
Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on maandag 23 december 2013 at 2:21:55

Artist: Alphabeat
Title: X-Mas (Let's Do It Again)
Tags: Christmas Santa Claus
BPM: 123
Filesize: 7470kb
Play Time: 03:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,87 stars, 407 notes)
  2. Normal (2,91 stars, 217 notes)
Download: Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
No soup for you.
Mapset is finished
Oh, and merry christmas :3

Modders and checkers
Topic Starter

cheesiest wrote:

not even a santa hat on the peach.

Topic Starter

Priti wrote:

I have no regrets.

Asphyxia wrote:

no u r not
irc mod
23:27 Stefan: I really haven't found anything bad at the map, can I point you out the things I've found?
23:27 Stefan: here via IRC
23:27 Kyshiro: sure lol
23:27 Stefan: Because these are like five or six things
23:27 Stefan: At first: It feels like the Map ends too early.
23:28 Stefan: I think the SB at the end should disappear fully before you come out.
23:28 Kyshiro: well no, not really
23:28 Kyshiro: also: its the original song, i didnt fade out or w/e
23:28 Kyshiro: its the most logic place to end it
23:28 Stefan: Meant the SB, sori :p
23:29 Stefan: Map = SB
23:29 Kyshiro: doesn't it fully disappear?
23:29 Stefan: It doesn't.
23:30 Stefan: like a second more would be needed.
23:30 Kyshiro: o shiat
23:30 Stefan: You see it? :p
23:31 Stefan: Well, continuing with modding~
23:32 Stefan: At Superior: 00:36:257 (2) - I find this however a bit wrong created. The end point should be symmetrical in contrast to the previous slider. tl;dr
23:33 Stefan: 01:23:086 (2) - same here.
23:34 Stefan: 01:24:062 (3,4,1) - The curve ( could be abit smoother, looks a bit crumbled.
23:35 Kyshiro: ok fixed the sb
23:35 Stefan: About Exquisite: 02:04:123 (3) - This is practiually on 1/8 if you check this.
23:35 Stefan: As well 02:50:891 (3)
23:36 Kyshiro: i did those unsymmetric straight sliders on purpose ) - : they play fun
23:36 Kyshiro: and it's different from the standard copy paste
23:37 Stefan: It's more because of the style
23:37 Stefan: They are indeed fun
23:37 Kyshiro: fixed the curve @ 1:24
23:37 Stefan: okay
23:38 Kyshiro: i went back to the drums after that repeat slider
23:39 Stefan: About the 1/8 crap: I really don't know if the effort is needed to fix this.
23:39 Stefan: However people are up to call this as "overmapped" because the slider isn't mapped to a "beat".
23:39 Stefan: According to the one Thread
23:39 Kyshiro: it's mapped to that high sound
23:39 Kyshiro: and the next slider is back to the drums
23:40 Stefan: Oh.. let me check.
23:40 Kyshiro: if the drums weren't there, i would indeed have to use the 1/8 you said
23:40 Kyshiro: like you said *
23:40 Kyshiro: it's not overmapped
23:40 Stefan: nvm
23:41 Stefan: report me for shit
23:41 Stefan: ty
23:41 Kyshiro: ok
Topic Starter

Stefan wrote:

irc mod
23:27 Stefan: I really haven't found anything bad at the map, can I point you out the things I've found?
23:27 Stefan: here via IRC
23:27 Kyshiro: sure lol
23:27 Stefan: Because these are like five or six things
23:27 Stefan: At first: It feels like the Map ends too early.
23:28 Stefan: I think the SB at the end should disappear fully before you come out.
23:28 Kyshiro: well no, not really
23:28 Kyshiro: also: its the original song, i didnt fade out or w/e
23:28 Kyshiro: its the most logic place to end it
23:28 Stefan: Meant the SB, sori :p
23:29 Stefan: Map = SB
23:29 Kyshiro: doesn't it fully disappear?
23:29 Stefan: It doesn't.
23:30 Stefan: like a second more would be needed.
23:30 Kyshiro: o shiat
23:30 Stefan: You see it? :p
23:31 Stefan: Well, continuing with modding~
23:32 Stefan: At Superior: 00:36:257 (2) - I find this however a bit wrong created. The end point should be symmetrical in contrast to the previous slider. tl;dr
23:33 Stefan: 01:23:086 (2) - same here.
23:34 Stefan: 01:24:062 (3,4,1) - The curve ( could be abit smoother, looks a bit crumbled.
23:35 Kyshiro: ok fixed the sb
23:35 Stefan: About Exquisite: 02:04:123 (3) - This is practiually on 1/8 if you check this.
23:35 Stefan: As well 02:50:891 (3)
23:36 Kyshiro: i did those unsymmetric straight sliders on purpose ) - : they play fun
23:36 Kyshiro: and it's different from the standard copy paste
23:37 Stefan: It's more because of the style
23:37 Stefan: They are indeed fun
23:37 Kyshiro: fixed the curve @ 1:24
23:37 Stefan: okay
23:38 Kyshiro: i went back to the drums after that repeat slider
23:39 Stefan: About the 1/8 crap: I really don't know if the effort is needed to fix this.
23:39 Stefan: However people are up to call this as "overmapped" because the slider isn't mapped to a "beat".
23:39 Stefan: According to the one Thread
23:39 Kyshiro: it's mapped to that high sound
23:39 Kyshiro: and the next slider is back to the drums
23:40 Stefan: Oh.. let me check.
23:40 Kyshiro: if the drums weren't there, i would indeed have to use the 1/8 you said
23:40 Kyshiro: like you said *
23:40 Kyshiro: it's not overmapped
23:40 Stefan: nvm
23:41 Stefan: report me for shit
23:41 Stefan: ty
23:41 Kyshiro: ok
ty aheuaheau
00:50 *Kyshiro is listening to [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again)]
00:50 Kyshiro: mod pls
00:51 Asphyxia: PLS
00:51 Asphyxia: YOU'RE ASKING A MOD TOO
00:51 Asphyxia: cheesiest pm'd like 30 secs ago to mod his map
00:51 Asphyxia: now you
00:51 Asphyxia: lol
00:52 Asphyxia: SEND ME A FORUM PM
00:52 Kyshiro: no
00:52 Kyshiro: you mod it right now
00:52 Kyshiro: nigger
00:52 Asphyxia: irc
00:52 Asphyxia: ok
00:52 Kyshiro: ok
00:52 Asphyxia: otherwise your nigger ass can smell my shit
00:52 Kyshiro: stefan just mdoded it irc too
00:52 Kyshiro: nopls
00:53 Asphyxia: uhh
00:53 Asphyxia: I TRY TO FIND STUFF
00:53 Kyshiro: kkkkkkkk
00:55 Asphyxia: i hate this
00:55 Kyshiro: ) - :
00:56 *Asphyxia is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
00:56 Asphyxia: okay
00:56 Asphyxia: something worth mentioning
00:56 Asphyxia: 00:54:062 (5,1) - would be cool if you could make (1)'s end like this
00:56 Kyshiro: okay
00:57 Asphyxia:
00:57 Asphyxia: would fit imo better :(
00:57 Kyshiro: holy shit how did i miss that
00:57 Asphyxia: LOL
00:57 Asphyxia: you dont deserve the elite mapper title anymore
00:57 Asphyxia: get out
00:57 Kyshiro: LOL
00:58 Asphyxia: 00:58:208 (3) - Missed a clap here?
00:58 Kyshiro: yeah
00:58 Kyshiro: added
00:58 Kyshiro: the hitsound copying went wrong, had to add most of them myself ) - :
00:59 Asphyxia: same thing happend to come clean also
00:59 Asphyxia: a bit
00:59 Kyshiro: rip
01:03 Asphyxia: this shit is rekd
01:04 Kyshiro: plss
01:06 Asphyxia: I HATE YOUR MAPS
01:07 Asphyxia: elite mapper
01:07 Kyshiro: pls teach me how2 be a shitmapper
01:07 Asphyxia: shit flow
01:07 Asphyxia: shit blankets
01:07 Asphyxia: = asphyxia
01:07 Kyshiro: ) - :
01:07 Asphyxia: my blankets are good tho
01:07 Asphyxia: shit flow = Asphyxia
01:07 Asphyxia: ok
01:08 Kyshiro: you'll learn lol
01:08 Kyshiro: OH FUCK LOOOLLLL
01:08 Kyshiro:
01:08 Kyshiro: GET IT
01:08 Asphyxia: WHAT
01:08 Asphyxia: IS
01:08 Asphyxia: THAT
01:08 Kyshiro: the cocks
01:08 Kyshiro: [hard]
01:09 Asphyxia: cocks
01:09 Asphyxia: that could do
01:09 Asphyxia: 02:29:672 (1,1) - dat antijump rip
01:10 Kyshiro: pls
01:10 Kyshiro: it fits ok
01:11 Asphyxia: 03:12:111 (5,6) - wow such stack
01:11 Asphyxia: SO SMALL
01:11 Asphyxia: PLS
01:11 Asphyxia: GRID OFF
01:11 Asphyxia: OR SOMETHONG
01:11 Asphyxia: PLS FIX
01:11 Asphyxia: OK
01:11 Asphyxia: no, you dont have to
01:12 Asphyxia: 03:14:062 (2,3) - wow kshro
01:12 Asphyxia: blanket
01:12 Kyshiro: that stack doesnt matter cuz osu autostacks it
01:12 Kyshiro: wow such nazi
01:13 Asphyxia: ok
01:13 Asphyxia: I dont even deserve kudosu for this
01:14 Asphyxia: oh btw
01:14 Kyshiro: just post
01:14 Asphyxia: add some christmasy custom colours, it would be kinda nice
01:14 Kyshiro: oshit i forgot the colors
01:14 Kyshiro: ty
01:15 Kyshiro: post it
01:16 Asphyxia: uhh
01:16 Asphyxia: just an idea
01:16 Asphyxia: do you need to add the album name to the tags?
01:17 Kyshiro: whats the album name? i dont think its necessary anyway
01:17 Kyshiro: unless its christmas related
01:17 Asphyxia: I guess it's ''The Spell'' but yeah
01:17 Asphyxia: not necessary
01:17 Asphyxia: not even sure
01:17 Asphyxia: l0l
01:18 Kyshiro: wont add it then lol
01:18 Kyshiro: gogo post nigga

