
Hanatan, Au, Mitani Nana, Wotamin, 96Neko, Yuikonnu - Hello

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 9월 8일 일요일 at 오후 2:41:51

Artist: Hanatan, Au, Mitani Nana, Wotamin, 96Neko, Yuikonnu
Title: Hello Laughter
Source: Last Note.
Tags: NicoNicoDouga Utaite Hanatan Au MitaniNana Wotamin 96Neko Yuikonnu
BPM: 190
Filesize: 23895kb
Play Time: 04:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Collaborations (5 stars, 1174 notes)
Download: Hanatan, Au, Mitani Nana, Wotamin, 96Neko, Yuikonnu - Hello Laughter
Download: Hanatan, Au, Mitani Nana, Wotamin, 96Neko, Yuikonnu - Hello Laughter (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 4th Beatmap.

I like this song very much~ ><

[Collaborations] by SSery

Great map, for a great song :3.

But the mp3 quality is kinda poor, so here's one with a better quality. It's 192kpbs, i think that's the highest autorized bitrate, tell me if there's something wrong with it.

You can download it here.

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