
Basshunter - I Miss You (Radio Edit)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013 at 04:14:22 a.m.

Artist: Basshunter
Title: I Miss You (Radio Edit)
Tags: Jonas Erik Altberg X-mas DJ Eurodance Hard Dance Euro~Trance Dance Hardstyle Dance Nation Warner Music Sweden Ultra Records Extensive Music Sweden Now You're Gone Merry Christmas Xmas White Snow Sekai-nyan Sekai Santa Claus
BPM: 140
Filesize: 22132kb
Play Time: 02:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.47 stars, 101 notes)
  2. Hard (4.89 stars, 328 notes)
  3. Sekai's Normal (3.28 stars, 158 notes)
Download: Basshunter - I Miss You (Radio Edit)
Download: Basshunter - I Miss You (Radio Edit) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Easy By Gero
Normal By Sekai-nyan
Hard By Gero

BTW. Nice beatmap! :)
Topic Starter
Ready For Mods~ \:3 yay

Thanks sekai for your awesome diff n.n
I'will take a look today posting to not forget owo
Deberias comenzar a mapear desde el inicio, algo lento vendria bien, me parece que hay un hueco algo amplio al inicio, just saying

00:40:843 (2) - Este slider se veria mejor si lo pones recto del mismo ángulo que el siguiente
00:41:271 (3) - si haces lo de arriba te aconsejo mover este slider a x480 y308
01:00:986 (1) - no me gusta como se siente ese slider, algo random y no le veo sentido. quizá algo asi? -- Lo que hice fue borrar la nota que lo precedia y comenzar desde ahi. Me parece que le da mejor ritmo y calza bien con la letra y el ritmo de fondo
01:17:914 (3) - me parece que se ve mejor esa nota en x243 y21 le da un salto interesante, nada dificil y va bien con el ritmo en medio de kiai time.
02:29:486 (2,3) - que tal si mueves (2) a x408 y220 y (3) a x336 y120
02:30:128 (4) - no olvides cambiar este slider si haces lo de arriba

00:26:700 (1,2,3) - Maybe you can centre this combo, it looks pretty
00:31:628 (3) - if you put this note on x241 y68 it will look a bit better, it doesn't brake the snap
00:42:128 (4) - why don't you do the same as you do on 00:40:414 (1,2) - ??
01:00:986 (1,2,3) - I don't really like this, is a bit random, and I don't really see a reason of this.
01:36:771 (3) - maybe this note on x378 y153 it looks prettier
01:40:414 (4) - this note may be a bit hard for newbies to read, move it x185 y333 maybe?
01:57:557 - I think the recover time on normal is too short here :S
01:59:271 (4) - NC?
02:07:414 (7) - the same as I say before

01:25:200 (1) - Muy corto el spinner para un newbie? creo

(9'.')-o >>>>O \( O AO)/

yo balls are broken, i tried to fix em but i suck D: maybe try to take sliderballs from another skin?

I'll mod this sometime...
Thanks for modding. Fixed most stuff :3
Just a reminder. placeholder for a mod! Going to mod this in few days.
Dat doublepost, pls forgive me

Also, take the time to answer my suggestions, thank you!

General thoughts
  1. Disable the widescreen support from Easy difficulty and Sekai's Normal since you're not using SB!
  2. There's some missing skin files, approachcircle.png and reversearrow.png.

  1. Slidertick sounds seem pretty low to me, try to increase their volume a bit?
  2. 00:55:414 (1) - Not sure of this antijump here, maybe use a normal spacing instead?
  3. 01:09:986 (1) - Well, I don't think this slider is the best option here, maybe use a rhythm like this?
  4. 02:10:414 (1) - Add the same drum effect like you did 01:09:986 (1) - here?
  5. 02:26:700 (4,1) - Blanket could be improved a bit, maybe like this?
    It would also improve the blanket 02:29:271 (2) - here
  6. From AiBAT: Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 01:33:657 - snap to 01:33:664
  7. Well done!

Sekai's Normal
  1. Try to use HP4 and OD4 to make a better difficulty spread
  2. 00:41:271 (2) - Maybe a little distance error here?
  3. 00:57:557 (4) - Blanket here isn't perfect, try to move slider's end 1 grid down to make better one?
  4. 00:57:557 (4,6) - After that you need to improve this one also, shouldn't be a problem
  5. 01:40:521 (1) - I think this slider comes a bit too fast after the note, try to move the spinner 1 tick to right (red tick), players have more time to catch it then.
  6. 02:03:986 (4,1) - Missed blanket? I think it would fit really well if this was a proper blanket
  7. 02:10:414 (1,2) - Maybe add the drum effect you did 01:10:414 (1,2) - ?
  8. Nice!

  1. 01:58:843 (3,4) - I think you should line this up straight, looks a bit funny since you didn't curve the other ones
  2. 02:09:557 (9) - I honestly think this NC is not needed here
  3. Cool!

I'm sorry that I didn't find anything else, the mapset is really cool! Take my star Gero and hopefully we get to see this ranked soon.
Thanks for modding :3

Gero yaoi pls update it ;w;
Topic Starter
Alright! Updated~

Thanks for modding guys :3

Deberias comenzar a mapear desde el inicio, algo lento vendria bien, me parece que hay un hueco algo amplio al inicio, just saying No lo creo makyu! realmente es muy dificil mapear esta parte ya que el BPM no concuerda muy bien con la voz

00:40:843 (2) - Este slider se veria mejor si lo pones recto del mismo ángulo que el siguiente nope , realmente esto lo hice a proposito :3
00:41:271 (3) - si haces lo de arriba te aconsejo mover este slider a x480 y308 Fixed
01:00:986 (1) - no me gusta como se siente ese slider, algo random y no le veo sentido. quizá algo asi? -- Lo que hice fue borrar la nota que lo precedia y comenzar desde ahi. Me parece que le da mejor ritmo y calza bien con la letra y el ritmo de fondo no es random, realmente sigue muy bien la voz
01:17:914 (3) - me parece que se ve mejor esa nota en x243 y21 le da un salto interesante, nada dificil y va bien con el ritmo en medio de kiai time. prefiero mantener mi pequeño salto asi
02:29:486 (2,3) - que tal si mueves (2) a x408 y220 y (3) a x336 y120 Nope prefiero que queden apiladas
02:30:128 (4) - no olvides cambiar este slider si haces lo de arriba ^

01:25:200 (1) - Muy corto el spinner para un newbie? creo no es muy corto ya que deje un espacio para que los newbies no fallen la siguiente nota


Dat doublepost, pls forgive me

Also, take the time to answer my suggestions, thank you!