Eat my star nigger
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

00:50 *Kyshiro is listening to [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again)]
00:50 Kyshiro: mod pls
00:51 Asphyxia: PLS
00:51 Asphyxia: YOU'RE ASKING A MOD TOO
00:51 Asphyxia: cheesiest pm'd like 30 secs ago to mod his map
00:51 Asphyxia: now you
00:51 Asphyxia: lol
00:52 Asphyxia: SEND ME A FORUM PM
00:52 Kyshiro: no
00:52 Kyshiro: you mod it right now
00:52 Kyshiro: nigger
00:52 Asphyxia: irc
00:52 Asphyxia: ok
00:52 Kyshiro: ok
00:52 Asphyxia: otherwise your nigger ass can smell my shit
00:52 Kyshiro: stefan just mdoded it irc too
00:52 Kyshiro: nopls
00:53 Asphyxia: uhh
00:53 Asphyxia: I TRY TO FIND STUFF
00:53 Kyshiro: kkkkkkkk
00:55 Asphyxia: i hate this
00:55 Kyshiro: ) - :
00:56 *Asphyxia is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
00:56 Asphyxia: okay
00:56 Asphyxia: something worth mentioning
00:56 Asphyxia: 00:54:062 (5,1) - would be cool if you could make (1)'s end like this
00:56 Kyshiro: okay
00:57 Asphyxia:
00:57 Asphyxia: would fit imo better :(
00:57 Kyshiro: holy shit how did i miss that
00:57 Asphyxia: LOL
00:57 Asphyxia: you dont deserve the elite mapper title anymore
00:57 Asphyxia: get out
00:57 Kyshiro: LOL
00:58 Asphyxia: 00:58:208 (3) - Missed a clap here?
00:58 Kyshiro: yeah
00:58 Kyshiro: added
00:58 Kyshiro: the hitsound copying went wrong, had to add most of them myself ) - :
00:59 Asphyxia: same thing happend to come clean also
00:59 Asphyxia: a bit
00:59 Kyshiro: rip
01:03 Asphyxia: this shit is rekd
01:04 Kyshiro: plss
01:06 Asphyxia: I HATE YOUR MAPS
01:07 Asphyxia: elite mapper
01:07 Kyshiro: pls teach me how2 be a shitmapper
01:07 Asphyxia: shit flow
01:07 Asphyxia: shit blankets
01:07 Asphyxia: = asphyxia
01:07 Kyshiro: ) - :
01:07 Asphyxia: my blankets are good tho
01:07 Asphyxia: shit flow = Asphyxia
01:07 Asphyxia: ok
01:08 Kyshiro: you'll learn lol
01:08 Kyshiro: OH FUCK LOOOLLLL
01:08 Kyshiro:
01:08 Kyshiro: GET IT
01:08 Asphyxia: WHAT
01:08 Asphyxia: IS
01:08 Asphyxia: THAT
01:08 Kyshiro: the cocks
01:08 Kyshiro: [hard]
01:09 Asphyxia: cocks
01:09 Asphyxia: that could do
01:09 Asphyxia: 02:29:672 (1,1) - dat antijump rip
01:10 Kyshiro: pls
01:10 Kyshiro: it fits ok
01:11 Asphyxia: 03:12:111 (5,6) - wow such stack
01:11 Asphyxia: SO SMALL
01:11 Asphyxia: PLS
01:11 Asphyxia: GRID OFF
01:11 Asphyxia: OR SOMETHONG
01:11 Asphyxia: PLS FIX
01:11 Asphyxia: OK
01:11 Asphyxia: no, you dont have to
01:12 Asphyxia: 03:14:062 (2,3) - wow kshro
01:12 Asphyxia: blanket
01:12 Kyshiro: that stack doesnt matter cuz osu autostacks it
01:12 Kyshiro: wow such nazi
01:13 Asphyxia: ok
01:13 Asphyxia: I dont even deserve kudosu for this
01:14 Asphyxia: oh btw
01:14 Kyshiro: just post
01:14 Asphyxia: add some christmasy custom colours, it would be kinda nice
01:14 Kyshiro: oshit i forgot the colors
01:14 Kyshiro: ty
01:15 Kyshiro: post it
01:16 Asphyxia: uhh
01:16 Asphyxia: just an idea
01:16 Asphyxia: do you need to add the album name to the tags?
01:17 Kyshiro: whats the album name? i dont think its necessary anyway
01:17 Kyshiro: unless its christmas related
01:17 Asphyxia: I guess it's ''The Spell'' but yeah
01:17 Asphyxia: not necessary
01:17 Asphyxia: not even sure
01:17 Asphyxia: l0l
01:18 Kyshiro: wont add it then lol
01:18 Kyshiro: gogo post nigga

