
About BAT modding queues

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I'll just cut to the chase here, I don't think BATs should have forum modding queues.

BAT queues fill up ridiculously quick; they are usually only open for an hour or less before they are locked up again. This system downvalues star priority, as all you need to do is be one of the lucky people who are browsing the forums in the short timespan that a BAT queue is open to have your map looked at. Why should I need to get stars for my map if I can just catch an open BAT queue? It turns the BAT team into an off-and-on "push button - recieve mod" machine. People should have to work to get their maps noticed by BATs by getting star priority and making quality maps, not simply waiting to be one of the lucky people to catch a BAT queue when it's open.

Thoughts? Open hostility?
Agreed and disagreed but for different reasons. Once they have a queue they can just flat out deny any and all requests not in their queue then sit on their queue for as long as they'd like. You don't believe me then you go see for yourself. Of course it's not all of them but this definitively happens more than not. Most of them mod like crazy before they get their spot then after a while they just get lazy and don't want to do anything, understandable but there's nothing anybody can do about it.

People should work to get their maps noticed by BATs by getting stars and making quality maps - lol. Well, I suppose for the average mapper, ok, agreed. But nah, not really most of the time. Quality maps lol, go take through the last couple pages of ranked maps yourself and tell me where the quality is. There are maybe 4 or 5 maps out of like what 3 or 4 pages that are actually good? I don't know.

Quality is only one side of the issue, it's mostly how well you know the BAT. Shit like auto-tune the news will always be ranked and other shit made by certain people will always be ranked. You can't stop it, you can't do anything about it. They're rankable, they're close with BATs, their maps will be ranked. All your Star Priority and Quality goes down the garbage can.

While I agree your idea is good in philosophical terms, it just won't happen. Though I've had maps ranked pretty fast myself so I guess what I have said above should be directed at myself too, I have nothing to hide @_@?

But right now if anything I think those queues are actually helping some people where they otherwise would never get any BAT attention due to language barriers and other things. So I think you shouldn't just take them down all at once. For example Echo is a very good modder and we're all lucky he had a queue open.
Mystearica, you don't know what you're talking about. Please stop.

EDIT: Also, I just deleted my queue. Ah, feels so much better.
Hey Larto, A+ essay there.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Agent Spin Here wrote:

The BATs are not your modding pets. They can do whatever the fuck they like.
Getting of topic here...
I see nothing wrong with BATs having modding queues. If it's such a problem then why would they have opened one in the first place, hm? Also, maybe people are turning to modding queues because uh...the kudosu system isn't working efficiently enough to accommodate the vast number of pending maps?

0_o wrote:

I'll just cut to the chase here, I don't think BATs should have forum modding queues. Thoughts? Open hostility?
I agree with you and also want to punch you in the nose for an unrelated reason.
keep talking eirrolll :D
I think BATs should have modding queues... cause I'm selfish. :P That's how I usually get their attention. :P
Well, maybe all BAT queues can be compiled and the maps posted arranged in order of kd, and anything below 8 removed. After a map is modded, the person can't post for 1 or so week?

Person puts MAP X in queue, after X is modded, he can't put anything, even a MAP Y, until the set time.

Of course, the active BATs would need to share the maps, so a few wouldn't slack and a few wouldn't work like hell.
The problem 0_o mentions with the queues is basically an unfortunate side-effect of the modding system in general. I'd freely admit that most of my maps were only bubbled because I happened to be in #mod when a BAT came around. Sure, there are a handful of BATs who recognize me, but I wouldn't say I've developed a peer-to-peer relationship with them, as I've heard implied is essential to getting a map ranked. There's no real solution to this problem without limiting the freedom and autonomy of the BATs, though.
I'd just like to say Hello, and Welcome to the forums, Public Ignorance and/or Stupidity.

JInxyjem wrote:

Well, maybe all BAT queues can be compiled and the maps posted arranged in order of kd, and anything below 8 removed.

strager wrote:

This is my favourite modding queue.

K2J wrote:

Sure, there are a handful of BATs who recognize me, but I wouldn't say I've developed a peer-to-peer relationship with them, as I've heard implied is essential to getting a map ranked.
I am a perfect example of why this is not true. My last three maps have been graveyarded due to inactivity/lack of moderation (they are done and ready to be ranked as I see fit, just throwing that out there) and I very obviously have a good peer-to-peer relationship with several of the BAT, have a good reputation, and all that good stuff. One of the reasons I don't bloat my maps with self-shot kd is to make a testament against the idea that people who befriend BAT get their maps ranked more quickly.
You mean BAT queue system is for forum-rapers so this is unfair, right?
BAT queues fill up ridiculously quick
um... Accroding to my exprience, I got 6 requests although I opened my BAT queue for 8 hours.
Maybe this makes sence.
Larto/Takuma had announced on #chinese when they opened their queue. This sucks! THAT'S WHY THEIR QUEUES' OPENING TIME IS SHORT AHH(Ahhh don't kick me)

At least, BAT queue is necessary for players who can't connect with BAT.

Anyways, I suck.
I think there should just be a big list where every pending map are ranked by order of Kudosu, And BAT, check 1 by 1, those with higher Kudosu.
If it get a Star it will have to wait about 2 days, then re-enter the list.
If it has bubble It will go in a special list, and Bat can go check them rapidly.

It's true, queue gets annoying, and Kudosu serve you right nothing.
I can see in Pending list, a 14 Star Priority got Bubble, and at same time 100 Star Priority too. What the?
I totally agree with you. We should really stop those queue.
Star Priority means nothing on the quality of said map. By an example, I could have +999 SP and my map could suck. Why ranking it if it's not worthing it?

I might not understand your point + you bumped a 4 year-old thread.
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