
*enters a fancy title*

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I'm not good at introductions, but howdy I'm Chinatsu~ I'm currently a sophomore in high school, blah blah. Without school stuff, my life literally consists of me being on the internet / listening to music / playing other games since I'm really awkward and going outside is a pain basically I'm a loser ; x ;

I recently got a new computer sooo here I am yo!! I've had the first Ouendan since at least 2007 so I know the basics and what not. I'm still a major nub at this game and I don't think I'm a fun person to talk to, but if any of you all are kind enough to be my friend , that would be just amazing :3
Welcome to osu! and the forums. Have fun playing and chatting with other people. ;)
Remember to read and follow the rules so you'll be fine.
Joe Joe-
Welcome Nacchu to the forums of osu!:D and to the game itself(:
Hope you enjoy your stay and stick around for a good while!, also I'll be sure to add you(:
Heey welcome to the osu! forums , have a good time :)
Hello, welcome to osu!
Please enjoy your stay here and have fun playing the game.
Topic Starter
Thank you for all the warm welcomes~ ^^

Joe Joe-kun wrote:

Welcome Nacchu to the forums of osu!:D and to the game itself(:
Hope you enjoy your stay and stick around for a good while!, also I'll be sure to add you(:
Aww, thanks c:

skimpy wrote:

ic wut u did thar u.u
[ Stellar ]
Welcome to the forums!
Enjoy your stay :>
hello there

need a fancy title
just give a fancy there XD
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