
What can't you believe got popular, or caught on?

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Myke B
still, DotA2 will win in the long run, because it actually has a design team with brains behind it that tries to balance existing heroes instead of throwing out new champion after new champion one more op (or up in some cases) than the last one.
I played/understood both games at a decent level, but I don't like either game, so there is no bias. With that being said, balancing plays no role in popularity lol. The people who complain about OP champs are the people who are bad at the game. It's a fact. Every game might need some tweaking to a champ every now and again (which it does happen), but dota2 isn't going to become more popular because you think they balance champs better lol.There's a little thing called marketing, player base, sponsors, and how easy the game is to pick up and play. There are so many reasons why league is more popular, and you think the reason why your game will become more popular is, because you think they balance champs better? Good luck with that man.

Myke B wrote:

The people who complain about OP champs are the people who are bad at the game. It's a fact.
here is a good vid comparing LeL vs Doto 2 made by HerpDerp Production


Snapchat savers, smackcams, latex fetishism, the ethnic health movement of the sixties, friendok and the name Lays instead of Smiths.
I agree with at least one of these things in that list

Wojjan wrote:


Snapchat savers
just snapchat in general

FireFoxZX wrote:

cant believe (YOLO) caught i mean reallly is it THAT catchy i mean yea i randomly yell YOLO at rndom times but srsly
you know, yolo as a sort of mentality actually summarizes our generation (in 'murica, at least) quite well for better or worse. As in, being self-confident, being blissfully ignorant (of education, news, history, politics, etc), not being critical, doing whatever, and generally enjoying life. Most people in the 60s,70s, and 80s did not have this mentality, I think.
(maybe 60s and 70s w/ counterculture, but they were very informed politically and thought very critically)

that, or it's just me living in a middle-class bubble etc which in case this post would be quite ironic, wouldn't it?


mathexpert wrote:

FireFoxZX wrote:

cant believe (YOLO) caught i mean reallly is it THAT catchy i mean yea i randomly yell YOLO at rndom times but srsly
you know, yolo as a sort of mentality actually summarizes our generation (in 'murica, at least) quite well for better or worse. As in, being self-confident, being blissfully ignorant (of education, news, history, politics, etc), not being critical, doing whatever, and generally enjoying life. Most people in the 60s,70s, and 80s did not have this mentality, I think.
(maybe 60s and 70s w/ counterculture, but they were very informed politically and thought very critically)

that, or it's just me living in a middle-class bubble etc which in case this post would be quite ironic, wouldn't it?
It doesn't. It's just a mindset that teens/young adults have that they're invulnerable whatever happens, and that they'd rather have fun while they can. After all, Carpe diem is a concept that's a few centuries old

Dulcet wrote:

Wojjan wrote:


Snapchat savers
just snapchat in general
It's just sexting in the form of an app.

And I can fully understand why sexting caught on.
ridiculous G-shock

absolutely hilarious Obey

(flameshield) SAO
Topic Starter
Myke B

AlucPanda wrote:

absolutely hilarious Obey
Right? it's kinda ironic how it's now the mainstream lol.

Shellghost wrote:

It's just sexting in the form of an app.

And I can fully understand why sexting caught on.
so, got a snapchat Shellghost?
This thread.

mathexpert wrote:

(maybe 60s and 70s w/ counterculture, but they were very informed politically and thought very critically)
Hippies were basically the tumblr SJWs of the 60's
Topic Starter
Myke B

FireFoxZX wrote:

This thread.
Woow. So edgy and different.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

mathexpert wrote:

(maybe 60s and 70s w/ counterculture, but they were very informed politically and thought very critically)
Hippies were basically the tumblr SJWs of the 60's
That being said, Tumblr.

even i'm addicted

Dulcet wrote:

Wojjan wrote:


Snapchat savers
just snapchat in general
Can't send friends snapchats of my penis anymore now that snapchat saver is a thing.

Wojjan wrote:

Dulcet wrote:

just snapchat in general
Can't send friends snapchats of my penis anymore now that snapchat saver is a thing.
is it a feminine penis
why does justin beiber have a fanbase again?
Kanye West
because he's hot
Topic Starter
Myke B

Kanye West wrote:

because he's hot
Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, and Justin Bieber confirmed 3-way

Kanye West wrote:

because he's hot
I thought I've heard the last of this guy.
Never have I been so wrong.
it's 2014 and people are still talking about justin bieber

this is quite sad
I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
Kanye West

Dulcet wrote:

it's 2014 and people are still talking about justin bieber

this is quite sad

Kanye West wrote:

because he's hot

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
He's actually a really bad person. All the fame got to him.

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
i dislike justin bieber because not only i dislike his music, he is also very rude

spitting on his fans, writing stupid shit on anne frank's guestbook, calling a girl a whale (do not know if that one is true) and so much more

of course, i do not hate him. i do not connect with him in an holistic way (thank god). i just dislike his attitude, and his music.

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
Just a random question; do you have a fedora?
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony singer's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my own hexagon.

edit: fuck, this joke doesn't work when I have this avatar
Topic Starter
Myke B

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity. that's why.

Dulcet wrote:

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
i dislike justin bieber because not only i dislike his music, he is also very rude

spitting on his fans, writing stupid shit on anne frank's guestbook, calling a girl a whale (do not know if that one is true) and so much more

of course, i do not hate him. i do not connect with him in an holistic way (thank god). i just dislike his attitude, and his music.
also he like egged a neighbours house and has drugs stockpiled in his house but then blamed his friend.
Do not fall into this trap of negative attention. The more negative attention he receives, the more attention he will get, and the sales of CDs will increase, and he will be able to appear on important music festivals again.

This trap of negative attention repeated in China.

AlucPanda wrote:

It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
best post world 2014

Dulcet wrote:

AlucPanda wrote:

I can't believe how popular mainstream hatred towards Beiber became.

Tell me objectively and logically the precise reasons you despise Justin Bieber with such passion. More often than not, it's simply social norms and intuitive prejudice that results in such nonsensical hatred. In other words, complete bullshit.

It is perfectly reasonable to simply dislike an artist and his/her music. It is foolish, however, to brutally slander a celebrity for no clear reasons other than social conformity.
i dislike justin bieber because not only i dislike his music, he is also very rude

spitting on his fans, writing stupid shit on anne frank's guestbook, calling a girl a whale (do not know if that one is true) and so much more

of course, i do not hate him. i do not connect with him in an holistic way (thank god). i just dislike his attitude, and his music.
Bieber has gone down a dark path ever since he's become more and more popular, but this happens to most stars. I dislike him as a person very strongly and hope he just ends up like Lindsey Lohan getting arrested this way and that. The boy has been living a care free easy life and it's bout time karma catches up with him and kicks his ass. The worst part is the fact he still has die-hard fans that fall head over heels for's just sad.
this discussion took a direction that is really amusing me when you recall why we've been talking about justin bieber in the first place
the term "moba" for dota-style games.

mostly because it says out nothing about the game it describes. what player vs player multiplayer game isn't a "multiplayer online battle arena"?

i think terms like "micro-RTS" or "mRTS" for short would've been so much better. but hey, Riot's gotta take control of everything they can, even the term their game is reffered to.
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