Eat my star nigger
ty ballsack
18:18 Kyshiro: pls cheese pls
18:18 Kyshiro: plspls
18:18 Kyshiro: mod this
18:18 *Kyshiro is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
18:18 Kyshiro: no one can mod it properly
18:18 Kyshiro: no one finds anything
18:18 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:18 *cheesiest comes to your resue
18:18 Kyshiro: i need your pro opinions on this shit
18:18 Kyshiro: woo
18:19 cheesiest: only if we get to do it ;-)
18:19 cheesiest: again (-;
18:19 cheesiest: everyone's coming
18:19 cheesiest: so let the love in
18:19 Kyshiro: ohgodwhy
18:19 cheesiest: ok so let's do this IRC mod hahaha
18:19 *cheesiest is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Exquisite]]
18:20 Kyshiro: ok lolol
18:20 *Kyshiro is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Exquisite]]
18:20 cheesiest: 00:11:379 (1) -
18:20 cheesiest: PIECE OF SHIT
18:20 Kyshiro: LOOOOOL
18:21 Kyshiro: its not overmapped u fuck
18:21 Kyshiro: listed to da song
18:21 Kyshiro: wait
18:21 Kyshiro: it is
18:21 Kyshiro: LOLOLOLOL
18:21 Kyshiro: but
18:21 Kyshiro: it's easier to play like this
18:21 cheesiest: no buts
18:21 Kyshiro: so it's kinda necessary in a way
18:21 cheesiest: i'll get those on your ass
18:21 Kyshiro: oh hell naw
18:21 cheesiest: 00:11:623 (6,7,8) -
18:22 cheesiest: make this symmetryical
18:22 cheesiest: do u know how 2 do that
18:22 Kyshiro: not not changing it
18:22 Kyshiro: because 00:11:867 (3,4,5) -
18:22 Kyshiro: by not changing it ***
18:22 cheesiest: what
18:23 cheesiest: but
18:23 Kyshiro: it would
18:23 Kyshiro: fuck
18:23 cheesiest: 00:14:550 (2,3,4) - is symmetrical
18:23 Kyshiro: thewhole pattern
18:23 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:23 Kyshiro: in its tight butt
18:23 cheesiest: 00:11:623 (6,7,8) - isn't
18:23 Kyshiro: yes but
18:23 Kyshiro: its a different pattern
18:23 cheesiest: I'll get D33d o nyoueass
18:23 cheesiest: ):
18:23 Kyshiro: + you dont see that while playing ) - :
18:23 cheesiest: i see it omg
18:24 Kyshiro: while modding
18:24 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:24 cheesiest: i notice everything while playing
18:24 cheesiest: LOL
18:24 cheesiest: im honestly just nazi-ing
18:24 Kyshiro: ) - : well i dont want to fuck that patterns tight anus
18:25 cheesiest: i would
18:25 Kyshiro: we know you would
18:25 Kyshiro: wow such mod
18:25 Kyshiro: we r just talking shit
18:25 Kyshiro: LOL
18:25 cheesiest: LOL
18:26 cheesiest: nice sb
18:26 cheesiest: map an extra
18:26 Kyshiro: ty ehaueha
18:26 Kyshiro: LOL extra pls
18:27 cheesiest: 01:21:867 (1) -
18:27 cheesiest: move the middle point of that curvy wurvy
18:27 cheesiest: to
18:27 cheesiest: 316, 352
18:27 cheesiest: i think it looks nicer
18:27 cheesiest: have fun fixing that when you flip and reverse the slider
18:28 Kyshiro: omg fuck
18:29 cheesiest: i expected some slider arts because y'know it's you
18:29 Kyshiro: ) - : there r some speshul sliders
18:29 Kyshiro: but no big slider art
18:29 Kyshiro: idek
18:30 cheesiest: 02:28:452 (1,2,3,4) -
18:30 cheesiest: not even a square
18:30 cheesiest: fix that
18:30 Kyshiro: 02:05:038 (1,3) - i consider this slider art.
18:30 Kyshiro: what
18:30 Kyshiro: its a square wtf niggr u wanna fite?
18:31 Kyshiro: how isnt it a square
18:31 Kyshiro: i dont see it
18:31 cheesiest: that is not a sqaure it's not even a rectangle
18:31 cheesiest: it's a quadrilateral of no specific qualities that give it a special name
18:31 Kyshiro: i em kshro
18:32 Kyshiro: so what do i do
18:32 cheesiest: ok what u do is
18:32 Kyshiro: move 3/4 a bit higher?
18:32 cheesiest: copy 2 points
18:32 cheesiest: what i suggest is 1 and 2
18:32 Kyshiro: i did that u fuck
18:32 Kyshiro: lol
18:32 cheesiest: and then you rotate 90 (use >
18:32 cheesiest: THEN
18:32 Kyshiro: didnt you
18:32 cheesiest: place over 2
18:32 Kyshiro: accidentally move 1 of em
18:32 cheesiest: no i didn't
18:32 Kyshiro: i did copy 1/2
18:32 Kyshiro: 1,2 *
18:33 cheesiest: plus it's slightly off visually
18:33 Kyshiro: ohwait
18:33 Kyshiro: i get what you mean
18:33 cheesiest: ye
18:34 Kyshiro: ok done
18:34 cheesiest: i can't tell with your transparent circles and huge size [(-;]
18:35 cheesiest: but ok i trust u <33
18:35 Kyshiro: i did it the way u told me to
18:35 Kyshiro: copy, turn 90 degrees
18:35 Kyshiro: repeat
18:35 cheesiest: :3 yay
18:35 cheesiest: 02:38:208 (1,2) - ~cool~
18:35 Kyshiro: thanckckk ∟_∟
18:36 cheesiest: 02:50:932 (3) -
18:36 cheesiest: well umm
18:36 cheesiest: i don't mean 2 burst ur bubble
18:36 cheesiest: but you don't have one anyways
18:36 Kyshiro: LOL
18:36 cheesiest: but that should be like 1/12 later lol
18:36 Kyshiro: ...hi instant 100
18:37 Kyshiro: or 50 if you're lucky
18:37 Kyshiro: i should keep it like that just to keep it simple
18:37 cheesiest: actually it's like 1/8th later but w/e!!!!!!!!! keep it simple
18:37 Kyshiro: why 1/12 later tho
18:38 Kyshiro: is it cuz of da vocals?
18:38 Kyshiro: cuz it fits da musik
18:38 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:38 cheesiest: 02:55:861 (3) -
18:38 cheesiest: idk w/e about that point ur making doesn't matter
18:38 cheesiest: keep it simple
18:38 cheesiest: 02:55:861 (3) -
18:38 cheesiest: i noticed
18:38 cheesiest: this is SLIGHTLY off from being parallel
18:38 cheesiest: with 02:54:794 (2) -
18:39 Kyshiro: in what way
18:39 cheesiest: move the end to 127, 106
18:39 Kyshiro: but i
18:39 Kyshiro: i
18:39 cheesiest: and then it'd be like best i think
18:39 cheesiest: BUT YOU
18:39 Kyshiro: i copied (3)
18:39 cheesiest: WHAT
18:39 Kyshiro: and ctrl h'd
18:40 cheesiest: oh what
18:40 Kyshiro: WTF
18:40 cheesiest: no you have my wrong
18:40 Kyshiro: R
18:40 Kyshiro: U
18:40 Kyshiro: DOING SON
18:40 cheesiest: 02:54:794 (2,3) -
18:40 Kyshiro: u have
18:40 Kyshiro: wrong combo
18:40 cheesiest: these two
18:40 cheesiest: not 02:55:769 (3,4) -
18:40 Kyshiro: u r fucking with combo
18:40 Kyshiro: so osu is selecting wrong notes
18:40 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:40 cheesiest: let me [reupdate]
18:40 cheesiest: no im not wrong u r wrong
18:40 cheesiest: 02:54:794 (2,3) -
18:41 cheesiest: 02:55:769 (3) -
18:41 Kyshiro: your mom is wrong
18:41 Kyshiro: theres nothign wrong with this
18:41 cheesiest: move the end to 127, 106
18:41 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:41 Kyshiro: but ok
18:41 Kyshiro: done
18:42 Kyshiro: i honestly dont see any difference ) - :
18:42 cheesiest: i do
18:42 cheesiest: (-: :-)
18:42 Kyshiro: okkkkkkkkkk
18:42 Kyshiro: well
18:42 Kyshiro: fixd eet
18:42 cheesiest: 03:11:379 (2) -
18:42 cheesiest: remove i tink
18:42 cheesiest: and just make like 1 and 3 a slider or w/e
18:43 cheesiest: actualyl nevermidn!!!!!
18:43 cheesiest: keep the consistancy
18:43 Kyshiro: 02:03:574 (2,3) - is this correctly done btw idk
18:43 Kyshiro: i'd rather keep those notes ye ) - :
18:43 cheesiest: the map said "merry christmas"!!!!!! thank yuo
