
Serj Tankian - Goodbye - Gate 21

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updated, thanks to Frostmourne for spread suggestions
AR2 on beginner
reduced AR to 7 on Advanced
reduced spacing on slider jumps on Advanced

also applied some other irc mods
00:59:220 - мне кажется или тут звук лагнул.
Можно ещё начало замапать и концовку.

01:09:268 (3) - не идет в такт, лучше поделить на два слайдера.

00:52:417 (2) - замени на слайдер со стрелкой.
00:58:951 (3) - сделай круг на красном тике, а слайдер с белого.
01:00:296 (6) - тут лучше слайдер

Короткие слайдеры сбивают с толку их очень много, лучше заменить на слайдеры со стрелкой или просто удлиннить.
00:22:154 (4,5,6) - дистанция
00:26:930 (7,1,2,3) - ^
00:36:227 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:00:834 (1) - тут лучше сделать слайдер начиная с предыдущего красного тика
01:45:960 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - тут дистанция

Ну вроде всё. Удачки! :)
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Спасибо DnJeiser
пофиксил на медиуме немного

Sieg wrote:

Спасибо DnJeiser
пофиксил на медиуме немного
В адванседе пофикси дистанцию она хромает на тех кругах и сбивает с толку.
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Нет, спасибо. Я предпочитаю оставить как есть.
Hi from my queue.

Sorry :( i didn't find something wrong in your map.

But i will do 2 things.
1)I will star your map because i love serj
2)I will ask you WHY THE GRID LEVEL IS 1? LOL

By the way good job :)
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MasterKirin wrote:

Hi from my queue.

Sorry :( i didn't find something wrong in your map.

But i will do 2 things.
1)I will star your map because i love serj
2)I will ask you WHY THE GRID LEVEL IS 1? LOL

By the way good job :)
Thanks MasterKirin.
I rarely use grid snap. So I don't really care 1 or 4.
form my queue


AR+1 please, 7 is too low for this diff imo

nice anti-jumps
feel free to call me back
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tbh not really sure about AR, but alright, set +1
LOL! I was seeing this map yesterday to mod it and now is bubble! :D. I'll give it a try then!


  1. Just wondering a bit about the position of the Preview Time. I mean, you have more interesting parts in the song, so I'd use one of them instead of the intro. If I were you, I'd place it in 01:31:506 - instead.

- The main problem that I had in this difficulty were the silenced Slider ends (especially when you used kick Sliders (1/4 Sliders)). This is technically unrankable, if there is no sound over the tick just don't add anything, and if it sounds lower than the other parts, just reduce the volume a bit but don't silence the Slider end entierly. I'll focus on that in my mod.

  1. 00:21:254 - Just remove this green line, is pretty useless since the music goes on a similar pitch, it doesn't make sense the 5% in this Slider end (the same goes to 00:21:854).
  2. 00:24:254 (2) - There is no sound over the red tick, so unrankable. Use a single note instead to make the pattern rankable, silenced slider ends is not acceptable in the actual criteria.
  3. 00:24:999 (T) - There is a sound over the blue tick, remove this green line entirely.
  4. 00:42:293 (1) - Use a single note here instead, because there is no sound over the blue tick.
  5. 00:42:704 (T) - Vocals is acting over the blue tick, so the usage of this green line with 5% is completely unnecesary. Remove it please
  6. 00:46:814 - 00:47:088 (T-T) - Since vocals are acting here, remove these green lines because are useless. Keeping the volume do a good effect too.
  7. 00:51:189 - 00:51:462 (T-T) - (^).
  8. 00:55:417 (1) - Use a single note instead because there is no sound over the blue tick.. And remove the green line from 00:55:826 - because in there the vocals are acting and the Slider is justificated.
  9. 00:58:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Esthetically a great pattern, but sorry.. You must change this one. No sound over the blue ticks, so unrankable, in addition the 5% is not used on a good way. Remember, the 5% should be used in special cases (for example the end of the map), but not to silence places where there is no music.
  10. 01:08:237 (8,9) - Use single notes here too! Definetly there is no sound over blue ticks. I think you can do a good pattern with Notes too.
  11. 01:26:779 (1,2) - (^)
  12. 01:32:842 (1,2) - (^)
  13. 01:33:510 (T) - The Slider (3) is justificated with the music, but remove this green line pls. And this continue in the whole of the map, just listen the music by yourself and decide where is necessary to delete the green lines and where is necessary to use single notes instead of the Slider. You Must change these points if you want to get your map ranked, as I said you before 5% is unrankable, it is justificated only in special cases (at the end of a map for example).
That's all, all difficulties look very cute, I don't have anything to point out in them.. But sadly you made this bad experiment with the 5%.
Remember, is unrankable nowadays :/.
After all of these (and the others in the map) are fixed, Call me back!
I'll pop over this..
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

LOL! I was seeing this map yesterday to mod it and now is bubble! :D. I'll give it a try then!


