
The All-American Rejects - Fallin' Apart

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, 19 December 2009 at 9:28:11 PM

Artist: The All-American Rejects
Title: Fallin' Apart
BPM: 128.06
Filesize: 8708kb
Play Time: 03:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4 stars, 225 notes)
  2. Normal (2.63 stars, 170 notes)
Download: The All-American Rejects - Fallin' Apart
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Enjoy :)
Timing :
1. Delete the first timing section with the 0ms offset.
2. Imo, BPM is too fast (example -> 00:34:426, you can hear it here..)
Try this
BPM : 128.055
Offset : 19690
With this, you won't need the 2nd offset, and I had doubke checked your whole map with this timing, sounds 90& correct.

00:49:088 (3) - I suggest you don't do this pattern, hidden slider (and a repeat one) behind a note would make people mad. xD
01:21:049 (9) - Consider stack them or seperate them ?
02:08:086 (2,3) - These are obviosuly off timing. I feel that the 3 is on 02:09:156 (1/8 beat divisor). To avoid confusion, you can make a slider connecting 2 and the newly placed 3.
02:10:073 (2,3) - ^
Kitty McWittles
00:34:071 (1,2,3,4) - Resnap + a hitsound or 2
00:36:059 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:36:096 - Kiai

Beginning seems a little rough (see below)
02:19:063 (2) - New combo
02:36:096 - Kiai

Hitsounds though I'm sure you know already:P

I don't know why, but it all feels a bit rough to me (the point I noted in [Hard] seemed overly rough), even though you did a great job of matching the vocals... maybe fixing your offset/bpm will help.

Either way, nice song, and nice map for a WIP, have a star~

BPM: 128,10 - Offset: 4 (Remember to resnap all notes.)
BPM: 128,10 - Offset: 94.662 (Remember to resnap all notes.)

- Set a preview point on all difficulties.


Slider velocity is too high for an easy map. Lower it, please.

Seems "Normal".

Some breaks are too long.

00:19:672 - Delete this offset. Unuseful.

00:25:052 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:33:002 (1) - ^

00:34:071 (1,2,3,4) - 1/8 backward.
00:36:059 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:21:003 (4,5) - Too hard for an easy map.


Some breaks are too long.

00:19:672 - Delete this offset. Unuseful.
00:49:088 (3) - Slider repeat is completely hidden.
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osuplayer why did u put 2 offset options?

anyway changed everything...:) enjoy!

Preview points need to be set on all difficulties.
Source? Tags?
I'd recommend silencing a few of the slider hold sounds.


Closer to Easy than Normal.

01:21:006 (4,5) - A bit tougher than the rest.
02:08:039 (1,1) - A few mis-symmetries. For example, this set of sliders, one of them touches the vertical centre line, one doesn't. Use horizontal/vertical flip for perfection!

I felt there was too much empty space in this map, for example, 02:43:099. Fill them up a bit?


Timing section at 0 ms is unused, please remove.

Overall difficulty felt a bit high for the circle size, although not too bad.

Same thing as a whole, too many breaks, too much empty space. I'm a bit tired right now, can't really do a more detailed mod, sorry. :(
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changes made

hitsounds added
Not gonna nitpick your art direction, but at your own digression you should go over your slider curves, and make sure they look exactly the way you want. Quite a few are rough in both difficulties, but 00:38:431 (1) in Normal stands out as a real offender in terms of not being shaped in a very nice-looking way. You can leave it that way if that's the way you like it.

02:15:889 (1) in Normal, though, really ought to change a bit. It shouldn't overlap itself on the left side like that.

Spacing and everything seems to check out fine. Not much to complain about.

You can get rid of the "The All American Rejects" in the Tags field. That's redundant, since they're already tagged in the Artist field. I can't really think of any tags this map would need honestly, so you can leave that blank.
If you are to use my suggested timing, then you forgot to delete the 2nd BPm/offset, which is this -> offset : 94,672 BPM : 128.100. You will notice that after you delete this 2nd offset, the notes that fall on the "initial 2nd offset" will be 94657 ms, which is quite close to osuplayer's 2nd offset (94662).