18:44 Kyshiro: u r whalecum
18:44 cheesiest: i was joking about moving them 1/8 or 1/12 close ror w/e
18:44 cheesiest: keep it simple
18:44 cheesiest: as u sed
18:44 Kyshiro: i kno but
18:44 Kyshiro: those notes
18:44 cheesiest: yeah seems to be the case
18:44 Kyshiro: the
18:44 Kyshiro: 2
18:45 Kyshiro: is mapped to the high things u hear
18:45 Kyshiro: and then 3is bak to the drums
18:45 cheesiest: ye
18:45 Kyshiro: i dont even know if 2 is on spot
18:45 Kyshiro: i used 1/12 for that
18:45 cheesiest: correct ☑
18:45 Kyshiro: LOL
18:45 Kyshiro: okty
18:45 cheesiest: ok now normal
18:45 cheesiest: aka
18:45 cheesiest: superior
18:45 *cheesiest is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
18:45 cheesiest: Lake Superior
18:46 cheesiest: can i map an extra for this
18:46 cheesiest: 00:07:964 (1,2,3) -
18:46 Kyshiro: r u srs?
18:46 cheesiest: i really wish this was symmetrical
18:46 cheesiest: no im joking about the extra
18:46 Kyshiro: fixed
18:47 cheesiest: can u show me ss of fixed
18:47 Kyshiro:
18:48 cheesiest: ye
18:48 cheesiest: boom
18:48 cheesiest: you are the master
18:48 Kyshiro: no
18:48 Kyshiro: elite
18:48 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:48 cheesiest: 00:11:867 (1) - this whole part IDK Try this?!?!? and a circle 1/2 after the last slide rin pic becuz idk
18:48 cheesiest: you should try vocals in normal
18:49 cheesiest: since they're like the "front line" of the music
18:49 cheesiest: but without the bloodshed and tears and piles of bodies
18:49 Kyshiro: LOL wow
18:49 cheesiest: although that might be the case with this mapping
18:49 Kyshiro: thats deep
18:49 Kyshiro: but but
18:49 Kyshiro: these r vocals
18:50 Kyshiro: i mean line
18:50 Kyshiro: and i dont want to miss the big white dick
18:50 Kyshiro: cuz theres a pretty strong sound on it
18:50 Kyshiro: actually the only sound
18:50 cheesiest: the heavily European standard of beauty
18:50 cheesiest: you are perpetuating it
18:50 cheesiest: yeah
18:50 cheesiest: u r right
18:51 cheesiest: 02:12:355 (2,3,4,5) -
18:51 cheesiest: not a square
18:51 Kyshiro: your mom is not a square !!!!!!!
18:51 cheesiest: are you sure about that
18:51 cheesiest: 02:28:452 (3,4) -
18:51 cheesiest: why is 4 on a weak beat KYSHIRO you know better
18:52 cheesiest: and every other thing like that you did in the map
18:52 Kyshiro: ok fioxed
18:52 cheesiest: 02:38:208 (1) - make this bent once it goes 1/1 through the slider
18:52 cheesiest: omg
18:52 cheesiest: and then u'know flip
18:52 cheesiest: for the symmetry
18:53 Kyshiro: that 4 is on a weak beat because KYSHIRO likes the idea of 2 1/2 sliders at such moments
18:53 Kyshiro: but
18:53 cheesiest: no that's dumb you should put a circle because it ends the phrase strongly
18:53 Kyshiro: i didnt want the individual sliders to be symmetric
18:53 cheesiest: the way it actually ends
18:53 Kyshiro: though together they r symmetric
18:53 Kyshiro: it has deep meaning
18:53 cheesiest: yes that is what i ment
18:53 Kyshiro: ok i'll fix
18:53 Kyshiro: btoh
18:54 cheesiest: make that Merry Christmas thing fade in quicker
18:54 Kyshiro: im tlkaing bullshit ok
18:54 cheesiest: and last a bit longer
18:54 cheesiest: and same fade out speed as fade in
18:54 Kyshiro: cant make itlast longer
18:54 cheesiest: thank you
18:54 Kyshiro: last longer = the end screen comes while it hasnd faded out yet
18:54 cheesiest: i mean like
18:54 cheesiest: noooooooo
18:54 cheesiest: that is nto what i meant
18:55 cheesiest: ok so like
18:55 cheesiest: it starts at
18:55 cheesiest: 03:31:867
18:55 cheesiest: 03:31:867
18:55 cheesiest: and isn't "full in" yet until
18:55 cheesiest: 03:33:818
18:55 cheesiest: that is quite a while
18:55 cheesiest: make it full in at 03:32:842
18:55 cheesiest: 03:32:842
18:55 Kyshiro: i like the slow fadein
18:56 cheesiest: no that is gross it fades in longer than it is full in
18:56 cheesiest: ):
18:56 Kyshiro: WHY
18:56 Kyshiro: CANT I
18:56 Kyshiro: CHANGE THAT SHIT
18:56 Kyshiro: it wont
18:56 Kyshiro: let me
18:56 Kyshiro: fade
18:56 Kyshiro: wtf osu stop niggering
18:57 cheesiest: let me do it for u
18:57 cheesiest: fucking flake2.jpg
18:57 cheesiest: .png
18:57 cheesiest: same shit
18:57 Kyshiro: it wont let me
18:57 Kyshiro: i swer
18:58 Kyshiro: delete.png
18:58 cheesiest: .osb in notepad
18:59 cheesiest: why do you have movement on the merry christmas sprite
18:59 Kyshiro: i dont fucking know
18:59 Kyshiro: i deleted it
18:59 Kyshiro: i readded
18:59 Kyshiro: and now its k
19:00 cheesiest:
19:00 cheesiest: this is not what i meant to do
19:00 cheesiest: i accidentally the scale line
19:01 Kyshiro: LOL.
19:02 cheesiest: i think it's better if you like
19:02 cheesiest: make the merry christmas a bit fuller
19:03 Kyshiro: fuller?
19:03 Kyshiro: wat
19:03 Kyshiro: like how
19:03 cheesiest:
19:03 cheesiest: like
19:03 cheesiest: not faded
19:03 Kyshiro: but why
19:03 cheesiest: it feels bolder
19:03 Kyshiro: its too bright to fit with the bg if its not a little faded
19:03 Kyshiro: imo
19:04 cheesiest: i see it as it's just bold enough compared to the bg
19:04 cheesiest: this is not something you want blending in too much w/ BG
19:04 Kyshiro: ? ) - :
19:05 cheesiest: i suppose so
19:06 cheesiest: AND MAYBE
19:06 cheesiest: we can put some easing on the sprite
19:06 cheesiest: lol
19:06 Kyshiro: like wut
19:06 Kyshiro: i dont even
19:06 Kyshiro: know
19:06 Kyshiro: what easing is
19:06 Kyshiro: LOOOOOOOOooooooooooool
19:07 cheesiest: if you ease it "in"
19:07 cheesiest: it starts off slow
19:07 cheesiest: and speeds up
19:07 cheesiest: the effect
19:07 cheesiest: and the opposite with out
19:07 Kyshiro: oh i c
19:07 cheesiest: do i know how 2 put it
19:07 cheesiest: on the effect
19:07 cheesiest: do u&
19:07 Kyshiro: do i have to enable it at a certain point?
19:08 Kyshiro: no i dont
19:08 cheesiest: yes
19:08 cheesiest: yes u might've fucked it up oops lol
19:08 Kyshiro: im gonna guess at 03:32:842 - ?
19:08 cheesiest: n
19:08 cheesiest: try 03:32:355
19:08 Kyshiro: ok
19:08 Kyshiro: i disabled
19:08 cheesiest: 03:32:355
19:08 Kyshiro: did i fuck anything in the ass
19:08 cheesiest: because you are in the middle of the transition
19:08 cheesiest: in the middle of an effect
19:08 cheesiest: nah probs not
19:09 Kyshiro: okay
19:09 Kyshiro: done
19:09 cheesiest: so yeah click the sprite when you're at 03:32:355 - and put in
19:09 cheesiest: and then if u want u can do it again w/ the end but use out
19:09 Kyshiro: i dids that
19:09 cheesiest: yeeeee
19:09 cheesiest: we did it
19:09 cheesiest: hurray
19:09 Kyshiro: also halfway the fade?
19:09 cheesiest: los issimos
19:09 Kyshiro: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
19:10 cheesiest: you have to at least where the fade starts or between the start and end of the effect
19:10 Kyshiro: ok
19:10 Kyshiro: i did
19:10 Kyshiro: tat
19:10 Kyshiro: can
19:10 Kyshiro: i
19:10 Kyshiro: uplod
19:10 cheesiest: yes
Topic Starter

