
Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Rem

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 3 novembre 2013 at 14:35:14

Artist: Selena Gomez
Title: Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix)
Source: Wizards of Waverly Place
Tags: Selena Gomez David Henrie Jake T. Toranzo Austin Jennifer Jenifer Stone Maria Canals-Barrera Canals Barrera David Deluise Konei Disney Channel OST Opening Todd J. Greenwald
BPM: 125
Filesize: 10573kb
Play Time: 00:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,8 stars, 40 notes)
  2. Hard (4,9 stars, 97 notes)
  3. Konei's Normal (4,08 stars, 61 notes)
Download: Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix)
Download: Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Here we go, finally, something in pending since May :D!

Easy: Gabe
Normal: Konei
Hard: Gabe

Ranked! Thank you a lot guys!
Thanks to these guys for mods and stuff♥
  1. Konei
  2. Irreversible
  3. rezoons
  4. Heanday
  5. -Umi-
  6. Krah
  7. Gero
  8. jericho2442
  9. Lizbeth
  10. Cancel
  11. Kodora
  12. [Navy]
  13. mancuso_JM
and a special and big thanks to blissfulyoshi for his patience on getting the mp3 and the video. Thank you ♥!

/me runs
/me slap Krah

2nd ...

  1. L'OD et le HP drain de l'easy sont assez proche de ceux de la normal et sont d'ailleurs assez élevés pour une easy je trouve. Donc OD-1 et HP-1?
  1. 00:23:171 (1) - (nazi) bouge le à x=180 y=296 pour qu'il soit sur l'axe de symmétrie de 00:23:411 (2,3).
  2. 00:35:651 (2) - Bouge-le à x=264 y=88? Car la blanket est assez foirée.
  3. 00:40:931 (3,1) - Meme si la tête de 3 est bien blanketée par 1 ce n'est pas le cas de la tête de 1. Pour cela bouge le 2eme slider point de 00:40:931 (3) à x=464 y=68 et le end point à x=476 y=8.
  1. 00:23:171 (1) - Finish?
  1. 00:25:331 (1) - I htink you should use this rythm instead:

    Because the singer hold the note at 00:25:571 the "it" so you should use a slider to mark it because the current void feels weird imo.
  1. 00:38:531 (1,2) - Why is there a spacing of x1.2 here? You usually use x1.1.
  2. 00:40:211 (5,1) - (nazi) The triangle formed by 00:39:971 (4,5,1) isn't perfect. And that's noticeable. Move 5 to x=416 y=280 then 1 to x=408 y=204 in order to have a perfect one.
  1. 00:05:891 (1) - Finish?
  2. 00:15:491 (1) - Finish? It fits well here imo.
  1. 00:37:091 (5) - Comme pour Konei, le chanteur maintient la note dans la chanson don un slider de longueur 1/2 serait mieux qu'une note ici.
  1. 00:12:971 (4) - CTRL+G? Je sais que ca va crée un petit jump avec 5 mais ce genre de pattern aun flow tellement cool!
  2. 00:17:411 (1) - Ce slider est vraiment étrange car il finit dans la direction oposée au parcours ce qui est très surprenant. Je te conseille soit de le tourner comme ça:
    Soit de le changer en stream (cette méthode me semble être la plus judicieuse).
  3. 00:21:971 (1,2,3,4) - Je suis sur que t'as fait exprès de les mettre presque symmétrique juste pour me titiller! Enfin bref, je te conseille de bouger un peu plus 1 et 3 vers la gauche comme ça:
    Car ce genre de jump est en général plus agréable à jouer si l'angle entre les notes n'est pas trop important. (Tu peux me faire confiance en ce qui ets des jumps!)
  4. 00:40:211 (6,1,2,3) - Comme ça! Exactement!
  5. 00:26:291 (3,4,5,6) - Je pense que tu aurais pu mettre des jumps ici. Je sais que tu en as déja pas mal mais la chanteuse insiste vraiment sur ces notes alors pour moi ça aurait été l'endroit rêvé pour en mettre!
  1. 00:15:491 (1) - Finish comme en Easy? Ca passe bien ici.
  2. 00:23:171 (1) - Finish?
  3. 00:38:531 (3) - Finsh sur la tête? Comme en Easy.
Voilà. En espérant que ça va aider.... Faut que j'aille vraiment me coucher maintenant!

