
Beatmap Advice (sorry if in wrong place!)

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Hi there, sorry if this is in the wrong forum or if you're not meant to post this sort of query, not accustomed to these parts!

Basically, I've had osu! for several months and dipped into it on occassion. I've already got all my favourite tunes I could find as beatmaps but now I need some fun, fresh beatmaps to play through. I've found the 'Rankings' search bar very daunting for finding what I'm after (n00b!) so in desperation I'm asking you lot for some reccomendations. Baring in mind the following, could you please choose and find a fair few good beatmaps for me?

- I don't like the Japanese style anime songs at all, so nothing like that, sorry!

- I'm a MASSIVE Nintendo retro-head so anything by one of their games is a big winner if I don't have it already.

- Most the songs I enjoy most are generic, pop songs which you would commonly find in the UK/USA top 40 charts: The Killers, Gorillaz, Flo Rida, U2. etcetera. Anything in this genre is good!

- Also keen on the very best retro pop music: ABBA, The Beatles (Luigi Hann's compilation is my favourtie beatmap so far!), Queen and so on would be good choices.

- LOVE Elite Beat Agents so anything catchy with great rhythm like that is good.

- Football songs? (slightly silly asking for this!!)

Right then, if you fine lot would be as kind to have some reccomendations it would be greatly appreciated, I need some advice from the experts to re-ignite my playing os osu!, so massive e-thanks to anyone generous enough to give up some time to find me some excellent beatmaps which fulfill the above conditions! ;)

Use the filter and search features.
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Thanks for replying... I've tried using the filter in the past though and been unable to find all the songs I'm looking for as there's still a load that I've never heard of.

I'm asking more as a plee for people who've really enjoyed playing a beatmap similar to what I enjoy to specifically give me a beatmap or reccomend an 'artist'... this may be time consuming and a bit rubbish from me but I need someone to reccomend some good choices from personal experience as the wide range available/my stupidity means I've failed to get what I've been looking for in the search filter... sorry.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Thanks, I've PMed m980 so now he's the focus of me irritating pestering!

Cheers though guys. 8-)

Turpin2009 wrote:

Thanks, I've PMed m980 so now he's the focus of me irritating pestering!

Cheers though guys. 8-)
I think DeathxShinigami means as the mapper; search for m980 on the beatmaps page and his maps will pop up.
I hate you guys.

m980 wrote:

I hate you guys.
^ lol
Try my maps

;) ;) ;)
It's a trap!
Did you just call The Beatles and Queen "Pop music"?


Seriously though, just use the filters on the Beatmaps Ranking page as stated, and try a bunch of maps. Should be able to find some good oens. Also, play Don't Stop Me Now by Queen or we shall assault you at night.

Also, it's not "Japanese style anime songs", it's "Japanese anime songs", just so you know the difference.

Oh yeah, link to some songs you like. Listening to them helps a lot more than a description, trust me.
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Alright thanks everyone, I'm not the sharpest spanner in the toolbox when it comes to music and this sort of thing, love playing the rhythm games rather than the music itself!

Special thanks to m980 for the help, good stuff everyone!
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