
Question for experienced skinners!

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On my skin I have a certain symbol in the middle of my hit circle, but when sliders come on the screen its a bit confusing finding the beginning and ending of the slider because of the symbol, is there a way to make the symbol only appear at the beginning of the slider and not the end? Maybe another .png I can make or something I can type in the skin data file.

I already considered just photo shopping the symbol into the background of the numbers but then it'd lose the color from the notes.

Here's what I'm talking about

I feel like it's too cluttered to have the symbol in the beginning and end of the slider, especially on faster songs it can get confusing where to start the slider.
If I can't, anyone got an idea on how I can change it to make it different?
To my knowledge, no.

Also, there is a thread for all these questions located, here.
Simply no.

Sliders share the same element with hitcircles.
Then only way to find out where sliders begin is the location of the number in the slider.
There was a time that I did this using the hitcircleocerlay but it got fixed by one of the updates last year.
Just wat OsuMe said, just look for the number.

And please, always post questions/help at the thread that Uruoki mentioned. Making threads are for new skin projects.

Uruoki wrote:

Also, there is a thread for all these questions located, here.
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