00:36:611 (3) - Wow, il est carrément dans l'HP bar, bouge le :°

C'est tout pour cet dif, goude jaube

[Konei's Normal]

00:12:611 (3,2) - A spin between them => 00:12:611 (3,2) - Like early song & end song fits more imo, well up to you :°

00:21:251 (3) - What about use drum here too ?

Nothing to say good dif


00:09:131 (7,8,9) - Je trouve sa pas très intuitif, tu devrais inversé avec ce patern => 00:12:611 (3,4,5) -

Ou, juste changé par ce rythme =>

00:13:571 (1) - Le volume est un peu élevé la nan ? -10% ?

00:20:771 (6) - Pourquoi ne pas hitsound de la même façon sur la fin de ce revers ?

Short song, short mod, Gl :°
bon let'su go !


- 00:08:771 (1,2) - tu peux faire mieux comme blanket ! point du milieu 112,241, point de fin -11,229
- 00:17:891 (4) - second point 169,69
- 00:20:291 (2) - je préfère curvé comme ça
- 00:27:491 (1,2) - move les 2 en 462,3 ?
- 00:31:331 (1) - move en 175,145 better blanket
- 00:32:771 (3,4) - like this :o comme t'as fait avant
- 00:39:011 (1) - 96,105
- 00:45:251 (2,3) - je preferai un slider ici mais bon c'toi qui vois :3

Konei's Normal

- 00:09:251 (2) - NAZI ! x:256 for a perfect symmetry x)
- 00:12:131 (2,3) - not parallel '-'
- 00:19:331 (1) - move to 218,123 for a better flow
- 00:23:171 (1) - make it more curve and then make a better blanket with 00:23:891 (2) -
- 00:39:011 (2) - this ?
- 00:43:811 (2) - same as 00:09:251 (2) -


- 00:11:651 (1) - je le mettrai plutot comme ça
- 00:12:611 (3) - ctrl + g ? '-'
- 00:15:491 (1,2,3) - fais une symétrie ici ?
- 00:18:131 (2,3,4) - not perfectly stack o3o
- 00:32:771 (5,7) - met les face à face nan ?
- 00:44:531 (3,5) - pareil ici

Bon bah c'tout franchement rien à dire, bien mappé, propre nickel toussa toussa :3

English song mapped - Completed
Topic Starter
Did an IRCMod with Irreversible, unfortunately, he doesn't want to post..
*I have the log if interested*

Merci beaucoup les copaings♥
Tain je traîne bon bah du coup surement deja vu et revu.


C'est moi ou t'as utilisé les couleurs de base ? Je veux bien que ton bg soit problématique pour en choisir un bon set mais essaye quand même ?


- Hp-1 ?
- 00:09:731 (2) - Courbe le un peu plus pour qu'il "pointe" mieux vers (3). La actuellement il vise un peu en dessous.
- 00:31:331 (1) - Le passage est relativement vide avec cette timeline. Ca reste ton kiai donc peut-être la remplacer par un slider d'1beat jusqu'à 00:31:811 - Ca pourrit un peu le début de pattern evidemment (oublie pas le clap sur le début du slider quand tu testes).
- :!: 00:36:611 (3) - Touche la barre de vie.

[Konei's Normal]

- 00:17:411 (4) - Nc. It's a new phrase in the lyrics and a downtick so a nc seems legit.
- 00:39:011 (2) - You curve (1) so curve this one also ? You can also use this curve for have a better flow with (3)
- 00:40:211 (5) - Try to stack this one with the end of 00:41:171 (2) - the movement between (4,5,1) seems to me more natural.


- :!: 00:25:571 (2) - La barre d'hp Gabe ...
- 00:35:411 (3) - Je sais pas si le "jump" entre (2,3) est vraiment justifié ici. Je serais plus d'avis de ctrl+g (3) et d'en avoir plutot un entre 00:35:411 (3,4) -
- 00:40:211 (6,1,2,3) - Le mouvement est tellement "louche" dans l'état et si peu naturel. Sans bouger les notes même si moi-même j'en suis pas énormément convaincu non plus.

Je recheckerais demain du coup.