cheesiest wrote:

18:18 Kyshiro: pls cheese pls
18:18 Kyshiro: plspls
18:18 Kyshiro: mod this
18:18 *Kyshiro is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
18:18 Kyshiro: no one can mod it properly
18:18 Kyshiro: no one finds anything
18:18 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:18 *cheesiest comes to your resue
18:18 Kyshiro: i need your pro opinions on this shit
18:18 Kyshiro: woo
18:19 cheesiest: only if we get to do it ;-)
18:19 cheesiest: again (-;
18:19 cheesiest: everyone's coming
18:19 cheesiest: so let the love in
18:19 Kyshiro: ohgodwhy
18:19 cheesiest: ok so let's do this IRC mod hahaha
18:19 *cheesiest is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Exquisite]]
18:20 Kyshiro: ok lolol
18:20 *Kyshiro is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Exquisite]]
18:20 cheesiest: 00:11:379 (1) -
18:20 cheesiest: PIECE OF SHIT
18:20 Kyshiro: LOOOOOL
18:21 Kyshiro: its not overmapped u fuck
18:21 Kyshiro: listed to da song
18:21 Kyshiro: wait
18:21 Kyshiro: it is
18:21 Kyshiro: LOLOLOLOL
18:21 Kyshiro: but
18:21 Kyshiro: it's easier to play like this
18:21 cheesiest: no buts
18:21 Kyshiro: so it's kinda necessary in a way
18:21 cheesiest: i'll get those on your ass
18:21 Kyshiro: oh hell naw
18:21 cheesiest: 00:11:623 (6,7,8) -
18:22 cheesiest: make this symmetryical
18:22 cheesiest: do u know how 2 do that
18:22 Kyshiro: not not changing it
18:22 Kyshiro: because 00:11:867 (3,4,5) -
18:22 Kyshiro: by not changing it ***
18:22 cheesiest: what
18:23 cheesiest: but
18:23 Kyshiro: it would
18:23 Kyshiro: fuck
18:23 cheesiest: 00:14:550 (2,3,4) - is symmetrical
18:23 Kyshiro: thewhole pattern
18:23 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:23 Kyshiro: in its tight butt
18:23 cheesiest: 00:11:623 (6,7,8) - isn't
18:23 Kyshiro: yes but
18:23 Kyshiro: its a different pattern
18:23 cheesiest: I'll get D33d o nyoueass
18:23 cheesiest: ):
18:23 Kyshiro: + you dont see that while playing ) - :
18:23 cheesiest: i see it omg
18:24 Kyshiro: while modding
18:24 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:24 cheesiest: i notice everything while playing
18:24 cheesiest: LOL
18:24 cheesiest: im honestly just nazi-ing
18:24 Kyshiro: ) - : well i dont want to fuck that patterns tight anus
18:25 cheesiest: i would
18:25 Kyshiro: we know you would
18:25 Kyshiro: wow such mod
18:25 Kyshiro: we r just talking shit
18:25 Kyshiro: LOL
18:25 cheesiest: LOL
18:26 cheesiest: nice sb
18:26 cheesiest: map an extra
18:26 Kyshiro: ty ehaueha
18:26 Kyshiro: LOL extra pls
18:27 cheesiest: 01:21:867 (1) -
18:27 cheesiest: move the middle point of that curvy wurvy
18:27 cheesiest: to
18:27 cheesiest: 316, 352
18:27 cheesiest: i think it looks nicer
18:27 cheesiest: have fun fixing that when you flip and reverse the slider
18:28 Kyshiro: omg fuck
18:29 cheesiest: i expected some slider arts because y'know it's you
18:29 Kyshiro: ) - : there r some speshul sliders
18:29 Kyshiro: but no big slider art
18:29 Kyshiro: idek
18:30 cheesiest: 02:28:452 (1,2,3,4) -
18:30 cheesiest: not even a square
18:30 cheesiest: fix that
18:30 Kyshiro: 02:05:038 (1,3) - i consider this slider art.
18:30 Kyshiro: what
18:30 Kyshiro: its a square wtf niggr u wanna fite?
18:31 Kyshiro: how isnt it a square
18:31 Kyshiro: i dont see it
18:31 cheesiest: that is not a sqaure it's not even a rectangle
18:31 cheesiest: it's a quadrilateral of no specific qualities that give it a special name
18:31 Kyshiro: i em kshro
18:32 Kyshiro: so what do i do
18:32 cheesiest: ok what u do is
18:32 Kyshiro: move 3/4 a bit higher?
18:32 cheesiest: copy 2 points
18:32 cheesiest: what i suggest is 1 and 2
18:32 Kyshiro: i did that u fuck
18:32 Kyshiro: lol
18:32 cheesiest: and then you rotate 90 (use >
18:32 cheesiest: THEN
18:32 Kyshiro: didnt you
18:32 cheesiest: place over 2
18:32 Kyshiro: accidentally move 1 of em
18:32 cheesiest: no i didn't
18:32 Kyshiro: i did copy 1/2
18:32 Kyshiro: 1,2 *
18:33 cheesiest: plus it's slightly off visually
18:33 Kyshiro: ohwait
18:33 Kyshiro: i get what you mean
18:33 cheesiest: ye
18:34 Kyshiro: ok done
18:34 cheesiest: i can't tell with your transparent circles and huge size [(-;]
18:35 cheesiest: but ok i trust u <33
18:35 Kyshiro: i did it the way u told me to
18:35 Kyshiro: copy, turn 90 degrees
18:35 Kyshiro: repeat
18:35 cheesiest: :3 yay
18:35 cheesiest: 02:38:208 (1,2) - ~cool~
18:35 Kyshiro: thanckckk ∟_∟
18:36 cheesiest: 02:50:932 (3) -
18:36 cheesiest: well umm
18:36 cheesiest: i don't mean 2 burst ur bubble
18:36 cheesiest: but you don't have one anyways
18:36 Kyshiro: LOL
18:36 cheesiest: but that should be like 1/12 later lol