General thoughts
  1. Disable the widescreen support from Easy difficulty and Sekai's Normal since you're not using SB! Fixed
  2. There's some missing skin files, approachcircle.png and reversearrow.png. Fixed

  1. Slidertick sounds seem pretty low to me, try to increase their volume a bit? I need more opinions about this
  2. 00:55:414 (1) - Not sure of this antijump here, maybe use a normal spacing instead? ^
  3. 01:09:986 (1) - Well, I don't think this slider is the best option here, maybe use a rhythm like this? I think is okay
  4. 02:10:414 (1) - Add the same drum effect like you did 01:09:986 (1) - here? i don't like I prefer to keep it that way
  5. 02:26:700 (4,1) - Blanket could be improved a bit, maybe like this? Fixed
    It would also improve the blanket 02:29:271 (2) - here ^
  6. From AiBAT: Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 01:33:657 - snap to 01:33:664 ^
  7. Well done!

  1. 01:58:843 (3,4) - I think you should line this up straight, looks a bit funny since you didn't curve the other ones Fixed
  2. 02:09:557 (9) - I honestly think this NC is not needed here Fixed
  3. Cool!

I'm sorry that I didn't find anything else, the mapset is really cool! Take my star Gero and hopefully we get to see this ranked soon.

  • General

  • Easy
    00:26:700 (1) - how about remove finish and add whistle on head? the music is similar with 00:27:343 - ,00:27:986 -
    00:43:843 (2) - "straight" slider like too plain for me, make it curved maybe as
    00:47:271 (1) - maybe you need to remove finish on this head, currently same music as 00:48:557 - . keep consistency better i guess
    00:49:414 (3) - a little force flow for me here. tail 96,148?
    00:50:271 (1,2) - swap the NC because stanza
    00:59:700 (1) - i think 1 grid up here to avoid 1,05x spacing, it's better
    01:11:700 (2) - nazi, 116|176 for better flow?
    01:12:986 (4) - ^ (232,352)
    01:30:128 (3) - sorry nazi but you need to NC this because 2 nc'ed every 2 stanza, just keep consistency here lol
    01:42:128 - i guess still have sound in this time, how about 20%?
    can't modding again maybe because copy paste

  • Normal
    00:26:700 (1) - same as Easy
    00:31:628 (3) - spacing issue
    00:33:557 (1,2,3) - try rhythm for following guitar sounds, it's better imo
    00:43:843 (1,3) - you can make a blanket here for better visual, kinda messy imo
    00:47:271 (1) - no need finish on head, no cymbal here
    00:46:843 (4,2) - stack these perfectly pls :p
    00:53:271 (1,2) - swap the NC because music pattern here
    01:21:557 (1) - the last node, 400|152 for symmetrical
    01:39:557 (2) - a bad flow imo, should be like for natural flow
    01:42:128 - same as Easy
    02:05:057 (2) - spacing issue
    02:15:557 (2) - you knew you want to stacked it but the inconsistency spacing X_X orz
    02:24:557 (7) - another spacing issue
    02:27:986 (1) - ^

  • Hard
    00:26:700 (1) - same as Easy
    01:17:700 (2,3) - i don't see any reason why jump appear here, should be consistency spacing
    01:29:700 (6) - ctrl+G? i saw a force flow here ><
    01:42:128 - same as Easy
    just quick check here but i enjoyed when testplay this diff~

Good Luck~
Hi Gero. Mod as requested (in spanish cus i'm lazy)

  1. Combo Colours: Podrías usar solo rojo, verde y blanco si es una canción de navidad no? ;w;
  1. 00:50:700 (2,1) - Sé que a veces es dificil ubicar notas después de un espacio vació en una Easy pero ese circle sale como muy junto a donde terminó el slider y un noob puede tender a hacer click antes de tiempo y hacer un 100s o incluso fallar.
    Una idea sería mover 00:55:414 (1) - a x:28 y:272 y 00:55:843 (2) - hacer ctrl + g y mover a x:28 y:184. Ahí no habría problema. Luego para que quede bien la simetria, rotá (2) 45° Clockwise Selection Centre.
  2. 01:40:628 (1) - Siento que este spinner es demasiado corto D:
demasiado pro gero D:

[Sekai's Normal]
  1. It's normal but don't overuse stacks please. Also, too many 1/2 sliders ignoring some possibly nice patterns that you can make for a normal diff.
  2. 01:00:986 (1,2) - Move these 2 sliders by 1/2 back to 01:00:771 - It makes more sense there and sounds better.
  3. 01:17:271 (6) - Delete this slider and use 2 1/2 sliders, one at 01:17:271 - and the other at 01:17:700 -
  4. 01:27:986 (2,3,4,1) - *nazi* Unperfect triangle and the (3) slider touches the (1) slider due to the skin. Fix pls
  5. 01:57:986 (1) - Leave a empty space after a spinner. Delete this note.
This can use some mods to improve.

  1. 00:55:843 (1) - Lo sentí demasiado lejos después del spinner. Quizás solo fui yo.
  2. 01:17:700 (2,3,4) - Esto quizás? para variar un poco..
Demasiado pro gero :<

Good luck with your xmas mappu o.o/
Thanks for mods :3

Fixed everything on Xinely's mod
Hi~ quick mod~

Can you separate the 2 blue combos from each other?

