
osu!np v2.4: Output /np info + Beatmap Downloader etc

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Piotrekol wrote:

last version that worked for me was v1.9
Windows 7 x64 SP1 + .NET 4.5
Did you try this
★ Problem: osu!np will throw a System.InvalidOperation Exception and will not startup.
☆ Solution: Ensure that you have WMP installed. (It's installed by default on Windows operating systems but you may have uninstalled it.)
Control Panel > Programs & Features > Turn Windows features on/off > Media > Enable 'Windows Media Player' > Restart if necessary
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Started working on the IRC integration ^-^!
At the moment, it's able to recognize command format !

It will be able to output any data you tell it to without the need to read from file.
You'll also be able to define custom commands with custom parameters of which the bot will respond to when users type them in chat.

It won't be as great as something like mIRC scripting for a while, but it'll be an option for people who don't need very much dynamic output, and it'll be quicker to setup than mIRC.

Added support for reading the primary/secondary outputs (example is np + diff on primary, then same for secondary but as an action).
The default commands are !wake, !sleep, !die
!wake - Enables output
!sleep - Disables output
!die - Disconnects bot from channel
Names for the command will be configurable, the condition for the output will also eventually be configurable >-<

Output from secondary:

Edit: Going to scrap IRC integration for now, will continue work on localisation whenever I can, been a bit busy recently ;--;
Thanks for the update.

I got a few new ideas I'd like to see, if you are free:
  1. Minimize osu!np when starting osu!. (Either to Tray or to the Taskbar, whatever the user did select in the config)
  2. Option to also start osu! when pressing "Start". (Or start the output when pressing the osu! logo)
  3. and/or:
  4. Option to automatically start outputting when starting osu!np. (Alternative to above)
This could be very useful, atleast for me.
Most of the times when I press "Start" I also want to start osu!, so this would save a click for me.

Keep going.
Thanks for the update, but I'm now getting this error when updating:
It works fine when redownloading manually though :/
EDIT: And it seems to not save my "previous secondary" setting.
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[quote=givenameplz]I got a few new ideas I'd like to see, if you are free:[/quote]
Will add them

YayMii wrote:

Thanks for the update, but I'm now getting this error when updating:
It works fine when redownloading manually though :/
Known issue with v2.1 & 2.2, it's fixed in 2.3 (for when updating to future versions)
It just requires manually deleting osunp.exe before starting osu!np.exe

YayMii wrote:

EDIT: And it seems to not save my "previous secondary" setting.
Something I forgot to do, will get settings sorted in 2.4
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Few updates:
I've been working on an Collections MP3 Player - Play songs outside of Osu as playlists made from collections.. so when you're idle and just want to listen to music from Osu!, you don't have to be listening to songs you don't like.

'Special' is one of my collections with 119 maps, duplicates (like difficulties of one mapset) are removed so the amount in the list becomes 24.
Will also feature the ability to export mp3's to collection folders so the mp3 playing side of this app will be optional - though it has all the basic functionality needed (play/pause/stop/prev/next/loop etc).

I've been doing a lot of work on the database side of things for Osu! Now able to read from osu!.db, collection.db, scores.db

The example above shows the scores.db listed featuring the capability of ordering by accuracy - something of which the normal Osu! map list does not support. I requested this feature a while ago but it was rejected, so I decided to make it myself.

Planned features include the ability to determine which maps you have previously played but do not currently have installed among other things, it will be a standalone app but will also be implemented in osu!np so you can output score data.

A note about the limitation of database reading though: The osu! databases only update whenever osu! is closed, so you cannot get real-time results.

I will likely release the source for this db reader some time soon once I've tidied up the code.
The only other open-source one I found was written in Ruby, I wrote mine in VB .Net with a little bit of help from the Ruby one (I don't know Ruby ;--;)
VB is easy enough to convert to C# so it should be nice for people who wish to develop db-related tools for Osu! :3
Wow, you're amazing! Adding features that I'd use even though I didn't know I wanted them. Keep up the good work.

I have a few suggestions:
1. For the standalone player, it should probably have a separate output if it doesn't already (seeing as you don't really need information like the difficulty).
2. Maybe a toggle for osu!test in the database reader? osu!test has its own set of .db files, and that was the original reason why I asked for o!test support in the first place.
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YayMii wrote:

Wow, you're amazing! Adding features that I'd use even though I didn't know I wanted them. Keep up the good work.