18:36 Kyshiro: ...hi instant 100
18:37 Kyshiro: or 50 if you're lucky
18:37 Kyshiro: i should keep it like that just to keep it simple
18:37 cheesiest: actually it's like 1/8th later but w/e!!!!!!!!! keep it simple
18:37 Kyshiro: why 1/12 later tho
18:38 Kyshiro: is it cuz of da vocals?
18:38 Kyshiro: cuz it fits da musik
18:38 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:38 cheesiest: 02:55:861 (3) -
18:38 cheesiest: idk w/e about that point ur making doesn't matter
18:38 cheesiest: keep it simple
18:38 cheesiest: 02:55:861 (3) -
18:38 cheesiest: i noticed
18:38 cheesiest: this is SLIGHTLY off from being parallel
18:38 cheesiest: with 02:54:794 (2) -
18:39 Kyshiro: in what way
18:39 cheesiest: move the end to 127, 106
18:39 Kyshiro: but i
18:39 Kyshiro: i
18:39 cheesiest: and then it'd be like best i think
18:39 cheesiest: BUT YOU
18:39 Kyshiro: i copied (3)
18:39 cheesiest: WHAT
18:39 Kyshiro: and ctrl h'd
18:40 cheesiest: oh what
18:40 Kyshiro: WTF
18:40 cheesiest: no you have my wrong
18:40 Kyshiro: R
18:40 Kyshiro: U
18:40 Kyshiro: DOING SON
18:40 cheesiest: 02:54:794 (2,3) -
18:40 Kyshiro: u have
18:40 Kyshiro: wrong combo
18:40 cheesiest: these two
18:40 cheesiest: not 02:55:769 (3,4) -
18:40 Kyshiro: u r fucking with combo
18:40 Kyshiro: so osu is selecting wrong notes
18:40 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:40 cheesiest: let me [reupdate]
18:40 cheesiest: no im not wrong u r wrong
18:40 cheesiest: 02:54:794 (2,3) -
18:41 cheesiest: 02:55:769 (3) -
18:41 Kyshiro: your mom is wrong
18:41 Kyshiro: theres nothign wrong with this
18:41 cheesiest: move the end to 127, 106
18:41 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:41 Kyshiro: but ok
18:41 Kyshiro: done
18:42 Kyshiro: i honestly dont see any difference ) - :
18:42 cheesiest: i do
18:42 cheesiest: (-: :-)
18:42 Kyshiro: okkkkkkkkkk
18:42 Kyshiro: well
18:42 Kyshiro: fixd eet
18:42 cheesiest: 03:11:379 (2) -
18:42 cheesiest: remove i tink
18:42 cheesiest: and just make like 1 and 3 a slider or w/e
18:43 cheesiest: actualyl nevermidn!!!!!
18:43 cheesiest: keep the consistancy
18:43 Kyshiro: 02:03:574 (2,3) - is this correctly done btw idk
18:43 Kyshiro: i'd rather keep those notes ye ) - :
18:43 cheesiest: the map said "merry christmas"!!!!!! thank yuo
18:44 Kyshiro: u r whalecum
18:44 cheesiest: i was joking about moving them 1/8 or 1/12 close ror w/e
18:44 cheesiest: keep it simple
18:44 cheesiest: as u sed
18:44 Kyshiro: i kno but
18:44 Kyshiro: those notes
18:44 cheesiest: yeah seems to be the case
18:44 Kyshiro: the
18:44 Kyshiro: 2
18:45 Kyshiro: is mapped to the high things u hear
18:45 Kyshiro: and then 3is bak to the drums
18:45 cheesiest: ye
18:45 Kyshiro: i dont even know if 2 is on spot
18:45 Kyshiro: i used 1/12 for that
18:45 cheesiest: correct ☑
18:45 Kyshiro: LOL
18:45 Kyshiro: okty
18:45 cheesiest: ok now normal
18:45 cheesiest: aka
18:45 cheesiest: superior
18:45 *cheesiest is editing [ Alphabeat - X-Mas (Let's Do It Again) [Superior]]
18:45 cheesiest: Lake Superior
18:46 cheesiest: can i map an extra for this
18:46 cheesiest: 00:07:964 (1,2,3) -
18:46 Kyshiro: r u srs?
18:46 cheesiest: i really wish this was symmetrical
18:46 cheesiest: no im joking about the extra
18:46 Kyshiro: fixed
18:47 cheesiest: can u show me ss of fixed
18:47 Kyshiro:
18:48 cheesiest: ye
18:48 cheesiest: boom
18:48 cheesiest: you are the master
18:48 Kyshiro: no
18:48 Kyshiro: elite
18:48 Kyshiro: ) - :
18:48 cheesiest: 00:11:867 (1) - this whole part IDK Try this?!?!? and a circle 1/2 after the last slide rin pic becuz idk
18:48 cheesiest: you should try vocals in normal
18:49 cheesiest: since they're like the "front line" of the music
18:49 cheesiest: but without the bloodshed and tears and piles of bodies
18:49 Kyshiro: LOL wow
18:49 cheesiest: although that might be the case with this mapping
18:49 Kyshiro: thats deep
18:49 Kyshiro: but but
18:49 Kyshiro: these r vocals
18:50 Kyshiro: i mean line
18:50 Kyshiro: and i dont want to miss the big white dick
18:50 Kyshiro: cuz theres a pretty strong sound on it
18:50 Kyshiro: actually the only sound
18:50 cheesiest: the heavily European standard of beauty
18:50 cheesiest: you are perpetuating it
18:50 cheesiest: yeah
18:50 cheesiest: u r right
18:51 cheesiest: 02:12:355 (2,3,4,5) -
18:51 cheesiest: not a square
18:51 Kyshiro: your mom is not a square !!!!!!!
18:51 cheesiest: are you sure about that
18:51 cheesiest: 02:28:452 (3,4) -
18:51 cheesiest: why is 4 on a weak beat KYSHIRO you know better
18:52 cheesiest: and every other thing like that you did in the map
18:52 Kyshiro: ok fioxed