00:53:271 (9) - I missed here on my first play, because I couldn't notice was a slider, I thought the stream was still going, I suggest to add a timing section for this slider increasing the velocity by at least x1.3 or x1.4, so the slider is just a bit longer, this way the reverse arrow will be more visible. (the skin is not helping either T_T)
01:57:986 (1) - add new combo again, is bugged

[Sekai's Normal]
01:59:271 (1) - I don't see the need of this new combo

00:55:414 (1) - I would place this farther, now is at the same spacing as 1/1 notes
01:18:557 (1) - Don't see the need of new combo
02:18:557 (1) - Same
02:32:271 (1) - ^

Good luck~ ^^

Mod Info:
  1. Unrankable or very questionable stuff
  2. Highly suggestion
  3. Coment or opinions about some
  4. nazi stuff or normal suggestions

  1. Ok in first play that ¨black¨slider boarder is really troll take in consideration your bg is kinda dark also teh video its and also take in mind almost all the players use a a complety or semi dim o.o thats why I suggest you to use a white border or other colour for make the slider more readables it look like: now and take in mind alot of players use black slider bodys or semi transparents so it will look worst like: thats why a white or yellow colour will be alot better.
  2. mmm your reverse arrow is really hard to notice will be cool if you try to find another more noticeable instead
  3. Also you better remove that video its not appropriate for osu! In my opinion also you agree with me since you write this This video may contain inappropriate material, you have been warned lol yeah remove it better

  1. This is a hard diff right then reduce the hp and the od by 1 tick actually the drain is so big for a hard diff same for the od imo also with your current settings the spread from normal to hard is really really big.
  2. 00:25:843 (1,2,3) - ok since you are mapping vocals here but is kinda weird you are using a slider here 00:25:843 (1) - since 00:25:843 and 00:26:057 are different words thats why this have to be 2 circles instead and this 00:26:271 (2,3) - is just a 1 word thats why it need to be a slider hope you understand this and considerd it :3
  3. 00:28:414 nothing in the music here why you start the slider here? the correc rhythm to fit the song should be:
  4. 00:28:200 also whistle should be here
  5. 00:32:486 (5,2,3,4) - stack this perfect since with your current skin and with the stacks and manual stacks this part become kinda hard to read for example you have this circle hidden in slider tail here 00:32:700 (1) - and after it you do a weird manual stack here 00:32:914 (2,3,4) - <-- if you stack it perfect it will be really more readable and confortable to play owo
  6. 00:35:057 (1,2,3) - really bad flow since I highly suggest you to redo the pattern here look how it look and play now:

    maybe try (Im kinda lazy you can do it alot better thought:
  7. 00:38:271 (7,8) - eh the 1/8 slider should start in 00:38:271 you an listen to it at 25% or 50% ignoring the gap between 7 and 8 its not cool try to combine them in just 1 1/8 repeat slider you wil represent the music alot better
  8. 00:39:343 why you ignore the 1/8 here?
  9. 00:39:986 (3,4) - this is exactly the same as 00:38:271 in the current way dont make much sense with the music
  10. 00:52:414 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - make this curved and with a sexy form the actually one is really bored imo hope you agree with me baka xD
  11. 00:53:271 add NC so you make the long 1/8 repeat slider more noticeable in the current way is hard to notice in first play
  12. 00:57:557 (1,2,3) - meh really bad flow here play really bad in my opinion maye try:
  13. 01:02:914 (2,3,4) - another flow issue since this play really bad maybe you can rearrange the pattern so it play more natural and intuitive
  14. 01:10:950 (2) - 01:10:521 (2) - 01:10:093 (2) - nothing in the music here why did you map it xD? 01:09:986 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this should be 1/2 sliders to follow the music correctly
  15. 01:10:200 (3) - and yeah im curious why did you ignore the 1/8 here? but you map the previous it dont look consistent
  16. 01:23:271 remove NC and add NC here 01:23:486 will be more consistent thought
  17. 01:29:271 (5,6) - meh this play really wrong o.o the cursor movement its really unatural dont break flow for symetry try this better it will keep your symetry and will play alot better:
  18. 01:33:128 (5,1) - symilar as previous
  19. 01:39:986 (7) - NC symilar reason as the other one owo
  20. 02:07:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I forget to told you last time in multi but this stream play kinda weir all because the first 1/8 repeat make the transition to 1/4 kinda confuse mmm add a nc in the start of the 1/4 stream for better readability?
  21. 02:31:200 (1,2,3) - nice jump pattern but when you do this patterns try to keep the same distance in all the combo cuz for example you shoould add more distance in 02:31:628 (3,4) - cuz after the jumps the spacing there feel really odd to play
  22. 02:32:700 (1) - also this its not rankable the previous hitburst of 02:31:628 (3) - cover the repeat of this slider but if you add more distance 02:31:628 (3,4) - you will keep a good jump pattern and and avoid the covered repeat stuff
  23. 02:35:271 unnecesary NC better remove it imo

  1. 00:26:700 (1,3) - make them symetrical in the grid
  2. 00:28:414 (3,4) - Fix the distance
  3. 00:30:986 (2,3,4) - same as above
  4. 00:31:628 also this circle since the music its not hight and nothing should be better If you remove it thought
  5. 00:31:843 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - This play like this in this moment:

    Its not better if it look natural?
  6. 00:40:414 mmm this slider play really wrong lol the rhythm you pick was kinda o.o wrong imo try to finish the slider here 00:40:843 you will follow better the music
  7. 00:42:128 (4) - If you ask me this slider look and play really inconsistent thought maybe you wanna redo it to it flow better with previous and next beat
  8. 00:46:843 (4,1) - fix the distance little but noticeable
  9. 00:52:414 (3,4) - unstack this is really confused take in consideration the repeat sliders are hard to play for new players and after it you place an 1/1 stack Its not ok for a normal imo
  10. 00:54:128 (2,3) - same as 00:46:843
  11. 01:01:628 (2,3) - ^
  12. 01:07:843 (5) - this should be NC following your 2 stanzas pattern also it fit with music
  13. 01:15:771 this circle feel bad there is like broking the rhythm better remove it so the players can do this part better also its consistent in how you map this diff
  14. 01:18:986 lol really nazi but this one need one grid to the left
  15. 01:19:843 (4,5,6,1) - mmm this pattern flow really bad and the heat slider overlap itself try this instead:
  16. 01:34:843 this slider look totally out of place since make it curved like the previous one will look an will play better plz
  17. 01:36:771 this circle its unnecesary here and brole your rhythm thats why I suggest you to remove it better
  18. 02:00:986 this rhythm dont make so much sense lol that upbeat in 02:01:628 dont have a noticeable sound but the previous downbeat does so this slider
  19. 02:01:628 have to finish in 02:01:414
  20. 02:04:414 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  21. 02:05:057 (2,3,4) - why are you mad lol this to hard for a normal xD also its not consistent with the diff lvl in all your diff I really suggest you to redo the rhythm here
  22. 02:07:843 (1) - mmm 02:06:557 (5,6,7) - this circles are overlaping the heart try to clean it up also like I suggest you in previous heart try to it dont touch itself also why that slider end in a offbeat (bluetick) when it dont have any empathize in the music o.o? also its a normal using blue ticks its not cool.
  23. 02:12:771 - same as 01:36:771
  24. 02:12:986 (4,5) - this dont flow good imo try to rearrange it thought
  25. 02:14:700 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  26. 02:19:200 same as 01:36:771
  27. 02:24:128 (6,7,1) - pretty confuse for a normal try 2 circles instead like the previous part?
  28. 02:24:986 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - in previous kiai when the sv got x1.20 u was using 0.80 but in the last kiai u are using 1.0 o.o kinda weird imo its not better keep the consistent with the previous kiai and using it at 0.80?
  29. 02:33:557 (1) - redo this slider since the flow with 02:34:843 (2) - its pretty bad imo