I have a few suggestions:
1. For the standalone player, it should probably have a separate output if it doesn't already (seeing as you don't really need information like the difficulty).
2. Maybe a toggle for osu!test in the database reader? osu!test has its own set of .db files, and that was the original reason why I asked for o!test support in the first place.
Thank you ^-^

1. Not too sure what you're referring to, the mp3 player or the standalone version of the db reader?
If the mp3 player: Difficulty isn't listed in the playlists. There isn't any output from the player currently but I'll add it as an option. (So when you're afk on stream you can still stream music and display what music is playing)
If the db reader: The image is just an example, all data will have their own columns and source will be provided.

Also to note.. I'm not sure whether to implement the mp3 player in osu!np.. at least not for a couple weeks at least if I do decide to..
There's a whole lot involved with it, I'll have to do many changes to get it working in osu!np and it won't use the same custom appearance.
It's also straying away from what osu!np was originally intended for but I might just redefine osu!np as an 'all-in-one' tool. >-< My only fear is that osu!np will eventually be too confusing to use if it has too many features ;--;

Also to note: Getting the BPM of a song is maybe possible with osu!mp3, a while ago when I was mapping I had trouble finding a tool that would do this but I think I could potentially get it to work myself.. I doubt it'll be accurate but it'll be fun to work with. >-<

2: Already done some testing for this in code (doesn't seem to be any change at the moment between the normal and test versions of the databases, hopefully there won't ever be too much change >-<), just didn't have it displayed in the example.

Edit: Example of all data

Note: 'Tries' only includes completed attempts at a map, not actual retries. ;--;
(Ignore the fact that circle/slider amount is the same.. little bug I didn't notice >-<)
I got some issues with the "[dl]" command. Can't get it to work :/

Here is a picture of my Secondary output.

A np1.txt file is created but its blank . I tried using the "[dl]" command on the primary output also, with and without other commands but it still does not work T^T

Am i doing something wrong?
please enlighten me, id like to have that feature so much !
Ntasuto: Do you have your osu! install folder set up properly in the Directory tab? You need that so osu!np can get that information. Also keep in mind that some older beatmaps lack this info and will return as blank.
Suggestion: You can get osu! install folder from registry (for developer).
nice software :3
i use in OBS
Awesome software. BTW, I wanted to give a suggestion.
Can you add a function by which one may search for beatmaps by their names by inputting them in a text field. (Just saying :P )
And when will the osu! music player be ready. It seems to be interesting.
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sbstratos79 wrote:

And when will the osu! music player be ready. It seems to be interesting.
Everything is on-hold for now, won't be returning at least until November.
Not sure why this happened but my config file and my np file both just disappeared and now when I open the program it opens to the task bar but has no window.

Edit: It seems that whenever I load it, my config file disappears.. so I have to export every time I have it opened if I want my settings to retain.

Kurimu wrote:

Not sure why this happened but my config file and my np file both just disappeared and now when I open the program it opens to the task bar but has no window.

Edit: It seems that whenever I load it, my config file disappears.. so I have to export every time I have it opened if I want my settings to retain.
This appears to be a problem with the position saving of the application.
This value here:
<setting name="setPosition" serializeAs="String">
<value>162, 171</value>
Sometimes gets set to a really odd, seemingly overflow value.
So your window is most likely opened outside of the screen, to fix this move to this path:
(Or whatever the newest version is)
And edit the user.config file, look for the "setPosition" tag (mentioned above) and set it to 0, 0 for example.
Thanks. Should be fixed though. :) And the disappearing config file escapes me. The file gets deleted when I load osu!np.

Kurimu wrote:

Thanks. Should be fixed though. :) And the disappearing config file escapes me. The file gets deleted when I load osu!np.
I am not quite sure if you mean that but.. if you start osu!np it will check for a config file in the same folder; it runs and tries to import it.
After doing this, the file gets deleted.
It appears to be an intended function.
(Most likely used for the update process, after you download a new version with the updater inside for example, osu!np will ask you if you want to export your configs and so on..)
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Sorry for being away for so long, but I'm Semi-back, have had some financial issues to deal with, still having problems (and just recently broke up with my ex, yay~ x.x).
I'll try to get an update out before I have to go again (Will be here until 11th Nov, won't be back for some time after)

now when I open the program it opens to the task bar but has no window.
That's an odd bug, will look into it when I get a chance to. (I think I remember fixing it in the past ;-;)
And yeah, the config file is supposed to only be temporary (When you export or update and choose to keep settings, it'll be created. Then when osu!np starts and the config file is found, the settings from it get saved and it gets removed), I might make an option for it to be permanent though but for now, you can just copy it and give it a different name so osu!np won't delete it (but neither will it detect settings from it unless you copy it and name the new one to 'config.ini')

Your saved settings will always be retained in the following folder: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Primpri\
So you don't need to keep the temp config file unless you want it as a backup.

