
UK osu!standard tournament! [Finished - Doomsday Wins]

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This could become a regluar annual thing maybe, idk.

PortalLife wrote:

This could become a regluar annual thing maybe, idk.
That's be pretty awesome, possibly open up more spaces if there's a next time? The tourney got filled in the space of around an hour lol
Is it really fair that the people picking maps, organizing, and judging the play are allowed to participate in the contest itself? I mean, you could just pick a bunch of maps you know very well and gain an unfair advantage.
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This is a fair point Lach. I chose people I trust to staff. Im on limited resources and I have to make do with what I get. Map pools are reviewed as a team to ensure fair play and reasonable challenge.

Jeromelol wrote:

Will it become a regular thing?
Doing a tourney like this annually would be really cool, but next time you will need far more spaces.

Also I'm willing to help out with the organisation of these tourneys if they become frequent.
I would happily commentate or stream the games too.

PortalLife wrote:

This is a fair point Lach. I chose people I trust to staff. Im on limited resources and I have to make do with what I get. Map pools are reviewed as a team to ensure fair play and reasonable challenge.
Fair enough

Deathosaurus wrote:

I would happily commentate or stream the games too.
Do it please, I love your voice.
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Just a update. If you guys have any map suggestions for the various stages of the tournament, PM me with your ideas.

Rounds: RO32/RO16/Quarter Finals/Semi Finals/Finals

Taking suggestions for DT/HD/HR/No Mod.

Dont send troll suggestions, wasting your own time. :P


Unforunately Dodef has lost account access and has quit osu! as a result of this. So after all that drama, Raiku shall be put in at Dodef's seed pending Raiku's approval.
i approve
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Raiku has been added in Dodef's place (rip)

And it is time to finally announce: The tournament begins on 7th of December, with the Round of 32! Map pool and Match Times have been added; please check if youre available at the time posted; if not, contact me.

(I know the UK has the 3rd place match but lets be fair the OWC players have a easy bracket/pool :P)
Watch out Jesus, Im on the hunt ladorino.
god save the queen
Could i be withdrawn from the tournament? There's a good chance of me being busy during the upcoming weekends.
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By his request, Dom is withdrawn. Mudkipz will advance to the next round with a Bye.

Also, Bubby963 vs Viremon is to be postponed to 6PM, 9th December.

Times have been updated accordingly!
I am late ? Aren't i ? ;w; lck to peeps
The match ups are a complete joke...

YuuKee wrote:

I am late ? Aren't i ? ;w; lck to peeps
and if portal wants to break his own rules again yuukee can take my place
A jolly good bash with tea and crumpets
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Navi wrote:

The match ups are a complete joke...

YuuKee wrote:

I am late ? Aren't i ? ;w; lck to peeps
and if portal wants to break his own rules again yuukee can take my place

Replacing a player that got hacked and lost account access is quite reasonable decision. Dropping for the sake of wanting another is just why. Why even bother signing up in that case?

By the sounds of it you dont understand how seeding works: The matchups are determined so that the top seeds face each other on harder maps later on. If it was random and half the good players went out Round 1 thatd be a shitty tournament. Seeding will allow us to see who is the best.
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Because of Mahiro having work commitments on the weekend, Raiku vs Mahiro was played today!

Raiku wins 3-1.

Match results:

GG WP to both.

Tomorrow will begin the full set of matches!

Sched to be updated.
Doomsday is Bad
For people who want to see.

ALSO this play of Dear You was bugged so we replayed
yeah i got raped by a combo despite ss :S

very well played to mahiro by beating me at my own game on hidden.

make sure you practice the songs in the mappool or you might just get done in by a slider.

its easier to lose a point than you think because most people will fc, make sure you are confident and consistent in every map in the pool
By the sounds of it you dont understand how seeding works: The matchups are determined so that the top seeds face each other on harder maps later on. If it was random and half the good players went out Round 1 thatd be a shitty tournament. Seeding will allow us to see who is the best.

I understand seedng portal.. very well for that matter, for most of the people that signed up anyway.. are going out first round.. so half the people that signed up are going to get dropped out, you didnt put a skill limit / rank cap so your putting like 5k+ players against people who have 3 or even 2 digits in there rank. you've basically wasted most of peoples time because you think its a good idea to put a low ranked player against a high rank player.. good job bro.. you really do know how "seeding works" :/
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Why do you think I made the map pool so easy relative to other tournaments? I wanted to give lower players a chance. Besides, no one was that bothered when the unseeded teams would get matched vs top seeds, for example. Its just the way a tournament works.
I'm going to up the stakes for the winner: You get a personally signed deathadder from me if you win. yep the very same one that got the rank 1 on scatman xD
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Then got sniped RIP

Raiku wrote:

I'm going to up the stakes for the winner: You get a personally signed deathadder from me if you win. yep the very same one that got the rank 1 on scatman xD
Another death adder for my collection. Nyyyyyesssssssss.

The prize pool for this is gonna end up > than the owc prize pool at this rate.

jesus1412 wrote:

Raiku wrote:

I'm going to up the stakes for the winner: You get a personally signed deathadder from me if you win. yep the very same one that got the rank 1 on scatman xD
Another death adder for my collection. Nyyyyyesssssssss.

