
FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (TV Size)

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00:21:121 (x) - Suggest adding a note here because I hear a rather strong drum beat in the background, so I think it would be necessary

00:39:848 (2) - Suggest moving to (176,96) to make a triangular pattern

00:42:030 (5) - If you follow above, stack this on top of 00:39:848 (2) -

00:47:121 (3) - Move slightly lower to (256,8) so that it wont be so off-screen to the top

01:15:121 (1) - Suggest to NC this so that the pentagon pattern is more clear in a different color


00:14:393 (1) - suggest adding a finish at the start of the slider to signify a strong note

01:15:121 (2) - Move slightly up to (256,224) to avoid the minor overlap with 01:13:666 (4) - as it hasnt completely disappeared yet


00:33:848 (3) - is the whistle for the whole slider intentional? Sounds a bit weird in my opinion

01:08:212 (1) - Pattern might be better if this was the same shape as 01:08:939 (2) - , except Ctrl + J (in the same location)

01:24:212 (3,4) - To me, the jump between these notes is quite large, even for Hard.

Here's just another solution I could suggest, but you dont have to follow.

1. Move both (4 and 5) to (192,160) so that they're stacked
2. Keep 01:24:939 (6) - in the same location but only Ctrl + G
3. Keep 01:25:666 (7) - stacked on the tail of (6)

Step 1:

Step 2 and 3:


00:38:939 (8) - Might be a bit confusing to stack it on the tail at a 1/2 note interval. Suggest moving to (444,108) to make a big triangle jump

01:23:484 (3,4) - Think the order of notes would flow better if these two were swapped

Hope I helped

ritsu-tanaika wrote:


00:21:121 (x) - Suggest adding a note here because I hear a rather strong drum beat in the background, so I think it would be necessary

Kind of breaks the general pace of that part if I add another note.

00:39:848 (2) - Suggest moving to (176,96) to make a triangular pattern

I made it more curved instead. Flows better.

00:47:121 (3) - Move slightly lower to (256,8) so that it wont be so off-screen to the top

It's not off-screen though...

01:15:121 (1) - Suggest to NC this so that the pentagon pattern is more clear in a different color

That breaks my new combo rhythm. I keep it with the musical grouping (every two measuresish).


osu file format v12

AudioFilename: FictionJunction - Parallel Hearts (TV Size).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 1000
PreviewTime: 59025
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 8

Title:Parallel Hearts (TV Size)
TitleUnicode:Parallel Hearts (TV Size)
Version:Garven's Easy
Source:Pandora Hearts
Tags:xebec square nix opening alice break xerxes nightray gilbert rainsworth sharon garven verdisphena


//Background and Video events
0,0,"BG Easy.jpg",0,0
Video,0,"Pandora Hearts OP.avi"
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 234,234,234
Combo2 : 255,154,53
Combo3 : 255,255,98

00:14:393 - finish
00:17:303 (1) - ^
00:20:212 - ^
00:23:121 (1) - ^
00:34:030 (2) - whistle
00:37:666 (3) - last node ->x368 y264

01:00:939 - whistle
01:12:575 (2) - ^
01:15:484 (3) - ^

01:23:484 (1,2) - and 01:24:212 (3,4) - seem same DS, i think it's hard to read here ._."

Good map ><~
and star><~
hope helpful
I will lost powerin half of hour. mod will come tomorrow. hope it's okay=L=
Topic Starter

kamisamaaa wrote:

I will lost powerin half of hour. mod will come tomorrow. hope it's okay=L=
It's fine unless someone steal you the slot on my queue :p

ritsu-tanaika wrote:


00:14:393 (1) - suggest adding a finish at the start of the slider to signify a strong note I can hear guitars only here, finish fits better with cymbals only imo.

01:15:121 (2) - Move slightly up to (256,224) to avoid the minor overlap with 01:13:666 (4) - as it hasnt completely disappeared yet Hmm this is not a big issue, also that's note is 1,5 seconds behind, so this won't be confusing or something.


00:38:939 (8) - Might be a bit confusing to stack it on the tail at a 1/2 note interval. Suggest moving to (444,108) to make a big triangle jump If I do that spacing will be a bit confusing, because it's like minimal spacing, a big one and then a minimal one again, like that seems a bit ugly.

