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Lan wings
/.\ I feel sorry that I made a wobby spin.I changed it and would never made it again.


Moe girl——Lan wings!XD我在说一些意义不明的话(・∀・)

00:10:626 (1) - 尾巴静音吧
00:32:089 (3,4) - 用1/4 repeat slider?
00:42:915 (1) - ctrl+G? 感觉spacing需大一点
00:45:451 (1,2,3,4) - 这感觉排列不是很好看耶
01:01:090 (3,4) - 这靠太近了 而且跟下一个01:02:172 (1,2) - 这边之间有个小空挡,似乎没那么流畅,不如01:01:502 (4) - 拆成一个note一个slider?
01:35:846 (3) - 这总感觉放得不对,删了?
01:39:708 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - 我玩不了..
01:43:026 (1,2) - swap NC
02:00:700 (2,3,4,5) - flow 怪怪的 02:00:997 (4,5) - 这两个换个角度如何?
02:14:972 (4) - 其实我觉得可以放个慢速slider 尾巴静音 (因为钢琴这边给我的感觉是如此..
02:17:664 (1,2,3,4) - 我是觉得这边用slider note的排法不是很配 要不就只用note要不就slider (两个音一组
02:21:136 (1) - 这边不知道为什么特别小声
02:34:267 (1,2,3) - 这三个最好想一想怎么排比较漂亮 = =ll
02:37:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我是比较喜欢三角note重复那种梗啦 只是建议不要打我
02:52:905 (2,3) - 稍微拉开一点距离?不然就近乎stack留在尾巴那边 现在距离有点尴尬..
03:08:689 (1) - spinner静音?bonus 完全破坏了和谐 /_\

很好玩的一个diff 也很喜欢曲子~
但是有部分太触了 T.T 不大适合noob player orz

Topic Starter
Lan wings

L_P wrote:


00:10:626 (1) - 尾巴静音吧 我看看把hitnormal搞低點音量
00:32:089 (3,4) - 用1/4 repeat slider?fixed
00:42:915 (1) - ctrl+G? 感觉spacing需大一点板子這樣感覺很好截圖
00:45:451 (1,2,3,4) - 这感觉排列不是很好看耶 想不到打起來更舒服的梗於是不改了
01:01:090 (3,4) - 这靠太近了 而且跟下一个01:02:172 (1,2) - 这边之间有个小空挡,似乎没那么流畅,不如01:01:502 (4) - 拆成一个note一个slider?fixed
01:35:846 (3) - 这总感觉放得不对,删了?這裡刪也不是不刪也不是 我還是留著
01:39:708 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - 我玩不了.._(:3 」∠)_
01:43:026 (1,2) - swap NCfixed
02:00:700 (2,3,4,5) - flow 怪怪的 02:00:997 (4,5) - 这两个换个角度如何?fixed
02:14:972 (4) - 其实我觉得可以放个慢速slider 尾巴静音 (因为钢琴这边给我的感觉是如此..想不到slider怎麼拉
02:17:664 (1,2,3,4) - 我是觉得这边用slider note的排法不是很配 要不就只用note要不就slider (两个音一组 fixed
02:21:136 (1) - 这边不知道为什么特别小声fixed
02:34:267 (1,2,3) - 这三个最好想一想怎么排比较漂亮 = =ll想不到漂亮的擺法_(:3 」∠)_
02:37:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我是比较喜欢三角note重复那种梗啦 只是建议不要打我這裡我覺得slider circle的組合要比純circle組合要適合點
02:52:905 (2,3) - 稍微拉开一点距离?不然就近乎stack留在尾巴那边 现在距离有点尴尬..fixed
03:08:689 (1) - spinner静音?bonus 完全破坏了和谐 /_\fixed

