
Yucha-P - Thieves Night Trick [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter

AngelHoney wrote:

@dhz 改串的基本没改XD (其实都是些前面不用串 后期慢慢改用串的节奏啦 所以就还是那样啦 其他的话 稍微微调了下w

@sp3 kiai加了 , 排列的话基本上都动了 但是节奏上感觉差异不大 所以就不改了XD (像34秒那处 感觉改了那样反而听起来不顺 所以就不动了

最后一个 note改成slider 试了下 slider拉的太挫了 还是还是取消了>_> 还尝试了下延长break 也不行 所以还是保持原样了

非常感谢两位的mod ^^

Muzu Futsuu ~

tutuhaha wrote:

AngelHoney wrote:

@dhz 改串的基本没改XD (其实都是些前面不用串 后期慢慢改用串的节奏啦 所以就还是那样啦 其他的话 稍微微调了下w

@sp3 kiai加了 , 排列的话基本上都动了 但是节奏上感觉差异不大 所以就不改了XD (像34秒那处 感觉改了那样反而听起来不顺 所以就不动了

最后一个 note改成slider 试了下 slider拉的太挫了 还是还是取消了>_> 还尝试了下延长break 也不行 所以还是保持原样了

非常感谢两位的mod ^^


who is dhz
Topic Starter

DzH4BftkS wrote:

who is dhz

tutuhaha wrote:

DzH4BftkS wrote:

who is dhz

Pretty Rhythm
Test Request

I can 't Pass AHO 's diff :o
It's finally back <3


Lolicore_Komari wrote:

Test Request

I can 't Pass AHO 's diff :o

aho's is very easy! D:


Pretty Rhythm

AngelHoney wrote:

Pretty Rhythm

i want this map rank <3
Topic Starter

Mania Vocaloid wrote:

i want this map rank <3
me too Orz
哎哟我操 忘了 , 今晚回家弄!ovo
Mod request from Popner's Modding Team
For my 100kd 我觉得我一下午都要扔在上面了
mapper和GDer都懂中文吧 那我就不客气了

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - You'd better fixed
  4. Gray - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. Source和Tags不一致
    Standard难度和Muzu Source:(空) Tags:Vocaloid megpoid gumi Dorobou AngelHoney qoot8123
    Oni Source:Vocaloid Tags:megpoid gumi Dorobou
  2. 打开Aho难度的.osu文件 你会发现
  3. 还有Easy的.osu里写着
  4. 总文件大小超了500K…… 把图片压一压大小吧1024*768到1.7M实在太高 我压了一个700K的 画质没什么改变
  5. Standard难度除了Aho:好像所有的绿线都没对准 全选绿线后Offset+2 把第一条绿线-1应该就全对准了 记得检查一下
  6. Easy/Normal最后20秒为什么不做完……

  7. AR-1
  8. 00:34:507 (1) - 开头结尾+clap
  9. 00:47:167 (1) - 我是觉得类似这种的NC都可以往后移到类似00:47:993 (2) - 的地方 这样看着又舒服而且重音的00:47:443 - 默认皮肤还能出个激啊出个霸啥的爽号码
  10. 01:13:865 (1,2) - 两个滑条开头加whistle如何 听起来更带感
  11. 01:17:993 (1) - ^
  12. 02:15:516 (1,2) - ^
  13. 02:19:644 (1) - ^
  14. 01:35:608 (4) - 这里我觉得可以和01:34:507 (2) - 一样 用N:C1的whistle 这样也能够平滑过渡到01:36:158 (5) - 的softfinish
  15. 02:09:461 - 02:10:562 - 这里好像漏音效了 应该和02:05:057 - 与02:06:158 - 一样加N:C1whistle
    排版没什么好说的 Nice(我坚决不吐槽0.4的SV速度)

  16. AR-1
  17. 01:13:865 (1,3) - 同Easy
  18. 02:15:516 (1,3) - ^
  19. 01:17:993 - 这里没note感觉有点奇怪
  20. 02:19:644 - ^
  21. 01:50:195 (3) - 漏音效啦 whistle

  22. 当我看到5-8-5的难度设定时 我柑橘仿佛吃下了一碗热翔就想请你把HP+1 AR-1 OD+1
  23. 01:04:507 (3) - 漏finish
  24. 02:06:158 (3) - ^ (话说你难道是故意这么搞的?……)
  25. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy
  26. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^
  27. 01:44:965 - 漏clap
  28. 03:16:892 - ^