01:23:484 (3,4) - Think the order of notes would flow better if these two were swapped Flows the same.

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

00:14:393 - finish Answered this on the previous mod.
00:17:303 (1) - ^ Same here.
00:20:212 - ^ ^
00:23:121 (1) - ^ ^
00:34:030 (2) - whistle I can't hear anything that worth adding a Whistle here.
00:37:666 (3) - last node ->x368 y264 No lol, you are ruining it like that.

01:00:939 - whistle Ohh forgot this one, added.
01:12:575 (2) - ^ ^
01:15:484 (3) - ^ Not here, wouldn't be following anything.
Thanks a lot for modding guys ^^, so bad I almost didn't change anything, so maybe it's time for me to get a BAT.
Here for an M4M with any luck.

I kinda like my hitsounds, here's a list of changes I think you should make.
00:35:303 (2) - Add whistle.
00:43:484 (4) - Add whistle.
00:44:212 (7) - Add whistle start of slider, drum clap at the end. The song is building up again so a short tom fill helps push it nicely.
00:46:757 (3) - Add clap at start, add drum clap at end.
00:46:757 (3) - Changing these to auto claps fits the drum fill here better.
00:58:757 (1,2) - Drum claps.
00:58:939 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Auto claps, also consider turning the volume down of that fill to about 50% if you make those changes too.
01:24:939 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Same as above.

00:22:030 (3,4) - The jump feels odd seeing as the violin maintains the same pitch. Perhaps stack the (4) on 00:23:121 (1) - and then stack the other parts of the triangles on the other sliders they end up near?

Rest of the map seems fine.

Same as above, hitsounds first.
00:01:303 (2) - Remove the drum hitsound at the end of the slider, the taps you get from them feel unnatural considering the acousticyness of the song at this point in time.
00:02:757 (2) - Same as above and so on with the other sliders like this.
00:15:484 (3) - Change to a normal hitsound to give a snare.
00:20:575 (2) - ^
00:22:030 (5) - ^
00:21:484 (4) - Normal/drum cymbal like 00:14:939 (2) -
00:23:121 (1) - Normal snare at end of slider.
00:58:757 (4) - Drum finishes for the first 2 and the end, fill rest with the normal snare thing.
01:04:212 (2) - Normal clap, highlighting every other snare is fine, I would just try to be consistent at least throughout this passage.
01:07:121 (5) - ^
01:08:212 (1) - ^ at end of slider.
01:09:666 (3) - Remove the cymbal and add normal snare at the end.
01:10:393 (4) - Consider changing the cymbals to snares as above.
01:11:121 (1) - The claps and whistles are a little all over the place and mostly on the weaker beats right now for the whole of the kiai. Just either have the claps follow the snare drum more closely or get rid of the claps and whistles completely.

00:19:121 (3,4,1,2,3) - Whilst I probably went super derp, even I managed to fail at this pattern. The different speeds of both these stacks make it confusing and I would go for unstacking the last three circles here.
00:23:666 (2,3,4,5,6) - Not a huge fan of the stack but nothing particularly wrong, just voicing opinion. :/
01:01:484 (5,6) - I would ctrl-g (6), doesn't feel as if there should be a jump here.
01:24:212 (3,4,5) - Monster jump yet all the the emphasis in your hitsounds is put on (5), I'd make (4)-(5) jumpy and distance snap (3)-(4).

Hitsounds, you know the drill.
00:13:303 (1) - Add whistle to the end of the slider, much like you did in the insane.
00:17:666 (2) - Add clap.
00:18:939 (4) - I'd remove the cymbal from the end of this, add claps either end too.
00:20:212 (1) - Then add the cymbal here instead of the whistle, add clap at the end.
00:21:848 (4) - Add clap in middle.
00:24:212 (2) - Change to drum clap.
00:35:848 (5) - Claps feel out of place considering you are not able to sound any of the other off beat snares in this section.
00:46:393 (3) - Possibility to add a clap for the slider tick in here.
00:47:121 (4) - Change middle and end to auto clap.
00:58:757 (4,5) - An auto clap followed by a drum clap would make a nice fill here.
01:24:939 (1,2) - Drum clap followed by auto for this one.

