
Mistakes UPick (Game Over!)

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Dem busdrivers...


I think I played terribly but the bus driver role was just ridiculously strong.

RB, you okay with posting the scum QT?
I cry that I was right ;w;
Raging Bull

Kytoxid wrote:


I think I played terribly but the bus driver role was just ridiculously strong.

RB, you okay with posting the scum QT?

I've hated scum bus drivers since touhou pyp IV and I still do... :<
Re: Stuff

I doubted Tsukasa's claim because he said he got no result because the target died, I was thinking of the possibility of him being an Insane cop (Instead of kyto being GF lol), and never crossed my mind that pieguy roleblocked him.
I fucking called the scumteam on D1

also Kyto you messed up your claim you terrible liar. :cry: everyone else claimed a person, but his claim was "unreliable bomb". I noticed this as soon as RB flipped and then was like "wait what the hell" and tried to think of any possible explanation for Kyto being mafia, but I wasn't expecting a bus driver in a 2:5 game. at least I wasn't too far off when I said that Tsukasa's cop investigation might have been wrong

probably you all could have figured out it was a mafia bus driver if Tsukasa got the damn hint from his result PM and then noticed this >_< srsly Tsukass </3

that's why you shouldn't question my gut feeling /runs
also sry but I was facepalming throughout all of D3. srsly, how the hell did no one notice either of the things I pointed out >_<


GuyInFreezer wrote:

I could comment on the game itself, but I would rather let pieguy yell at you guys. :P
I basically thought Tsukasa might have been Insane because neither Lincolm nor Tsukasa added up as scum, but he went and said "I got no result because my target died" you always get a result even if your target dies, my fail was not considering the possibility of Tsukasa getting Roleblocked.
I was thinking about an insane/naive cop too, but I wasn't expecting any of that in a 2:5 game cause 2:5 is scum sided already @_@

the getting a result even if your target dies thing seems personal preference and not necessary for me. I don't think I would have done that angle. (tho if it was really cause he was roleblocked, I'm surprised there wasn't a "no result" pm or smth 0.0)
I know when I'm scum I usually delay my winning, but not by shooting my scummate. Why no one confirm me as town, except the scum, seriously I want to know.

Sane/Insane/Naive/Paranoid/Random Cop usually considered bastard role? I don't think in non-bastard game they will give this when everyone role is normal. (Like mine, it is normal day-vig, but with restriction)
Bus-Driver is non-normal, but an Upick isn't a normal game.
Also this made me lol:
2) Getting an electroshock while changing the lamb bulbs (?) xDD (X)
I was actually surprised that Kyto is Innocent.

I was SUPPOSED to investigate linc D1

Sakura wrote:

I basically thought Tsukasa might have been Insane because neither Lincolm nor Tsukasa added up as scum, but he went and said "I got no result because my target died" you always get a result even if your target dies, my fail was not considering the possibility of Tsukasa getting Roleblocked.
I... Actually never thought that pie roleblocked me.

I was like "Oh pie flip. Maybe that's why I didn't get a PM"

GuyInFreezer wrote:

UPick Choices

1) Forgetting to lock my door and cover the window when I watch *stuff* (X)
2) [REDACTED] :roll:
3) Delete system 32 on your PC

2.1) Watching Boku no Pico
*still whistling*
Raging Bull
funny because i thought the plan was for pie to role block you to confirm you as a cop.
He saw my hentai D:
it was delicious

more plz
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