  1. Just wondering a bit about the position of the Preview Time. I mean, you have more interesting parts in the song, so I'd use one of them instead of the intro. If I were you, I'd place it in 01:31:506 - instead.
Just personal preference.


- The main problem that I had in this difficulty were the silenced Slider ends (especially when you used kick Sliders (1/4 Sliders)). This is technically unrankable, if there is no sound over the tick just don't add anything, and if it sounds lower than the other parts, just reduce the volume a bit but don't silence the Slider end entierly. I'll focus on that in my mod.
Alright, I guess we discussed this in irc already.
also custom soft-hitnormal changed to standard (have higher volume than it was) it was used only on 5% slider ends.

  1. 00:21:254 - Just remove this green line, is pretty useless since the music goes on a similar pitch, it doesn't make sense the 5% in this Slider end (the same goes to 00:21:854).
    volume raised up to 20% on both sliderends, so it audible now, still quiet but can be heard
  2. 00:24:254 (2) - There is no sound over the red tick, so unrankable. Use a single note instead to make the pattern rankable, silenced slider ends is not acceptable in the actual criteria.
    actually there is no drum on red tick but there is guitar and lyrics start "you" which is quite strong that makes this 00:24:254 able to put a slider start here, as for slider end (blue tick), I raised volume to 20% to make this audible, and call it naturally playable end of "you" lyrics or overmap which makes sense because we have another stress beat on 00:24:554 (3) - and slider (hold feeling) not circle placed to correspond "you"
  3. 00:24:999 (T) - There is a sound over the blue tick, remove this green line entirely.
    raised to 20%
  4. 00:42:293 (1) - Use a single note here instead, because there is no sound over the blue tick.
    as I described above (same as for "you") this used to make hold feeling on lyrics, somebody don't like this somebody loves this, volume on ends raised to 20%
  5. 00:42:704 (T) - Vocals is acting over the blue tick, so the usage of this green line with 5% is completely unnecesary. Remove it please
    raised to 20%
  6. 00:46:814 - 00:47:088 (T-T) - Since vocals are acting here, remove these green lines because are useless. Keeping the volume do a good effect too.
    raised to 20%
  7. 00:51:189 - 00:51:462 (T-T) - (^).
    raised to 20%
  8. 00:55:417 (1) - Use a single note instead because there is no sound over the blue tick.. And remove the green line from 00:55:826 - because in there the vocals are acting and the Slider is justificated.
    raised to 20%
  9. 00:58:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Esthetically a great pattern, but sorry.. You must change this one. No sound over the blue ticks, so unrankable, in addition the 5% is not used on a good way. Remember, the 5% should be used in special cases (for example the end of the map), but not to silence places where there is no music.
    all ends raised to 20% all I can do here, all this slider still correspond hold fast lyrics to me, that how I hear that how I map :\
  10. 01:08:237 (8,9) - Use single notes here too! Definetly there is no sound over blue ticks. I think you can do a good pattern with Notes too.
  11. 01:26:779 (1,2) - (^)
  12. 01:32:842 (1,2) - (^)
  13. 01:33:510 (T) - The Slider (3) is justificated with the music, but remove this green line pls. And this continue in the whole of the map, just listen the music by yourself and decide where is necessary to delete the green lines and where is necessary to use single notes instead of the Slider. You Must change these points if you want to get your map ranked, as I said you before 5% is unrankable, it is justificated only in special cases (at the end of a map for example).

    And for all 5% raised to 20%.
    Sorry I can't replace any 1\4 slider with note because in my point of view they correspond parts of lyrics which I wanted to stress. Maybe that is not true for you maybe you can't even call this reasonable\music-wise overmap. If that is the case and you decide this as unrankable issue so let it be so. :\

That's all, all difficulties look very cute, I don't have anything to point out in them.. But sadly you made this bad experiment with the 5%.
Remember, is unrankable nowadays :/.
After all of these (and the others in the map) are fixed, Call me back!
I'll pop over this..
Thanks for mod Mancuso.

