
Annabel - Alternative (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年6月20日 at 21:15:45

Artist: Annabel
Title: Alternative (TV Size)
Source: Rozen Maiden
Tags: Beren ost
BPM: 128
Filesize: 10099kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.69 stars, 138 notes)
  2. Insane (2.57 stars, 150 notes)
  3. Normal (1.56 stars, 90 notes)
Download: Annabel - Alternative (TV Size)
Download: Annabel - Alternative (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Insane by Beren <3
:!: :?:

20:00 BakaHuang: halo
20:18 fanzhen0019: halo
21:26 BakaHuang: fanzhena
21:26 BakaHuang: 能不能求个mod
21:26 fanzhen0019: a
21:26 fanzhen0019: what mod
21:26 BakaHuang:
21:26 BakaHuang: 放了快1年了
21:28 fanzhen0019: 我看不出啥东西啊
21:28 fanzhen0019: 你这个KIAI可以放转盘结束
21:28 BakaHuang: 随便写点啊
21:28 fanzhen0019: 01:23:520 -
21:28 fanzhen0019: ircba
21:29 BakaHuang: 现在要凑几个mod么
21:29 fanzhen0019: let i see see
21:29 fanzhen0019: 起码12星吧
21:29 fanzhen0019: 然后mod大概四五个往上
21:30 BakaHuang: 你妈 怎么还要星星的?
21:30 fanzhen0019: 我好想说错了
21:30 BakaHuang: 自己好像射不了了啊
21:30 fanzhen0019: priority+12
21:31 BakaHuang: 啥意思
21:31 fanzhen0019: Current Priority: +0 (1096 maps higher on the list)
21:31 fanzhen0019: 这个东西
21:33 fanzhen0019: [beren]
21:33 BakaHuang: forum pm是啥意思
21:33 BakaHuang: 那还是星星哇
21:33 fanzhen0019: 00:23:051 (1) - 这玩意现在好像不要用
21:33 fanzhen0019: forum pm就是论坛私信
21:34 fanzhen0019: 现在得一个mod你给一个kd也可以加一点priority
21:34 fanzhen0019: 2kd位就可以加2priority
21:34 BakaHuang: 啥kiai放到转盘结束
21:34 BakaHuang: 哦哦 beren的没房
21:34 fanzhen0019: KIAI放到转盘开始
21:36 BakaHuang: 那玩意现在不能用了?
21:36 fanzhen0019: 对
21:36 BakaHuang: 夫妻
21:37 fanzhen0019: 9KIAI都到这吧
21:37 fanzhen0019: 01:23:520 -
21:38 BakaHuang: 就是kiai到转盘前结束的意思么
21:38 fanzhen0019: ye
21:39 BakaHuang: 话说 我有张6个星星就rank了诶
21:39 BakaHuang: 就去年rank的
21:39 fanzhen0019: diao
21:40 BakaHuang: 。
21:42 fanzhen0019: 对称确实没啥摸的
21:42 fanzhen0019: 你还又摆的很工整

Offline: BakaHuang




00:20:707 (5) - 感觉向下弯会不会更顺点
00:26:801 (5) - 垂直挺好的 但觉得往左边移点更有flow
01:12:270 (1) - 觉得开DS移到y:328的地方比较顺 然后又和01:11:098 (5) - 水平


小圈啊= =HD OD高

00:19:535 (1) - 觉得从00:19:301 (4) - NC比较好 因为00:19:301 (4) - 在白线又和00:19:535 (1) - 比较近
01:09:926 (4) - ^

感觉可以加下那个“叮”很长的铃声在一些地方 比如00:02:895 (1) - 尾巴


00:19:770 (7) - ctrl+J 的方向 向下移点如何
00:23:051 (1) - 的尾巴为什么变了
01:04:301 (1) - 移动x264 y256左右如何 觉得比较顺 然后尾巴也夹在01:04:770 (2,3) - 中间