Ps : 100eme post
Random Mod \:3/


  1. According to Wikipedia You can Add on tags this: Disney Channel, Alex Russo, and Todd J. Greenwald because is the creator of the series.
  2. what do you think to use these colors? are good for the BG you're using Imo.

    Combo1 : 224,84,182
    Combo2 : 154,194,95
    Combo3 : 17,170,227
    Combo4 : 251,66,66
    Combo5 : 255,168,36


    1. 00:17:891 (4) - This slider is touching the bar HP I recommend you put this a little down.
    2. 00:36:611 (3) - Same here ^
    3. 00:20:291 (2) - Add sampleset Normal on the head slider to maintain consistency with your hitsounds patterns as with the hard difficulty.
      another suggestion here 00:21:251 - try to add a sampleset drum here with clap , sounds good imo.
    4. 00:23:171 (1) - Add finish here.
    5. 00:39:011 (1,2,3) - this feels empty, why not try to add this rhythm here?:
    6. 00:44:771 - Add note with clap here.

    Konei's Normal

      1. 00:21:251 (3) - Drum clap here sounds good imo.
      2. 00:28:211 (3,1) - Nazi* I Don't like so much this blanket, why not try this:

        If you want the code,here you have:

      3. 00:32:291 (4,1) - for better flow in my opinion you should try this:
        And Nazi* make a better blanket please.
      4. 00:39:971 (4,3) - Nazi* for to have a bit of symmetry to the map ,what do you think for these two circles stacked one another? if you decide change this try to move this circle 00:41:891 (3) - To X:344 Y:249 remember to place the following notes in the corresponding place.
      5. 00:43:811 (2) - Nazi* move this circle to X:256 Y:165 For the middle of the grid.
      6. 00:46:211 - add nothe here with sampleset soft because follow the voice very well imo.


      1. 00:38:531 (3) - you forgot to add a finish here :P
      2. 00:18:131 (2,3,4) - Nazi* you can make a better stacking these notes please.
      3. 00:21:251 - Add sampleset drum with clap, sounds good.
      4. 00:23:171 (1) - Finish because is is the start time of the kiai and to maintain consistency in the easy and normal.

      This is all~ GL!
if it helps you just post. idc....

