme de animos para modear, disculpame también por eso u.u (aunque funcionó, lol)

Bueno... realmente, aunque me gusta bastante como lo mapeaste, no lo siento muy sencillo de jugar para un noob.. ya sabes, aunque sigues la voz, muchas cosas quedan un poco a destiempo y eso... pero en fin.
00:15:193 (1) - este whistle es de gusto?, me pareció que fue el único que toda la canción no fue el único xD
00:34:252 (3) - En este pienso que es muy probable que el jugador suelte el clic antes de tiempo, debido a que el anterior fue un slider pequeño, y el circulo siguiente está muy cerca del flow lineal de ese slider pequeño( xDD ). Creo que si lo haces curvo, ese efecto mental se minimizaría.
00:57:193 (5) - Tal y como está, siento que queda un poco raro con el flow, podrías considerar ponerlo así:
01:30:017 - wtf, aquí suena un tambor... y se oye mucho... no sé, yo preferiría que hicieras mejor un slider que empiece desde aquí.
01:43:075 (1,2,3,4) - Best seccion ;)
02:12:017 (1) - yo quitaría este, creo que confunde bastante.

00:32:370 (1) - Este slider me sorprendió. Yo preferiría que lo hagas normal, es decir,, meh, sé que dirás que no xD

00:33:428 (4) - particularmente en algunas de estas secciones de sliders pequeños, el sample normal me sonó un poco fuerte. Podrías probar, por ejemplo aquí, poniendo el final del slider como un sample soft
01:24:252 (4) - ^

00:28:252 (1,2,3) - Que tal una entrada incremetal? (hablo del volumen).
02:09:370 (7,1,2) - Bueno... ese stack es demasiado dificil de leer... supongo que con HR debe ser un poco mas fácil, pero no lo sé, podrías considerar hacer un triple como con todos los anteriores, y alejar el 02:09:723 (2) - ...
o hacer que el slider se repita, alejando el (2)...
o por lo menos alejar un poco (2)... ;_;

lol, parece un mapa de gero xD jaja, solo el comienzo :P
01:44:487 (1,2,3,4) - Aunque sí los pusiste simetricamente... no se siente tan simetrico al jugarlo... me aventuraré a darte esta sugerencia loca xD ->

Bueno, ya sabes... sos pr0 y los mods no salen largos xD
Cuidate ^^
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

Mod pendiente de hace... 2 meses? orz
Disculpa la demora Mancu u.u no hay problemas, al menos lo hiciste jaja.

Nada, excepto que tuve que quitar el skin para llenarme de animos para modear, disculpame también por eso u.u (aunque funcionó, lol) Me dijiste, me dijiste xD

Bueno... realmente, aunque me gusta bastante como lo mapeaste, no lo siento muy sencillo de jugar para un noob.. ya sabes, aunque sigues la voz, muchas cosas quedan un poco a destiempo y eso... pero en fin. Ya lo explique, es una cancion dificil de mapear, y mas para las dificultades mas faciles, debido a la variedad de ritmo que tiene. Reconozco que no es del todo facil, pero es lo suficientemente facil para ser la dificultad mas facil del mapa (creo xD)
00:15:193 (1) - este whistle es de gusto?, me pareció que fue el único que toda la canción no fue el único xD lol.. este no fue de gusto jaja. Eliminado.
00:34:252 (3) - En este pienso que es muy probable que el jugador suelte el clic antes de tiempo, debido a que el anterior fue un slider pequeño, y el circulo siguiente está muy cerca del flow lineal de ese slider pequeño( xDD ). Creo que si lo haces curvo, ese efecto mental se minimizaría. meh.. hice todo el patron curvo :P
00:57:193 (5) - Tal y como está, siento que queda un poco raro con el flow, podrías considerar ponerlo así: Lo arregle a mi manera, pero lo arregle :3.
01:30:017 - wtf, aquí suena un tambor... y se oye mucho... no sé, yo preferiría que hicieras mejor un slider que empiece desde aquí. Para resaltar los claps, prefiero ignorar ese beat :p
01:43:075 (1,2,3,4) - Best seccion ;) Gracias :3
02:12:017 (1) - yo quitaría este, creo que confunde bastante. Por que? Si ahi empieza la voz :(

00:32:370 (1) - Este slider me sorprendió. Yo preferiría que lo hagas normal, es decir,, meh, sé que dirás que no xD Sigue bien la musica como esta, tu opcion no la sigue bien, basicamente por eso no lo acepto.