  1. 00:46:414 (4,1,2) - mmm fix the distance is noticeable in game 00:47:271 (1) - just move this 1 grid down lol
  2. 00:50:700 (2,1) - omg baka fix the distance o.o this will make all the newbies fail that circle since the gap is not big enought to ignore it xD
  3. 01:06:128 (4,1) - really nice lol
  4. 01:23:271 (3,4) - ah baka this its to hard for a easy the kick sliders are not fine for a easy add some 1/1 sliders instead plz
  5. 01:26:700 I'll not agree with this starting the kiai in the end of a spinner dont represent the music in nothing since is the chorus it need all the empathize you can bring on it map this properly with a circle or a slider start and yes remove the spinner and map that part properly like sekai did
    02:00:985 (1,3) - idk this sliders are really confused to play for a newbie since the shape dont mark the slider way clearly they get overlap itself so maybe you want to redo this sliders..

    02:04:414 (1) - omg nice xD
    02:23:271 (3,4) - same as 01:23:271 also u did a stack it making it more confused and its almost the end new players will be really mad at you for make it better try another easy rhythm instead this is ok for a normal but not for a easy
    02:35:271 (1) - this slider shape is questionable you better ask another people about it since I dont think a new player can read it properly but yeah more opinions will be nice

GL baka owo/ If you have question or some ask me in game :3
Topic Starter
Hi Gero. Mod as requested (in spanish cus i'm lazy)

  1. Combo Colours: Podrías usar solo rojo, verde y blanco si es una canción de navidad no? ;w; prefiero dejar mis combo colors asi
  1. 00:50:700 (2,1) - Sé que a veces es dificil ubicar notas después de un espacio vació en una Easy pero ese circle sale como muy junto a donde terminó el slider y un noob puede tender a hacer click antes de tiempo y hacer un 100s o incluso fallar. Listo
    Una idea sería mover 00:55:414 (1) - a x:28 y:272 y 00:55:843 (2) - hacer ctrl + g y mover a x:28 y:184. Ahí no habría problema. Luego para que quede bien la simetria, rotá (2) 45° Clockwise Selection Centre. lo arregle de otra manera
  2. 01:40:628 (1) - Siento que este spinner es demasiado corto D: la verdad no lo es, asi que creo que esta bien
demasiado pro gero D:

  1. 00:55:843 (1) - Lo sentí demasiado lejos después del spinner. Quizás solo fui yo. yo creo que esta bien
  2. 01:17:700 (2,3,4) - Esto quizás? para variar un poco.. prefiero mantenerlo asi
Demasiado pro gero :<

Good luck with your xmas mappu o.o/

Hi~ quick mod~

Can you separate the 2 blue combos from each other? I need more opinions about this because i think is okay

00:53:271 (9) - I missed here on my first play, because I couldn't notice was a slider, I thought the stream was still going, I suggest to add a timing section for this slider increasing the velocity by at least x1.3 or x1.4, so the slider is just a bit longer, this way the reverse arrow will be more visible. (the skin is not helping either T_T) ^
01:57:986 (1) - add new combo again, is bugged Fixed

00:55:414 (1) - I would place this farther, now is at the same spacing as 1/1 notes Fixed
01:18:557 (1) - Don't see the need of new combo I think it's necessary imo
02:18:557 (1) - Same ^
02:32:271 (1) - ^ ^

Good luck~ ^^ Thanks >w<


  • General

  • Easy
    00:26:700 (1) - how about remove finish and add whistle on head? the music is similar with 00:27:343 - ,00:27:986 - I really like the finish here, no changes for now
    00:43:843 (2) - "straight" slider like too plain for me, make it curved maybe as no changes :c
    00:47:271 (1) - maybe you need to remove finish on this head, currently same music as 00:48:557 - . keep consistency better i guess ^
    00:49:414 (3) - a little force flow for me here. tail 96,148? Fixed
    00:50:271 (1,2) - swap the NC because stanza ^
    00:59:700 (1) - i think 1 grid up here to avoid 1,05x spacing, it's better Fixed
    01:11:700 (2) - nazi, 116|176 for better flow?Fixed
    01:12:986 (4) - ^ (232,352) ^
    01:30:128 (3) - sorry nazi but you need to NC this because 2 nc'ed every 2 stanza, just keep consistency here lol ^
    01:42:128 - i guess still have sound in this time, how about 20%? Fixed
    can't modding again maybe because copy paste >__________>

  • Hard
    00:26:700 (1) - same as Easy Fixed
    01:17:700 (2,3) - i don't see any reason why jump appear here, should be consistency spacing that is for the change of voice
    01:29:700 (6) - ctrl+G? i saw a force flow here >< i fixed it on my way
    01:42:128 - same as Easy Fixed
    just quick check here but i enjoyed when testplay this diff~

Good Luck~


Mod Info:
  1. Unrankable or very questionable stuff
  2. Highly suggestion
  3. Coment or opinions about some
  4. nazi stuff or normal suggestions

  1. Ok in first play that ¨black¨slider boarder is really troll take in consideration your bg is kinda dark also teh video its and also take in mind almost all the players use a a complety or semi dim o.o thats why I suggest you to use a white border or other colour for make the slider more readables it look like: now and take in mind alot of players use black slider bodys or semi transparents so it will look worst like: thats why a white or yellow colour will be alot better.
  2. mmm your reverse arrow is really hard to notice will be cool if you try to find another more noticeable instead
  3. Also you better remove that video its not appropriate for osu! In my opinion also you agree with me since you write this This video may contain inappropriate material, you have been warned lol yeah remove it better