Remember to resnap all notes, and recalculate all the slider lengths since you changed both the BPM and offset.

Go to Timing -> select resnap all notes and recalculate slider lengths (red lines there).

After resnap and recalculate, go through the map yourself once map to check for wrongly recalculated slider, sometimes there will be some, and you will need to readjust the slider a bit.

Good luck in your mapping~ =D
00:50:614 (2) - Move backward to red tick (end of slider)
00:59:516 (x) - Move forward to white tick (end of spinner)
01:39:355 (5) - Move backward to red tick
02:43:056 (4) - ^
01:44:508 (x) - Add some note here and use finish hitsound

00:51:902 (1) - Move forward to white tick

Not too bad. Star for you
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Thanks everyone :) changes made

Why are you set kiai time which is 02:32:874 - 02:37:560?
I recommend setting kiai time which is 00:44:991 - 00:59:985, 01:34:189 - 01:48:714 and 02:37:443 -.

And I can't find special problem.

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Hello~ changes made
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Changes made
You may need to shorten the third break. It seems a little long to me.

Other than that, I don't see too many problems.

00:27:018 (1) - epic slider lol
00:39:060 (8) - new combo
01:12:870 - move timing section to here
02:09:015 (3) - 1/3 snap
02:11:002 (3) - ^
02:12:014 (1) - ^
02:14:001 (2) - ^
02:19:098 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:42:012 (5) - new combo

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dj pop i dont really get when u say 1/3 snap, forward or back?

anyway changes made
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
By Al2e10's Mod queue !!

01:48:128 (3) move to 01:48:245
Too many Break on it!!
I have to wait Many time and it is to boring ~

Fine !!

You can change [Hard] to [Normal] and change [Normal] to [Easy]
Because Hard is not much hard ~
And that is grate map !!
Good job !! Star !!
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I got rid of the 02:19:063 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) and i put a spinner because i was puzzled to try and get the timing right....:/

anyway i made the changes enjoy XD
02:21:512 (2): New combo, maybe?

00:28:123 (3): Move a grid up.
00:40:306 (2): Move a grid left.

Nice song.
00:29:06(2) - How about move 1 grid left?
01:16:85(2) - How about move 1 grid right?

00:27:18(1,2,3) - Distance seems different... Maybe checking these notes? :3
00:29:06(1,2,3) - ^
00:47:10(3) - [Suggestion] How about make sure that (3)'s end is under (2)?
01:35:36(4) - [Suggestion] How about move 1 grid up and right?

Good song.
And keep going :3

Here's my star :3
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changes made enjoy XD
Looks good to me.
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ty for bubble XD

I'm not sure why you started from scratch for this difficulty, but the inheritted sections should be in the same place (timing) as Hard.
00:43:024 - Weird Break
00:44:933 - Section is on a 1/8 thing (Not really a problem but STILL)
01:34:657 - Back 1/1 beat? Fountain starts at a weird place.
02:33:226 - Maybe you should move this Kiai Section here -> 02:37:443 -
02:36:974 - Weird Pause that could have beats placed in it.

02:19:638 (1) - How about ending the spinner here -> 02:22:449 -
02:33:226 - Maybe you should move this Kiai Section here -> 02:37:443 -
02:37:443 - Add a note here?

Why does the map end here? I don't get it. It could be so much better if you end it somewhere like 03:11:178


Map is solid, but it seems boring. Hard ends weirdly. They both end weirdly, but it looks fine.

BTW Change offset to 18740 18752 (Taiko bars are ruined if the offset stays the way it is.)
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make changes
hey ~

01:39:120 [5] one tiny square to the left
02:34:644 [3] ^ only to the right.
02:57:368 [2] ^^^^

01:14:990 [3] spacing is weird here, i would move the 3 to the right by one tiny square or like maybe a new patter
01:32:327 [1] move it down one tiny square
02:06:062 [5] two tiny squares to the right

cool song ^^

star star or you you ^^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Matma Rex
Overall - great map.

00:30:094 (1,2,3) - tricky, but I think it's fine for Normal.
00:38:044 (1,2,3) - ^
01:21:031 (5) - doesn't fit IMO.
01:30:045 (1,2,3) - tricky, but I think it's fine for Normal.
01:32:056 (5,6,1) - ^
02:38:039 (1,2,3) - overlapped sliders might be tricky, too, but I like it.