Hi~ 阿黄好久不见>w</
mod req~
  1. 01:04:301 (5) - default soft加whistle
  1. 00:15:551 (4,1) - ctrl+g 别忘调回音效
  2. 00:16:957 (2) - finish?(参考建议)
  3. 00:24:457 (1) - finish?(参考建议)
  4. 00:25:863 (4) - stack with 00:24:457 (1) -
  5. 00:30:551 (2) - 我觉得可以再多往上移加大DS到1.6~1.8,配合这里的音量变化
  6. 01:18:832 (3) - ctrl+g, 01:19:770 (1) - ctrl+g, 01:19:535 (4,5) - 对齐01:19:770 (1) -头, 01:21:176 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - 整体(或ctrl+j后)移动以01:21:176 (2) - 对齐01:19:770 (1) -折返为基准,如果觉得太靠下不美观可以01:19:535 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 整体往上移
  1. 00:04:770 (1) - 我觉得可以从00:03:129就开始或者00:03:715这个破音开始
  2. 00:54:926 (1) - 可以去掉一个折返,然后加大间距,实在不行去掉一个折返后在00:55:277加个circle感觉也比现在强点~
As requested


  1. Add ost to tags
  2. According to new rule mappers are not allowed to use own username as difficulty name. Beren diff should be rename to Beren's Hard to reflect difficulty level
  3. Since you used S and S:C1 as your main samples some sliders have weird sliderslide sound at short parts where you used S as main sample - to fix that, rename your custom hitsounds to S:C2, add silent soft-sliderslide2 and use S:C1 for default whistles at parts where they are needed

*HP8 is kinda too much here since you have lots of 1/1 and longer pauses - consider reduse it by 1 tick to make your diff more friendly for mod-players and people with lower skill
*Most of silent slidertails in your diff isn't musically reflected - i tested some of them and all sounds much better with more audible volume. Actually, thought you lowered them to 5% it still sound quite lond due to BGM being very soft, so such volume jumps sounds really strange while playing - please, consider change that.

  1. 00:18:832 (5) - This slider touches HP Bar very much and this might case problems while playing - move it a bit down please
  2. 00:19:301 (6,7) - Line up them to make more smooth arc?
  3. 00:23:051 (1) - This slider snape isn't rankable anymore - slider anchors/nodes shouldn't be used to manipulate slider speed.
  4. 00:51:645 (5) - Move a bit up for more smoother overlap with 00:51:176 (4) -
  5. 01:12:152 (2) - This note breaks a bit your smooth arc :<
  6. 01:16:957 (6) - Extend it to blue tick according to previous patten?

  1. 00:19:535 (1) - Use default soft-whistle on tail?
  2. 00:31:957 (5) - Same on head here
  3. 01:03:598 (4) - Default soft-whiste would be good too here
  4. 01:14:848 (2,3) - Flow goes a bit too linear at this part, and this jump feels kinda huge while playing - i wound redo this part a bit to make it more smoother, something like this:

  5. 01:23:285 (3) - default soft-whistle perhaps?

*Since it is easiest diff in this mapset, i'd reduse OD and HP Drain by 1 tick to make it more beginner-friendly

  1. 00:20:707 (5) - Remove whistle from repeat and put it to hear for consistensy with previous part
  2. 01:08:988 (2,3,4) - Might be quite confusing for beginners. Perhaps try something like this?

  3. 01:21:410 (1) - Add default softiwhistle to head follow vocals
Nice map. Good luck!
Topic Starter

fanzhen0019 wrote:

20:00 BakaHuang: halo
20:18 fanzhen0019: halo
21:26 BakaHuang: fanzhena
21:26 BakaHuang: 能不能求个mod
21:26 fanzhen0019: a
21:26 fanzhen0019: what mod
21:26 BakaHuang:
21:26 BakaHuang: 放了快1年了
21:28 fanzhen0019: 我看不出啥东西啊
21:28 fanzhen0019: 你这个KIAI可以放转盘结束
21:28 BakaHuang: 随便写点啊
21:28 fanzhen0019: 01:23:520 -
21:28 fanzhen0019: ircba
21:29 BakaHuang: 现在要凑几个mod么
21:29 fanzhen0019: let i see see
21:29 fanzhen0019: 起码12星吧
21:29 fanzhen0019: 然后mod大概四五个往上
21:30 BakaHuang: 你妈 怎么还要星星的?
21:30 fanzhen0019: 我好想说错了
21:30 BakaHuang: 自己好像射不了了啊
21:30 fanzhen0019: priority+12
21:31 BakaHuang: 啥意思
21:31 fanzhen0019: Current Priority: +0 (1096 maps higher on the list)
21:31 fanzhen0019: 这个东西
21:33 fanzhen0019: [beren]
21:33 BakaHuang: forum pm是啥意思
21:33 BakaHuang: 那还是星星哇
21:33 fanzhen0019: 00:23:051 (1) - 这玩意现在好像不要用
21:33 fanzhen0019: forum pm就是论坛私信
21:34 fanzhen0019: 现在得一个mod你给一个kd也可以加一点priority
21:34 fanzhen0019: 2kd位就可以加2priority
21:34 BakaHuang: 啥kiai放到转盘结束
21:34 BakaHuang: 哦哦 beren的没房
21:34 fanzhen0019: KIAI放到转盘开始
21:36 BakaHuang: 那玩意现在不能用了?
21:36 fanzhen0019: 对
21:36 BakaHuang: 夫妻
21:37 fanzhen0019: 9KIAI都到这吧
21:37 fanzhen0019: 01:23:520 -
21:38 BakaHuang: 就是kiai到转盘前结束的意思么
21:38 fanzhen0019: ye
21:39 BakaHuang: 话说 我有张6个星星就rank了诶
21:39 BakaHuang: 就去年rank的
21:39 fanzhen0019: diao
21:40 BakaHuang: 。
21:42 fanzhen0019: 对称确实没啥摸的
21:42 fanzhen0019: 你还又摆的很工整

Offline: BakaHuang

all fixed~

CET 6 wrote:

黄女神~ 六级男神~



00:20:707 (5) - 感觉向下弯会不会更顺点
00:26:801 (5) - 垂直挺好的 但觉得往左边移点更有flow 懒的改啦XDD
01:12:270 (1) - 觉得开DS移到y:328的地方比较顺 然后又和01:11:098 (5) - 水平


小圈啊= =HD OD高 后面有人说的话会改

00:19:535 (1) - 觉得从00:19:301 (4) - NC比较好 因为00:19:301 (4) - 在白线又和00:19:535 (1) - 比较近 后面有人说的话会改
01:09:926 (4) - ^后面有人说的话会改

感觉可以加下那个“叮”很长的铃声在一些地方 比如00:02:895 (1) - 尾巴 后面有人说的话会改


00:19:770 (7) - ctrl+J 的方向 向下移点如何 改了
00:23:051 (1) - 的尾巴为什么变了 有人说这个slider不能rank 换掉了
01:04:301 (1) - 移动x264 y256左右如何 觉得比较顺 然后尾巴也夹在01:04:770 (2,3) - 中间 有点挡到后面的s(4)了

thanks for modding~

Bless wrote:

Hi~ 阿黄好久不见>w</
mod req~
  1. 01:04:301 (5) - default soft加whistle fixed
  1. 00:15:551 (4,1) - ctrl+g 别忘调回音效 这样到3的间距不就不一样了吗o.o
  2. 00:16:957 (2) - finish?(参考建议)
  3. 00:24:457 (1) - finish?(参考建议)
  4. 00:25:863 (4) - stack with 00:24:457 (1) -
  5. 00:30:551 (2) - 我觉得可以再多往上移加大DS到1.6~1.8,配合这里的音量变化
  6. 01:18:832 (3) - ctrl+g, 01:19:770 (1) - ctrl+g, 01:19:535 (4,5) - 对齐01:19:770 (1) -头, 01:21:176 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - 整体(或ctrl+j后)移动以01:21:176 (2) - 对齐01:19:770 (1) -折返为基准,如果觉得太靠下不美观可以01:19:535 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 整体往上移ok~这个改了~
  1. 00:04:770 (1) - 我觉得可以从00:03:129就开始或者00:03:715这个破音开始fixed~
  2. 00:54:926 (1) - 可以去掉一个折返,然后加大间距,实在不行去掉一个折返后在00:55:277加个circle感觉也比现在强点~先这样吧 有人提会再改~
谢谢啦 要再更新一次才能滚进pending里> >