00:33:428 (4) - particularmente en algunas de estas secciones de sliders pequeños, el sample normal me sonó un poco fuerte. Podrías probar, por ejemplo aquí, poniendo el final del slider como un sample soft
01:24:252 (4) - ^ Para ser sincero, me gusta mas como suena el normal sample.

00:28:252 (1,2,3) - Que tal una entrada incremetal? (hablo del volumen). nah.. suena igual en todos los puntos creo xD.
02:09:370 (7,1,2) - Bueno... ese stack es demasiado dificil de leer... supongo que con HR debe ser un poco mas fácil, pero no lo sé, podrías considerar hacer un triple como con todos los anteriores, y alejar el 02:09:723 (2) - ...
o hacer que el slider se repita, alejando el (2)...
o por lo menos alejar un poco (2)... ;_; Creo que tienes razon, arregle esto.

lol, parece un mapa de gero xD jaja, solo el comienzo :P lol.
01:44:487 (1,2,3,4) - Aunque sí los pusiste simetricamente... no se siente tan simetrico al jugarlo... me aventuraré a darte esta sugerencia loca xD -> no me gusta como fluye :(

Bueno, ya sabes... sos pr0 y los mods no salen largos xD
Cuidate ^^ Igual :3
Gracias por modear! Me ayudo a mejorar algunos puntos feos en la easy principalmente :D
Hola mancu, sorry por mi memoria de pez T________T

00:08:487 (5) - suena mejor si lo mueves 1/2 beat mas tarde
02:16:605 (1,2) - Esto me confundió un poco, trata de re-posicionar los objetos para que se vea claro que es un slider, como este 00:07:428 (2,3,4) -

Buen mapa, me gusta la canción :)

Avisame cuando esté listo~
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Hola mancu, sorry por mi memoria de pez T________T HAHAHAHAHAHA.. No te preocupes! xD

00:08:487 (5) - suena mejor si lo mueves 1/2 beat mas tarde Hmm.. no me suena del todo bien para ser sincero :/.. Prefiero mantenerlo
02:16:605 (1,2) - Esto me confundió un poco, trata de re-posicionar los objetos para que se vea claro que es un slider, como este 00:07:428 (2,3,4) - Hice (4) curvo, creo que ahora esta un poco mejor!

Buen mapa, me gusta la canción :)

Avisame cuando esté listo~
Muchas Gracias Liss! :D

Buena suerte con el rank, mancu~
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Uff.. Costó!
Mil Gracias Liss! :D

To the next BAT: In case you're going to rank this map directly, please.. DO NOT make it, I need to fix a Slider in ''Average'' but I can't update the map now due to this bug (I've already talked with Liss though).

Alright, self popped to fix this little problem.. Everything should be ok now!
Go Mauco! :D
Bubble repaired~


  1. Current offset seems a bit early. Try giving it a +10 (1086) feels better to me. The suggestions below are in your current timing.

  1. 01:17:311 (1) - Add a drum-clap to this spinner as you have one at 01:19:428 for other difficulties.
  2. 01:52:605 (3) - I think it would be neat if this was perfectly symmetrical.

  1. 01:28:840 (4) - I would use a NC here for consistency with its use on 00:38:017 (1), as well this combo is a bit long.
  2. 01:45:546 (5) - Maybe place this at x:348 y:292 to keep this sort of symmetry thing going? I think it would be kinda cool.
Topic Starter

Trust wrote:

hi! Hi! btw.. Nice to meet you! :P


  1. Current offset seems a bit early. Try giving it a +10 (1086) feels better to me. The suggestions below are in your current timing. Yeah.. I think you're right! Fixed. I've re-snapped everything manually due to the Beat snap changes in this map.