Can you add a function by which one may search for beatmaps by their names by inputting them in a text field. (Just saying :P )
This functionality already exists if I'm understanding you correctly, the field which shows 'miku' in the below image.

And don't worry, haven't forgotten about the other projects either, will get them done.
I'll try to find time to work on everything while I'm not here too.

Oh and sorry about the huge delay with localization, it's a lot of work involved and I don't want to make it my focus when there are other feature updates waiting ;-;

I forgot to address some posts.

Marcin wrote:

Suggestion: You can get osu! install folder from registry (for developer).
I couldn't actually find it anywhere in the registry. >-<

onodai145 wrote:

nice software :3
i use in OBS
Nice to know that people appreciate my work, thank you ^-^

Oh, and I still have plans to integrate osu!db into osu!np (and some functionality from osu!mp3), but I first need to do a few changes to meet 'peppy standards'. ^-^
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Here's my user friendly implementation of the dynamic image creation so far:

(Very rough example of what is possible with it, sorry for being messy >-<)

It's basically a paint feature added to osu!np allowing you to add images/text to the dynamic image, so far:
  • ★ You can move & resize text/image objects around by dragging, or editing the input boxes to the left when an object is selected.
    ☆ Apply variables (like online status, np output) to selected text.
    ★ The "File" Menu allows you to Save your dynamic image (the output is a ini file) and open others. Once saved, the image is uploaded to my own server and a link you can use anywhere is generated.
    ☆ The "View" Menu allows you to switch from the blank canvas to a listing preview of templates / other images that other users have saved of which you can then select to modify.
Custom fonts are also planned.
This new implementation will no longer require you to have your own server / PHP knowledge.

I probably won't be available tomorrow, and won't be able to return until December at the earliest.
I'm sorry I couldn't get any update out before having to go again, I've been really busy with other things in life lately.

I will try to work on osu!np and my other projects as much as possible while I'm gone and will hopefully have an update available when I'm back, this next update should include:
  • ★ osu!np: Completed implementation of localization.
    ☆ osu!np: Implementation of new user friendly dynamic image functionality.
    ★ osu!np: Implementation of score data.
    ☆ osu!db: Corrections to sorting, 'safer' method of accessing the db files (copying to osu!db directory).
    ★ osu!mp3: Released version.
Among other smaller changes.
[Kanzaki Ranko]
How does it fetch the data from the game? From the MSN Now Playing calls? Directly from the RAM? :v
I'm getting a Win32:Evo-gen virus warning in avast when downloading the current version(2.3) Any tip?
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How does it fetch the data from the game? From the MSN Now Playing calls? Directly from the RAM? :v
From the osu! window title, additional data from the map files, more data from the database files is possible but is not yet implemented in osu!np, only osu!db/osu!mp3.

From what I know, it's not possible to get it from memory because the pointer doesn't seem consistent across multiple machines, and it's not really worth going through that method because it's not consistent between updates either.

Unfortunately with the method I use, it's never going to be 100% accurate but it does have a few fallback methods which it uses in an attempt to be as accurate as possible. If there is a duplicate of the map name and difficulty, there are multiple choices. There (may) soon be a tiny bit of image recognition to determine the correct map when such duplicates are found.

I'm getting a Win32:Evo-gen virus warning in avast when downloading the current version(2.3) Any tip?
It seems you or someone else already scanned it here

From a Google search, there just seems to be a lot of false positives with that 'Evo-gen' like this
I don't know what would trigger that >-< My own Avast is unable to detect anything (Version: 7.0.1474, DB Version: 131109-0)

I've reported it as a false-positive to Avast.
[ Scarlet Red ]
This seems really interesting, will definitely consider checking this out :)
Osu!np works with windows 7 x64?