At least everything is audible now, let's see what other BAT think
waaaah (ノ≧∀≦)ノ・‥…━━━★ staru for you i love this song >3<
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still not happy about this 20% and asked few bats (UWS and Shiro moreover wcx and Frostmourne don't have problems with this too) about this so in general

aaand I'll selfpop this and return my 5% silenced sliderends on Advanced
What is the point on have silenced ticks, if there is no sound over those ticks? is just makes no sense at all.
I don't know why you say that they make sense, if there is no sound just don't add anything is easy as this.. Oh well.. I won't rebubble this, sorry (I know that you didn't call me, but still).

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

What is the point on have silenced ticks, if there is no sound over those ticks? is just makes no sense at all.
I don't know why you say that they make sense, if there is no sound just don't add anything is easy as this.. Oh well.. I won't rebubble this, sorry (I know that you didn't call me, but still).
I have to agree here, if you're using silenced sliderends, why did you put them in the first place? They shouldn't be there at all, since they can only be confusing through playing and they're also not fun to play, since they don't make any sound or anything, just my opinion though.
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Andrea wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

What is the point on have silenced ticks, if there is no sound over those ticks? is just makes no sense at all.
I don't know why you say that they make sense, if there is no sound just don't add anything is easy as this.. Oh well.. I won't rebubble this, sorry (I know that you didn't call me, but still).
I have to agree here, if you're using silenced sliderends, why did you put them in the first place? They shouldn't be there at all, since they can only be confusing through playing and they're also not fun to play, since they don't make any sound or anything, just my opinion though.
Mancuso, I already tried to explain that there is no "no sound" they all have sounds or lyrics on end that I don't want to express (because it's weak compared to main rhythm) but I want go get hold play from players on this "long beats". eg 00:20:954 (2) - ends on piano but holds lyrics and follows drums. This is absolutely perfectly playable, this have great rhythm/play flow with 5% far better then with 20% and this is not only mine opinion

Andrea did you tried to testplay this? You saying this is plays bad\have bad rhythms based on testplay? Did all 5% sliderends confused you? Well if you do and you still think there is no fun to play this that just means opinions on this is quite... mixed. If you don't please try this. I don't feel that making from eg 00:20:954 (2) - 1 circle leads to any map improvement, sorry.

Well, guys, thanks. I just hope you can understand my point of view here.
Idk whats so unrankable about those sliders, the ranking criteria clearly states that its okay for slider slide, spinner ends AND slider ends.

Anyways, I thought that those sliders played really cool since I could "feel" the song in a different manner and not many maps can achieve that, also, Im not sure why the complain of these sliders when there were other parts more confusing than these sliders. And last... I didnt even knew that they were silenced when I was playing them, because the fact that they are silent is not important :>
Well, let's start the consideration.
Silenced sliderends may be a bit annoying if a map is hard for you. I mean, I have no problems here, but someone who has less experience of playing osu! than me may get some problems. But I have to agree that there's no need to put loud hitsounds. So, the best way is that you can put something that won't be loud. As for me I'd use 35-50%vol S:C1 normalhit or D:C1 clap in the case of quite drum hit in the music. Those samples fit the song and with this volume value it won't be that loud and annoying but players will feel the impact of ending a slider.
Good luck.
Sieg asked me to check this, sooo..

First of all, using blank hitnormal for silent sliderends is rankable. 5% volume is minimal audible volume level, and this was already discussed before. However, current rules allowes silent slider/spinner ends only in case if it makes sense (for example long note what ends in silence). I will just give my opinion about this usage:


  1. 00:20:954 (2,3) - Both this sliders following vocals, what ends in audible beat. Reducing volume instead of silence would work better here.
  2. 00:23:954 (1,2) - I disagree with silent sliderend here. Following vocals would be better in this case, for example try something like this

  3. 00:42:293 (1,2) - Again, please don't silence sliderends for gameplay reasons. Following vocals here works much better too:

  4. 00:51:053 (1,2) - Two sliders what follows vocals what ends on weak beat. Mapping this part with single notes will sounds a bit empty, so i completely agree with 5% sliderends at this part.
  5. 00:55:417 (1,2) - And here it was done bad. Vocals dont require 5% here :\
  6. 00:58:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Disagree with all silent sliderends here. It's ok to create your own rhythm while mapping, but it doesnt fit well here as for me. If you want to keep your rhythm at this part you should raise volume at sliderends.
  7. 01:08:237 (8,9) - Sliders snapped to vocals what have weak ending. Makes sense here.
  8. 01:26:779 (1,2) - Same here.
  9. 01:32:842 (1,2,3) - But not here :\ Vocals have audible beats and would be better to re-adjust this part follow vocals.
  10. 01:35:247 (1,2) - And here it's makes sense again
  11. 01:49:162 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Don't sinence sliderends here. They snapped to audible beats. Actually, try to add whistles to the ends of sliders, it would sounds even better.
  12. 01:57:162 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
  13. 02:05:713 (9) - wanna add kiai-fountain? XD
  14. 02:14:304 (1,2,3,4) - Disagree. Please don't silence ends just to create 1/4 jumps, music dont requires silence here and it can be mapped just with single notes. If you want to keep your rhythm here you must raise volume at this part.
  15. 02:17:840 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  16. 02:30:523 (7) - wanna add kiai-fountain? XD
  17. 02:34:090 (1,2) - Here it works. Vocals goes longer than one note and end on weak beat, so 5% would be enoug audible here.
  18. 02:42:154 (1,2) - ^
  19. 02:43:913 (2) - "OF destiny". Vocals at this part have audible ending, so 5% is unnesessary here.
  20. 02:56:063 (1,2,3) - All beath here are audible, please raise volume or re-adjust to vocals as i suggested before
  21. 02:58:322 (1,2) - Well-used here, good job.
  22. 03:00:074 (4) - OF destiny again, it should be more audible.
  23. 03:06:108 (1) - Any reason to slider at all here? Single note works much better for this case, IMO.
Very nice map overral, hope to see it ranked soon. Good luck~

будешь должен мод
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Sieg asked me to check this, sooo..

First of all, using blank hitnormal for silent sliderends is rankable. 5% volume is minimal audible volume level, and this was already discussed before. However, current rules allowes silent slider/spinner ends only in case if it makes sense (for example long note what ends in silence). I will just give my opinion about this usage:


  1. 00:20:954 (2,3) - Both this sliders following vocals, what ends in audible beat. Reducing volume instead of silence would work better here.
  2. 00:23:954 (1,2) - I disagree with silent sliderend here. Following vocals would be better in this case, for example try something like this
    this ones follows drum begging with some lyrics capturing, louder end makes this out of chosen rhythms
  3. 00:42:293 (1,2) - Again, please don't silence sliderends for gameplay reasons. Following vocals here works much better too:
    and about this ones i explained on prev. page
  4. 00:51:053 (1,2) - Two sliders what follows vocals what ends on weak beat. Mapping this part with single notes will sounds a bit empty, so i completely agree with 5% sliderends at this part.
    and about short sliders, rhythm doesn't following lyrics it follows drums and catch lyrics as addition to improve feeling of gameplay, actually imo with this it sounds a bit littered
  5. 00:55:417 (1,2) - And here it was done bad. Vocals dont require 5% here :\

  6. 00:58:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Disagree with all silent sliderends here. It's ok to create your own rhythm while mapping, but it doesnt fit well here as for me. If you want to keep your rhythm at this part you should raise volume at sliderends.
    this is 'speed up' based by lyrics but still following drums
  7. 01:08:237 (8,9) - Sliders snapped to vocals what have weak ending. Makes sense here.
  8. 01:26:779 (1,2) - Same here.
  9. 01:32:842 (1,2,3) - But not here :\ Vocals have audible beats and would be better to re-adjust this part follow vocals.
    actually this is the same drum rhythms and stressing lyrics would be not good here imo
  10. 01:35:247 (1,2) - And here it's makes sense again
  11. 01:49:162 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Don't sinence sliderends here. They snapped to audible beats. Actually, try to add whistles to the ends of sliders, it would sounds even better.
  12. 01:57:162 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ^
    silenced ends here not really noticeable on play and sliders follows riff and drums and only drums is stressed, that's a good trick i already use on my other maps, works well...
  13. 02:05:713 (9) - wanna add kiai-fountain? XD
    nope :3
  14. 02:14:304 (1,2,3,4) - Disagree. Please don't silence ends just to create 1/4 jumps, music dont requires silence here and it can be mapped just with single notes. If you want to keep your rhythm here you must raise volume at this part.
  15. 02:17:840 (1,2,3,4) - ^
    lyrics speed up requeries 1\4 jumps here imo