很好玩的一个diff 也很喜欢曲子~
但是有部分太触了 T.T 不大适合mouse player orz

16:17 Lan wings: hi
16:18 L_P: hi
16:18 Lan wings: 00:10:626 (1) - 尾巴静音吧
16:18 Lan wings: 已經是5%了還怎麼搞_(:3 」∠)_
16:18 L_P: 哇 我听起来很大声
16:18 L_P: 好奇怪
16:19 Lan wings: 看來我果然需要把hitnormal的音量降低點
16:19 L_P: 你调过?
16:19 Lan wings: 現在沒有
16:19 L_P: 还是曲子太小声....
16:19 Lan wings: 我只是發現一個問題
16:19 L_P: 嗯?
16:19 Lan wings: 我印象中原來的hitnormal沒有這麼大聲
16:20 Lan wings: 尤其在最後一段特別明顯
16:20 L_P: 呵呵 怪哉
16:20 Lan wings: 我記得原來在最後一段不會這麼大聲的
16:20 L_P: 嗯..那把曲子调大声会比较好吗..?
16:21 Lan wings: 曲子調大聲就算了
16:21 L_P: 哦
16:21 Lan wings: 又要重新搞開頭的offset
16:21 L_P: 哦 对
16:21 L_P: 最近我被抓hitsound 20% 小心些
16:21 Lan wings: 按你說的
16:22 Lan wings: 這麼明顯
16:22 Lan wings: 應該沒啥問題
16:22 Lan wings: 00:45:451 (1,2,3,4) - 这感觉排列不是很好看耶
16:22 L_P: 嗯
16:22 Lan wings: 這裡我沒啥梗..求點梗
16:23 L_P: 额...感觉不用特别想梗
16:23 L_P: 就..整齐点?
16:23 Lan wings: 比如?
16:23 Lan wings: 哪跟哪整齊?
16:24 L_P: 00:45:451 (1,3) - 这角度看起来就有点..
16:24 L_P: 但打的时候是不会注意啦
16:24 Lan wings: 唔
16:24 Lan wings: 我這裡原來是180°
16:24 Lan wings: 然後稍微轉了點角度來著
16:24 Lan wings: 00:45:894 (2,3,4) - 那時候想的把slider尾巴跟這2個circle間距搞一樣_(:3 」∠)_
16:25 L_P: 哦
16:27 Lan wings: 唔 主要是直接翻轉過來感覺flow不太對
16:27 L_P: 你还会用滑鼠来打图ma?
16:28 Lan wings: 能打打普通insane
16:28 Lan wings: 難點的也可以
16:28 Lan wings: 只要沒有什麽全屏跳的
16:28 L_P: 哦
16:29 Lan wings:
16:29 Lan wings: 拉這樣了
16:29 Lan wings:
16:29 Lan wings: 看起來還可以的樣子
16:30 L_P: 嗯 呵
16:30 Lan wings: 0.0
16:30 Lan wings: 不過打起來沒以前的舒服誒..
16:31 L_P: 可改可不改啦 是因为我自己喜欢奇葩排列
16:31 Lan wings: 00:46:116 (3,4,1) -
16:31 L_P: 所以常常mod到很奇怪的点..
16:32 Lan wings: 還是保留原來吧_(:3 」∠)_
16:32 Lan wings: 00:46:116 (3,4,1) - 還是原來這裡打的舒服點
16:32 L_P: =w= 好
16:32 Lan wings: 01:01:090 (3,4) - 這個
16:33 Lan wings:
16:33 Lan wings: 搞這樣會不會被噴藏了;_;
16:33 L_P: 不会 Insane搞这没问题
16:34 Lan wings: 01:35:846 (3) - 這裡節奏很奇葩  留著感覺不對勁 刪了也感覺不對勁
16:34 Lan wings: 我試過好多遍了..
16:34 Lan wings: 於是那時候還是決定留著
16:35 Lan wings: 反正都是跟著鋼琴的
16:35 Lan wings: swap是啥
16:35 L_P: 换
16:36 Lan wings: 好
16:36 Lan wings: 02:00:700 (2,3,4,5) -
16:36 Lan wings: 這裡角度怎麼換?
16:37 L_P: 一法, 4跟5可以ctrl + R 移一下位置
16:38 Lan wings: 試過
16:38 L_P: 二法 我是觉得可以顺着打那种
16:38 L_P: 圆圈? 四方? 之类
16:38 Lan wings: 一法試過flow還是不太對.
16:42 Lan wings: 四方沒位置擺噗
16:42 L_P: 哈 或者23与尾巴稍微放个形状 45大跳
16:43 Lan wings:
16:43 Lan wings: 看看這個
16:44 Lan wings: -20°
16:44 L_P: 也好 总之之前是不喜3和4放在一起
16:46 Lan wings: 好 那就先這樣吧
16:47 Lan wings: 02:14:972 (4) -
16:47 Lan wings: 關於這裡 我對鋼琴不太懂
16:47 L_P: 额..
16:47 Lan wings: 聽起來感覺應該是按一下重的 然後剩下的是回音?
16:47 Lan wings: 還是說回音是按著的時候不鬆開才會有的
16:48 L_P: 给我的感觉他是来一个重的 然后趁音还没消 踏pedal
16:48 Lan wings: pedal是啥
16:48 L_P: 额...踏了按下的音会...持续
16:48 L_P: 可以这样解释吧
16:48 Lan wings: 哦
16:49 Lan wings: 明白了
16:49 Lan wings: 就是腳上有個踩的是么
16:49 L_P: 嗯
16:49 Lan wings: 唔
16:49 Lan wings: 那就有點麻煩
16:49 Lan wings: 感覺兩種方式都能說的過去
16:50 Lan wings: 按照手指來說的確是按下去后就鬆開了
16:50 L_P: 不改了解 我自己也想不出slider怎么排
16:50 L_P: 不会松开啦
16:50 L_P: 松开就没回音了
16:50 Lan wings: 不會么
16:50 Lan wings: 哦
16:50 L_P: 诶啊
16:50 Lan wings: 就是說按照音樂還是得slider
16:50 Lan wings: 但是slider想不到怎麼拉
16:50 L_P: 嗯
16:51 Lan wings: 唔 不改了
16:51 L_P: 嗯
16:51 Lan wings: 反正stack也能體現一點
16:51 Lan wings: 如果rank前想到梗再加上去好了
16:52 L_P: 可啊
16:53 Lan wings: 02:17:664 (1,2,3,4) - 於是這裡下的時候因為break的有點長 然後開始第一個習慣性的放slider了
16:53 L_P: 哦
16:53 Lan wings: 放circle的話HD黨不太好打(雖然我不是HD黨)
16:54 L_P: 也对
16:54 Lan wings: 而且我看這圖的彈幕里某BAT說了HD打著很爽..
16:54 Lan wings: 紅色字應該是BAT的留言吧?
16:54 L_P: 哇 是哦
16:54 L_P: 嗯
16:56 Lan wings: 02:17:971 (2) - 放slider的話 這裡聽起來又很明顯變重了..
16:56 Lan wings: 不放circle又不想..
16:56 Lan wings: 不行(
16:57 Lan wings: 唔 也許可以試一下3個slider
16:57 L_P: 哦..
16:57 Lan wings: 我看看怎麼擺好看點
16:59 Lan wings:
17:00 Lan wings: 扔這樣你怎麼看?
17:00 L_P: 行
17:01 Lan wings: 啊 對了
17:01 Lan wings: 00:42:915 (1) - 這個
17:01 Lan wings:
17:01 L_P: ?
17:01 Lan wings: 這是咱的板子路線
17:02 L_P: 哦
17:02 Lan wings: 於是就擺成這樣了
17:02 L_P: 嗯
17:03 Lan wings: 02:34:267 (1,2,3) - 這裡你有啥梗么0.0
17:03 L_P: 同心三角?
17:04 Lan wings: 02:34:267 (1,2) - 但是按照我聽的這裡兩個是個jump
17:04 L_P: 或02:34:686 (3) - 与02:34:267 (1) - 平行
17:04 Lan wings: 02:34:474 (2,3) - 這兩個怎麼聽都沒有jump的感覺
17:05 L_P: 我是感觉123头都一样的音所以觉得距离相等
17:05 L_P: 照你所说也可3平行1放近点
17:06 Lan wings: 02:34:686 (3) - 於是我現在的是3直線延伸到1的slider頭
17:06 Lan wings: 改平行了後面的串不好看了 噗
17:07 L_P: 额 其实放慢来听 12同音高 3反而更高音
17:07 L_P: 所以是不是说反了...
17:07 L_P: 12不跳23跳
17:07 Lan wings: 那這樣一來後面的梗也得改了
17:07 Lan wings: 02:36:822 (1,2) -
17:08 Lan wings: 這裡4個音跟02:34:267 (1,2) - 這裡4個音一樣
17:08 L_P: 这里不需要改啊..
17:09 L_P: 12没什么跳23跳
17:09 L_P: 正常啊
17:09 Lan wings: 這裡兩組不是一樣的么
17:09 Lan wings: 02:37:035 (2,1) - 誒 於是我這裡後面也自己做成比前面兩個跳了噗
17:10 L_P: 对啊...我的意思就是说这..
17:10 Lan wings: 02:34:267 (1,2,3) -
17:11 Lan wings: 這裡1 3位置不變的情況下 2該怎麼擺?
17:11 Lan wings: 感覺1 3都不能動 一動其他就要重新擺了
17:13 L_P: 嗯 麻烦 还是不用改简单得多
17:13 Lan wings:
17:13 Lan wings: 這樣看看怎麼樣?
17:14 L_P: 嗯...
17:14 L_P: 3头稍微提一点
17:14 L_P: 往左一点
17:14 L_P: 诶等等
17:14 Lan wings: ?
17:15 L_P: 啊 算了 这样摆好了啦 最重要你觉得好看就可
17:15 Lan wings: 我審美墜毀
17:15 L_P: 呵呵
17:15 Lan wings: 基本上我擺出來的排列都會被人說不好看
17:16 L_P: 真的哦..
17:16 Lan wings: 02:34:686 (3) - 這裡尾巴加個finish你覺得怎麼樣
17:17 L_P: 好像点不对
17:17 L_P: 是头...吧...
17:17 Lan wings: 唔 頭
17:17 Lan wings: 那頭加個finish怎麼樣?
17:17 L_P: 好啊
17:19 Lan wings: 02:37:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 這裡我覺得slider circle的組合比純circle組合要適合點0.0
17:19 L_P: 嗯 没问题
17:20 Lan wings: 02:52:905 (2,3) - 這裡不太懂你想咋搞
17:20 L_P: 这边放慢嘛...要不就间距大点提醒一下
17:20 L_P: 要不就小点坑一下?
17:21 Lan wings: 還是不太懂你啥意思
17:21 Lan wings: 給個截圖我看看?
17:22 L_P:
17:23 Lan wings: 突然就有個奇葩梗.
17:24 L_P: ?
17:24 Lan wings: 02:52:316 (1,2) - 2stack1的尾巴
17:24 Lan wings: 3位置不變...
17:24 Lan wings: 3的音剛好就高了一下 然後jump一下的感覺?
17:25 Lan wings: 或者1 2 不變 然後3拉遠一點?
17:25 L_P: 不错
17:26 Lan wings: 後者好像不錯
17:26 Lan wings: 不過3不知道扔哪適合了..
17:26 L_P: 本是想叫你摆...
17:26 L_P: 这种 自己是觉得蛮好的 呵
17:28 Lan wings:
17:28 Lan wings: 想不到扔哪了...
17:29 L_P: ok啦
17:29 Lan wings: 3我加個NC
17:29 Lan wings: 02:56:706 (2) - 這個slider能求個拉法么
17:30 L_P: 现状没问题吧
17:31 Lan wings: 感覺不太好看
17:31 Lan wings: 所以問問
17:31 L_P: 没问题
17:31 Lan wings: 哦
17:31 Lan wings: 於是spinner静音不會unrankable么
17:31 L_P: 只有spinner静音不会unrankable
17:31 L_P: slider尾巴也一样
17:32 Lan wings: 只有?
17:32 L_P: 最近被chewin喷了满脸血所以稍有看一下
17:32 L_P: note、slider头静音会被喷
17:32 Lan wings: 哦
17:32 Lan wings: 就是說只要spinner尾巴不靜音就沒問題?
17:33 Lan wings: 或者反過來 尾巴靜音過程不靜音都可以?
17:33 L_P: spinner能够整个静音...
17:33 Lan wings: 哦
17:33 Lan wings: 我翻翻AHO的圖去
17:34 L_P: 哦
17:34 *Lan wings is watching [ M2U - Placebo Dying [ExtrA]]
17:34 Lan wings: 0.0
17:35 Lan wings: 於是之前忘了這裡全靜音都能過了
17:35 L_P: ?
17:35 Lan wings: AHO這圖十幾個spinner全靜音
17:35 L_P: 一向来没问题的
17:36 Lan wings: spinnerspin.wav spinnerbonus.wav
17:36 Lan wings: spinner沒有分soft normal drum?
17:36 L_P: 不知道 没改过
17:38 Lan wings: ok
17:38 Lan wings: 我調調hitnormal的音量去
17:38 Lan wings: 謝咯
17:38 L_P: 耶
17:40 Lan wings: 但是有部分太触了 T.T 不大适合mouse player
17:40 Lan wings: 那啥
17:40 Lan wings: 之前有個mouse player打了遍給我看
17:40 Lan wings: HD隨手打
17:40 L_P: 哇 好我改不大适合noob player
17:40 L_P: 大概是我手速太低
17:41 Lan wings: 不過我覺得那個mouse player也算是極品的了
17:41 Lan wings: 移動很硬
17:41 Lan wings: 非常硬
17:41 L_P: 额..
17:42 Lan wings: 移動都是直接移動到note上面定住不動的
17:42 Lan wings: 感覺看起來很怪異
17:44 Lan wings: 挖 irc了一個多小時
17:44 Lan wings: 麻煩你了 :3
17:44 L_P: 没事没事 我在念书刚好休息