18:52 cheesiest: 02:38:208 (1) - make this bent once it goes 1/1 through the slider
18:52 cheesiest: omg
18:52 cheesiest: and then u'know flip
18:52 cheesiest: for the symmetry
18:53 Kyshiro: that 4 is on a weak beat because KYSHIRO likes the idea of 2 1/2 sliders at such moments
18:53 Kyshiro: but
18:53 cheesiest: no that's dumb you should put a circle because it ends the phrase strongly
18:53 Kyshiro: i didnt want the individual sliders to be symmetric
18:53 cheesiest: the way it actually ends
18:53 Kyshiro: though together they r symmetric
18:53 Kyshiro: it has deep meaning
18:53 cheesiest: yes that is what i ment
18:53 Kyshiro: ok i'll fix
18:53 Kyshiro: btoh
18:54 cheesiest: make that Merry Christmas thing fade in quicker
18:54 Kyshiro: im tlkaing bullshit ok
18:54 cheesiest: and last a bit longer
18:54 cheesiest: and same fade out speed as fade in
18:54 Kyshiro: cant make itlast longer
18:54 cheesiest: thank you
18:54 Kyshiro: last longer = the end screen comes while it hasnd faded out yet
18:54 cheesiest: i mean like
18:54 cheesiest: noooooooo
18:54 cheesiest: that is nto what i meant
18:55 cheesiest: ok so like
18:55 cheesiest: it starts at
18:55 cheesiest: 03:31:867
18:55 cheesiest: 03:31:867
18:55 cheesiest: and isn't "full in" yet until
18:55 cheesiest: 03:33:818
18:55 cheesiest: that is quite a while
18:55 cheesiest: make it full in at 03:32:842
18:55 cheesiest: 03:32:842
18:55 Kyshiro: i like the slow fadein
18:56 cheesiest: no that is gross it fades in longer than it is full in
18:56 cheesiest: ):
18:56 Kyshiro: WHY
18:56 Kyshiro: CANT I
18:56 Kyshiro: CHANGE THAT SHIT
18:56 Kyshiro: it wont
18:56 Kyshiro: let me
18:56 Kyshiro: fade
18:56 Kyshiro: wtf osu stop niggering
18:57 cheesiest: let me do it for u
18:57 cheesiest: fucking flake2.jpg
18:57 cheesiest: .png
18:57 cheesiest: same shit
18:57 Kyshiro: it wont let me
18:57 Kyshiro: i swer
18:58 Kyshiro: delete.png
18:58 cheesiest: .osb in notepad
18:59 cheesiest: why do you have movement on the merry christmas sprite
18:59 Kyshiro: i dont fucking know
18:59 Kyshiro: i deleted it
18:59 Kyshiro: i readded
18:59 Kyshiro: and now its k
19:00 cheesiest:
19:00 cheesiest: this is not what i meant to do
19:00 cheesiest: i accidentally the scale line
19:01 Kyshiro: LOL.
19:02 cheesiest: i think it's better if you like
19:02 cheesiest: make the merry christmas a bit fuller
19:03 Kyshiro: fuller?
19:03 Kyshiro: wat
19:03 Kyshiro: like how
19:03 cheesiest:
19:03 cheesiest: like
19:03 cheesiest: not faded
19:03 Kyshiro: but why
19:03 cheesiest: it feels bolder
19:03 Kyshiro: its too bright to fit with the bg if its not a little faded
19:03 Kyshiro: imo
19:04 cheesiest: i see it as it's just bold enough compared to the bg
19:04 cheesiest: this is not something you want blending in too much w/ BG
19:04 Kyshiro: ? ) - :
19:05 cheesiest: i suppose so
19:06 cheesiest: AND MAYBE
19:06 cheesiest: we can put some easing on the sprite
19:06 cheesiest: lol
19:06 Kyshiro: like wut
19:06 Kyshiro: i dont even
19:06 Kyshiro: know
19:06 Kyshiro: what easing is
19:06 Kyshiro: LOOOOOOOOooooooooooool
19:07 cheesiest: if you ease it "in"
19:07 cheesiest: it starts off slow
19:07 cheesiest: and speeds up
19:07 cheesiest: the effect
19:07 cheesiest: and the opposite with out
19:07 Kyshiro: oh i c
19:07 cheesiest: do i know how 2 put it
19:07 cheesiest: on the effect
19:07 cheesiest: do u&
19:07 Kyshiro: do i have to enable it at a certain point?
19:08 Kyshiro: no i dont
19:08 cheesiest: yes
19:08 cheesiest: yes u might've fucked it up oops lol
19:08 Kyshiro: im gonna guess at 03:32:842 - ?
19:08 cheesiest: n
19:08 cheesiest: try 03:32:355
19:08 Kyshiro: ok
19:08 Kyshiro: i disabled
19:08 cheesiest: 03:32:355
19:08 Kyshiro: did i fuck anything in the ass
19:08 cheesiest: because you are in the middle of the transition
19:08 cheesiest: in the middle of an effect
19:08 cheesiest: nah probs not
19:09 Kyshiro: okay
19:09 Kyshiro: done
19:09 cheesiest: so yeah click the sprite when you're at 03:32:355 - and put in
19:09 cheesiest: and then if u want u can do it again w/ the end but use out
19:09 Kyshiro: i dids that
19:09 cheesiest: yeeeee
19:09 cheesiest: we did it
19:09 cheesiest: hurray
19:09 Kyshiro: also halfway the fade?
19:09 cheesiest: los issimos
19:09 Kyshiro: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
19:10 cheesiest: you have to at least where the fade starts or between the start and end of the effect
19:10 Kyshiro: ok
19:10 Kyshiro: i did
19:10 Kyshiro: tat
19:10 Kyshiro: can
19:10 Kyshiro: i
19:10 Kyshiro: uplod
19:10 cheesiest: yes
much thanck
Add "Pop" to tags
Not sure about the OD on the hard diff, it might be better with 6?