00:23:121 (1,2) - Misses a note on the red beat. A solution like this would solve it fairly nicely.

Don't really notice any other issues, nicely done diff you've done there. :)

A quick look on the aimod is still giving some circles which are not distance snapped, mostly seem to be osu just derping a bit but just get it checked.

Hitsounds seem fine, all good there.

00:35:484 (3,4,5,1) - The pattern here definitely feels a bit too compact for an easy mode. It needs to always be clear what the next circle will be, and it won't be to a new player. I suggest to move the (3) near to about 240,48 ish and descend to the slider from there.
01:03:848 (3,4,5,6,1) - 01:03:848 (3,4,5,6,1) - This is a long run, I suggest to make some of them into sliders.
01:09:666 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:15:121 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same once again, the sudden changes in direction also feel too hard for an easy as a side note.
01:25:666 (2) - A spinner here wouldn't go amiss.

I think I'm done, gl with the rest of the process. ^^

spaminabox wrote:

[Easy]A quick look on the aimod is still giving some circles which are not distance snapped, mostly seem to be osu just derping a bit but just get it checked.

I broke distance snap on purpose several times. If you didn't notice them while playing, then I guess they fit well. q:

Hitsounds seem fine, all good there.

Wow, that's rare. Usually people hate my hitsounding, haha.

00:35:484 (3,4,5,1) - The pattern here definitely feels a bit too compact for an easy mode. It needs to always be clear what the next circle will be, and it won't be to a new player. I suggest to move the (3) near to about 240,48 ish and descend to the slider from there.

I see what you're getting at, but I don't see this triangle pattern as being particularly high in terms of difficulty spike.

01:03:848 (3,4,5,6,1) - 01:03:848 (3,4,5,6,1) - This is a long run, I suggest to make some of them into sliders.
01:09:666 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:15:121 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same once again, the sudden changes in direction also feel too hard for an easy as a side note.

Sliders would take away too much. Also it's the kiai section, so the difficulty is expected to raise a bit.

01:25:666 (2) - A spinner here wouldn't go amiss.

No end spinner, sorry. Would feel just as forced as the fadeout.

Garven wrote:

spaminabox wrote:

Hitsounds seem fine, all good there.

Wow, that's rare. Usually people hate my hitsounding, haha.
Well it's not as if much can go wrong... >.< So long as it's consistent with the music I'm happy. ^^
mod for M4M, but come late and have no slot T.T
so..this become a normal mod ;)

00:02:393 (3,4) - change these two to a slider feel better. because 'na~ 'continue from 00:02:393 to 00:02:575. this voice is a group. a slider really nice imo.
00:13:848 (4) - make something like this(01) stack to the 1's tail. flow will also look better
00:16:030 (2,3) - ctrl+G? because 2 is stronger than 3. a jump between 1 2 feel better than jump between 2 3 imo.
00:19:121 (2) - stack this on 00:17:666 (2) - ? because of a strong beat on 00:19:303 (3) - and you add a finish. a huge jump really nice to me
00:20:212 (1) - ctrl+G or do some other? 1.01X is toooooo close
00:21:303 (4,1,2,3) - a little strange when I testplay. but I dont know how to change them
00:22:030 (3,4) - a normal distance is okay here. 2.17X is a little far.because 00:22:393 (4) - just has a weak beat.
00:29:303 (4) - move to 166|151 feel better in flow imo
00:35:484 (3) - why make a reserve flow here? a line flow is more suit here
00:38:030 (4,5) - ctrl+G on these two and also ctrl+G to this 00:38:393 (6) - . because I think a jump between 00:38:393 (6,7) - is better.
00:40:212 (4,1) - also suggest to make a jump
00:44:030 (6,7) - same above
00:49:303 (1) - stack this to 00:48:393 (3) - ?
00:52:212 (2,3,4) - strange flow here...maybe change 00:52:575 (4) - into some other shape?
01:12:212 (5) - ctrl+G? just my feeling.. have no reason haha

00:29:666 (5,1) - begin these sliders at 00:29:484 and end 1 at 00:30:393
00:38:212 (4) - change this into a slider? because a strong beat at 00:38:393 not 00:38:212
01:00:575 (3) - also suggest to change to a slider. because 'na~ 'continue to 01:00:757. this voice is a group. a slider really nice imo.
01:12:030 (3) - maybe delete this? because the drum is really weak here
01:24:030 (2) - change this to a slider begin at 01:23:939 sound better for me