  29. Object's end is not snapped! 01:22:273
  30. Object's end is not snapped! 01:22:549
  31. Object's end is not snapped! 02:23:925
  32. Object's end is not snapped! 02:24:200
  33. Object's end is not snapped! 02:28:053
  34. Object's end is not snapped! 02:33:007
  35. Object's end is not snapped! 02:36:585
  36. Object's end is not snapped! 02:36:861
  37. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy
  38. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^
  39. 01:04:507 (3) - 同Hard
  40. 03:49:644 (4) - remove clap
  41. 03:50:929 (3) - 开头可以加clap
  42. 强双练习图 赞

  43. 开头第一段干嘛不放音效……简单的2whistle也不错啊 太空白挺不舒服的
  44. 00:55:975 (6) - 漏finish
  45. 01:00:654 (1) - 开头加个finish whistle看喜好加与不加 从这里开始又留白个人真是不太喜欢 律动感断了不舒服
  46. 02:02:305 (1) - ^
  47. 02:26:526 (1,2,3,4) - 这里节奏很不舒服啊 把02:26:526 (1) - 拆成2/3滑条然后在02:26:801 - 放note好了(和02:35:333 (1,2,3,4) - 一样)
  48. 02:46:342 - 又留白xD
  49. 后面也不做……结论:AHo你个懒B

  50. 00:39:186 - 下个note更连贯点
  51. 01:13:314 - 漏N:C1 whistle
  52. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy
  53. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^
  54. 02:06:158 (5) - 同Hard
  55. 2ha神麻婆
给颗星 祝早日ranked
Topic Starter

OniJAM wrote:

Mod request from Popner's Modding Team
For my 100kd 我觉得我一下午都要扔在上面了
mapper和GDer都懂中文吧 那我就不客气了

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - You'd better fixed
  4. Gray - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. Source和Tags不一致
    Standard难度和Muzu Source:(空) Tags:Vocaloid megpoid gumi Dorobou AngelHoney qoot8123
    Oni Source:Vocaloid Tags:megpoid gumi Dorobou
  2. 打开Aho难度的.osu文件 你会发现
  3. 还有Easy的.osu里写着
  4. 总文件大小超了500K…… 把图片压一压大小吧1024*768到1.7M实在太高 我压了一个700K的 画质没什么改变
  5. Standard难度除了Aho:好像所有的绿线都没对准 全选绿线后Offset+2 把第一条绿线-1应该就全对准了 记得检查一下
  6. Easy/Normal最后20秒为什么不做完……

  7. AR-1
  8. 00:34:507 (1) - 开头结尾+clap
  9. 00:47:167 (1) - 我是觉得类似这种的NC都可以往后移到类似00:47:993 (2) - 的地方 这样看着又舒服而且重音的00:47:443 - 默认皮肤还能出个激啊出个霸啥的爽号码
  10. 01:13:865 (1,2) - 两个滑条开头加whistle如何 听起来更带感强迫症...觉得whistle太重了所以所有难度都没加
  11. 01:17:993 (1) - ^
  12. 02:15:516 (1,2) - ^
  13. 02:19:644 (1) - ^
  14. 01:35:608 (4) - 这里我觉得可以和01:34:507 (2) - 一样 用N:C1的whistle 这样也能够平滑过渡到01:36:158 (5) - 的softfinish这边直接什么都不加比较好
  15. 02:09:461 - 02:10:562 - 这里好像漏音效了 应该和02:05:057 - 与02:06:158 - 一样加N:C1whistle
    排版没什么好说的 Nice(我坚决不吐槽0.4的SV速度)

  16. AR-1
  17. 01:13:865 (1,3) - 同Easy同easy
  18. 02:15:516 (1,3) - ^同easy
  19. 01:17:993 - 这里没note感觉有点奇怪
  20. 02:19:644 - ^
  21. 01:50:195 (3) - 漏音效啦 whistle

  22. 当我看到5-8-5的难度设定时 我柑橘仿佛吃下了一碗热翔就想请你把HP+1 AR-1 OD+1←_←...满足你
  23. 01:04:507 (3) - 漏finish
  24. 02:06:158 (3) - ^ (话说你难道是故意这么搞的?……)
  25. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy同easy
  26. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^同easy
  27. 01:44:965 - 漏clap
  28. 03:16:892 - ^