  16. 02:30:523 (7) - wanna add kiai-fountain? XD
  17. 02:34:090 (1,2) - Here it works. Vocals goes longer than one note and end on weak beat, so 5% would be enoug audible here.
  18. 02:42:154 (1,2) - ^
  19. 02:43:913 (2) - "OF destiny". Vocals at this part have audible ending, so 5% is unnesessary here.
  20. 02:56:063 (1,2,3) - All beath here are audible, please raise volume or re-adjust to vocals as i suggested before
  21. 02:58:322 (1,2) - Well-used here, good job.
  22. 03:00:074 (4) - OF destiny again, it should be more audible.
  23. 03:06:108 (1) - Any reason to slider at all here? Single note works much better for this case, IMO.
    lyrics 'the'
Very nice map overral, hope to see it ranked soon. Good luck~

будешь должен мод
Спасибо :)

also thanks Xanandra and tiper for your opinions

Sieg wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

What is the point on have silenced ticks, if there is no sound over those ticks? is just makes no sense at all.
I don't know why you say that they make sense, if there is no sound just don't add anything is easy as this.. Oh well.. I won't rebubble this, sorry (I know that you didn't call me, but still).
Mancuso, I already tried to explain that there is no "no sound" they all have sounds or lyrics on end that I don't want to express (because it's weak compared to main rhythm) but I want go get hold play from players on this "long beats". eg 00:20:954 (2) - ends on piano but holds lyrics and follows drums. This is absolutely perfectly playable, this have great rhythm/play flow with 5% far better then with 20% and this is not only mine opinion

Well, guys, thanks. I just hope you can understand my point of view here.
And I tried to explained it that if there is sound, 20% at least is a bit audible, 5% is almost inaudible. If you listen some sound, go ahead and use 20%, as I said you is not that audible but at the same time 5% is inaudible during the gameplay.

As I said you, inaudible things are unnecesary in any map, if you don't want to listen that beat, why do you make this place inaudible? It makes no sense at all as I said before, in most of the places there are no sound and I could listen using 25/50% playback (try it, is useful) because I didn't listen anything in a normal velocity.

Well, these are my opinions here. I wouldn't like to have ranked map with this kind of things but if other BATs think that this is ok, go ahead and ask to other BAT to check your map.

Concluding, I'm not conveinced at all with that.. Sorry.
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i have nothing more to say here
thanks anyway Mancuso, i understand and respect your point of view
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i admit my bad attitude, hope you people enjoy my sufferings
made some changes
also title fixed
don't forget to redownload please

Andrea wrote:

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

What is the point on have silenced ticks, if there is no sound over those ticks? is just makes no sense at all.
I don't know why you say that they make sense, if there is no sound just don't add anything is easy as this.. Oh well.. I won't rebubble this, sorry (I know that you didn't call me, but still).
I have to agree here, if you're using silenced sliderends, why did you put them in the first place? They shouldn't be there at all, since they can only be confusing through playing and they're also not fun to play, since they don't make any sound or anything, just my opinion though.
Sliders do not act in the way of "1 click 2 hits" - they are originally meant for hold notes, so if you have a stronger or echoing sound, you may very well put a slider without the ticks/end hitting on an actually audible beat; that's when you silence them.

Making active hitsounds inaudible is a problem, yes, but passive ones - no.

I myself use them fairly often, specifically on strong chorus-y lyrics that just gain so much pressure through the whole way they are built up that a plain circle would not contain their echoing and lasting presence, and I have yet to find a place where that's unsuiting when well thought-out and used.

  • -> My take on this; 01:05:480 (6,7) - this and similars are just exact cases of the above mentioned; the vocals have fairly much pressure behind them and also are longer lasting, so a silenced sliderend feels well in place as it expresses the lasting vocals without putting and unfitting hitsound there; if I wanted a hit there, I would have put circles on them, and yes, then that'd be both overmapped and unfitting, but a silenced sliderend is just perfectly fine here (or so I believe on that whole thing)
Active/Passive Hitsounding??
Active Hitsounding refers to hitsounds that you actually take an active part in (-> click), therefore, this refers to circles and sliderstarts; active hitsounds generate pressure behind the notes played and therefore should predominantly be set on already existing beats (or extremely natural-feeling additive mapping, but that's a rare exception).