[easy and normal]
really good map and have nothing to say :D

hope this mod will help you~
good luck ;)
Topic Starter

spaminabox wrote:

I kinda like my hitsounds, here's a list of changes I think you should make.
00:35:303 (2) - Add whistle. Hmm it feels like it wouldn't be following a sound or something on the music, I'm using Whistles for a different sound here.
00:43:484 (4) - Add whistle. ^
00:44:212 (7) - Add whistle start of slider, drum clap at the end. The song is building up again so a short tom fill helps push it nicely. Saaame, I can't hear anything that worth these hitsounds here.
00:46:757 (3) - Add clap at start, add drum clap at end. Oops, forgot this one, added.
00:46:757 (3) - Changing these to auto claps fits the drum fill here better. Hmm ok.
00:58:757 (1,2) - Drum claps. What is that supposed to follow on the music? doesn't fit imo.
00:58:939 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Auto claps, also consider turning the volume down of that fill to about 50% if you make those changes too. I thought about it too but I think it would sound bad if I add all these claps so close from each other, so I guess it isn't a problem if I don't add them.
01:24:939 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Same as above. ^

00:22:030 (3,4) - The jump feels odd seeing as the violin maintains the same pitch. Perhaps stack the (4) on 00:23:121 (1) - and then stack the other parts of the triangles on the other sliders they end up near? Well I'm actually following drums since (4), since I'm following something different here it's not a problem to have a big jump between 2 notes.
Rest of the map seems fine.

Hitsounds, you know the drill.
00:13:303 (1) - Add whistle to the end of the slider, much like you did in the insane. I didn't add a Whistle here on Insane lol.
00:17:666 (2) - Add clap. Added.
00:18:939 (4) - I'd remove the cymbal from the end of this, add claps either end too. Nah, cymbal fits nicely.
00:20:212 (1) - Then add the cymbal here instead of the whistle, add clap at the end. I answered this on a previous mod, I can hear a guitar only here and a Finish will fit better with a cymbal.
00:21:848 (4) - Add clap in middle. Forgot this one as well x.x, added.
00:24:212 (2) - Change to drum clap. Yeah I'm a bit stupid lol, changed.
00:35:848 (5) - Claps feel out of place considering you are not able to sound any of the other off beat snares in this section. Uhm? this is fine.
00:46:393 (3) - Possibility to add a clap for the slider tick in here. Yeah I did but someone told me to remove it, idk why since it sounds fine, so readded.
00:47:121 (4) - Change middle and end to auto clap. Done.
00:58:757 (4,5) - An auto clap followed by a drum clap would make a nice fill here. If I don't add them on the Insane I won't do it here.
01:24:939 (1,2) - Drum clap followed by auto for this one. ^

00:23:121 (1,2) - Misses a note on the red beat. A solution like this would solve it fairly nicely. It breaks spacing consistency that way.
Thanks for modding! and by the way on Hard diff, although Verdi told me to fix the diff for him I won't change any hitsounds on it, since his hitsounds style is kinda different to mine but still I consider it fine, and I would prefer to not change anything on it.

kamisamaaa wrote:

mod for M4M, but come late and have no slot T.T
so..this become a normal mod ;) I'm sorry, but thanks a lot for modding it anyways <3