Gabe edit:
17:56 Irreversible: What map? ^.^
17:56 *Gabe is editing [ Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix) [Easy]]
17:57 Irreversible: let's do it QUICK and PAINLESS
17:57 Irreversible: k irc
17:57 Gabe: K.
17:57 Irreversible: xD
17:58 *Irreversible is editing [ Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix) [Easy]]
17:58 Gabe: found something
17:58 Gabe: lol.
17:59 Irreversible: 00:13:571 (3) - SECOND white point to 303 186 and THIRD white point to 424 143, to fix the blanket
17:59 Irreversible: no, the third one to 430 143
17:59 Irreversible: XD
18:00 Irreversible: yeye irre the blanket nazi
18:00 Irreversible: xD
18:00 Gabe: done
18:00 Gabe: wait
18:00 Gabe: one sec, lol
18:00 Irreversible: 00:28:931 (3) - If i'm honest, i don't like this slider
18:00 Irreversible: because of the reverse -
18:00 Irreversible: the rhythm is rather..
18:00 Irreversible: sure
18:01 Gabe:
18:01 Gabe: it isn't better..
18:01 Irreversible: consider smth like this.. huh
18:01 Irreversible: here it was fine
18:02 Gabe: where is your first point at?
18:02 Irreversible: ?
18:02 Irreversible: maybe i wrote the wrong coordinates xD
18:02 Gabe: maybe
18:02 Gabe: but, i got it
18:02 Irreversible: k again wait
18:02 Gabe:
18:02 Irreversible: oh
18:02 Irreversible: LOL
18:02 Gabe: is it better?
18:03 Irreversible: yeah xDD let's concentrate on real stuff
18:03 Gabe: shit has been said
18:03 Gabe: LAWL.
18:03 Irreversible: 00:17:891 (4) - can't you think of a nicer looking shape?.. i think even straight is better here
18:03 Irreversible: it's just so..
18:03 Irreversible: all your slidershapes look nice
18:04 Irreversible: except this one, it's so.
18:04 Irreversible: something in between.
18:04 Irreversible: if you want to keep variation
18:04 Irreversible:
18:04 Irreversible: you could try smth like this
18:05 Irreversible: if you want.
18:06 Irreversible: gabe? xD
18:06 Gabe: yes yes
18:06 Irreversible: omg this song is so cool. XD
18:06 Gabe: is it? LOL
18:06 Irreversible: yes >__<
18:07 Irreversible: omg >-<
18:07 Irreversible: xD
18:07 Irreversible: can I go on? this song is so cool >.< xD
18:07 Gabe: I'm trying to fix these
18:08 Gabe: mostly this one 00:28:931 (3) -
18:08 Irreversible: 00:28:931 (3) - About this one again: I don't like the reverse, it lands on a strong beat, so I suggest this:
18:08 Irreversible: So you can keep your vary of rhythm and have a strong beat emphasis
18:09 Irreversible: mh
18:09 Irreversible: i try to think of placing
18:09 Gabe: that's what I'm wondering
18:09 Irreversible: wait
18:10 Irreversible: let's mention this before:
18:10 Irreversible: 00:26:051 (5,1,2) -
18:10 Irreversible: this is somehow good somehow bad:
18:10 Irreversible: 5 and 1 follow the natural flow
18:10 Irreversible: whereas 1 and 2 have a slight broken one
18:11 Irreversible: ok
18:11 Irreversible: i have something
18:11 Irreversible: well idk ><
18:11 Gabe: lol...
18:11 Gabe: why not keeping it? D:
18:11 Gabe: it's not bad o.o
18:12 Irreversible: i need to redl
18:12 Irreversible: LOL i messed up everything
18:12 Gabe: Everything is not what it seems
18:12 *Gabe runs
18:12 Irreversible: sure gabe, but it could be better ^^;
18:12 Gabe: I think I got something..
18:12 Gabe: hm no, it's the same
18:12 Gabe: lol. >_>
18:13 Irreversible: 00:36:611 (3) - the first white point a tiny bit down to blanket
18:13 Irreversible: well
18:13 Irreversible: i'll see what i can do
18:13 Irreversible: after i finished hard k
18:13 Irreversible: this is like the only thing i think it's bad in the easy
18:13 Irreversible: 00:46:211 - do you even lift
18:13 Gabe: Easy?
18:13 Gabe: Hard?
18:14 Irreversible: easy
18:14 Gabe: oh
18:14 Gabe: Konei did it too
18:14 Gabe: I kinda followed him
18:14 Irreversible: aha
18:14 Irreversible: and now you follow me
18:14 Irreversible: xDD
18:14 Irreversible: i'll tell him
18:14 Irreversible: i guess
18:14 Gabe: LOL
18:15 Irreversible: uhm
18:15 Irreversible: i just go on with hard
18:15 Gabe: .added a circle
18:16 Irreversible: ah
18:16 Irreversible: you don't have to
18:16 Gabe: deleted
18:16 Irreversible: i just won't mod this shit anymore
18:16 Irreversible: (vocal mapping)
18:16 Gabe: o.o
18:16 Irreversible: lol..
18:16 *Irreversible is editing [ Selena Gomez - Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix) [Hard]]
18:16 Irreversible: w/e
18:16 Irreversible: bad spread imo, the gap between normal and hard is rather big
18:17 Irreversible: 00:35:411 (3) - CTRL + G? would create a cool flow.
18:17 Gabe: The gap between Easy and Normal is high too
18:18 Gabe: I find the spread okay
18:18 Irreversible: i just wanted a diff
18:18 Irreversible: ;w; xD
18:18 Gabe: wow
18:18 Gabe: LOL.
18:18 Irreversible: well it's actually rather high, but it would be MY CHANCE xD
18:19 Gabe: I'm only keeping it like that to do like the previous mapset
18:19 Gabe: even Bass asked me to do a diff and refused..
18:19 Gabe: oh also, done
18:19 Irreversible: and at the end someone else mapps it and gabe is upset again
18:19 Irreversible: ^.^
18:19 Gabe: told Bass to map it
18:20 Irreversible: lol...
18:20 Irreversible: 00:12:971 (4) - ctrl + g, same reason, might be too hard tho
18:20 Gabe: ...
18:20 Gabe: Irre
18:21 Gabe: if I do that, the other two circles won't make sense
18:21 Gabe: LOL.
18:21 Irreversible: why? o.O
18:21 Gabe: because you will need to go completely on the opposite
18:22 Irreversible: idk
18:22 Irreversible: cna't find anything else
osu file format v12