Passive Hitsounding refers to hitsounds that occur without you actively participating (-> hitting) on them, such as sliderticks, reverse arrows, slider- or spinnerends; these do not generate pressure in playing and therefore should be feeling natural when silenced to emphasize longer/stronger notes in the music.

If anything, kicksliders are wrong, as they basically sound like they should be actively played but are entirely passively hitsounded: You hit once, then do nothing anymore, but you get a consistent hail of 1/4 hitsounds, which is just wrong, but noone complains about that but about silenced/low volume sliderends on vocal emphasis? I find that a bit... ironic.

Thought I'd leave that here or smth.

(Also, I'm not in favor of 0% volume because that just sucks in taiko, but you should pick one that is so low it's not noticable in normal standard play if you go for this - in most cases of where normal sample is used, simply switching to soft will do)
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you're so adorable Jenny :3
Everything is better now, let me point out some little things that I missed before..


• 00:29:237 (1,2) - You can maybe try to avoid this overlap, it looks a bit weird actually.
• 00:37:332 (5) - new combo to emphasize the jump and the change in the music (?
• 00:39:544 (5) - (^)
• 01:30:453 (5) - (^)
• 02:23:398 (2,3,4,5,6) - i'd space out a bit more this 1/2 pattern, actually it has a similar spacing as 1/4 patterns and could cause some of confusion I think.
• 02:25:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - (^)
• 02:26:319 (x) - Are you not missing a note here? xD
• 02:37:612 (5) - new combo (?


• 01:24:451 (2,3) - Use the y axis for a perfect symetry, the pattern will look much better :P. Is simpler like this
Screenshoot + Code



• 00:29:237 (4,1) - Swap this combo placement? fits better with vocals at least

Nothing else to say here.
Consider this stuff and call me back again!
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mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Everything is better now, let me point out some little things that I missed before..
yeah... i guess so


• 00:29:237 (1,2) - You can maybe try to avoid this overlap, it looks a bit weird actually.
maybe but it supposed to be there as for me i find this one very cute

• 00:37:332 (5) - new combo to emphasize the jump and the change in the music (?
• 00:39:544 (5) - (^)
• 01:30:453 (5) - (^)
usually I don't mind to make NC changes but there's so many combo colors here and they arranged in such a balance (imo :3) so I'm afraid to touch them again e.g. dark colors 00:36:227 (1) - 00:38:438 (1) - on heavy part here fits great and when music become stronger 00:58:144 (1) - i use new color and so on 01:31:506 (1) - etc etc . Again, I don't mind to change them but prefer to leave this as it is until this is critical needed.

• 02:23:398 (2,3,4,5,6) - i'd space out a bit more this 1/2 pattern, actually it has a similar spacing as 1/4 patterns and could cause some of confusion I think.
10% more spaced
• 02:25:428 (2,3,4,5,6) - (^)
10% more spaced

• 02:26:319 (x) - Are you not missing a note here? xD
yeah but with this anitijumps it's hard to grab 1\4 and make all-way good pattern :\

• 02:37:612 (5) - new combo (?
described above

again wall of red text, i'm starting to afraid this xd


• 01:24:451 (2,3) - Use the y axis for a perfect symetry, the pattern will look much better :P. Is simpler like this
Screenshoot + Code



• 00:29:237 (4,1) - Swap this combo placement? fits better with vocals at least
swap is fine, don't harms NC pattern over the song

Nothing else to say here.
Consider this stuff and call me back again!
Thanks again :3
again wall of red text, i'm starting to afraid this xd
I was expecting something like that, I was not really convinced when I did the combos suggestions especially, but I needed to mentioned them still :P
The volume is fixed now, and this is the most important thing actually.. I'd like to see this ranked (I really like this song :P)
So, Rebubbled!
Topic Starter
Yo, your requested M4M.

Nice I really like the changes to hitsounds, they sound great.