00:02:393 (3,4) - change these two to a slider feel better. because 'na~ 'continue from 00:02:393 to 00:02:575. this voice is a group. a slider really nice imo. Well her voice tone changes a bit, that's why I prefer 2 notes instead.
00:13:848 (4) - make something like this(01) stack to the 1's tail. flow will also look better I don't understand x.x
00:16:030 (2,3) - ctrl+G? because 2 is stronger than 3. a jump between 1 2 feel better than jump between 2 3 imo. Yeah, agree.
00:19:121 (2) - stack this on 00:17:666 (2) - ? because of a strong beat on 00:19:303 (3) - and you add a finish. a huge jump really nice to me Hmm no I prefer to use 1x spacing here.
00:20:212 (1) - ctrl+G or do some other? 1.01X is toooooo close Yeah but it's fine to have a little spacing sometimes xD.
00:21:303 (4,1,2,3) - a little strange when I testplay. but I dont know how to change them I won't move anything then :p
00:22:030 (3,4) - a normal distance is okay here. 2.17X is a little far.because 00:22:393 (4) - just has a weak beat. It was like that before, but flows better like I did now imo.
00:29:303 (4) - move to 166|151 feel better in flow imo That makes the pattern toooooo boring.
00:35:484 (3) - why make a reserve flow here? a line flow is more suit here Changed.
00:38:030 (4,5) - ctrl+G on these two and also ctrl+G to this 00:38:393 (6) - . because I think a jump between 00:38:393 (6,7) - is better. Flow is a bit weird like that so I prefer to keep it.
00:40:212 (4,1) - also suggest to make a jump Will keep this one as well.
00:44:030 (6,7) - same above ^
00:49:303 (1) - stack this to 00:48:393 (3) - ? ^
00:52:212 (2,3,4) - strange flow here...maybe change 00:52:575 (4) - into some other shape? Why strange? it's a square, and slider is fine imo.
01:12:212 (5) - ctrl+G? just my feeling.. have no reason haha Ruins the flow a bit.
Thank you!
Nothing to mention here, really nice one. :)

[Verdi's Hard]
00:19:848 (2,3) - I think will feel better while playing if these notes arent stacked (maybe with a dimond shape along with 00:20:212 (1) - would be nice

00:24:212 (2) - This slider was kinda weird to play, try this like you did here 00:16:757 (5,1) -
00:46:393 (3) - sliders end has a default softclap, looks like a mistake here

[Garven's Easy]
00:18:575 (1) - this new combo is bugged

Really good set guys!

Lissette wrote:

[Garven's Easy]
00:18:575 (1) - this new combo is bugged

It's intentional. o3o
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Nothing to mention here, really nice one. :) :3

00:24:212 (2) - This slider was kinda weird to play, try this like you did here 00:16:757 (5,1) - Ok.
00:46:393 (3) - sliders end has a default softclap, looks like a mistake here Oh my bad, fixed.
Thank you Liss <3, updated everything.
omg gracias bruno por hacer esto por mí
Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:

omg gracias bruno por hacer esto por mí
No fue nada, me ahorre bastante tiempo de hecho en esperar los fixes, más fácil hacerlos yo mismo. Cuando quieras echale un vistazo a tu diff, hay varias cosas cambiadas pero no son de suma importancia.
hey Bruno--m4m request :P

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.


[Garven's Easy]
00:11:484 (2) - perhaps you can go for symmetry in this by making the slider look like this? i find it more comfortable to follow for beginners than the current one during gameplay.
00:52:030 (2) - i think you can move this to the right, slightly aligning to the end of (1). same reason as above.
nothing against this easy, though the hitsounds bothered me a bit. personal preference of mine so yea it's nothing important.

00:13:303 (1) - i hear drums at the end of this slider, so add a drum clap at the end for that purpose.
00:22:575 (5) - same as above, but this time at the beginning and end.
00:24:030 - think you add a circle here just to be safe? i feel that players would mislead this part as the 1/2 slider in this combo during gameplay IMO.
01:24:939 (1) - same idea as 00:13:303. add a drum clap for emphasis in the drums in the BGM.

[Verdi's Hard]
00:19:666 (1,2,3) - same as normal. add drum claps for emphasis in the drums.

00:02:575 (4) - delete this note. you're breaking consistency with the 1/1 rhythm in this part of the song.
01:01:303 (2) - why don't you align this to the end of (1) so that the transition feels more comfortable for players during gameplay?
01:24:939 (3,4,5) - same as normal.

let me know after you look at this mod.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.

00:13:303 (1) - i hear drums at the end of this slider, so add a drum clap at the end for that purpose. Sure.
00:22:575 (5) - same as above, but this time at the beginning and end. Added the one at the beginning only, since I think the Auto one at the end fits better with these drums.
00:24:030 - think you add a circle here just to be safe? i feel that players would mislead this part as the 1/2 slider in this combo during gameplay IMO. Ok, found a way to make it look decent at least, done.
01:24:939 (1) - same idea as 00:13:303. add a drum clap for emphasis in the drums in the BGM. Ok.