AudioFilename: blah2.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 23067
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.1
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4

Title:Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix)
TitleUnicode:Everything Is Not What It Seems (Season 4 Remix)
Artist:Selena Gomez
ArtistUnicode:Selena Gomez
Version:Konei's Normal
Source:Wizards of Waverly Place
Tags:Selena Gomez David Henrie Jake T. Toranzo Austin Jennifer Jenifer Stone Maria Canals-Barrera Canals Barrera David Deluise Konei


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations



rezoons wrote:

  1. 00:25:331 (1) - I htink you should use this rythm instead: I find mine actually more fiting, also its not that much of a deal for Normal

    Because the singer hold the note at 00:25:571 the "it" so you should use a slider to mark it because the current void feels weird imo.
  1. 00:38:531 (1,2) - Why is there a spacing of x1.2 here? You usually use x1.1. Good point, fixed.
  2. 00:40:211 (5,1) - (nazi) The triangle formed by 00:39:971 (4,5,1) isn't perfect. And that's noticeable. Move 5 to x=416 y=280 then 1 to x=408 y=204 in order to have a perfect one. sure~
  1. 00:05:891 (1) - Finish? Nah, feels distributing the music.
  2. 00:15:491 (1) - Finish? It fits well here imo. True~ added some more.

Heanday wrote:

[Konei's Normal]

00:12:611 (3,2) - A spin between them => 00:12:611 (3,2) - Like early song & end song fits more imo, well up to you :° Naahh, would be all of the sudden, also not what I expect from the pre KIAI.

00:21:251 (3) - What about use drum here too ? Tried something else, and it's cool.

Nothing to say good dif

-Umi- wrote:

Konei's Normal

- 00:09:251 (2) - NAZI ! x:256 for a perfect symmetry x) Hueee, fixed.
- 00:12:131 (2,3) - not parallel '-' Fixed.
- 00:19:331 (1) - move to 218,123 for a better flow Naah, this curve is perfect to me.
- 00:23:171 (1) - make it more curve and then make a better blanket with 00:23:891 (2) - Fixed.
- 00:39:011 (2) - this ? Nope, curve straight flows muuuch better for me ~
- 00:43:811 (2) - same as 00:09:251 (2) - fixed~

Krah wrote:

[Konei's Normal]

- 00:17:411 (4) - Nc. It's a new phrase in the lyrics and a downtick so a nc seems legit. Fixed~
- 00:39:011 (2) - You curve (1) so curve this one also ? You can also use this curve for have a better flow with (3) Same as for other mod ~
- 00:40:211 (5) - Try to stack this one with the end of 00:41:171 (2) - the movement between (4,5,1) seems to me more natural. Coool, actually. But I dont like the confusing effect it has.

Gero wrote:

Konei's Normal

00:21:251 (3) - Drum clap here sounds good imo. Already changed in a different way.
00:28:211 (3,1) - Nazi* I Don't like so much this blanket, why not try this: Coool, fixed.
collapsed text

If you want the code,here you have:


00:32:291 (4,1) - for better flow in my opinion you should try this: I prefer mine here.
And Nazi* make a better blanket please.
collapsed text
00:39:971 (4,3) - Nazi* for to have a bit of symmetry to the map ,what do you think for these two circles stacked one another? if you decide change this try to move this circle 00:41:891 (3) - To X:344 Y:249 remember to place the following notes in the corresponding place. Err, too confusing in my opinion.
00:43:811 (2) - Nazi* move this circle to X:256 Y:165 For the middle of the grid. already fixed~
00:46:211 - add nothe here with sampleset soft because follow the voice very well imo. I dont follow the vocal here, it's pointless in my opinion.