  1. 00:46:677 (1) - Honestly it seems to fit the song better if you replace this with a single circle just like you've done at 00:42:293 (1). IMO it plays nicer that way. You might say it follows the lyrics, but I only hear the lyrics expanding into 1/4 on the second slider 00:46:951 (2). On the first slider, vocals hold through the 1/2.
  2. 00:49:143 (9) - Could convert this to 1/4 slider to follow vocal pickup.
  3. 00:51:053 (1) - Same as 00:46:677 (1).
  4. 00:53:507 - If you don't want to add a note, I'd like to suggest again to make 00:52:962 (6,7) - flow away from the slider 00:53:780 (1) so the gap in rhythm feels more natural. If they flow at the slider, the player reaches the slider early and has to wait. You can try making jump downwards to 7 which you might like to accent that "whistle" sound you are going for if I recall correctly from IRC. Here's just an example placement to show you what I mean:
  5. 00:55:417 (1) - Same as 00:46:677 (1). I won't make you changes these, it's just I thought it would be better to change all of them since you changed 00:42:293 (1,2) and lyrics are essentially following the same rhythm set at all four places. It simply follows the music better.
  6. 01:07:847 (6,7) - How about a little more curve on these? It will flow nicer into the 8.

    5: (231,61)
    6: (246,92)
    7: (248,128)
  7. 01:34:980 (3) - Kind of a violent jump to the 01:35:247 (1) imo. Try placing the 3 around (404,24) instead and see if you like it. Could be nicer flow into 1 also.
  8. 01:38:996 (8) - Add NC? Makes for a cleaner and more interactive stream imo if you add a NC when the song has a change like right here.
  9. 01:42:210 (1,2,3,4,5) - These feel a bit randomly placed to me, you could experiment with a nicer pattern. Star/square, any variation might be nice.
  10. 01:55:029 (5,1) - I'd prefer switch the NC's here. NC on the 5 is more appropriate with the music and the stream being the same color as the slider is more appealing imo.
  11. 01:56:096 (6) - Similar to 01:38:996 (8). You can try a NC here and see if you like.
  12. 02:07:914 - Add a note is still totally epic. :< 02:10:095 - 02:12:218 - same.
  13. 02:14:304 (1,2,3,4) - Try Ctrl+J on the stream to provide nicer flow into 5 after 4.

    Or you could experiment with Ctrl+J on 02:15:314 (5) and then rearranging as you see fit. Current flow from 4-5 is not very good imo.
  14. 02:22:135 (4) - Hm remove the finish makes more sense to me. Three finishes in a row here seems a bit unfitting since there is no finish in the music at 02:22:135.
  15. 02:52:020 (5,1,2,3) - I still think that pause is pretty unfitting but if you want to keep it that's alright.
  16. 03:04:845 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd love to see a full beautiful epic half circle on these.
  1. 01:42:210 (1) - NC seems pretty unnecessary here, I suggest remove it considering 03:04:845 (5).
  2. 03:08:634 (1) - I'd much prefer that you remove the NC here and instead add a note at 03:08:887 with a NC on it so the player can smash it along with the music, then start the spinner at 03:09:141 or on the blue tick before it if you prefer.

  1. 01:09:268 (3) - I don't really see the purpose of having the repeat on the red tick. It seems way more fitting with the music to have the repeat on 01:09:781 instead. I suggest shortening this slider and adding a circle.
  2. 02:42:658 (3) - I'd like it to have more bend to better match the 02:40:641 (1). Try copying the 1 and resizing it to make the 3.
  3. 02:51:258 (4,1) - Don't like this rhythm much. It seems way nicer to end the 4 at 02:51:766 and have circle at 02:52:275 and a long slider at 02:52:783. I think the hit at 02:52:783 is way too important for it to be in the middle of the slider.
Cool. Check these and let me know. :)
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

Yo, your requested M4M.

Nice I really like the changes to hitsounds, they sound great.