00:28:012 (3,1) - someone might be bitchin' about this overlay, and it's kinda annoying.
01:21:030 (7,8,9) - doesn't fit IMO.
02:05:093 (4,5) - stack it?
02:09:021 (3), 02:11:008 (3) - 1/4 earlier?

(also, .osb file in dir is not needed, delete it?)

Resnap please

That's all.
hello again ~

03:06:492 [5,6]wanna move it down one then left one tinysquare? looks better and more even.

00:47:099[3]the middle thingy can you move it the the left by one tiny square? it loosk prettier >_<
01:32:314 [1] ^
01:38:873 [7] one tiny square to the left.
02:46:344 [2]this one up one the right one tinysquare then for [3]move it to the right one tiny square.

yeah.... lol
Well... I didn't actually notice anything wrong with it. I thinks its great :D
+Star For Yuu :3
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01:32:054 (5) - new combo would go nice here
01:33:048 (6,1) - really dont like having spacing like this in a normal diffculty


nice maps, star :)
Sorry for the delay
You know what? I see the problems here
Starred for your nice work
Can't you make a harder and more fun difficulty? Normal was the best difficulty imho. @__@; That's not going to stop me from bubbling this though.
@ those whom have bubbled this: :|
Add some tags, perhaps?
Add an audio lead-in on both diffs. One second should be enough.

*wtf at kiai
First kiai should be on the end of 00:44:522 (4).
00:45:459 - I'd place a beat here to keep the flow going.
00:50:847 (1) - Move back to the white tick, extend 1/2, and use a finish please.
2nd kiai in the middle of a slider? Uhhhh I'd put it on the beginning of 01:34:188 (1) where the guitar riff starts.
01:39:576 (1) - Move back to the white tick and extend 1 1/2 beats.
01:50:587 (1) - Move back 1/2 and extend 1/2.
02:15:889 (1) - I really don't like the sound of this. It's probably the slider ticks that sound so ugly.
02:36:973 (8) - Add kiai to the end of this, please.
02:37:910 - Add a note here to keep the flow going.
02:43:299 (1) - Move back 1/2, extend 1 1/2.
03:06:960 - And maybe add a note here too.
*I don't like the long breaks. Could you map at least part of them or something?

*Remove tag from this diff. 1) Tags should be the same on all diffs. 2) The "tag" is already the artist, so it's redundant.
00:25:545 (4) - Expected a note on the red tick and white tick after this. =x
00:33:042 (4) - And after this.
*oh hey the kiai is correct ;|
00:52:018 (1) - I'd rather a spinner be here like in Normal than pause/random note/pause.
*kiai correct again, but usually kiai doesn't start in an empty space. You can add a note, but it doesn't matter I guess.
01:40:748 (1) - Not liking this part again
01:50:587 (1) - Move back 1/2 and extend 1/2 and end with a hitsound.
02:05:932 (4) - NO. Enable 1/3 snap and move it to the purple tick.
02:07:455 - Add a note here perhaps.
02:09:153 (3) - Snap to the purple tick. For future reference, if you have to snap to a yellow 1/8 tick, then you're probably doing something wrong.
02:11:027 (3) - ^
02:12:140 (1) - wow @ anchors. I don't like how the ticks sound, again.
02:14:014 (2) - "wanna be" is in 1/3 timing too, so a repeat on the red tick here is incorrect and sounds bad. Just add circles instead.
*Oh duh, the ticks all sound bad since the section is in 1/3 timing. Just silence them or something please. They sound REALLY bad.
02:19:637 (1) - Extend for two white ticks.
*kiai time isn't on the white tick, "snap" it and maybe add a note there.
02:44:470 (1) - Buhhhh
02:48:687 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - too whistle spammy
03:06:960 - A note here, please.

I really don't like the long breaks in this song. It's easy/short enough to not need long ones that are mappable. To be honest, I didn't really enjoy this map. I realize that it's your first, but it still could use some work. Please take my star as a token of motivation, though, to work on this map some more. Good luck!
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