Thanks for the lots of mods orz.
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:


  1. L'OD et le HP drain de l'easy sont assez proche de ceux de la normal et sont d'ailleurs assez élevés pour une easy je trouve. Donc OD-1 et HP-1? Du coup, c'étais ce qui était la diff à la base, mais je trouvais que le spread des trois diffs n'étaient pas très bonne, donc j'ai fait ça. Je vais faire -1 OD/HP.
  1. 00:23:171 (1) - (nazi) bouge le à x=180 y=296 pour qu'il soit sur l'axe de symmétrie de 00:23:411 (2,3). Fait
  2. 00:35:651 (2) - Bouge-le à x=264 y=88? Car la blanket est assez foirée. Je l'ai déplacé, mais pas à la même place
  3. 00:40:931 (3,1) - Meme si la tête de 3 est bien blanketée par 1 ce n'est pas le cas de la tête de 1. Pour cela bouge le 2eme slider point de 00:40:931 (3) à x=464 y=68 et le end point à x=476 y=8. Good
  1. 00:23:171 (1) - Finish? Fait!
  1. 00:37:091 (5) - Comme pour Konei, le chanteur maintient la note dans la chanson don un slider de longueur 1/2 serait mieux qu'une note ici. Je vais garder comme ainsi
  1. 00:12:971 (4) - CTRL+G? Je sais que ca va crée un petit jump avec 5 mais ce genre de pattern aun flow tellement cool! Puisqu'Irreversible m'en as parlé, je vais faire le changement.
  2. 00:17:411 (1) - Ce slider est vraiment étrange car il finit dans la direction oposée au parcours ce qui est très surprenant. Je te conseille soit de le tourner comme ça: *gives you a cookie*
    Soit de le changer en stream (cette méthode me semble être la plus judicieuse).
  3. 00:21:971 (1,2,3,4) - Je suis sur que t'as fait exprès de les mettre presque symmétrique juste pour me titiller! Enfin bref, je te conseille de bouger un peu plus 1 et 3 vers la gauche comme ça: o3ob
    Car ce genre de jump est en général plus agréable à jouer si l'angle entre les notes n'est pas trop important. (Tu peux me faire confiance en ce qui ets des jumps!)
  4. 00:40:211 (6,1,2,3) - Comme ça! Exactement!
  5. 00:26:291 (3,4,5,6) - Je pense que tu aurais pu mettre des jumps ici. Je sais que tu en as déja pas mal mais la chanteuse insiste vraiment sur ces notes alors pour moi ça aurait été l'endroit rêvé pour en mettre! nope
Hitsound All done
  1. 00:15:491 (1) - Finish comme en Easy? Ca passe bien ici.
  2. 00:23:171 (1) - Finish?
  3. 00:38:531 (3) - Finsh sur la tête? Comme en Easy.
Voilà. En espérant que ça va aider.... Faut que j'aille vraiment me coucher maintenant!
ty! ♥

Heanday wrote:


00:36:611 (3) - Wow, il est carrément dans l'HP bar, bouge le :° goude

C'est tout pour cet dif, goude jaube


00:09:131 (7,8,9) - Je trouve sa pas très intuitif, tu devrais inversé avec ce patern => 00:12:611 (3,4,5) - J'préfère le garder ainsi mais, j'ai réduit le spacing un peu

Ou, juste changé par ce rythme =>

00:13:571 (1) - Le volume est un peu élevé la nan ? -10% ? J'ai suivi ton conseil mais d'une autre façon

00:20:771 (6) - Pourquoi ne pas hitsound de la même façon sur la fin de ce revers ? Done

Short song, short mod, Gl :°
Merci c:

Pour les autres/For the others:
  1. -Umi-: La plupart des choses on été fix avec les mods au dessus, je n'ai pas rejeté beaucoup de choses. Merci pour ton mod♥!
  2. Krah: Pareil que pour Umi mais, je n'ai pas touché à ça 00:31:331 (1) - dans le Easy et 00:40:211 (6,1,2,3) - dans la Hard
  3. Gero: Thank you for your random mod, bro♥. I added the combo colors and most of the things were already pointed on the previous mods.
Thanks to you guys! ♥
I won't mod it.

probably I will.

00:07:571 (1,2,3) - I didnt like the start with this triple, especially cuz is after the spinner, it catch me off guard >~<!
00:13:571 (1) - I d lower the volume to this pretty circle with that fancy sound, dunno maybe 30%. Same with the other similar to this.
everything else is perfect

[Konei's Normal]
I little too hard for a Normal in my opinion, I think you should lighten a bit the map after kiai time.