Lan :3

no kudosu plz =~=

  1. 00:12:873 (2,3,4,1) - I feel a little odd spacing here T_T and 00:14:129 (4) - I suggest that you do not stop the rhythm here. because 00:14:129~00:14:757 - Sound echoing in this time.
    Suggestion of the rhythm & Design & Flow: (rhythm) ( flow and design ) code ↓ ( but this is image. )
  2. 00:22:464 (4) - Suggestion of the flow: x96,y104 It is a flow of nature in the form of the next slider more oxo?
  3. 00:31:207 - Green lines with no meaning. Although there is no problem to leave, just pointing out.
  4. 02:07:567 (x) - add note. The sound does not break off like 02:06:717. and 02:07:422 (5) - it do not have the loud sound that you should emphasize here like 02:06:579 (3). so I thought that it it was not suitable for make sound break off here. ( if you change, maybe use this form?
  5. 02:10:703 (4) - add NC and 02:11:010 (1) - remove NC? ( 02:10:703 (1) - 02:11:343 (1) - for appearance in the form and the same place. use a different color for them.)
only suggestion. I have nothing more to say. =v=

Good luck ~~ :)
Topic Starter
Lan wings

kosiga wrote:

Lan :3

no kudosu plz =~=

  1. 00:12:873 (2,3,4,1) - I feel a little odd spacing here T_T and 00:14:129 (4) - I suggest that you do not stop the rhythm here. because 00:14:129~00:14:757 - Sound echoing in this time.
    Suggestion of the rhythm & Design & Flow: (rhythm) ( flow and design ) code ↓ ( but this is image. )Fixed
  2. 00:22:464 (4) - Suggestion of the flow: x96,y104 It is a flow of nature in the form of the next slider more oxo?maybe x108,y112 is better
  3. 00:31:207 - Green lines with no meaning. Although there is no problem to leave, just pointing out.there was a circle _(:3 」∠)_
  4. 02:07:567 (x) - add note. The sound does not break off like 02:06:717. and 02:07:422 (5) - it do not have the loud sound that you should emphasize here like 02:06:579 (3). so I thought that it it was not suitable for make sound break off here. ( if you change, maybe use this form?
  5. 02:10:703 (4) - add NC and 02:11:010 (1) - remove NC? ( 02:10:703 (1) - 02:11:343 (1) - for appearance in the form and the same place. use a different color for them.)Fixed
only suggestion. I have nothing more to say. =v=