Kodora wrote:

As requested


  1. Add ost to tags fixed
  2. According to new rule mappers are not allowed to use own username as difficulty name. Beren diff should be rename to Beren's Hard to reflect difficulty level fixed
  3. Since you used S and S:C1 as your main samples some sliders have weird sliderslide sound at short parts where you used S as main sample - to fix that, rename your custom hitsounds to S:C2, add silent soft-sliderslide2 and use S:C1 for default whistles at parts where they are neededI will change it if someone said it again XP

*HP8 is kinda too much here since you have lots of 1/1 and longer pauses - consider reduse it by 1 tick to make your diff more friendly for mod-players and people with lower skill fixed
*Most of silent slidertails in your diff isn't musically reflected - i tested some of them and all sounds much better with more audible volume. Actually, thought you lowered them to 5% it still sound quite lond due to BGM being very soft, so such volume jumps sounds really strange while playing - please, consider change that.I will change it if someone said it again XP

  1. 00:18:832 (5) - This slider touches HP Bar very much and this might case problems while playing - move it a bit down please fixed
  2. 00:19:301 (6,7) - Line up them to make more smooth arc? fixed
  3. 00:23:051 (1) - This slider snape isn't rankable anymore - slider anchors/nodes shouldn't be used to manipulate slider speed. fixed
  4. 00:51:645 (5) - Move a bit up for more smoother overlap with 00:51:176 (4) -
  5. 01:12:152 (2) - This note breaks a bit your smooth arc :<
  6. 01:16:957 (6) - Extend it to blue tick according to previous patten?

  1. 00:19:535 (1) - Use default soft-whistle on tail? no x_x
  2. 00:31:957 (5) - Same on head here
  3. 01:03:598 (4) - Default soft-whiste would be good too here fixed
  4. 01:14:848 (2,3) - Flow goes a bit too linear at this part, and this jump feels kinda huge while playing - i wound redo this part a bit to make it more smoother, something like this:

    i will change it if someone said it again~
  5. 01:23:285 (3) - default soft-whistle perhaps?no~

*Since it is easiest diff in this mapset, i'd reduse OD and HP Drain by 1 tick to make it more beginner-friendly hp4 is fine~

  1. 00:20:707 (5) - Remove whistle from repeat and put it to hear for consistensy with previous part
  2. 01:08:988 (2,3,4) - Might be quite confusing for beginners. Perhaps try something like this?

  3. 01:21:410 (1) - Add default softiwhistle to head follow vocals
Nice map. Good luck!

  1. 确实没啥问题。


  1. 我的猫呀,瞬间note变得这么小。然后啥问题都找不到。

  • Rhythm
  1. 00:02:660 (1) - 这个是不是太靠角角了啊。
  2. 00:18:363 (4,5) - 跳的太大了感觉有点不舒服,因为歌曲本身就是肉肉的啊。
  3. 00:26:801 (4,5) - 这个flow有点问题,跳的又绕又太大。
  4. 00:41:801 (3,1) - Flow这个也有点问题,折角太小,而且巨跳。
  5. 00:42:270 (1,3) - 3因为跳的很远,这时候1又很直,导致了跳3slider过来就很容易miss了
  6. 00:51:645 (5,1) - 光知道重合梗,结果flow有了小问题都不管了>_>
  7. 00:55:863 (3) - 这个假如加速的话好像有点不错
  8. 01:07:113 (3,4) - 这算不算顾此失彼啊,slider盖住了
  9. 01:08:051 (5,1) - 弯一弯,blanket

☆┏ (゜ω゜)=☞
Topic Starter

Rotte wrote:


  1. 确实没啥问题。


  1. 我的猫呀,瞬间note变得这么小。然后啥问题都找不到。

  • Rhythm
  1. 00:02:660 (1) - 这个是不是太靠角角了啊。
  2. 00:18:363 (4,5) - 跳的太大了感觉有点不舒服,因为歌曲本身就是肉肉的啊。
  3. 00:26:801 (4,5) - 这个flow有点问题,跳的又绕又太大。 嗯这个改了
  4. 00:41:801 (3,1) - Flow这个也有点问题,折角太小,而且巨跳。 改了
  5. 00:42:270 (1,3) - 3因为跳的很远,这时候1又很直,导致了跳3slider过来就很容易miss了 改了
  6. 00:51:645 (5,1) - 光知道重合梗,结果flow有了小问题都不管了>_> 这个我觉得还好啦
  7. 00:55:863 (3) - 这个假如加速的话好像有点不错
  8. 01:07:113 (3,4) - 这算不算顾此失彼啊,slider盖住了啊 稍微改了下 不过觉得问题不大
  9. 01:08:051 (5,1) - 弯一弯,blanket

阿黄你的梗真好,教教咱怎么样啊 这图我都没用什么梗啊 完全对称T_T
☆┏ (゜ω゜)=☞
EXOsu fan club

00:42:973 (2) - 这个应该和00:42:270 (1) - 的尾巴stack吧,后面的滑条你看着改改
01:22:113 (1) - 这个滑条是有啥特殊含义吗,如果没有的话我觉得不是很好看
01:09:691 - 加note

Topic Starter

jyc-Binggan wrote:

EXOsu fan club

00:42:973 (2) - 这个应该和00:42:270 (1) - 的尾巴stack吧,后面的滑条你看着改改 等bat再改
01:22:113 (1) - 这个滑条是有啥特殊含义吗,如果没有的话我觉得不是很好看 她觉得很好看
01:09:691 - 加note


Good luck, Ms. Huang!

Beren wrote:

Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Good luck, Ms. Huang!

:D :D
irc modded with mapper, make several pattern changes.


19:53 Scorpiour: o_o没有video哇
19:53 BakaHuang: 是啊 懒得下orz
19:54 Scorpiour: 好吧~
19:54 BakaHuang: 本来让beren做sb的哇
19:54 Scorpiour: 恩
19:55 Scorpiour: Insane
19:55 Scorpiour: 00:21:645 (3) -
19:55 Scorpiour: 这个你看看,Ctrl+h一下,然后放到246:194效果如何?
19:57 BakaHuang: 我试试
19:57 Scorpiour: 恩然后
19:57 Scorpiour: 00:23:051 (1) - 看看做成这样:
19:58 Scorpiour:
19:59 BakaHuang: 哈
19:59 BakaHuang: 好
19:59 Scorpiour: 00:48:363 (1,2,3) - 然后是这里的顺序
19:59 Scorpiour:
19:59 Scorpiour: 看看调整一下
20:00 BakaHuang: 嗯
20:00 Scorpiour: 就是把2和3在时间轴上交换下位置,空间坐标不动
20:00 Scorpiour: 00:53:988 (2) - 然后这里建议来个折返
20:01 Scorpiour: 00:55:863 (3) - 这个也是可以考虑下折返?
20:02 Scorpiour: Insane就这些建议啦,自己看喜欢的可以改改不喜欢的话不动也没什么
20:02 BakaHuang: 好的
20:02 Scorpiour: Hard为啥是CS5呢……
20:03 BakaHuang: 因为比较慢 哈哈哈
20:03 BakaHuang: 做的简单啊
20:03 Scorpiour: ~~好吧
20:06 BakaHuang: 要换大一号吗
20:09 Scorpiour: 不用
20:09 Scorpiour: 我在看
20:10 BakaHuang: 好
20:11 Scorpiour: Hard和Normal我觉得没什么要弄的
20:11 Scorpiour: 检查常规项目中
20:12 BakaHuang: 好的
20:13 Scorpiour: Beren似乎可以从tag里面去掉了?
20:13 Scorpiour: 没有她的diff吧。。
20:14 BakaHuang: insane就是他的啊。。
20:14 Scorpiour: 咦
20:15 BakaHuang: 她的style看不出吗XD
20:15 Scorpiour: 不要注明Beren's Insane嘛,或者就这样就好
20:15 Scorpiour: 噗我只是觉得不太像你之前做的
20:15 BakaHuang: 哈哈哈
20:15 BakaHuang: 就insane就哈
20:15 BakaHuang: 好
20:16 Scorpiour: 恩
20:16 Scorpiour: 更新吧
20:16 BakaHuang: 好的
20:17 BakaHuang: 好啦
20:18 Scorpiour: 恩稍等
20:18 BakaHuang: 嗯
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