Same thing of the hitsound i mentioned on Hard
00:21:971 (1) - a change from white tick to red tick is a bit confusing to catch for beginners. why not move this slider to next white tick, and add a circle on the red tick?

That's about it, nice mapset >~<! I ended up wanting to be longer, heheh

Good luck Gabe.
Topic Starter
Thank you Lizzy♥
Topic Starter
Need to get more mods ;~;
Here's my mod.


00:46:931 (1) - Maybe change to hitcircles or slider, since its really fast for a beginner.

Nice diff, not anything bad about it, but only this.


00:12:611 (3) - Move ending point to x96 y40. It looks cleaner imo.
00:28:931 (1) - Move end point to x296 y152?
00:46:211 (0) - Maybe add hitcircle here?

Again, nice difficuty.


00:11:171 (6) - Maybe move end point to x92 y304?
00:14:291 (2) - Maybe make a good blanket with 00:13:331 (5) - .
00:30:851 (4) - NC? Move to x256 y244.
00:31:331 (1) - If NC above, remove this NC

Only a few things again.

Nice map. Get it ranked pl0x Good Luck~


*Try to mute all sliderticks what was not replaced with claps - they doesnt fit your custom clap and sounds a bit weird

  1. 00:09:851 - You follows lyrics all the time at the beginning, so how about add note here for vocals? Here is little placement suggestion:

  2. 00:11:171 (7,1) - This sounds a bit weird when new strong part of music begins from slidertick & sliderend. To fix this and save your symmetrial pattern try to short 00:11:171 (7) - by 1 tick and add note at 00:11:531 - sounds better for me
  3. 00:14:291 (2) - Reverse-slider sounds pretty mismatched to the vocals (because vocals didnt actually follows music here), and you end it at beginning of new, strong part of song, what feels weird while playing :< Try to replace it with simple one slider and add note at 00:15:251 - and at 00:15:371 - this will plays better, trust me

  4. 00:17:411 (1) - Kinda weird. Lyrics actually begins at 00:17:171 - (please don't begin any new part of music at ends of sliders, it feels very weird while playing - players hear strong beat don't need to hit anything), and reverse-slider didn't cover rhythm well. Try something like this?


    Of course this may take huge symmetry rework but trust me it will be much better in playability meaning
  5. 00:22:451 (3) - Why sudden jump here? There is nothing in music what will call for jump, but if you really want to keep it would be better to make jump at strongest beat instead of (3), i mean at 00:22:691 (4) -
  6. 00:27:011 (6) - try to add finish to emphazire vocals here
  7. 00:30:851 (4) - ^
  8. 00:28:691 (4) - This jump feesl a bit unnatural and honestly doesn't fit well. Try instead to hide this note under 00:27:971 (2) - head - this will plays much more interesting!

  9. 00:30:851 (4) - hitfinish maybe?
[Konei's Normal]

*Wanna AR -1? 5 feels kinda too fast here

  1. 00:39:971 (4,5) - How about replace this with short 1/2 slider to make it easier to hit for beginners?
  2. 00:46:211 - Feels kinda empty. Add note follow vocals?

*Same suggestion about sliderticks as in Hard
*OMG CS +1 please. 2 really feels too huge and doesn't fit your enough slow SV

  1. 00:13:571 (3) - Same problem as in Hard, this slider doesn't cover music well and you have strong beat at the end. For this case would be better to just remove it and leave 2 notes:

  2. 00:20:291 (2) - Feels a bit too linear and doesnt fit rest of your flow, try something to change snape a bit?
  3. 00:23:411 (2) - Move it a bit up please, it almost go offscreen
  4. 00:28:931 (3) - Again, new part of song begins at the end of slider :( Remove reverse, then add note at 00:30:371 and at 00:30:851 - it will plays much better
  5. 00:36:611 (3) - :< same
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Cancel wrote:

Here's my mod.


00:46:931 (1) - Maybe change to hitcircles or slider, since its really fast for a beginner. It's fine how it is o:

Nice diff, not anything bad about it, but only this.


00:11:171 (6) - Maybe move end point to x92 y304? Changed with Kodora's mod
00:14:291 (2) - Maybe make a good blanket with 00:13:331 (5) - . I'd prefer not..
00:30:851 (4) - NC? Move to x256 y244. Moved it, since it was making a nice blanket but I will keep the combo how it is due to the previous objects.
00:31:331 (1) - If NC above, remove this NC ^

Only a few things again.