Good luck ~~ :)
thx mod!
irc mod log
02:22 Lan wings: 唔 我做的時候就是想這樣來著
02:22 Scorpiour: 看approach circle来定位就好
02:22 Scorpiour: 嗯嗯
02:22 Lan wings: 00:18:675 (3,1) -
02:22 Lan wings: 這兩個也是類似的梗
02:23 Scorpiour: 恩
02:23 Scorpiour: 00:31:736 (1,2,3) - 这里
02:23 Lan wings: 不過接的是slider
02:23 Scorpiour: 在1后面和2后面加1/4的Note做成5连?
02:23 Lan wings:
02:24 Lan wings: 我倒是覺得136間距剛剛好
02:24 Scorpiour: 恩那就这样就好
02:24 Scorpiour:
02:24 Scorpiour: 00:31:736 (1,2,3,4,5) -
02:24 Lan wings: 做5連啊
02:24 Scorpiour: 嗯
02:24 Scorpiour: 感觉如何?
02:25 Lan wings: 我先試試
02:25 Scorpiour: 嗯
02:25 Lan wings: 感覺有點急
02:26 Scorpiour: 嗯……我的想法是跟上小提琴的滑音…………
02:26 Lan wings: 打起來感覺不太好
02:27 Scorpiour: 恩…………那如果2个1/4slider呢?
02:27 Lan wings: 00:32:089 (3) - 我原來倒是想把這個拆開兩個slider
02:27 Scorpiour:
02:27 Scorpiour: 这里放4个1/4? www
02:28 Lan wings: ?
02:28 Lan wings: 什麽4個1/4
02:28 Scorpiour: 后面拆开我不介意
02:28 Lan wings: 哦
02:28 Scorpiour: 就是
02:28 Scorpiour: 明白了?
02:28 Lan wings: 懂
02:29 Scorpiour: 试试看?然后可以做一个花瓣形啊那种的
02:29 Scorpiour:
02:30 Scorpiour: 之类的www,随手放的没仔细整理间距orz
02:32 Lan wings:
02:32 Lan wings: 咱這個好像難看了點
02:32 Scorpiour: 也挺好的
02:32 Lan wings: 4個1/4不能突出00:32:089 (5) - 這裡的音
02:33 Scorpiour: 那前面用一个1/4 折返然后00:32:089 这里下一个1/2slider?
02:33 Lan wings: 沒
02:33 Lan wings: 我意思是4個slider不能突出
02:33 Scorpiour: 嗯…………
02:33 Lan wings: 前面弄串stream就可以了
02:33 Scorpiour: 恩
02:33 Scorpiour: okay
02:33 Scorpiour: nice
02:34 Lan wings: 雖然我不太想加stream
02:34 Lan wings: _(:3 」∠)_
02:34 Scorpiour: 嘛,如果你不喜欢的话就不加拉这些只是个人意见……真正我认为需要仔细考虑的在后面
02:34 Scorpiour: 00:36:118 (3) - 这个放到204:224如何?
02:35 Lan wings: 又搞三角么
02:35 Scorpiour: 1/2放直线感觉有点瘪< <
02:36 Lan wings: 但是放三角flow不好
02:36 Scorpiour: 嗯………………
02:36 Lan wings: 要畫折現
02:36 Lan wings: 折綫*
02:36 Scorpiour: 168:260呢?
02:37 Lan wings: 跟原來有啥區別么
02:37 Scorpiour: 也是,那就别动了
02:37 Lan wings: 彎向不同方向
02:37 Scorpiour: 00:45:451 (1,2,3,4) - 重点在这里 <---
02:37 Scorpiour: 1/3
02:37 Scorpiour: 这种1/3之前在权限狗群里曾经有过一次讨论……虽然不是这张图
02:37 Lan wings: 你是指你之前說的1/3用slider么
02:37 Scorpiour: 嗯
02:38 Scorpiour: 要不然折返,要不然note
02:38 Scorpiour: 不要Note+slider混搭,很不舒服
02:38 Lan wings: 這個我不改
02:38 Scorpiour: 折返的话就大跳
02:38 Lan wings: 00:45:451
02:38 Lan wings: 00:46:116
02:38 Lan wings: 00:46:782
02:38 Lan wings: 3個音剛好slider
02:38 Scorpiour: 用slider啊
02:39 Scorpiour: 谱子上来说,这里是 121 717 6--
02:39 Lan wings: 我不想加折返
02:39 Scorpiour: 所以后面的结束是个轻音
02:39 Scorpiour: 在乐理上来讲,三连音的三个音是均等的,但是强度逐渐降低
02:39 Lan wings: 輕音啥的
02:39 Scorpiour: 重点在于白线上的beat
02:39 Lan wings: 我這裡只是用了不同的組合
02:40 Scorpiour: 不不不… silder和note的感觉是完全不同的
02:40 Scorpiour: 之前我和薯片还有NTR还专门探讨过这个问题
02:40 Scorpiour: 当时用的是NTR的图
02:40 Lan wings: 然後結果?
02:40 Scorpiour: 稍等我给你找下对比
02:40 *Scorpiour is listening to [ Rohi - Kodoku Egoism]
02:40 Scorpiour: 这张图你有吧,隔绝
02:41 Lan wings: 有
02:41 Scorpiour: 你打开看一下
02:41 Lan wings: 我這首歌里有3段這種1/3
02:41 Lan wings: 3段都不是同一個梗
02:41 Scorpiour: 00:09:754 (1,1,1,1) -
02:42 Scorpiour: 都不是同一个梗,但是你仔细看
02:42 Scorpiour: 看节奏
02:42 Scorpiour: 当时这张图星神的diff,这个地方用了和你一样的排列
02:42 Lan wings: 如果是我這slider我不會加折返
02:42 Scorpiour: 就是slider+note来做1/3
02:43 Scorpiour: 然后当时在mod的时候就是感觉别扭
02:43 Scorpiour: 节奏没错,音效也没错,但就是别扭
02:43 Scorpiour: 因为三连音的重点在头上
02:43 Lan wings: 我覺得那是手指控制不好的問題
02:43 Scorpiour: 就是白线的那个起音,而不是后面的两个音
02:43 Scorpiour: 不不不……不是打图,只是看editor就觉得不对劲了
02:44 Scorpiour: 我大概给你讲一下三连和装饰音
02:44 Lan wings: 不過我這裡擺的不好看倒是事實
02:44 Scorpiour: 装饰音和三连是音乐里常用的两种“修饰”手法
02:44 Scorpiour: 装饰音是在一个“基音”的前面追加1-4个不等的音符
02:44 Lan wings: 按照你們的說法
02:45 Lan wings: 我後面的1/6也不能擺了?
02:45 Scorpiour: 听我说完……
02:45 Scorpiour: 不不……不一样的……
02:45 Scorpiour: 听我说完…………
02:45 Lan wings: 哦 你繼續
02:45 Scorpiour: 因为这里涉及到一点乐理知识……你不是第一个问“为什么节奏音效都没问题但是你们会说不好”的……
02:46 Scorpiour: 装饰音在osu的节奏排列上最直观的展现形式就是红线三连
02:46 Scorpiour: 你应该很熟悉了
02:46 Scorpiour: 三连从红线起而不是白线
02:46 Scorpiour: 原因很简单,白线是重音,也就是“基音”
02:46 Lan wings: 前面兩連都是裝飾音?
02:46 Scorpiour: 装饰音是用来装饰也就是衬托基音的
02:46 Scorpiour: 不能喧宾夺主