The prize pool for this is gonna end up > than the owc prize pool at this rate.
Dont be so sure, MWAHAHA
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RO32 Results Post! As more results come in, i'll update this post with match history/scores.

Doomsday vs Zarfots

Charleyzard vs destructor966

Charleyzard no shows, Destructor advances.

Jesus1412 vs EzLyn

Jesus wins 3-0.

Vidya vs Just Miku

Vidya wins 3-0

Starry vs 3lliot

3lliot was unable to play, so Starry wins by default.

Deathosaurus v Aauren

3-0 Deathosaurus

Slvin vs Snookie


Cozzy vs Yoishi


scoutt vs [Transcendence]


Raharu vs Tekklorn


Kardet vs Nyaristoru (warmups were played in a separate lobby because a player crashed and room was remade)


Navi vs Riari


PortalLife vs Lusory


RO16 Shed/Map Pool to be announced this weekend.

Check the bracket to see how we stand, GG WP all!
The Muffin Man
I missed this! D:
Hope it goes well and that another tournament is a possibility.
Slain by the disciple

R.I.P. EzLyn
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New map pool released.
I understand seedng portal.. very well for that matter, for most of the people that signed up anyway.. are going out first round.. so half the people that signed up are going to get dropped out, you didnt put a skill limit / rank cap so your putting like 5k+ players against people who have 3 or even 2 digits in there rank. you've basically wasted most of peoples time because you think its a good idea to put a low ranked player against a high rank player.. good job bro.. you really do know how "seeding works" :/
The seeding of the tournament is done as intended - that is with the intention of higher skill players getting to play each other at the end for a more "grand finale".

However your comment on 5K+ players against under 1K players is somewhat of a valid comment, but it is unavoidable. The lower rank players knew what they were getting themselves into and wanted to play anyway, so I don't think it is a waste of time. I do however think that it would be nice if the tournament had some more players in so that us 5 digit noobs could have a chance to play and also people who didn't signup within the first 20 seconds get a place - this tournament was a lot more popular than intended it seems :)
Welp... I hope there will be another tourney againn....: D
And not be late for that time......
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There will be.

Update: RO16 times added.

Update 2: Viremon wins via noshow
rip bubby and charley
That feel when forgot I was playing orz
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It makes me sad to announce but Nyaristoru due to personal reasons has forefitted his match. Raharu is to advance.
R a h a r u

PortalLife wrote:

It makes me sad to announce but Nyaristoru due to personal reasons has forefitted his match. Raharu is to advance.
How sad.. that would have been a fun match to play, wish EA the best with his reasons.

Would also like to say good luck to everyone playing in the upcoming round!
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RO16 day!

Doomsday vs Raiku

vidya vs destructor966

jesus1412 vs Deathosaurus
No show, Deatho wins

Starry vs [Transcendence]

Ilikemudkipz vs Slvin

Erm. Slvin conceded the match because he couldn't get his tablet to work or something. So yeah. gg mudkipz

Cozzy vs Viremon

Navi vs PortalLife

Postponed. Time to be confirmed

On another note: Is this tourney cursed? So many issues with players noshowing, having problems etc. Kinda ruining it but oh well, the show must go on, gz to the winners. Quarter finals info will be announced soon.

Update: PortalLife vs Navi was played 15/12 at 6PM

Results: Happily for myself, I won 3-2 despite a shite perfomance on Navi's picks. WP dude.
well played doomsday
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Results for quarterfinals!

Doomsday vs Vidya

4-2, was real match

Deathosaurus vs Starry

Starry forfeited due to psychical problems. Match score was 3-1 to Deatho before forfeit, noted.

Ilikemudkipz vs Viremon

Real match again.


PortalLife vs Raharu


gg all.

PortalLife wrote:

Results for quarterfinals!

Doomsday vs Vidya

4-2, was real match

Deathosaurus vs Starry

Starry forfeited due to psychical problems. Match score was 3-1 to Deatho before forfeit, noted.

Ilikemudkipz vs Viremon

Real match again.


PortalLife vs Raharu


gg all.
4-2 for everyone!
I'm going to leave a sad face in this thread : (
: (
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Annoucement: Because of players having unforseen problems and me not really willing to give a walkover at this stage; I will be postponing the Semi finals to the next weekend, the 4th of January.

Sorry guys.

sigh: Mudkipz forfeits due to his PC failing quite hard and he has to spendn a few weeks sorting out the problem; it was his will. Raharu into the finals, Mudkipz into 3rd place match

this tourney is cursed

Doomy won 4-1 vs Deatho.

Deatho vs Mudkipz for 3rd place, Raharu vs Doomsday for 1st/2nd
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UPDATE! A winner is born, GZ to Doomsday taking 1st place. Raharu takes the runner up. 3rd place is Mudkipz!
If I can get in touch with peppy, Doomsday shall get 6 months support, and Raharu shall get 4. It was streamed (link later) - MP link -(wow much fails)

3rd place match:

(even more fails kek)

Thank you to all people that played, you've made this tournament great! :D I have learned a lot from this event and there is plans for another tournament during spring time. Expect improvements, more competition. See you guys there! - PortalLife
GG WP Raharu and Doomsday, was wicked to watch this :D
Doomsday is Bad
3rd Place match

1st Place match

I want participate during Spring :<
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