  29. Object's end is not snapped! 01:22:273
  30. Object's end is not snapped! 01:22:549
  31. Object's end is not snapped! 02:23:925
  32. Object's end is not snapped! 02:24:200
  33. Object's end is not snapped! 02:28:053
  34. Object's end is not snapped! 02:33:007
  35. Object's end is not snapped! 02:36:585
  36. Object's end is not snapped! 02:36:861
  37. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy同easy
  38. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^同easy
  39. 01:04:507 (3) - 同Hard
  40. 03:49:644 (4) - remove clap
  41. 03:50:929 (3) - 开头可以加clap
  42. 强双练习图 赞

  43. 开头第一段干嘛不放音效……简单的2whistle也不错啊 太空白挺不舒服的
  44. 00:55:975 (6) - 漏finish
  45. 01:00:654 (1) - 开头加个finish whistle看喜好加与不加 从这里开始又留白个人真是不太喜欢 律动感断了不舒服
  46. 02:02:305 (1) - ^
  47. 02:26:526 (1,2,3,4) - 这里节奏很不舒服啊 把02:26:526 (1) - 拆成2/3滑条然后在02:26:801 - 放note好了(和02:35:333 (1,2,3,4) - 一样)
  48. 02:46:342 - 又留白xD
  49. 后面也不做……结论:AHo你个懒B 不能再同意

  50. 00:39:186 - 下个note更连贯点
  51. 01:13:314 - 漏N:C1 whistle
  52. 01:13:865 (1,1) - 同Easy同easy
  53. 02:15:516 (1,1) - ^同easy
  54. 02:06:158 (5) - 同Hard
  55. 2ha神麻婆
给颗星 祝早日ranked
滚蛋吧 , 明显我是故意这样的! 才不叫偷懒呢!!! (感谢mod!

AngelHoney wrote:

滚蛋吧 , 明显我是故意这样的! 才不叫偷懒呢!!! (感谢mod!
原本想改成ExtrA的 不过你已经有变态Extra了 , 那就当我没说吧

(新rule确实傻逼 就这样
sad that dance is gone :< cool diff name

  1. 02:46:342 (1) - 考慮加個Finish?
  2. 02:55:149 (3) - 這裡下 Big Kat 更佳, 一來dD 不太好打, 二來dK 聽感不錯.
  3. 整體來說都把這首歌的特點做到出來了
    2-plets 的處理方法很不俗
    最後一段其實我會建議分段Speed-Up, 我指SV的變化
Muzu 沒問題.

最近看到最好的其中一張圖, 很好.

KanaRin wrote:


  1. 02:46:342 (1) - 考慮加個Finish?
  2. 02:55:149 (3) - 這裡下 Big Kat 更佳, 一來dD 不太好打, 二來dK 聽感不錯.
  3. 整體來說都把這首歌的特點做到出來了
    2-plets 的處理方法很不俗
    最後一段其實我會建議分段Speed-Up, 我指SV的變化
Muzu 沒問題.

最近看到最好的其中一張圖, 很好.

幾乎全改了,至於加速部分我覺得這首歌的bpm已經夠高了,所以並沒有打算修改SV。另外 03:54:598 - 到 03:56:709 - 的魚蛋我也改成另一種形式,感謝MOD~ :)
好 ^o^
Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:

好 ^o^
2ha 加油:D/
lets see

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

Any reason AngelHoney's Insane has different combo colours than the rest? Would be best if you can keep them consistent
All the other diffs have their green lines unsnapped by 2ms early, should resnap all of them

00:58:176 (3) - missing clap on start
01:36:158 (5) - i imagine this being a new combo since its similar to 01:27:351 (1) rhythm wise
02:06:433 (3,1) - clear up this overlap to rid any chance of confusion
03:13:039 (1) - clap on end?
would be great if you can clean up some green lines in this diff, especially on the last kiai

01:14:965 (3) - try adjusting this more towards the right, will give a more natural flow onto 01:15:791 (4)
03:02:855 (1) - don't think this NC is necessary since its only a volume/sampleset change
03:10:562 (1,1,1,2) - these should be the same colour to keep the pattern clean
same thing with green lines try to clean up some that are not used

00:57:351 (1,2) - this played a bit confusing since i was tempted to hit at 00:57:534 due to the vocals; try replacing this with a slider instead
01:35:332 (3,4,1) - try a sharper angle here, would flow better imo (move 01:36:158 (1) upwards)
02:11:571 - add a note here? fees a bit empty not covering the vocals
03:01:479 (1) - i think this belongs to the previous combo?
03:10:562 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - again, would avoid combo spam here since players will need to rely on approach circles to read the rhythm properly; i would say have 03:10:562 (1,1) be one combo and 03:11:663 (1,1,1,1) another combo
03:54:048 (3) - stack this at where 03:52:397 (2) was? seems to be your intention
03:56:158 - add a note here would follow the music more precisely imo