  1. 00:46:677 (1) - Honestly it seems to fit the song better if you replace this with a single circle just like you've done at 00:42:293 (1). IMO it plays nicer that way. You might say it follows the lyrics, but I only hear the lyrics expanding into 1/4 on the second slider 00:46:951 (2). On the first slider, vocals hold through the 1/2.
  2. 00:49:143 (9) - Could convert this to 1/4 slider to follow vocal pickup.
  3. 00:51:053 (1) - Same as 00:46:677 (1).
    hm, don't really want to change this due pattern issues and i hear end of lyrics 'that' on this
  4. 00:53:507 - If you don't want to add a note, I'd like to suggest again to make 00:52:962 (6,7) - flow away from the slider 00:53:780 (1) so the gap in rhythm feels more natural. If they flow at the slider, the player reaches the slider early and has to wait. You can try making jump downwards to 7 which you might like to accent that "whistle" sound you are going for if I recall correctly from IRC. Here's just an example placement to show you what I mean:
    yep, that makes sense, but this one gap... I feel like i don't want to change this, player should pause in natural way on 00:53:235 (7) - not looking where to flow or jump next, that how i model this.
  5. 00:55:417 (1) - Same as 00:46:677 (1). I won't make you changes these, it's just I thought it would be better to change all of them since you changed 00:42:293 (1,2) and lyrics are essentially following the same rhythm set at all four places. It simply follows the music better.
    I left this one just because it pattrens better as slider and plays fine
  6. 01:07:847 (6,7) - How about a little more curve on these? It will flow nicer into the 8.
    yep, nice
  7. 01:34:980 (3) - Kind of a violent jump to the 01:35:247 (1) imo. Try placing the 3 around (404,24) instead and see if you like it. Could be nicer flow into 1 also.
    maybe you right, yes
  8. 01:38:996 (8) - Add NC? Makes for a cleaner and more interactive stream imo if you add a NC when the song has a change like right here.
    don't think this is really necessary, and my if you interesting why i don't want to change nc it described 2 posts above
  9. 01:42:210 (1,2,3,4,5) - These feel a bit randomly placed to me, you could experiment with a nicer pattern. Star/square, any variation might be nice.
    noooooooooooo ;_;
  10. 01:55:029 (5,1) - I'd prefer switch the NC's here. NC on the 5 is more appropriate with the music and the stream being the same color as the slider is more appealing imo.
  11. 01:56:096 (6) - Similar to 01:38:996 (8). You can try a NC here and see if you like.
    don't want to add new NCs this will destroy my balance... well i tried to describe this 2 posts above
  12. 02:07:914 - Add a note is still totally epic. :< 02:10:095 - 02:12:218 - same.
  13. 02:14:304 (1,2,3,4) - Try Ctrl+J on the stream to provide nicer flow into 5 after 4.
    hm, rearranged a bit
  14. 02:22:135 (4) - Hm remove the finish makes more sense to me. Three finishes in a row here seems a bit unfitting since there is no finish in the music at 02:22:135.
    I love my finishes ;_;
  15. 02:52:020 (5,1,2,3) - I still think that pause is pretty unfitting but if you want to keep it that's alright.
    yep, still want to keep this
  16. 03:04:845 (1,2,3,4,5) - I'd love to see a full beautiful epic half circle on these.

    1. 01:42:210 (1) - NC seems pretty unnecessary here, I suggest remove it considering 03:04:845 (5).
      but it necessary for overall pattern, to jump from blue 01:48:362 (4) - to red 01:49:162 (1) - here :\
    2. 03:08:634 (1) - I'd much prefer that you remove the NC here and instead add a note at 03:08:887 with a NC on it so the player can smash it along with the music, then start the spinner at 03:09:141 or on the blue tick before it if you prefer.
      That against, my personal rules to put spinners on blue after strong note on white in not hard+ diffs since this trick harms gameplay for converted mods e.g. for mania

    1. 01:09:268 (3) - I don't really see the purpose of having the repeat on the red tick. It seems way more fitting with the music to have the repeat on 01:09:781 instead. I suggest shortening this slider and adding a circle.
      follows drum hit and alters rhythm a bit
    2. 02:42:658 (3) - I'd like it to have more bend to better match the 02:40:641 (1). Try copying the 1 and resizing it to make the 3.
    3. 02:51:258 (4,1) - Don't like this rhythm much. It seems way nicer to end the 4 at 02:51:766 and have circle at 02:52:275 and a long slider at 02:52:783. I think the hit at 02:52:783 is way too important for it to be in the middle of the slider.
      bad side of this that 02:52:275 - is weak one and 02:52:020 (4) - 02:52:529 (1) - is strong, so that the best solution i see, yep missed 02:52:783 but this is all limitations of easy :\
Cool. Check these and let me know. :)

Thankeee :3
Topic Starter
Gratz!!^^ Sieg!!^^
Man, I'm so happy to se it ranked! Thank you so much for mapping it <3

Love your style
yay congrats Sieg!!!!! :3
Congrats my dear friend
grats man!
It's a beautiful map.
Topic Starter
thanks :D
wow the song is #$%^&*
also good map`
Natteke desu
conguratzu bro!
gratz *D* <3
Topic Starter
thankee <3
Gratz! good map :3
Congratulations o/
Anyone wanna heil Sieg?
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