02:46 Scorpiour: 嗯
02:47 Scorpiour: 但是5连就从白线起,为什么
02:47 Scorpiour: 还是因为白线起的5连会停在白线
02:47 Scorpiour: 前面4个都是装饰音,重点在后面
02:47 Scorpiour: 三分音
02:47 Scorpiour: 在乐理上属于一个比较特殊的情况
02:47 Scorpiour: 是吧“原本应该按照二分拆分的拍子拆成了三分”
02:48 Scorpiour: 所以三连音的特性是,基音在前,装饰在后
02:48 Scorpiour: 因为三连音的本质是来源于3/4拍的waltz
02:48 Scorpiour: 每小节三拍,按照“强弱弱”分布
02:49 Scorpiour: 三连音实际上是把“一个小节的拍子压缩到了一拍之内”
02:49 Lan wings: 感覺後面開始無法理解了
02:49 Scorpiour: 所以三连突出的是头音
02:50 Scorpiour: 就是……
02:50 Scorpiour: 对于标准的4/4拍,我们的节奏结构是
02:50 Scorpiour: X x X x
02:50 Scorpiour: 1 3白线是downbeat(强拍), 2/4白线是upbeat(弱拍)
02:50 Scorpiour: 在4/4的结构下,装饰音往前放,形成 ooX 的装饰结构
02:51 Scorpiour: 但是3/4的结构是 X x x X x x 强音在前面
02:51 Scorpiour: 所以当你把三分结构压缩到一个拍子里的时候,这个结构依然不变的,所以就形成了三连音的重音在前装饰音在后的格局
02:52 Scorpiour: 对应到我们osu里……
02:52 Scorpiour: osu的强音相对的应该是“打击点”
02:52 Scorpiour: 也就是note或者slider头,这里是手指要向下按的重拍点
02:53 Scorpiour: 而slider折返/尾相对来说是轻拍
02:53 Lan wings: 01:27:697 (1,2,3,4,1) -
02:53 Scorpiour: 三连的结构下,第一拍是重拍,二三拍是轻拍
02:53 Lan wings: 那我這裡呢
02:53 Scorpiour: 注意两个轻拍是平等的
02:53 Scorpiour: 00:45:451 (1,2) - 那这里来说
02:53 Scorpiour: (1)的头是重拍(三连起点)
02:53 Scorpiour: (1)的尾巴和(2)是轻拍
02:54 Scorpiour: 所以在拍子的平衡上,1的尾巴和2应该是“平等的/相同的”
02:54 Lan wings: 像後面那樣輕拍用slider應該沒問題吧
02:54 Scorpiour: 但是一个slider尾和一个note在打击感上明显是不同的
02:54 Scorpiour: 后面我还没仔细看,但如果是slider应该没问题
02:54 Scorpiour: 这里我的建议是去掉2和4
02:54 Scorpiour: 1和3保持现在为止直接拉折返
02:55 Lan wings: 按照你的說法
02:55 Scorpiour: 恩?
02:55 Lan wings: 折返的感覺跟slider尾巴的感覺也不同啊
02:55 Scorpiour: 首先,这2个没有打击点,所以相对而言都是轻的
02:55 Scorpiour: 再这,考虑一下音乐
02:56 Scorpiour: 音乐是 1-2-1 7-1-7
02:56 Scorpiour: 折返点是个高音
02:56 Scorpiour: 相对而言折返点也比slider尾要稍微重一点
02:56 Lan wings: 那這麼說我按照我後面的下法
02:56 Scorpiour: 后面哪里?
02:56 Lan wings: 01:27:697 (1,2,3,4,1) -
02:56 Lan wings: 按照你的說法這裡是可行的咯?
02:57 Scorpiour: 01:27:915 (2) - 这里
02:57 Scorpiour: 2是slider头依然用了打击点
02:57 Scorpiour: 所以依然不好
02:58 Lan wings: 感覺沒救
02:58 Lan wings: 前面的可以改
02:58 Lan wings: 後面這個我不會改
02:58 Scorpiour: 唔……行吧
02:58 Scorpiour: 如果要是NTR的话估计2个都会让你改了
02:59 Lan wings: 後面還有一個
02:59 Scorpiour: w anyway,至少你应该知道这个东西
02:59 Lan wings: 不過BPM關係我沒放1/3了
02:59 Scorpiour: 恩。。
02:59 Lan wings: 02:50:940 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) -
02:59 Scorpiour:
03:00 Lan wings: 後面這裡雖然你說的是沒錯
03:00 Scorpiour:
03:00 Lan wings: 01:27:697 (1,3,1) -
03:00 Lan wings: 這裡3個是鋼琴音
03:00 Lan wings: 01:27:915 (2,4) - 這裡兩個是小提琴音
03:00 Scorpiour: 恩
03:00 Scorpiour: 你没有注意到么
03:00 Scorpiour: 小提琴加了装饰音
03:00 Scorpiour: 在(1)这里小提琴的重音
03:01 Scorpiour: 也就是说,钢琴强化了重音,而小提琴同时描述了重音和轻音
03:01 Scorpiour: 大概能明白这个思路么……(作曲上的)
03:01 Lan wings: 唔
03:01 Lan wings: 聽是聽出來了
03:01 Scorpiour: 钢琴和小提琴在不同的音轨上交叉演奏主旋
03:02 Scorpiour: 当钢琴演奏的时候,小提琴的伴奏是基于重音走的
03:02 Lan wings: 不過鋼琴的確是只有1 3 1
03:02 Scorpiour: 反之亦然
03:02 Scorpiour: 对
03:02 Scorpiour: 这就看你是要跟主旋还是跟音轨了
03:02 Lan wings: 我這是混合音軌
03:02 Scorpiour: 混音轨一般就是跟主旋安乐
03:02 Scorpiour: 主旋了*
03:02 Lan wings: 唔
03:02 Scorpiour: 那么就一定要弄清楚谁是主旋
03:02 Lan wings: 我這裡的感覺是
03:03 Lan wings: 鋼琴的時候是按下去的感覺
03:03 Scorpiour: 是
03:03 Lan wings: 小提琴是拉的感覺
03:03 Scorpiour: 因为钢琴是重音
03:03 Lan wings: 所以後面是slider拉的
03:03 Scorpiour: 小提琴那3个音是一拉到底:>
03:03 Scorpiour: 唔……
03:03 Scorpiour: 也不完全是
03:03 Lan wings: 有點停頓的
03:03 Scorpiour: 应该是说 1-2-1 <--小提琴虽然是长音但是每次变音都要换弦
03:04 Scorpiour: 我虽然自己不会拉小提琴但是还是知道这里如果现场演奏的话应该是怎么个样子
03:04 Lan wings: 雖然都是一直拉個不停
03:04 Scorpiour: 比如00:10:626 (1) - 这里是推弦
03:04 Scorpiour: 00:11:530 (1) - 这里拉
03:05 Scorpiour: 00:12:559 - 这里是拉到底向上推
03:05 Scorpiour: 00:12:716 (1) - 拉
03:05 Scorpiour: 推
03:05 Scorpiour: 大概你应该能听出推弦和拉弦的不同……
03:05 Lan wings: 00:46:559 (3,1) -
03:05 Scorpiour: 向上推的时候声音更委婉
03:05 Lan wings: 但是我很不想不要這個梗
03:06 Scorpiour: 唔……
03:06 Scorpiour: 不想要是……指什么?
03:06 Lan wings: 不想不要
03:06 Lan wings: 雙重啊
03:06 Scorpiour: (1)这个slider很好啊
03:06 Lan wings: 00:46:559 (3) -
03:07 Lan wings: 3跟1的銜接
03:07 Scorpiour: 00:45:451 (1,2) - 试试全做成note
03:07 Scorpiour: 钢琴这里弹了6个音妥妥的