  1. This is a hard diff right then reduce the hp and the od by 1 tick actually the drain is so big for a hard diff same for the od imo also with your current settings the spread from normal to hard is really really big.
  2. 00:25:843 (1,2,3) - ok since you are mapping vocals here but is kinda weird you are using a slider here 00:25:843 (1) - since 00:25:843 and 00:26:057 are different words thats why this have to be 2 circles instead and this 00:26:271 (2,3) - is just a 1 word thats why it need to be a slider hope you understand this and considerd it :3
  3. 00:28:414 nothing in the music here why you start the slider here? the correc rhythm to fit the song should be:
  4. 00:28:200 also whistle should be here
  5. 00:32:486 (5,2,3,4) - stack this perfect since with your current skin and with the stacks and manual stacks this part become kinda hard to read for example you have this circle hidden in slider tail here 00:32:700 (1) - and after it you do a weird manual stack here 00:32:914 (2,3,4) - <-- if you stack it perfect it will be really more readable and confortable to play owo
  6. 00:35:057 (1,2,3) - really bad flow since I highly suggest you to redo the pattern here look how it look and play now:

    maybe try (Im kinda lazy you can do it alot better thought:
  7. 00:38:271 (7,8) - eh the 1/8 slider should start in 00:38:271 you an listen to it at 25% or 50% ignoring the gap between 7 and 8 its not cool try to combine them in just 1 1/8 repeat slider you wil represent the music alot better
  8. 00:39:343 why you ignore the 1/8 here?
  9. 00:39:986 (3,4) - this is exactly the same as 00:38:271 in the current way dont make much sense with the music
  10. 00:52:414 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - make this curved and with a sexy form the actually one is really bored imo hope you agree with me baka xD
  11. 00:53:271 add NC so you make the long 1/8 repeat slider more noticeable in the current way is hard to notice in first play
  12. 00:57:557 (1,2,3) - meh really bad flow here play really bad in my opinion maye try:
  13. 01:02:914 (2,3,4) - another flow issue since this play really bad maybe you can rearrange the pattern so it play more natural and intuitive
  14. 01:10:950 (2) - 01:10:521 (2) - 01:10:093 (2) - nothing in the music here why did you map it xD? 01:09:986 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this should be 1/2 sliders to follow the music correctly
  15. 01:10:200 (3) - and yeah im curious why did you ignore the 1/8 here? but you map the previous it dont look consistent
  16. 01:23:271 remove NC and add NC here 01:23:486 will be more consistent thought
  17. 01:29:271 (5,6) - meh this play really wrong o.o the cursor movement its really unatural dont break flow for symetry try this better it will keep your symetry and will play alot better:
  18. 01:33:128 (5,1) - symilar as previous
  19. 01:39:986 (7) - NC symilar reason as the other one owo
  20. 02:07:628 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I forget to told you last time in multi but this stream play kinda weir all because the first 1/8 repeat make the transition to 1/4 kinda confuse mmm add a nc in the start of the 1/4 stream for better readability?
  21. 02:31:200 (1,2,3) - nice jump pattern but when you do this patterns try to keep the same distance in all the combo cuz for example you shoould add more distance in 02:31:628 (3,4) - cuz after the jumps the spacing there feel really odd to play
  22. 02:32:700 (1) - also this its not rankable the previous hitburst of 02:31:628 (3) - cover the repeat of this slider but if you add more distance 02:31:628 (3,4) - you will keep a good jump pattern and and avoid the covered repeat stuff
  23. 02:35:271 unnecesary NC better remove it imo

  1. 00:26:700 (1,3) - make them symetrical in the grid
  2. 00:28:414 (3,4) - Fix the distance
  3. 00:30:986 (2,3,4) - same as above
  4. 00:31:628 also this circle since the music its not hight and nothing should be better If you remove it thought
  5. 00:31:843 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - This play like this in this moment:

    Its not better if it look natural?
  6. 00:40:414 mmm this slider play really wrong lol the rhythm you pick was kinda o.o wrong imo try to finish the slider here 00:40:843 you will follow better the music
  7. 00:42:128 (4) - If you ask me this slider look and play really inconsistent thought maybe you wanna redo it to it flow better with previous and next beat
  8. 00:46:843 (4,1) - fix the distance little but noticeable
  9. 00:52:414 (3,4) - unstack this is really confused take in consideration the repeat sliders are hard to play for new players and after it you place an 1/1 stack Its not ok for a normal imo
  10. 00:54:128 (2,3) - same as 00:46:843
  11. 01:01:628 (2,3) - ^
  12. 01:07:843 (5) - this should be NC following your 2 stanzas pattern also it fit with music
  13. 01:15:771 this circle feel bad there is like broking the rhythm better remove it so the players can do this part better also its consistent in how you map this diff
  14. 01:18:986 lol really nazi but this one need one grid to the left
  15. 01:19:843 (4,5,6,1) - mmm this pattern flow really bad and the heat slider overlap itself try this instead:
  16. 01:34:843 this slider look totally out of place since make it curved like the previous one will look an will play better plz
  17. 01:36:771 this circle its unnecesary here and brole your rhythm thats why I suggest you to remove it better
  18. 02:00:986 this rhythm dont make so much sense lol that upbeat in 02:01:628 dont have a noticeable sound but the previous downbeat does so this slider
  19. 02:01:628 have to finish in 02:01:414
  20. 02:04:414 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  21. 02:05:057 (2,3,4) - why are you mad lol this to hard for a normal xD also its not consistent with the diff lvl in all your diff I really suggest you to redo the rhythm here
  22. 02:07:843 (1) - mmm 02:06:557 (5,6,7) - this circles are overlaping the heart try to clean it up also like I suggest you in previous heart try to it dont touch itself also why that slider end in a offbeat (bluetick) when it dont have any empathize in the music o.o? also its a normal using blue ticks its not cool.
  23. 02:12:771 - same as 01:36:771
  24. 02:12:986 (4,5) - this dont flow good imo try to rearrange it thought
  25. 02:14:700 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  26. 02:19:200 same as 01:36:771
  27. 02:24:128 (6,7,1) - pretty confuse for a normal try 2 circles instead like the previous part?
  28. 02:24:986 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - in previous kiai when the sv got x1.20 u was using 0.80 but in the last kiai u are using 1.0 o.o kinda weird imo its not better keep the consistent with the previous kiai and using it at 0.80?
  29. 02:33:557 (1) - redo this slider since the flow with 02:34:843 (2) - its pretty bad imo

