
Song vs Map

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What would you rather play?

Great map + a song you would never listen to on your own
One of your favorite songs + bad/boring map
Total votes: 137
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If the map is really good, it makes the song more fun to listen too.
Even if the map is extremely bad, I will still play it if I like the song. If I enjoy the music, I play better. For example that is why I have never played Gold Dust - I really hate this song! On the other hand, I really enjoy playing Emerald Sword, even though 99% of the players think that the map sucks. People are way too hung up on stuff like "Oh, why is this ar9 and not ar10, ar10 would have made it better", or "Damn, the spacing here is too big". For me, it's not all about structure and flow...
Easily the song, of course it would depend on how bad is the map. Also, I don't mind playing boring stuff.

Playing songs that I really hate is out of question. Which is different from "songs you would never listen on your own" because that would be 75% of the maps I have downloaded anyways, not that I dislike them but...

buny wrote:

the song usually changes the judgement of the players opinion on whether or not the map is good

Pawww wrote:

If the map is really good, it makes the song more fun to listen too.
both and they should fit each other for maximum awesomeness (+cool BG).
If I play a map to a nice song it gives me the illusion its a good map
if I like the song and the map is bad it makes realize how bad it is even more, since i'm paying more attention to fittingness.

voted for map, I play this for the game, I use iTunes when listenting to music.
Nothing beats a good map. Sometimes I do play crappy maps of songs I like just because I like the song, but I definitely would trade one for the other. And anyway, playing new songs often makes me like the song. I've discovered a ton of music through osu, and that's one of the things I love about it.

TLDR; I play for clicking on circles.
I enjoying the song
If I enjoy the song then I enjoy the map easily
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The things people wrote made me realize something unconscious, when I download batches of maps from pending to try out I end up trying the ones with a cute BG earlier.
I play maps which have a tolerable song and are fun to play. I don't like dubstep or heavy metal so I don't really try those maps, but I play all kinds of kpop and jpop I'd never listen to on my own.

Aqo wrote:

The things people wrote made me realize something unconscious, when I download batches of maps from pending to try out I end up trying the ones with a cute BG earlier.
BG is like a book cover: bunch of happy anime characters - easy to SS TV-size like map (also there must be a video), one or two cute lolis with big eyes - Andrea map, something abstracted one colored like a sky - a non-vocal streamy song, photo of real (not anime) people - old and slow map etc. Most of the times you already know how the map is gonna look like just seeing its BG+bpm.

Callum wrote:

Sometimes great maps end up giving me songs to listen to!

enik wrote:

Most of the times you already know how the map is gonna look like just seeing its BG+bpm.
This is pretty accurate.
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Doesn't work with s!ck

enik wrote:

Most of the times.
pls don't point out every counter-examples
I think I would prefer a really good song and a semi-boring map.. Idk I really love music, I guess it just depends! \:D/
the only thing that matters for me nowadays is the song since I absolutly can't listen to all this nightcore and anime stuff

If I enjoy the song very much I probaly will enjoy the map anyway
of course if there are more than one ranked version I pick the better map
What you mean by writing boring map? easier than typical insane?
I look for songs I like for in the pending section. I just stick to looking for insane diffs and most of the time the maps are really good. This poll and your view is too black and white. Why not have both?
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Dexus wrote:

I look for songs I like for in the pending section. I just stick to looking for insane diffs and most of the time the maps are really good. This poll and your view is too black and white. Why not have both?
The whole idea is to make a choice which one you're leaning toward and not pick a middle ground. Obviously it's a shade of gray for everybody; but everybody should have one side that they associate with more; not picking one of the options is essentially an empty vote.
I would enjoy good music any time, even if the map is a bit different in style than what people are accustomed to. Only time I wouldn't stand it is if the BPM or Offset is wrong.
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