  1. 01:17:311 (1) - Add a drum-clap to this spinner as you have one at 01:19:428 for other difficulties. Added
  2. 01:52:605 (3) - I think it would be neat if this was perfectly symmetrical. Fixed with your code, too lazy to do it manually xD (is quite late)

  1. 01:28:840 (4) - I would use a NC here for consistency with its use on 00:38:017 (1), as well this combo is a bit long. k. Added
  2. 01:45:546 (5) - Maybe place this at x:348 y:292 to keep this sort of symmetry thing going? I think it would be kinda cool. yey! Somone is agree with me! Fixed (that was my original idea, but I was kinda ''forced'' to change that after some other modders mentioned that.
Thanks for modding! Everthing have been fixed!
Nice to meet you too! :D

01:49:761 - 02:20:908: Is it just me or this section gets off sync by about +30 ms?
Someone please test play this part to confirm this! I want to make sure about this before I continue modding this map!
List of resets

Remember, automatic resnapping does not do resets well so you'll need to go through each timing section and make sure the object is on top of it, not to the left of it.
Also, 01:02:648 - is just a normal 1/2 slider, not 1/8.

Also for ranking BATs, map needs rebubbling first if it's a timing change.
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

List of resets

Remember, automatic resnapping does not do resets well so you'll need to go through each timing section and make sure the object is on top of it, not to the left of it.
Also, 01:02:648 - is just a normal 1/2 slider, not 1/8.

Also for ranking BATs, map needs rebubbling first if it's a timing change.
Thanks a lot man! Everything should be re-snapped and fixed now!
Turned this 1/8 into a 1/2 and I was forced to fix a pattern in Easy, because the slider end became unsnapped due to a new Uninherited timing point (just in case, the pattern that I've fixed in this diff. was the one in 00:49:438 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - )
So I checked the whole mapset: Good mapset overall! You do have an unsnapped spinner at 02:52:026 (1) in your Difficult and Challenging difficulties. The last spinner should end at 02:58:261.

Also, in Tough difficulty, you have an unsnapped kiai section at 02:23:674. Please re-snap it to 02:23:673.
Call be back for re-bubble when you are done! :D
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All fixed! Thanks a lot!
Also, thanks for notice this timing issue :D!
I really don't like the stacks in easy/beginner's difficulties. There are only 3 stacks here and they are not used consistently as the beginning would suggest (new combo downbeat only: 00:12:027 (4,1) - 00:14:850 (4,1) - ; ????: 00:52:269 (2,3) - ). I'd prefer the beginner's diff without those stacks.
01:57:180 (1) - start this slider 1/2 earlier to match what you did before @01:51:357 (2) - . Alternatively add a note on the downbeat. This gap with the slider starting neither on the downbeat nor the guitar is odd and confusing.

Weird spacing changes from 1,00x to 0,70x for the 1/2 notes. They are not consistently used that is why I noticed it. Examples:
00:10:791 (3,4) - 1,00x
01:10:068 (4,5) - 0,70x
01:07:598 (4,5,1) - mix of 1,00x and 0,70x
Maybe this was intentional? I just can't see the pattern here.

Higher diffs play great.
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

I really don't like the stacks in easy/beginner's difficulties. There are only 3 stacks here and they are not used consistently as the beginning would suggest (new combo downbeat only: 00:12:027 (4,1) - 00:14:850 (4,1) - ; ????: 00:52:269 (2,3) - ). I'd prefer the beginner's diff without those stacks. Hmm.. You're right, some people suggest me the same, and I've to be sincere, I don't like stacks that much either, so fixed all of them.
01:57:180 (1) - start this slider 1/2 earlier to match what you did before @01:51:357 (2) - . Alternatively add a note on the downbeat. This gap with the slider starting neither on the downbeat nor the guitar is odd and confusing. Alright, Moved it 1/2 back and increased its length in 1/2 as well.
btw.. I've removed the New Combo in 01:59:651 - because looks odd to me a combo with just two objects.

Weird spacing changes from 1,00x to 0,70x for the 1/2 notes. They are not consistently used that is why I noticed it. Examples:
00:10:791 (3,4) - 1,00x
01:10:068 (4,5) - 0,70x
01:07:598 (4,5,1) - mix of 1,00x and 0,70x
Maybe this was intentional? I just can't see the pattern here. I use that when the gap in the timeline between a Slider and a note is in 1/2, because I find it easy, I don't do that when the 1/2 gap is between 2 sliders, because is not that hard in this BPM imo (that's why you find this ''mix'' sometimes. I've fixed some of them for consistency, I hope it's ok now!

Higher diffs play great.
Finally! Thanks a lot p3n!
Good job, Mancuso :D

Have this: (ノ 'ω')ノ
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highlghted by Bancho! xD
Thanks a lot! :D
Gratz <3
lol, congrats mancu ^^
Topic Starter
Thanks guys! :D
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