03:07 Lan wings: 我這裡的話
03:07 Scorpiour: 你放6个note也是可以的
03:07 Lan wings: 原來做的時候是因為突然改變1/3
03:07 Lan wings: 所以開頭是slider
03:07 Scorpiour: 恩。
03:08 Lan wings: 然後後面既然一樣了
03:08 Scorpiour: 唔
03:08 Lan wings: 所以就複製了一樣的節奏
03:08 Lan wings: 所以就變成slider circle slider circle
03:08 Scorpiour: 恩我明白
03:08 Scorpiour: 00:45:451 (1,2) - 这一组不行你就试试做成6个note我觉得也不错
03:08 Lan wings: 唔
03:08 Lan wings: 如果能夠在排列上能夠讓人看出節奏有變化倒是可以
03:09 Scorpiour: 嗯…………
03:10 Lan wings:
03:10 Lan wings: 純circle就這樣了
03:11 Lan wings: 大概是1.2的間距
03:13 Scorpiour:
03:13 Scorpiour: 看看这个?
03:14 Scorpiour: 或者
03:14 Lan wings: .
03:14 Lan wings: 我剛想說你前面那張圖slider的位置
03:14 Scorpiour: 后面这个我自己很肯恩工作成这样
03:14 Scorpiour: 后面这个
03:14 Lan wings: 然後我就想的slider拉的方向就跟你後面的一樣了
03:14 Scorpiour: :>
03:14 Scorpiour: 间距2.6
03:14 Scorpiour: note的间距是1/3下的2.6x
03:15 Lan wings: 00:45:451 (1) -
03:15 Lan wings: 這裡位置沒變吧
03:15 Scorpiour: 位置不变
03:15 Scorpiour: 要不然我直接给你代码?
03:15 Scorpiour: 不过slider长度可能要修正一下……
03:15 Scorpiour: 后面有红线……
03:16 Scorpiour: QQ发你代码了,Slider长度的你对一下之前的然后手动微调吧
03:16 Lan wings: 沒事吧
03:17 Lan wings: slider長度中間沒紅線
03:17 Scorpiour: 哦那就好
03:17 Lan wings: 你想多了:3
03:17 Scorpiour: 那么我们继续往下?
03:17 Scorpiour: 嘛小心使得万年船w我昨天刚自己又玩了个unrank
03:18 Lan wings: 奇怪
03:18 Lan wings: 等等
03:18 Scorpiour: 嗯?
03:18 Lan wings: 我這slider咋變短了..
03:18 Lan wings: 還是我想多了
03:18 Scorpiour: 你时间轴
03:18 Scorpiour: 看你时间轴的位置…………
03:18 Lan wings: 估計是我比原來拉彎了
03:19 Scorpiour: 直接copy我的代码吧w
03:19 Scorpiour: 话说这梗还真有咱个人风格呢Drive my life里用的就是这梗orz
03:19 Lan wings: 我感覺需要換成0.75
03:19 Scorpiour: 什么0.75?
03:20 Scorpiour: 我觉得现在挺好的…………
03:20 Lan wings: 只是感覺
03:20 Scorpiour: 顺便你之前那个直线的排版
03:20 Lan wings: 00:48:540 (2,3,1) -
03:20 Lan wings: 後面要重新擺了
03:20 Scorpiour: 要是我的话,2组会做成同一个方向
03:20 Scorpiour: 00:48:540 (2) - ?
03:21 Scorpiour: 这个不用动
03:21 Scorpiour: 我觉得这位置没问题
03:21 Lan wings: 我test下先
03:21 Scorpiour:
03:21 Scorpiour: 2正好和Slider首尾在同一条线上
03:21 Lan wings: 不行 這位置得改
03:21 Scorpiour: slider拉完之后跳回去
03:22 Lan wings: 移動起來不舒服
03:22 Lan wings: 我需要把他往右邊拉一點
03:22 Scorpiour: 恩右面可以
03:22 Scorpiour: 368:64之类的地方么……
03:23 Scorpiour: 可以
03:23 Lan wings: 00:49:532 (1) -
03:23 Lan wings: 這裡我倒是想還個梗
03:23 Lan wings: 或者換個slider拉法?
03:24 Scorpiour: 加红点?
03:24 Scorpiour: 00:48:540 (2,3) - 你先把新的坐标给我
03:24 Scorpiour: 我试试帮你拉那个slider
03:24 Lan wings: 這裡的話
03:24 Lan wings: 我想做成類似NTR的mani什麽的那圖里的那種感覺
03:24 Lan wings: para什麽的那首
03:25 *Lan wings is editing [ paraoka - Manima ni (Short Ver.) [Rin]]
03:26 Scorpiour: 类似这种?
03:26 Lan wings: 稍微厚一點
03:26 Lan wings: 我記得在左上角的
03:26 Scorpiour: 恩
03:26 Scorpiour: 这个你自己应该可以做www
03:26 Lan wings: 好像是一樣的
03:26 Lan wings: 我試過
03:27 Scorpiour: 调整红点位置就好
03:27 Lan wings: 拉出來沒有這種感覺
03:27 Scorpiour: 我也做不太好这种
03:27 Lan wings: 我是指音樂跟這裡的感覺有點相似
03:27 Scorpiour: 我明白
03:27 Lan wings: 但是slider拉出來就算是一樣的感覺也不同
03:28 Scorpiour: 我自己更有可能做成这样的
03:28 Lan wings: 如果你覺得沒啥問題我就不改了
03:28 Scorpiour: 我觉得没啥问题
03:28 Lan wings: ok
03:28 Lan wings: 那就繼續吧
03:29 Scorpiour: 这图我最主要的问题就是那个三连
03:29 Lan wings: 唔 你繼續吧
03:29 Scorpiour: 01:18:180 (1,2,3) - 这里突然反向有一点挡手……感觉还没到高潮段的跳……
03:29 Lan wings: 如果找完我還有些地方要問
03:29 Scorpiour: 恩
03:30 Lan wings: 這裡差不多開始難度逐步提高了
03:30 Scorpiour: 01:26:859 (1) - 这里建议note
03:31 Scorpiour: 这么清脆的装饰音用slider带过去有点不值
03:31 Lan wings: 話說
03:31 Scorpiour: 恩?
03:31 Lan wings: 我突然想起來以前這裡的一個梗
03:31 Lan wings: 我現在再試試
03:31 Lan wings: 說不定就有感覺了
03:31 Scorpiour: 恩好
03:31 Scorpiour: 那你弄我继续往后
03:31 Lan wings: 01:26:121 (1,2,3,4) -
03:31 Lan wings: 跟這裡一樣
03:31 Lan wings: 我看看把slider縮短點
03:31 Scorpiour: 恩好
03:31 Lan wings: 後面跟前面一樣
03:32 Lan wings: 我原來是想做個重複的梗的
03:32 Scorpiour: 然后就是三连……如果可以的话还是希望你能做成6个note lol
03:33 Lan wings: 這裡還是不改了
03:33 Scorpiour: 我试着给个建议把你稍微考虑下
03:34 Scorpiour: 01:27:697 (1,3) - 位置不变
03:34 Lan wings: circle在白線上
03:34 Lan wings: 剩下的音在slider上
03:34 Lan wings: 01:27:697 (1,3,1) - 這裡是做成anti jump的感覺
03:35 Lan wings: 因為這裡鋼琴音適合anti jump