HP-1, since you are doing a lot of NC spams the result is a harsher drain on the map overall. if you want to keep HP7 then you should reduce the combo spamming in places like 01:21:846 (1,1,1) and 02:47:718 (1,1,1)
01:08:910 (1,2) - this pattern doesnt really play well due to a forced narrow flow onto the repeat sliders, i would move 01:09:186 (2) a bit more to the left: 01:35:057 (1) - remove this NC, since you didnt have one at 01:26:250 (2)
02:36:709 (1) - ^ (i book the copy paste here)
02:37:534 (7) - this flows quite bad due to the sudden change in direction, either mark it with a NC or make it more natural with 02:36:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
03:21:021 (1,1,1) - this NC spam is just not necessary imo, use the same colour will make it less ambiguous
03:38:910 (3) - try a ctrl+g and a slight turn: 03:56:250 (1,1,1) - again try to keep it the same colour
some green lines can be cleaned up here to, would be great if you do it

[AngelHoney's Insane]
AR9, yes please AR9 this is so hard to read on AR8 orz
00:17:168 (2) - this looks too curved compared to the rest of them
00:49:553 - add a note here stacked on 00:49:645 (1) would make this easier to play
01:17:168 (1) - the position you placed this is a bit awkward after playing that huge slider jump stream, position it at x:368 y:65 seems better for me
01:35:883 (1) - use a soft sample at the end?
02:10:012 (1,1,1) - keep this 1 combo, i actually thought this was some sort of special gimmic and complete misread it orz
02:46:342 - try the soft sampleset in this section, sounds better especially towards the end
02:52:581 (2,3) - ctrl+r on this, flows better both from 02:51:847 (1) and onto 02:52:856 (4,1) imo
03:39:461 (1) - start the spinner at 03:39:277? will make the section seem more continuous with the vocals
hmm im fine with no kiai time, but maybe you can increase the hitsound volume at sections that were supposed to be kiai time to emphasis them more?

Do OD8 here to differenciate it more from the Insane; if you are worried abt star rating, you can do HP-1 if you had done it to Insane
01:36:342 - would be cool if you added a note here to cover the first piano pattern, 01:36:158 (1,1,1,2) the way this currently plays is quite hard to grasp due to the skipped sound
01:40:745 - ^
01:44:690 (1) - think you meant to stack on 01:43:589 (1)?
03:08:085 (7) - replace this with a 1/3 slider, this way you can cover the sound at 03:08:176
03:20:745 (2,1) - the flow onto the stream here feels a bit forced, try moving 03:20:378 (1,2) more left or shift things around so the angle onto 03:21:021 (1) is smoother
not much to say for this diff, one thing i can say is that its easier to pass than AHO diff with AR8 lol

Alright let me know once you are done with this
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

lets see

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

Any reason AngelHoney's Insane has different combo colours than the rest? Would be best if you can keep them consistent AHO like that combo colours so we usually do two diff combo colours, and no rule said we cannot use two diff combo colours so ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭~~
All the other diffs have their green lines unsnapped by 2ms early, should resnap all of themFIX all