01:26:989 (3) pls curve lyke dis
01:36:745 (2) curve to fit (3) pls
01:59:184 (1) why random shape pls make both ends the same
02:10:891 (1) this slider could be shaped better to fit with the following pattern
03:17:233 (1) Lol'd

00:11:379 (1) delete? I hear no sound to support this note
00:45:525 clappu
01:05:525 (4) this slider feels random as fuq, how about making both ends equal? looks a bit better imo
01:22:599 I don't really like this part, how about this
01:32:842 (3) pls curve, combo 4 would also look better if curved!
01:57:599 (4,5) these are 1/6 and should be here 01:57:558 (4) and here 01:57:883 (5) - same thing here 02:44:387 (2,3)
02:06:989 (1,2) I don't think these sliders fit eachother well at all, I'd make either of them similar to another
The rest is pretty much up to style which don't really need to be changed, but note that parts like these 03:28:940 (1,2,1,2,3) feel kinda rushed and could use some curves or reshapes imo

Man this is practically done, no need for more mods
xmas spirit woop
Topic Starter

Liiraye wrote:

Add "Pop" to tags no need to add the genre in the tags
Not sure about the OD on the hard diff, it might be better with 6? yeah

01:26:989 (3) pls curve lyke dis okay
01:36:745 (2) curve to fit (3) pls I'd rather not, did this on purpose
01:59:184 (1) why random shape pls make both ends the same fixed
02:10:891 (1) this slider could be shaped better to fit with the following pattern i think it's fine
03:17:233 (1) Lol'd

00:11:379 (1) delete? I hear no sound to support this note it's a lot more intuitive to start playing there instead of the red line after it, it improves the gameplay
00:45:525 clappu there's already a clap here lol
01:05:525 (4) this slider feels random as fuq, how about making both ends equal? looks a bit better imo i don't see whats wrong with this slider, it's not supposed to be a symmetric slider, made it different on purpose which i thought was obvious
01:22:599 I don't really like this part, how about this okay
01:32:842 (3) pls curve, combo 4 would also look better if curved! it would be the same over and over, im keeping this how it is, it's fine either way
01:57:599 (4,5) these are 1/6 and should be here 01:57:558 (4) and here 01:57:883 (5) - same thing here 02:44:387 (2,3) these are not 1/6, i tried it and they sounded terribly off
02:06:989 (1,2) I don't think these sliders fit eachother well at all, I'd make either of them similar to another okay
The rest is pretty much up to style which don't really need to be changed, but note that parts like these 03:28:940 (1,2,1,2,3) feel kinda rushed and could use some curves or reshapes imo Fixed those, however i did not rush it like you said, what's wrong with straight sliders?

Man this is practically done, no need for more mods
xmas spirit woop


  1. 01:37:720 (3) - nooooo what happened please fix this blanket :-(
  2. 01:53:330 (3) - why not rotate it a little bit to fit with (1)?
  3. 02:26:501 (1) - waarom kyshiro waarom doe je me dit aan ik dacht dat je de beste was
  4. 02:40:159 (3) - why y u finish on end?


  1. 00:26:257 (3) - can you make this a blanket around (4)'s end (schuif einde zwengelt wat omhoog)
  2. 00:29:428 (1) - what happened to your perfect blanket skills? :-( (schuif beginsel zwengelt wat omhoog
  3. 02:57:720 (1) - looks really tight and doesn't actually blanket perfectly
  4. 03:12:111 (5,6) - lol this stack you fukking pies of gele bedorven sneeuwbal

kanker vrolijk hannukah godverdomme
Topic Starter

Ayu wrote:


  1. 01:37:720 (3) - nooooo what happened please fix this blanket :-(
  2. 01:53:330 (3) - why not rotate it a little bit to fit with (1)?
  3. 02:26:501 (1) - waarom kyshiro waarom doe je me dit aan ik dacht dat je de beste was
  4. 02:40:159 (3) - why y u finish on end?


  1. 00:26:257 (3) - can you make this a blanket around (4)'s end (schuif einde zwengelt wat omhoog)
  2. 00:29:428 (1) - what happened to your perfect blanket skills? :-( (schuif beginsel zwengelt wat omhoog
  3. 02:57:720 (1) - looks really tight and doesn't actually blanket perfectly
  4. 03:12:111 (5,6) - lol this stack you fukking pies of gele bedorven sneeuwbal

kanker vrolijk hannukah godverdomme
fixed everything hunnakah heil snorremans bamihap
Good Job, Elite Mapper
Think you could add a spinner somewhere in the maps? This is to prevent high score lockouts (which will probably happen in Superior)

Raise OD by at least one.
I find that AR 7 fits the map's pacing better, though it does make things a little more cluttered. Kind of a toss-up here. q:
01:12:842 - Move this delayed break back to the default position
Topic Starter

Dangaard wrote:

Good Job, Elite Mapper
Thank you :3

Garven wrote:

Think you could add a spinner somewhere in the maps? This is to prevent high score lockouts (which will probably happen in Superior) Added one in superior, I really just couldnt get myself to delete a part in the hard diff to add a spinner though

Raise OD by at least one. Fixed
I find that AR 7 fits the map's pacing better, though it does make things a little more cluttered. Kind of a toss-up here. q: I looked through the whole map with ar7, it actually seems to be fine and more fitting, applied it
01:12:842 - Move this delayed break back to the default position fixed
Updated and fixed everything, thanks :3
.。.:*・゚Merry X'mas:*・゚。:.*
Graz Kshro!

Garven wrote:

.。.:*・゚Merry X'mas:*・゚。:.*
Topic Starter
Thanks guys :3

Garven wrote:

.。.:*・゚Merry X'mas:*・゚。:.*

Congratz Kyshiro ^.^ Elite Mapper, son (or bro?) of Lesjuh and same country of GladiOol ~.~

Good maps, both Superior and Exquisite ^^
Why not rank it on christmas? Would've been more awesome.
메리 크리스마스!
Gratzz!! Kyshiro!!^^
Gratz Kyshiro o/

GladiOol wrote:

Why not rank it on christmas? Would've been more awesome.
Would've been cooler, indeed. The point is that most people probably won't be available over the holidays. In any case, this map will still be ranked during the holidays :P
oh god I witnessed Dangard's bubble
I'm little upset because this map didn't have an easy level but it's okay I can play Normal and Insane and good snowflake storyboard I like it :D
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