Nice map. Get it ranked pl0x Good Luck~
Thank you Cancel :3!

Kodora wrote:



*Try to mute all sliderticks what was not replaced with claps - they doesnt fit your custom clap and sounds a bit weird My sliderslider is silenced, I can't silence both

  1. 00:09:851 - You follows lyrics all the time at the beginning, so how about add note here for vocals? Here is little placement suggestion: Nope..

  2. 00:11:171 (7,1) - This sounds a bit weird when new strong part of music begins from slidertick & sliderend. To fix this and save your symmetrial pattern try to short 00:11:171 (7) - by 1 tick and add note at 00:11:531 - sounds better for me Done
  3. 00:14:291 (2) - Reverse-slider sounds pretty mismatched to the vocals (because vocals didnt actually follows music here), and you end it at beginning of new, strong part of song, what feels weird while playing :< Try to replace it with simple one slider and add note at 00:15:251 - and at 00:15:371 - this will plays better, trust me It follows: "Yes please. But you might find out.."

  4. 00:17:411 (1) - Kinda weird. Lyrics actually begins at 00:17:171 - (please don't begin any new part of music at ends of sliders, it feels very weird while playing - players hear strong beat don't need to hit anything), and reverse-slider didn't cover rhythm well. Try something like this? I'd prefer keeping how it is right now


    Of course this may take huge symmetry rework but trust me it will be much better in playability meaning
  5. 00:22:451 (3) - Why sudden jump here? There is nothing in music what will call for jump, but if you really want to keep it would be better to make jump at strongest beat instead of (3), i mean at 00:22:691 (4) - I like it the way it is. If by example, I reverse this circle with the circle 4, it would be boring so, I will keep it.
  6. 00:27:011 (6) - try to add finish to emphazire vocals here Added drum-addition
  7. 00:30:851 (4) - ^ ^
  8. 00:28:691 (4) - This jump feesl a bit unnatural and honestly doesn't fit well. Try instead to hide this note under 00:27:971 (2) - head - this will plays much more interesting! It was actually.. worse at first and your suggestion breaks the flow so, I prefer keeping it.

  9. 00:30:851 (4) - hitfinish maybe? Would already said it

*Same suggestion about sliderticks as in Hard lel.
*OMG CS +1 please. 2 really feels too huge and doesn't fit your enough slow SV Good

  1. 00:13:571 (3) - Same problem as in Hard, this slider doesn't cover music well and you have strong beat at the end. For this case would be better to just remove it and leave 2 notes: No, it's going to be empty..

  2. 00:20:291 (2) - Feels a bit too linear and doesnt fit rest of your flow, try something to change snape a bit? done
  3. 00:23:411 (2) - Move it a bit up please, it almost go offscreen it's perfect while playing
  4. 00:28:931 (3) - Again, new part of song begins at the end of slider :( Remove reverse, then add note at 00:30:371 and at 00:30:851 - it will plays much better It follows: "You can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams. You might run into troubles.."
  5. 00:36:611 (3) - :< same In that case, I changed it.
Good luck!
Thanks Kodora! :D
Hello~ Gabe

I'm not good at modding, but I'll do my best!


00:09:731 (2) - This slider is a little boring..?
suggest: 00:10:091 - 00:10:331 << twist the slider.

00:36:611 (3) - how about reverse slider? It mingles with the hitsound.

00:46:211 - add circle?

[Konei's Normal]

I recommend adding these notes

>> at 00:14:291 - 00:15:011

>> at 00:21:971 - 00:22:691

00:27:731 (2,3) -I think this rhythm is a little strange.


00:46:931 (1) - extend spinner to 00:46:211 ~?


It doesn't make sense,

00:08:771 (5,6,7,8) - these notes are too hard for hard diff :)
(I think 2 circle notes are hard for doubletime.)

I recommend short slider!

00:14:291 (2) - how about this?

00:15:491 ~ 00:18:851

Umm.. I made alternative rhythm except of 2 circles

00:32:291 (4) - ctrl G?

That's all~
I hope my mod is helpful for you!
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