
From o2jam: Mouse skills much to be desired

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I've been casually playing osu for a while and I might as well introduce myself, having lurked around for a bit; coming from O2jam years ago, my kb accuracy is OK (electro fantasy HD hx5 hidden?) but my mouse accuracy is omfgAWFUL and osu seems like a fun way to better that. Also I quit dota for a while because those >50minute games weren't working out for me. lol. cept not funny. at all.

With osu, I'd say I'm at a 4.5star-level (as in comfortably complete the songs), I can complete some 5-stars (Shuffle Heaven I just DL'd is really fun... Just as fast as in O2jam), and I'm trying to break into insane-5-star difficulties, and it's kind of wild.

I play just with mouse1 and mouse2, but it seems that's not so popular, and I'm starting to see why... Wrist exhaustion...

FEEL FREE to recommend any song you like. Are there some "standard" 5★ songs? 4.5★'s that I have are getting ooold, but I don't know if I'm just playing songs with inflated difficulty or what. I've played all the kpop ones. aaalllloffftheeemmm. Any song with a cool beatmap at around that level I'm sure I'd like.

However, I don't play these games to get SS's, or even S's, or maybe even A's... I just like the activity of playing fun beatmaps regardless of grade.
I don't think I want to get intense enough to care about it. I quit SC2 and DotA2 to NOT stress, you know??

Cheers to a fun game that doesn't demand sessions of unknown lengths between 20~80 minutes!
Welcome to Osu! and the forums! :)
I'm more of a mania player, so I don't think I would be too much help in the standard version, sorry ~(>_<)~
If you have a question that you think I may be able to answer, feel free to message/add me ^_^
Welcome to osu! :D I don't really think standard difficulties are ever given 5 stars though

long introduction is long
Kinda rare to see an o2jam player from U.S. .. Well, anyway. Welcome to the forum. \o/
welcome to osu!
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lol thanks. I'm korean but live in the U.S but yeah seems a lot of o2jam players are from SEA ._.
Welcome to the osu!Forums KtkC!

I can really relate to as you and me are pretty much the same (when it comes to this game), I'm also looking for some good insane maps that are fun! You should add me in-game and I could link my songs to you and vice versa! Hope to see you around! Good luck and have fun!
Refer to my signature to read the rule/welcome message!

- Marco -
Welcome welcome ^^
Welcome welcome.
Hey welcome to OSU! I'm a mouse only player too :) (and a friend of mine but he's waaaayyyyy better at it - like #3400 and something) so it's possible. You can add me too and I'll share maps with you / multi some time. I have a ton of maps so I'm bound to have something you'll like and can show you the maps I practiced on to improve. Good luck!
Not to be rude or anything but I thought O2Jam players are suppose to be good (mostly)

Welcome to osu btw :)
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