  1. 00:46:414 (4,1,2) - mmm fix the distance is noticeable in game 00:47:271 (1) - just move this 1 grid down lol
  2. 00:50:700 (2,1) - omg baka fix the distance o.o this will make all the newbies fail that circle since the gap is not big enought to ignore it xD
  3. 01:06:128 (4,1) - really nice lol
  4. 01:23:271 (3,4) - ah baka this its to hard for a easy the kick sliders are not fine for a easy add some 1/1 sliders instead plz
  5. 01:26:700 I'll not agree with this starting the kiai in the end of a spinner dont represent the music in nothing since is the chorus it need all the empathize you can bring on it map this properly with a circle or a slider start and yes remove the spinner and map that part properly like sekai did
    02:00:985 (1,3) - idk this sliders are really confused to play for a newbie since the shape dont mark the slider way clearly they get overlap itself so maybe you want to redo this sliders..

    02:04:414 (1) - omg nice xD
    02:23:271 (3,4) - same as 01:23:271 also u did a stack it making it more confused and its almost the end new players will be really mad at you for make it better try another easy rhythm instead this is ok for a normal but not for a easy
    02:35:271 (1) - this slider shape is questionable you better ask another people about it since I dont think a new player can read it properly but yeah more opinions will be nice
I fix the important things you mentioned, Thanks

GL baka owo/ If you have question or some ask me in game :3
Thanks for modding~

osu file format v12

AudioFilename: Basshunter - I Miss You (Radio Edit).mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 84879
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.4
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

Bookmarks: 100414,115843,117557,129986,131271
DistanceSpacing: 1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:I Miss You (Radio Edit)
TitleUnicode:I Miss You (Radio Edit)
Version:Sekai's Normal
Tags:Jonas Erik Altberg X-mas DJ Eurodance Hard Dance Euro~Trance Dance Hardstyle Dance Nation Warner Music Sweden Ultra Records Extensive Music Sweden Now You're Gone Merry Christmas Xmas White Snow Sekai-nyan Sekai


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations


Combo1 : 114,192,160
Combo2 : 7,89,188
Combo3 : 53,176,236
Combo4 : 240,117,135
Combo5 : 248,208,135
Combo6 : 187,187,187
SliderBorder : 0,0,0

I love this map! :D

Hope will be ranked before christmas!
Holi, modding as requested :v

I know very well the reverse arrow is noticeable, but there are a lot of blind people like me that didn't notice it until they break their combo. So pls consider changing your reverse arrow to one more easy to see.
ADD CUSTOM NUMBERS TO THE SKIN AAAAAAAA. If a player uses grey-coloured numbers they won't be able too be seen too much.
I really wonder why did you put a slider in lower diffs and a spinner in Hard :I

General Feedback/Settings
YOU FORGOT TO HITSOUND THE END AAAAA (And I noticed you based mostly on 2nd and 4th beats trying to avoid it >.>)

00:33:771 (1) - This spinner looks very random beginning here, I suggest you to begin it in 00:36:986, so it matches better with the background music.
00:48:557 - I suggest to make a rhythm like this, so it matches better with vocals as you we're following in 00:47:271 (1) -

01:18:128 (3) - You could delete this note, and move the whole 01:18:128 (1,2,3) 1 beat back (so it matches with the down beat) and add a circle in 01:21:128, this would make more sense and would feel better as it'll be following vocals nicely. Remember to fix your hitsounds and combos if you do.
02:12:986 - I'd recommend you to change your rhythm here, I found this rhythm quite boring as it's focused mostly in the background music, which has no significant variations, and basically ignoring vocals.

02:18:128 - A very similar suggestion as in 01:18:128 (3) -
02:26:700 - Similar as in 02:12:986.
02:31:843 - Similar as in 01:18:128 (3) -

01:31:843 (2,3) - Blanket pls.

[Bakai's Normal]
General Feedback/Settings
Quite nice diff.

00:35:700 (1) - This spinner looks very random beginning here, I suggest you to begin it in 00:36:986, so it matches better with the background music.
02:07:843 (1) - This is could be better if finished in the downbeat in 02:09:557, makes more sense music-wise as the music itself stops for a bit there. (Use Scaling tool to make life easier).

00:54:986 (3,1,2) - This change in spacing is pretty noticeable, I know you're using different SVs here, but you could try to make this part consistent.
01:21:128 (6,1) - Spacing pls, tho you could make this place it in a way it is perfectly symmetrical witht he vertical axis.
02:33:557 (1) - Blanket pls.

General Feedback/Settings
The 1/8 sliders are cool yeah, but after testing a considerable amount of times I still don't find many of them suitable for a hard, as they're killing some other cool parts that could be mapped.

00:36:771 (2,3,4,5,6) - This is a spot where 1/8 doesn't sound too nice as we also have a constant 1/4 in the background for the same instrument, so I highly suggest you to stick with vocals here.
00:40:200 (4) - Another one, in this part vocals are pretty strong to be ignored, also you somehow breaks the jumpy feeling you built in 00:39:557 (1,2,3), this whole phrase in vocals could be a lot better if mapped only for them
01:10:414 - How about following vocals here?

01:31:843 (1) - You should reverse this (Ctrl+G), the flow here is quite ankward as this part doens't call for a jump.

Good luck baka :v
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod dake , Very helpful :3

Hi,Gero,In-game PM req.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




Wow,so perfect!

[Sekai's Normal]

01:01:628 (2) - Seems can add whistle in slider end,it feel fit better.
01:10:414 (1) - It should be add finish ,because add whistle feel a bit noise,seems not fit.
01:16:843 (5) - Be a arc?, 01:21:557 (1) - Seems the slider end can be adjust a bit : 01:59:271 (4) - Slider head +finish?
02:07:843 (1) - The same with 01:21:557.
02:14:700 (1) - Blanket (2)?