03:35 Scorpiour: 恩
03:35 Scorpiour: 我没有说不做antijump...
03:35 Lan wings: 嗯 我知道啊
03:35 Scorpiour:
03:35 Scorpiour: 稍微考虑下,我直接过ile
03:35 Scorpiour: 直接过了
03:35 Lan wings: 你想改後面slider的位置?
03:36 Lan wings: 唔 就是說後面沒有了?
03:36 Lan wings: 那我先扔個點出來
03:36 Lan wings: 01:03:288 (3) -
03:36 Lan wings: 這裡
03:36 Lan wings: 2到3
03:37 Scorpiour: 01:44:035 (1,2,3) -
03:37 Scorpiour: 这里怎么了
03:38 Lan wings: 這裡ctrl+g會不會不太好
03:38 Scorpiour: 01:03:288 (3,4) - 要是我会把这2个做在一起
03:38 Scorpiour: 01:03:288 (3) - 拆成2个note
03:38 Lan wings: 01:03:992 (4) - 而且3到4的flow好像也不太對
03:38 Scorpiour: 这样就顺了
03:38 Scorpiour: 节奏上
03:39 Scorpiour: 01:03:636 - 这里钢琴的重音也能有note强化一下
03:39 Lan wings:
03:39 Lan wings: 我複製前面了
03:40 Scorpiour: 也可以
03:40 Lan wings: 看一下QQ
03:40 Lan wings: 還是依然做不出那種感覺
03:40 Scorpiour: 01:44:035 (1,2,3) - 我唯一不满意的就是这个突然反向
03:40 Scorpiour: 太别扭了太别扭了……
03:40 Scorpiour: 绝对初见杀……
03:40 Scorpiour: 不初见也各种死根本反应不过来……
03:40 Lan wings: 不初見打起來沒問題
03:41 Scorpiour: 问题就是初见杀啊……
03:42 Scorpiour: 读图难度太大了
03:42 Scorpiour: 就算加了nc依然看不清楚
03:42 Scorpiour: 我这在editor里都仔细看了半天才确认…………
03:42 Lan wings: 這裡是個路人梗
03:42 Lan wings: 但是感覺打起來很爽 就保留了
03:43 Scorpiour: 你可以保留……但我保证这梗以后你会觉得自己当初怎么就放了这么个2梗
03:43 Lan wings: 不不不
03:43 Lan wings: 我一直覺得這梗很2
03:43 Lan wings: 但是我就喜歡2的噗
03:43 Scorpiour: 02:02:556 (5,6) - 这两个也是,原地旋转180度
03:44 Lan wings: 而且模糊聽起來這個排列還是有理可循的
03:44 Scorpiour: 那里你要做成正-反-正的跳也可以
03:44 Lan wings: 至於認真聽起來我就不好說了
03:44 Scorpiour: 现在是正-正-反…………
03:45 Lan wings: 01:41:728 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
03:46 Lan wings: 我主要還是覺得這裡難打
03:46 Lan wings: 後面那個三角不算難
03:46 Scorpiour: 这里我都懒的吐槽了……
03:46 Scorpiour: 你自己要毁曲什么的我也没办法
03:47 Lan wings: 這地方我改過很多次
03:47 Lan wings: 你以前玩過應該記得原來大概什麽樣子來著
03:48 Scorpiour: 我这里直接挂
03:49 Lan wings: 誒
03:49 Lan wings: 發現這樣順手多了
03:49 Scorpiour: 02:02:556 (5,6) - 这2个,原地旋转180度
03:49 Scorpiour: for flow.。不多解释……自己决定。。
03:50 Lan wings: ..
03:50 Lan wings: 那我得把後面的也一起旋轉
03:51 Scorpiour: 所以说自己决定…………
03:51 Scorpiour: 这diff我没别的问题了…………
03:52 Lan wings: 01:26:755 (1,2,3,4) -
03:52 Lan wings: 來說說這
03:52 Lan wings: 我拉到右邊後續你看看咋改
03:52 Lan wings: 我先update下你直接更新看看
03:53 Scorpiour: 把代码给我……
03:53 Scorpiour: 之类的
03:53 Lan wings: 我更新了
03:53 Lan wings: 0.0
03:54 Scorpiour: 你还要anti-jump么……
03:54 Lan wings: ?
03:54 Lan wings: 我那個忘了看了
03:54 Lan wings: 你截圖看看
03:54 Lan wings: 不用了
03:54 Lan wings: 我翻上去找
03:54 Scorpiour:
03:54 Scorpiour: 这是你现在的
03:55 Lan wings:
03:55 Lan wings: 你這個我忘了看了
03:55 Lan wings: 顧著改前面了
03:55 Scorpiour: 但是你这么改的话这里就不能这么放了
03:55 Lan wings: 嗯
03:55 Lan wings: 所以問下你看看怎麼擺
03:56 Lan wings: 01:27:697 (1,3,1) - 這裡3個保留anti jump就可以
03:59 Scorpiour: 在想
04:01 Lan wings: 01:41:728 (4) -
04:01 Lan wings: 我把這個改slider了
04:01 Lan wings: 應該沒問題吧
04:04 Scorpiour:
04:04 Scorpiour: 这个随意啦
04:05 Lan wings: 這個改slider后能輕鬆FC了
04:05 Scorpiour: < <
04:05 Lan wings: 唔 是輕鬆FC這一段
04:05 Scorpiour: > >
04:05 Lan wings: 後面總會路人斷
04:05 Scorpiour: 看下我的图
04:05 Scorpiour: 你说的那个
04:06 Lan wings: 感覺不太對的樣子
04:06 Scorpiour: 啊我要死了……
04:06 Lan wings: 我看看試著自己擺一個你看看好了
04:06 Scorpiour: 凌晨4点了……
04:06 Scorpiour: 恩
04:06 Lan wings: 你繼續其他難度
04:12 Scorpiour: Hard我没什么问题
04:12 Lan wings: 02:34:267 (1,2,3) -
04:12 Lan wings: Lan
04:12 Lan wings: 看看這
04:13 Scorpiour: 这里怎么了……
04:13 Lan wings: 感覺擺的不好看
04:13 Lan wings: 咦 你沒感覺么
04:13 Scorpiour: 02:34:293 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 如果你觉得不好看就从这里开始全部做成带一次折返的kick slider
04:15 Lan wings: 你這鏈接鏈哪的
04:16 Lan wings: 時間點不對 知道是哪了
04:16 Lan wings: 還是不改了
04:16 Scorpiour:
04:16 Scorpiour: 要是我的话这里节奏会这么做
04:17 Scorpiour: 都是1/3
04:22 Scorpiour: 就这样吧,更新
04:23 Scorpiour: 另外2个diff没什么明显槽点
04:23 Lan wings: 我改改unsnap
04:23 Scorpiour: 恩
04:23 Lan wings: 那串1/6複製過來沒unsnap
04:23 Lan wings: 沒snap好*
04:24 Scorpiour: 弄完了叫我
04:24 Lan wings: 更新完畢
04:25 Scorpiour: 恩
04:27 Lan wings: 液
04:27 Lan wings: 隨手打
- nothing. really nice song along with a nice map