Papepipopu wrote:

Osu!np works with windows 7 x64?
I have a problem when i play in fullscreen. Osu!np works off when i play in fullscreen, but works perfect when i play in windows mode.

What can i do?

PD: Sorry for my engrish.

Papepipopu wrote:

I have a problem when i play in fullscreen. Osu!np works off when i play in fullscreen, but works perfect when i play in windows mode.

What can i do?

PD: Sorry for my engrish.
This is due to this:
[peppy] Don't set window title when running osu! fullscreen.
(osu! b20131129.1)

You basically can't get the data in Fullscreen mode anymore, but you can try Borderless window mode.
(Please bear in mind that this might cause different behavior on some machines, performance wise.)
sweet works great!
I use Windows 8 and OBS, you'll be seeing this in my streams soon! :P

givenameplz wrote:

This is due to this:
[peppy] Don't set window title when running osu! fullscreen.
(osu! b20131129.1)

You basically can't get the data in Fullscreen mode anymore, but you can try Borderless window mode.
(Please bear in mind that this might cause different behavior on some machines, performance wise.)
Gah, I completely forgot about this. That change was an attempt to fix Nvidia ShadowPlay, but it broke osu!np. I switched to fullscreen when I discovered that Windowed and Borderless both cause 2-3 frames of latency (which makes things a bit more difficult), so I'm not really inclined to switch back.

Anyways, any plan on switching to the API that peppy mentioned earlier? It would fix the problem.
I getting this error message when starting up the osu!np 2.3
I'm using Windows 8 64bit with .NET Framework 4.5
and I also have try to repair the .NET Framework, but nothing is fixed.

YayMii wrote:

Anyways, any plan on switching to the API that peppy mentioned earlier? It would fix the problem.
this or just use MSN now playing calls as they still work perfectly
I cannot use it to show the song currently playing -3-
should I start osu first or osu!np??
and do I need to run it as admin? I hv win8.1 installed
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Sorry for the absence.

Unfortunately, I'm probably going to discontinue osu!np and my other projects. A lot of other people seem to have been working on their own things similar to the functionality of which osu!np provides, so I don't feel there is any need for me to continue.

The current build of osu!np 2.4 will only be available to close friends on Twitch, because it includes Primbot.

I will make a public version with Primbot removed that will include all current fixes, but development is currently not my priority so I will not be adding new features otherthan the ones of which I've already been working on.

I'm sorry for this news, but there's so much that I want to do, and very little time to do them in. ;-;
Noooo!!! ;___; Y U DO DIS?? Your programs are so awesome and useful!! T^T But at the end of the day, it's your wish, so I just wanted to ask one question. Will we still be able to use osu!np and your other softwares which require internet connection in any way? For example, can we still download beatmaps using osu!np? And thanks a lot for creating such awesome softwares and helping the osu! community. :D
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Everything will still function.

I think I phrased it a bit harshly/bluntly - My intention is not to just forget about these projects, I'm not abandoning everything entirely, I may eventually continue working on these projects and I will try to if I can ever find time to, it's just not a priority anymore so I will never update as often as I used to and I'll only implement features which interest me personally.

For now my time is taken up by personal projects, or my stream/daily life stuff. It's difficult to work on projects for the osu community because there's more time involved in trying to make the UI user friendly, efficient and such (I'm so bad at UI design).

Again, sorry. Q^Q
Thanks a lot. phew, That was a relief. And no problem, even the current releases are pretty good, so less frequent(or no) updates won't be a problem(atleast, not for me). And yeah, you should concentrate on the things that you think are more important for you. You've already done a great job by creating such useful softwares. Thanks a lot again! ^_^ All the best! :)
For some reason osu!np dosent work anymore when i play fullscreen is there any way you could fix this in future updates?

Quanteck wrote:

For some reason osu!np dosent work anymore when i play fullscreen is there any way you could fix this in future updates?
As said earlier in the thread, this is what's preventing it from working full screen:
[peppy] Don't set window title when running osu! fullscreen.
(osu! b20131129.1)
He did this as an attempt to fix Nvidia ShadowPlay, but it broke programs like this in the process, since it uses the window title to get the song title and difficulty.

It is possible to get it working again (the MSN status option displays the same info as the title bar albeit in a different order), but nobody I've spoken to seems to be updating their programs to support it (aside from Piotrekol, but as far as I'm aware, he's the one who came up with the idea to use it).
The doenload command isnt working for me
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