Lately I've realized that the more skins I have the longer it takes to load them all when I want to switch from one to another in the option and when I'm on my old computer it's really bothering me because it can take up to 2 minutes to load them all since I have more then 1GB of them. When you switch more then 2-3 times a day it becomes really bothersome.
Since I usually switch between at max 5 skins at a times, I'd like to have a sort of "favorite skin" option, it could be right bellow the skin option where only the favorite skin would be loaded which would make the loading time much shorter. I hope I understood the loading system when you press on the skin option and if not could anyone explain me? Thanks.
Since I usually switch between at max 5 skins at a times, I'd like to have a sort of "favorite skin" option, it could be right bellow the skin option where only the favorite skin would be loaded which would make the loading time much shorter. I hope I understood the loading system when you press on the skin option and if not could anyone explain me? Thanks.