
Yo, how is it going?

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Hey. I am a 16 year old Filipino and am pretty new and just wanted to say hi to the people on the forums. Before now, the last time I played was 2 years ago. I wasn't very good and struggled with normal difficulty songs back then. I was told that i should start playing osu again after a random person (isokasapupuja) randomly mentioned it in some other multiplayer game. Im glad that I decided to take his advice because I am really enjoying this game again. I also happen to have acquired a pen tablet for other purposes in the two years that I didn't play but I still sometimes use a mouse.

There are a couple issues, though. I also have some issues with my pinky and a small spot on my shoulder/neck area cramping up. Any way to alleviate cramps? Recommendations to some noob?
Welcome to the forums :D

Kittenphile wrote:

There are a couple issues, though. I also have some issues with my pinky and a small spot on my shoulder/neck area cramping up. Any way to alleviate cramps? Recommendations to some noob?
Hello! Welcome to the forums!
About your issues, usually those come forth when you play for too long without pauses so i would enjoy some pauses, i mean if you're filipino you should easily be able to enjoy the sun for 5 minutes laying in the grass just chilling or something xD, no but really like - pauses are kind of necessary in my experience hehe
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Thanks for the nice replies! The thing is, I live in Washington State and we get no sun here. Well we do but only on occasion. I appreciate the advice. Anyone else? How should progress be by two weeks?
Welcome to the forums Kittenphile!
Enjoy your stay here.

Take a break every hour.
You can also play in Catch the Beat after some rounds in the standard osu! mode.
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