00:58:176 (3) - missing clap on start
01:36:158 (5) - i imagine this being a new combo since its similar to 01:27:351 (1) rhythm wise
02:06:433 (3,1) - clear up this overlap to rid any chance of confusion
03:13:039 (1) - clap on end?
would be great if you can clean up some green lines in this diff, especially on the last kiai
FIX all
01:14:965 (3) - try adjusting this more towards the right, will give a more natural flow onto 01:15:791 (4)
03:02:855 (1) - don't think this NC is necessary since its only a volume/sampleset change
03:10:562 (1,1,1,2) - these should be the same colour to keep the pattern clean
same thing with green lines try to clean up some that are not used
FIX all
00:57:351 (1,2) - this played a bit confusing since i was tempted to hit at 00:57:534 due to the vocals; try replacing this with a slider instead
01:35:332 (3,4,1) - try a sharper angle here, would flow better imo (move 01:36:158 (1) upwards)
02:11:571 - add a note here? fees a bit empty not covering the vocals
03:01:479 (1) - i think this belongs to the previous combo?
03:10:562 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - again, would avoid combo spam here since players will need to rely on approach circles to read the rhythm properly; i would say have 03:10:562 (1,1) be one combo and 03:11:663 (1,1,1,1) another combo
03:54:048 (3) - stack this at where 03:52:397 (2) was? seems to be your intention
03:56:158 - add a note here would follow the music more precisely imo
FIX all
HP-1, since you are doing a lot of NC spams the result is a harsher drain on the map overall. if you want to keep HP7 then you should reduce the combo spamming in places like 01:21:846 (1,1,1) and 02:47:718 (1,1,1)
01:08:910 (1,2) - this pattern doesnt really play well due to a forced narrow flow onto the repeat sliders, i would move 01:09:186 (2) a bit more to the left: 01:35:057 (1) - remove this NC, since you didnt have one at 01:26:250 (2)
02:36:709 (1) - ^ (i book the copy paste here)
02:37:534 (7) - this flows quite bad due to the sudden change in direction, either mark it with a NC or make it more natural with 02:36:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
03:21:021 (1,1,1) - this NC spam is just not necessary imo, use the same colour will make it less ambiguous
03:38:910 (3) - try a ctrl+g and a slight turn: 03:56:250 (1,1,1) - again try to keep it the same colour
some green lines can be cleaned up here to, would be great if you do it
FIX all
Do OD8 here to differenciate it more from the Insane; if you are worried abt star rating, you can do HP-1 if you had done it to Insane
01:36:342 - would be cool if you added a note here to cover the first piano pattern, 01:36:158 (1,1,1,2) the way this currently plays is quite hard to grasp due to the skipped sound
01:40:745 - ^
01:44:690 (1) - think you meant to stack on 01:43:589 (1)?
03:08:085 (7) - replace this with a 1/3 slider, this way you can cover the sound at 03:08:176
03:20:745 (2,1) - the flow onto the stream here feels a bit forced, try moving 03:20:378 (1,2) more left or shift things around so the angle onto 03:21:021 (1) is smoother
not much to say for this diff, one thing i can say is that its easier to pass than AHO diff with AR8 lol
FIX all
Alright let me know once you are done with this
Thankyou so much!

改了下难度名 你看如何 反正你做主 就这样 滚了:3
Reckecking no kd:

02:47:443 (2,1) - these two slider ends got unsnapped somehow

forgot to do OD+1? it has the same settings as Insane with HP6 and OD7

aside from that everything else is fine
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

Reckecking no kd:

02:47:443 (2,1) - these two slider ends got unsnapped somehow

forgot to do OD+1? it has the same settings as Insane with HP6 and OD7

aside from that everything else is fine
fix all!
Everything looks good now, so lets do this!

Topic Starter
哎哟卧槽 2ha太棒了:3
Yeee ;3. more tutuhaha! <3

哦草 感觉AR9变简单好多 果然还是我的难度最善良
Topic Starter

AngelHoney wrote:

哦草 感觉AR9变简单好多 果然还是我的难度最善良
IRC Discussion
20:57 SapphireGhost: poke
20:59 tutuhaha: yep
20:59 tutuhaha: Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
20:59 *SapphireGhost is playing [ Yucha-P - Thieves Night Trick [Extra]]
20:59 SapphireGhost: I might be able to mod today
20:59 SapphireGhost: Is it ready for rank
21:01 tutuhaha: Thankssssssssssssssss
21:01 tutuhaha: o my god big surprise >口<!
21:05 SapphireGhost: The vocaloid bubbles are always enticing
21:07 tutuhaha: (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧nice
21:17 SapphireGhost: Oh ww
21:17 SapphireGhost: Just one thing
21:17 SapphireGhost: 01:16:066 (1) and 02:17:718 (1) on Normal, I think would look better without the start and end overlap
21:18 SapphireGhost:
21:18 SapphireGhost: And if there's nothing else you want to change personally that's it
21:18 tutuhaha: :O
21:18 tutuhaha: ok done :D
21:19 tutuhaha: update now XDD
21:20 tutuhaha: I need restart osu first._.
21:20 SapphireGhost: Ah
21:20 SapphireGhost: Evil submit
21:20 tutuhaha: yep
21:22 tutuhaha: ok down :DDD
21:26 SapphireGhost: Ahh I'm forgetting something
21:27 SapphireGhost: I think romanised title should be Dorobou Night Trick
21:27 tutuhaha: :O
21:27 SapphireGhost: Unless "Thieves Night Trick" was provided by yuchaP
21:27 SapphireGhost: It's better to use romanised titles than translated titles if there isn't one provided
21:28 tutuhaha: I remember I ask someone when I begin to maping this
21:28 tutuhaha: and he said it is thieves .A.
21:28 SapphireGhost: hm
21:30 tutuhaha: this is why I add dorobou on tag
21:30 SapphireGhost: Well, it's not an enforced rule yet if you really want to stay with this title
21:31 tutuhaha: yep, I hope I can keep this title :D
21:31 tutuhaha: almost 1 year
21:31 tutuhaha: XDDD
21:33 SapphireGhost: All good then
Now it's party time
like song ~~~ >ω<