00:02:575 (4) - delete this note. you're breaking consistency with the 1/1 rhythm in this part of the song. This note is here because tone of her voice changes a bit here, so I think it fits nicely.
01:01:303 (2) - why don't you align this to the end of (1) so that the transition feels more comfortable for players during gameplay? Moved a bit.
01:24:939 (3,4,5) - same as normal. Added on (3) only, it doesn't sound really good on the other ones.
Also, added these Claps on Hard diff, thanks a lot Nyaku! Waiting for Garven fixes only.

Byakugan249 wrote:

[Garven's Easy]
00:11:484 (2) - perhaps you can go for symmetry in this by making the slider look like this? i find it more comfortable to follow for beginners than the current one during gameplay.

Nah, if I was gong for symmetry, you'd know hehe.

00:52:030 (2) - i think you can move this to the right, slightly aligning to the end of (1). same reason as above.

I didn't want to have this that far to the right. It'd mess with flow too much imo.

nothing against this easy, though the hitsounds bothered me a bit. personal preference of mine so yea it's nothing important.

Haha, no worries. I find a lot of people don't like my hitsounding. q:

Topic Starter
Everything is updated then.

00:24:030 (2,3) - for this one, the flow in this feels uncomfortable to follow for players, so you can stack these notes, while at the same time, making (3) a curved slider to blanket the end of (1) like so.
00:52:939 (5,1) - would it be possible to move this down a bit to avoid a slight overlap from 00:52:212 (4) - ?

just that and i think it should be ready to go.
Topic Starter
All fixed!

and~ boop :D
Topic Starter
Thank you so much <3
ranked gogo!
LOL! Easy is Hard :P
Must be a bug or something @gokugohan12468. Easy difficulty is only 1.64 stars and Normal is 4.36 stars. Another upload could fix it. Anyways, here are a few things to point out!
  1. Your green timing sections at 00:10:759 and 00:12:941 are unsnapped. Please re-snap these timing sections by moving them by +2 ms.
  1. 01:03:484 (1) - Remome combo here. You don't really need one here.
  2. 01:05:303 (3) - If suggested above, consider adding a new combo here.
  3. 01:09:666 (1) - Also, Remove this combo as well, to keep the consistency with the vocal sections.
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

  1. Your green timing sections at 00:10:759 and 00:12:941 are unsnapped. Please re-snap these timing sections by moving them by +2 ms. Whoops, fixed.
  1. 01:03:484 (1) - Remome combo here. You don't really need one here. Hmm sure.
  2. 01:05:303 (3) - If suggested above, consider adding a new combo here. ^
  3. 01:09:666 (1) - Also, Remove this combo as well, to keep the consistency with the vocal sections. ^
Thank you!!
Topic Starter
Thank you so much!! I finally reached my 10th rank <3
congratz :D
different video offsets...

Video,-94,"Pandora Hearts OP.avi"
Video,0,"Pandora Hearts OP.avi"
Gratz~ <3
Darksonic congratz xDDDDD
congratz :3
Gratz Bruno o3o

NewRulerNA wrote:

different video offsets...

Video,-94,"Pandora Hearts OP.avi"
Video,0,"Pandora Hearts OP.avi"
Confirming! Sorry about this guys, but I have to unrank disqualify this map for the following reason:
The video's offset must be correct and consistent between difficulties so that it follows the music how it was originally meant to be.
Please fix the video offset for Easy and Normal difficulties. Set it to -94 ms please. I'll re-rank it afterwards.

Scores will NOT reset!
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Ugh, sorry for the trouble, fixed and updated.
Alrighty! Re-Ranked then!
Scores are not reset! :D
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Thanks :D and thank you all guys!
yay gratz again
Congrats DS :3
Congratz~ again ! :3
Nuevamente, felicitaciones xd
congrats :oops:
Gratz Bruno :3
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Thank you!
congrats~ :)
Nice moesonic <3
Gratz Sonic :3 this anime is amazing!
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Gero wrote:

this anime is amazing!
Yeah some ppl told me the same, I must watch it soon definitely.

And thank you all guys! ^^
oh congratz :D
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