00:36:771 (2) ~ 00:38:486 (8) - This part is continous beat,try place note or slider in blue line?
(Feel 00:37:200 (3,4,5) this 3 note can insert note in blue line)(A bit read hard)

01:00:128 (3) - Seems move to (312|156) is flow better.(abd be an triangle) (If use, you may need to adjust the next hitobjects a bit!)
01:08:057 (2,3,4,5) - Feel a bit noise,at (2) add a green line,the volume turn down 30%~40%.try it?
01:23:486 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:39:986 (1) - ^
02:05:271 (4) - Slider head add finish? (Feel add it can be fit the music.)
02:06:128 (1) - ^
02:06:986 (3) - ^

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
Hard: 02:24:878 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

Sekai's Normal: 01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
02:24:986 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

Easy: 01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
02:24:986 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

It's a Warnings, the skin is confuse to player, repair this, it's any errors, is good
mod because he gonna kill me if I don't mod this.

just suggestions

decrease volume around 10%~ except on kia, I feel a bit high the hitsounds

00:30:986 (1,2) - change it for one slider with repeat,feels better
00:59:271 (5) - start NC here
02:29:486 (2) - move to x:312 y:228

[Sekai's Hard]
00:35:271 (4) - change it for a slider who ends on 00:36:128 - and start the spinner on 00:36:557 -
02:14:700 (1) - would be nice if you can fix it for do a blanket with 02:15:557 (2) -

00:58:414 (4,5) - chage it in this way
01:25:200 (1) - I don't really like how feels this spinner and the space after it, I recomend delete it and start to map here 01:26:700 - and maybe add a break before
02:30:986 (4,5) - feels better in this way (similar to 00:58:414 (4,5) -)

Topic Starter
Hi,Gero,In-game PM req. Thanks a lot!

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.




Wow,so perfect!

[Sekai's Normal]

01:01:628 (2) - Seems can add whistle in slider end,it feel fit better. sounds bad imo
01:10:414 (1) - It should be add finish ,because add whistle feel a bit noise,seems not fit. I didn't hear anything here
01:16:843 (5) - Be a arc?, Fixed
01:21:557 (1) - Seems the slider end can be adjust a bit : this is the style of the mapper, I not think there is problem of leave it
01:59:271 (4) - Slider head +finish? ^
02:07:843 (1) - The same with 01:21:557. ^
02:14:700 (1) - Blanket (2)? Fixed


00:36:771 (2) ~ 00:38:486 (8) - This part is continous beat,try place note or slider in blue line? i'm not sure about this, maybe i need more opinions for now.
(Feel 00:37:200 (3,4,5) this 3 note can insert note in blue line)(A bit read hard)

01:00:128 (3) - Seems move to (312|156) is flow better.(abd be an triangle) (If use, you may need to adjust the next hitobjects a bit!) sorry man but i don't like
01:08:057 (2,3,4,5) - Feel a bit noise,at (2) add a green line,the volume turn down 30%~40%.try it? Fixed
01:23:486 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^
01:39:986 (1) - ^ ^
02:05:271 (4) - Slider head add finish? (Feel add it can be fit the music.) I don't think so imo is fine as it is already
02:06:128 (1) - ^ ^
02:06:986 (3) - ^ ^

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.

Stop Trance wrote:

Hard: 02:24:878 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

Sekai's Normal: 01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
02:24:986 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

Easy: 01:26:700 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
01:33:557 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this
02:24:986 is not passing 15 seconds for new kiai, repair this

It's a Warnings, the skin is confuse to player, repair this, it's any errors, is good
Eh? This is unnecessary

Dark Accelerator
mod because he gonna kill me if I don't mod this. Lies!

just suggestions :3

decrease volume around 10%~ except on kia, I feel a bit high the hitsounds I prefer to keep it that way

00:30:986 (1,2) - change it for one slider with repeat,feels better ^
00:59:271 (5) - start NC here Fixed
02:29:486 (2) - move to x:312 y:228 ^

[Sekai's Hard]
00:35:271 (4) - change it for a slider who ends on 00:36:128 - and start the spinner on 00:36:557 -
02:14:700 (1) - would be nice if you can fix it for do a blanket with 02:15:557 (2) -

00:58:414 (4,5) - chage it in this way Fixed
01:25:200 (1) - I don't really like how feels this spinner and the space after it, I recomend delete it and start to map here 01:26:700 - and maybe add a break before I Can't agree
02:30:986 (4,5) - feels better in this way (similar to 00:58:414 (4,5) -) Fixed



02:04:414 (1) - hmm This suggestion this note delete and 02:04:414 - 02:09:557 - Spinner to replace this part?

[Sekai's Normal]

00:28:414 (3) - delete and 00:26:700 (1) - After copying the slider in reverse?
00:31:628 (3) - delete note and 00:31:843 (4) - this slider move 00:31:628 - here (slider end 00:32:271 - here)
00:41:700 (3,4) - spacing check please
00:48:986 (3) - same suggestion
01:00:986 (1) - delete NC 00:59:271 (6) - here NC
01:01:628 (2,3) - suggestion 01:02:271 (3) - delete note and 01:01:628 (2) - move 01:01:843 - here?
02:04:414 (1,2,3) - I think the time will seem awkward


02:15:557 (1) - Delete NC 02:16:414 (4) - NC Here?

All suggestion Good Luck~
Hi! M4M request! <- my map.

  • 00:43:843 (2) - Maybe make it blanket to 00:47:271 (1) - ? 00:50:700 (1) - Hi, slideer
    01:16:414 (3) - Maybe, blanket to 01:15:557 (2) - ? 01:32:271 (3) - Make better blanket to 01:31:843 (2) -
    01:36:986 (1,2) - ?02:04:414 (1) - Hi, huge slideer
    02:13:414 (1) - ? 02:35:271 (1) - Fading sound on every diff is great!

  • 00:26:700 (1,3) - Move their ends to same vertical line as beginnings. Like this 00:29:700 (4) - Better blanket to 00:28:414 (3) -
    00:30:128 (1,2) - Better blanket too pls 00:41:271 (2,3,4) - Better triangle
    00:43:843 (1,3) - Better blanket
    01:28:414 (3,1) - Better blanket a little pls
    01:30:986 (2,4) - Ok you can call me Blanketbey
    02:15:986 (3,4,5) - ?