ocao 不让好评 桑心
yay Congrats! ^^

抱抱 >w<
[qoot8123's Oni]

I don't know, but if you ask me, you could have avoid these normal-note + finisher patterns since in this way, many of your parts would have been better emphasized. For me when playing, it feels like those notes which appear before the finisher, are just forced one without a big effect but disturbing. There is also one pattern which is mapped as dD and rather questionable on this BPM. I will give you some examples which you could take care of next time.


00:46:525 (2,1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - You could have dk kx dk xD instead to make the gameplay more clean, without trying to double hit finishers.
00:49:553 (2) - Instead of having here a kD, you could simply use at 00:49:277 one don and delete kat at 00:49:553. Sounds nice as well and makes the finisher emphasize it-self much better.
00:53:956 (2) - This note wasn't necessary if you ask me. I know that you map to the vocal and beat, but you could have emphasize the beat in this way more, also it would be easier to play the pattern without note+finisher pattern.
01:09:369 (4,5) - (4) could have been a kat to ensure an easier game play. This is BPM 218 after all, even though it is 1/3 snapped.
02:55:057 (2) - delete
02:57:259 (3) - delete
02:57:351 (1) - finisher
02:59:461 (2) - delete
02:59:553 (3) - finisher (kat?)
03:01:754 (1) - finisher
} I understand why you used the patterns in another way, but you could have easily avoid mapping normal notes next to finishers by deleting some and emphasize in this way the piano and upcoming stanzas.
03:07:259 (3) - Could have been deleted to keep track with the vocal.
03:21:479 (1) - Would have been enough to follow the vocal up to 03:21:387 instead of having one more don next to the finisher.

OnosakiHito wrote:

[qoot8123's Oni]

I don't know, but if you ask me, you could have avoid these normal-note + finisher patterns since in this way, many of your parts would have been better emphasized. For me when playing, it feels like those notes which appear before the finisher, are just forced one without a big effect but disturbing. There is also one pattern which is mapped as dD and rather questionable on this BPM. I will give you some examples which you could take care of next time.


00:46:525 (2,1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - You could have dk kx dk xD instead to make the gameplay more clean, without trying to double hit finishers.
00:49:553 (2) - Instead of having here a kD, you could simply use at 00:49:277 one don and delete kat at 00:49:553. Sounds nice as well and makes the finisher emphasize it-self much better.
00:53:956 (2) - This note wasn't necessary if you ask me. I know that you map to the vocal and beat, but you could have emphasize the beat in this way more, also it would be easier to play the pattern without note+finisher pattern.
01:09:369 (4,5) - (4) could have been a kat to ensure an easier game play. This is BPM 218 after all, even though it is 1/3 snapped.
02:55:057 (2) - delete
02:57:259 (3) - delete
02:57:351 (1) - finisher
02:59:461 (2) - delete
02:59:553 (3) - finisher (kat?)
03:01:754 (1) - finisher
} I understand why you used the patterns in another way, but you could have easily avoid mapping normal notes next to finishers by deleting some and emphasize in this way the piano and upcoming stanzas.
03:07:259 (3) - Could have been deleted to keep track with the vocal.
03:21:479 (1) - Would have been enough to follow the vocal up to 03:21:387 instead of having one more don next to the finisher.

You said that dD rather questionable on this BPM ,you are right but I still confirm this kind of pattern is playable due to a lot of elements like ''1/3 snap'' it make the stream easier than 1/4 and the '' high SV'' also make the gap between note and note more visible. Though normal note + finish is disturbing to many player.On the contrary ,it is also more challenge for player,isn't it?
Anyway,thanks for your advice. It's also good for me and i might consider again for next time.
Well, it is indeed more challenging. And as I said, on 1/3 it is easier than 1/4. But at the end it is always the question if a certain mapping way was really needed. Ah, don't worry. Not saying it is wrong or anything like that. But I thought to mention it.
Anyway, late congratulation from me.
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