01:00:781 (3) - this slider doesn't feel in rhythm with the rest of the map due to it not starting on the heavy beat and being relatively long. i would consider doing something like this, where (3) is at 01:00:781 and the next slider comes one beat after. this follows the rhythm in a much better way while feeling nice to play and keeping the interesting slider shape.
01:38:562 (3,1) - this overlap looks really weird. it shouldn't be hard to adjust the curve of 01:40:862 (1) to not overlap

- add +1 to the OD. OD 4 is too low, even if the timing is very tricky.
00:32:442 (3,1) - due to the spacing, it's easy to mistake these for being 1/2 closer and getting 100 on it. it would be a good idea to stack (1) under the end of (3) or space them out farther.
01:10:781 (5) - the shape of this slider doesn't look very nice. making one of the nodes a normal white one would look much better
02:19:882 (3,1) - same as my first suggestion

00:32:089 (3,4) - this doesn't flow very well and feels awkward to play. turning it into one repeat slider would be a lot better.
00:57:875 (1) - why does this slider have different spacing from the rest of the stream? looks weird.
01:26:443 (4,1) - this jump is really, really silly. it's almost completely unreadable due to the combination of the AR and the pattern itself. to make this more readable, make the jump smaller, like this.

really good. you should call me back for a recheck when you're ready :oops:
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Jacob wrote:

- nothing. really nice song along with a nice map

01:00:781 (3) - this slider doesn't feel in rhythm with the rest of the map due to it not starting on the heavy beat and being relatively long. i would consider doing something like this, where (3) is at 01:00:781 and the next slider comes one beat after. this follows the rhythm in a much better way while feeling nice to play and keeping the interesting slider shape.Fixed
01:38:562 (3,1) - this overlap looks really weird. it shouldn't be hard to adjust the curve of 01:40:862 (1) to not overlapI can't find a better pattern

- add +1 to the OD. OD 4 is too low, even if the timing is very tricky.All diff AR-3
00:32:442 (3,1) - due to the spacing, it's easy to mistake these for being 1/2 closer and getting 100 on it. it would be a good idea to stack (1) under the end of (3) or space them out farther.Fixed
01:10:781 (5) - the shape of this slider doesn't look very nice. making one of the nodes a normal white one would look much betterFixed
02:19:882 (3,1) - same as my first suggestionFixed

00:32:089 (3,4) - this doesn't flow very well and feels awkward to play. turning it into one repeat slider would be a lot better.Fixed
00:57:875 (1) - why does this slider have different spacing from the rest of the stream? looks change
01:26:443 (4,1) - this jump is really, really silly. it's almost completely unreadable due to the combination of the AR and the pattern itself. to make this more readable, make the jump smaller, like this. sry i don't like this. no change

really good. you should call me back for a recheck when you're ready :oops:
this map is really nice and the timing is wonderful.

Topic Starter
Lan wings

Jacob wrote:

this map is really nice and the timing is wonderful.

I think I can die happily after playing this map with this timing lol

awesome timing (to Charles) and map

star ~~
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Frostmourne wrote:

I think I can die happily after playing this map with this timing lol

awesome timing (to Charles) and map

star ~~
wow, grats!
Topic Starter
Lan wings
holyshit finally
Topic Starter
Lan wings

angelfix wrote:


Grats on rank :D finally
This is the best map. period
Congratulations for You rank o3o
Waiting more and more song :3

Wow, this is really something different. I love how you made it possible to have a decent accuracy even though there is no drums in it, and I love how Len changes speed and difficulty towards the end
this map, this timing, this song, this skin, everything is just so beautiful <3
Pro mapper!
grats :)
gratz!!!!!! :) :) :)
恭喜rank :)
grats :D
absolutely beautiful.

Athena Tennos
好多紅線/ \!~
This is totally awesome

Really good job, and congrats!
285 Kudos for Charles445!
Sister Jude
Diff name [Lan] is slang (in turkish) :D
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Sniqht wrote:

Diff name [Lan] is slang (in turkish) :D
best map ever
Topic Starter
Lan wings

fartownik wrote:

best map ever
your GD with DT is perfect>.<!!
i like it~
我才意识到rank了 charles辛苦了._.
do u know which cd contents this song?
Topic Starter
Lan wings

precipitation wrote:

do u know which cd contents this song?
Wendy Iluvatar
Thanks a lot for you guys who have made so much effort into this map. As a middleisland fan I feel LUCKYYYY to enjoy such an exquisite piece of work. Congrats and thanks to YOU agian~
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Wendy Iluvatar wrote:

Thanks a lot for you guys who have made so much effort into this map. As a middleisland fan I feel LUCKYYYY to enjoy such an exquisite piece of work. Congrats and thanks to YOU agian~
Topic Starter
Lan wings

Akai Kyoko wrote:


Lan wings wrote:

Akai Kyoko wrote:

이런 미친 패턴 시밬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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