  • 00:26:700 (1,2,3) - Make better triangle
    00:56:271 (3,4) - Make them more straight. Like this That's looks better with (5)
    00:57:128 (5,6,1) - Better triangle pls
    01:27:128 (3,4,5,6) - OMG BETTER BLANKET PLS I LOVE BLANKETS
    02:13:843 (1,2) - Maybe something like this? 02:15:986 (3,4) - Hello, i want to see better blanket here :з
Thant all! Can't find more bad blankets. Sorry, if my mod looks bad ;w;. And i can't mod hitsounds :(.
Merry Rankmas!

My mod will be just suggestion, feel free to refuse/ignore if you want.

  1. 01:12:771 (5,6) - ¿Por qué no intentas con esto?: Te recomendaría que lo cambiaras ya que estás siguiendo mayoritariamente la voz. (ejemplo: 01:14:700 (3) - )
  2. 01:16:414 (4) - ^
  3. 02:07:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Me gustaría que cambiases este stream de Circles por uno de sliders con vuelta, resultaría más sencillo para una dificultad Hard.
  4. 02:35:271 (7) - NC por el finish.
Sekai's Normal
  1. 00:26:700 (1,3) - Can you make these slider more symmetrical?
  2. 00:54:128 (2) - NC because of the Finish.
  3. 02:06:557 (4,5,6) - Don't overlap, it's difficult to read for a newbie player
  4. 02:33:557 (1) - Can you pulish more this slider? looks a bit lopsided
  5. 02:35:271 (1) - Nice slider
  1. 00:50:700 (1) - No me gusta mucho como suena este slider, siento que no calza con el ritmo. Yo opino que deberías quitar una vuelta y hacer otro patrón o simplemente poner un slider.
Nice mapset Gero! :3
Topic Starter

02:04:414 (1) - hmm This suggestion this note delete and 02:04:414 - 02:09:557 - Spinner to replace this part? No


02:15:557 (1) - Delete NC 02:16:414 (4) - NC Here? What? no D:

All suggestion Good Luck~

Hi! M4M request! <- my map.

  • 00:43:843 (2) - Maybe make it blanket to 00:47:271 (1) - ?
    00:50:700 (1) - Hi, slideer
    01:16:414 (3) - Maybe, blanket to 01:15:557 (2) - ?
    01:32:271 (3) - Make better blanket to 01:31:843 (2) -
    01:36:986 (1,2) - ?
    02:04:414 (1) - Hi, huge slideer
    02:13:414 (1) - ?
    02:35:271 (1) - Fading sound on every diff is great!

  • 00:26:700 (1,2,3) - Make better triangle
    00:56:271 (3,4) - Make them more straight. Like this
    That's looks better with (5)
    00:57:128 (5,6,1) - Better triangle pls
    01:27:128 (3,4,5,6) - OMG BETTER BLANKET PLS I LOVE BLANKETS
    02:13:843 (1,2) - Maybe something like this?
    02:15:986 (3,4) - Hello, i want to see better blanket here :з
Thant all! Can't find more bad blankets. Sorry, if my mod looks bad ;w;. And i can't mod hitsounds :(.
Merry Rankmas!

Thanks I changed some blankets :3


My mod will be just suggestion, feel free to refuse/ignore if you want.

  1. 01:12:771 (5,6) - ¿Por qué no intentas con esto?: Te recomendaría que lo cambiaras ya que estás siguiendo mayoritariamente la voz. (ejemplo: 01:14:700 (3) - ) prefiero dejarlo asi
  2. 01:16:414 (4) - ^ ^
  3. 02:07:950 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Me gustaría que cambiases este stream de Circles por uno de sliders con vuelta, resultaría más sencillo para una dificultad Hard. en teoria si esta bien tu sugerencia, pero como no hice insane la hard puede ser mas dificil
  4. 02:35:271 (7) - NC por el finish. Done!
  1. 00:50:700 (1) - No me gusta mucho como suena este slider, siento que no calza con el ritmo. Yo opino que deberías quitar una vuelta y hacer otro patrón o simplemente poner un slider. Yo realmente no le veo problema o:
Nice mapset Gero! :3

Lost The Lights
Shooting a star for you \o/ GL With this Gero.

Inb4 Page 3 lol
Topic Starter

Lost The Lights wrote:

Shooting a star for you \o/ GL With this Gero.

Inb4 Page 3 lol

Thanks Lost :3
Hi Gero!
Te prometí modear tu mapa y cuando lo miré es perfecto ;www; ustedes 2 (sekai y tú) son demasiados pros para mí u.u
disculpa por no poder ser de ayuda :c sólo te dejo una estrella Gerin!
Topic Starter

[Yue] wrote:

Hi Gero!
Te prometí modear tu mapa y cuando lo miré es perfecto ;www; ustedes 2 (sekai y tú) son demasiados pros para mí u.u
disculpa por no poder ser de ayuda :c sólo te dejo una estrella Gerin!

Buuu :c no te preocupes n.n!
My Name Is R
Hi :3

I make this mod because otherwise my conscience never will be clean x.X


O.O I love it ♥

Sekai´s Normal:

00:26:700 (1,2,3) - Maybe make it more symmetrical? (suggestion)

00:57:557 (4,5) - blanket.

02:04:414 (1,2,3) - Maybe something like this?

02:35:271 (1) - BEAUTYFUL ♥w♥


01:09:986 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I love this ♥w♥

02:07:628 (1) - I hate this slider, but t´s really nice ;) (and confusing)

02:10:628 (2,3,4) - OMG... 2.0 distance snap? You´re very cruel ;D

why your maps are so good? ;w;

I hate you -w- (I´m kidding, I love you) ;)

Topic Starter

sumaru100 wrote:

Hi :3

I make this mod because otherwise my conscience never will be clean x.X ahahaha xD


O.O I love it ♥

Sekai´s Normal:

00:26:700 (1,2,3) - Maybe make it more symmetrical? (suggestion) Fixed

00:57:557 (4,5) - blanket. Fixed

02:04:414 (1,2,3) - Maybe something like this? ^

02:35:271 (1) - BEAUTYFUL ♥w♥


01:09:986 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I love this ♥w♥

02:07:628 (1) - I hate this slider, but t´s really nice ;) (and confusing) huehuehue

02:10:628 (2,3,4) - OMG... 2.0 distance snap? You´re very cruel ;D yeah ikr ;D

why your maps are so good? ;w; idk ;_;

I hate you -w- (I´m kidding, I love you) ;) I'm love you too

Thanks for the mod and stars ♥

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