irc modded with mapper, make several pattern changes.


19:53 Scorpiour: o_o没有video哇
19:53 BakaHuang: 是啊 懒得下orz
19:54 Scorpiour: 好吧~
19:54 BakaHuang: 本来让beren做sb的哇
19:54 Scorpiour: 恩
19:55 Scorpiour: Insane
19:55 Scorpiour: 00:21:645 (3) -
19:55 Scorpiour: 这个你看看,Ctrl+h一下,然后放到246:194效果如何?
19:57 BakaHuang: 我试试
19:57 Scorpiour: 恩然后
19:57 Scorpiour: 00:23:051 (1) - 看看做成这样:
19:58 Scorpiour:
19:59 BakaHuang: 哈
19:59 BakaHuang: 好
19:59 Scorpiour: 00:48:363 (1,2,3) - 然后是这里的顺序
19:59 Scorpiour:
19:59 Scorpiour: 看看调整一下
20:00 BakaHuang: 嗯
20:00 Scorpiour: 就是把2和3在时间轴上交换下位置,空间坐标不动
20:00 Scorpiour: 00:53:988 (2) - 然后这里建议来个折返
20:01 Scorpiour: 00:55:863 (3) - 这个也是可以考虑下折返?
20:02 Scorpiour: Insane就这些建议啦,自己看喜欢的可以改改不喜欢的话不动也没什么
20:02 BakaHuang: 好的
20:02 Scorpiour: Hard为啥是CS5呢……
20:03 BakaHuang: 因为比较慢 哈哈哈
20:03 BakaHuang: 做的简单啊
20:03 Scorpiour: ~~好吧
20:06 BakaHuang: 要换大一号吗
20:09 Scorpiour: 不用
20:09 Scorpiour: 我在看
20:10 BakaHuang: 好
20:11 Scorpiour: Hard和Normal我觉得没什么要弄的
20:11 Scorpiour: 检查常规项目中
20:12 BakaHuang: 好的
20:13 Scorpiour: Beren似乎可以从tag里面去掉了?
20:13 Scorpiour: 没有她的diff吧。。
20:14 BakaHuang: insane就是他的啊。。
20:14 Scorpiour: 咦
20:15 BakaHuang: 她的style看不出吗XD
20:15 Scorpiour: 不要注明Beren's Insane嘛,或者就这样就好
20:15 Scorpiour: 噗我只是觉得不太像你之前做的
20:15 BakaHuang: 哈哈哈
20:15 BakaHuang: 就insane就哈
20:15 BakaHuang: 好
20:16 Scorpiour: 恩
20:16 Scorpiour: 更新吧
20:16 BakaHuang: 好的
20:17 BakaHuang: 好啦
20:18 Scorpiour: 恩稍等
20:18 BakaHuang: 嗯
<3333 thanks soooo much!!
the kiai time of diff insane is different with other diffs, maybe make them the same?

I thought this is the ending song of rozen maiden, any video of this?

01:12:152 (2) - nazi:move right a little bit?

thats all for me.
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

the kiai time of diff insane is different with other diffs, maybe make them the same? fixed~

I thought this is the ending song of rozen maiden, any video of this? ok add the video _(:з」∠)_

01:12:152 (2) - nazi:move right a little bit? no changed 0.0

thats all for me.
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