
Your age when...

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9 or 10 I think.

When you realized you were a little too old to go play in the ball pit
8. Hah.

Your age when you "accidentally" broke a part of your computer, then fix it from the ground up. o3o
Trash Boat
wow.. em.....i don't remember
How old were you when you played your first videogame and which one?
like 5ish idk what game something on the atari 2600
when you fell asleep in class ( naptime dose not count)
since 4

same Q
Done twice, both being 16.

same q
Trash Boat
despite you, i never sleep in class
how old were you when you read your first manga and which?
13 and it was naruto

same q
9 and doraemon

same q
first manga? 15 and Puella magi Madoka Magica

same q

same q
3, I didn't understand a single word but Hellsing.

when you first cried during any type of show.
what year was the first pkm move released ... atleast thats the first time i recall doing such a thing im say like 8ish....

walked to to the wrong restroom ?
never got dissatisfied with your life?

When you got obsess over something?
15, I spent 3 hours non-stop on one boss battle and then maybe..6 hours on the boss battle after that.

Same q
Trash Boat
in this year, when i attempted to be the number 1 in a map in Taiko, trying it over and over and over and over and over and over and over. i barely reached the number 2, but it's something. and i get rewarded
how old were you when you learned how to walk?
can't remember, i think i'd must be some years old, i guess?

Your age when you first got over/supressed a bad habit.
not yet, i guess

age when u fell in love
err... 13

same q
Professor Prinny
I've yet to fall in love :( Fate is cruel ppl

Your age when you first tried to speak in another language?
does singing along with an english song count? if yes, probably around 4 or 5. otherwise 9 or 10 or so?

same q
10, tried to speak "ohayou gozaimasu" due to a japanese foreigner who is at my side that time. She smiled back there > 3 <

Same question
uhhuh, I assume I started English when I was 8, so that'd be around 5 or 6. Some random phrases and numbers from 1-12, you know.

same ( first tried to speak in another language?)
5-6 or so, when i tried speaking english

same q
Answered already.

Nathanael wrote:

10, tried to speak "ohayou gozaimasu" due to a japanese foreigner who is at my side that time. She smiled back there > 3 <
Your age when got something rare/special?
Can't remember when i got it but it was a japanese version of pokemon yellow from my aunt... which was quite a long time ago now actually.

Your age when you've got your first mobile phone.
Professor Prinny
3. It was one of those brick phones that Nokia made.

Same q
I don't remenber

Your age when you dropped the first anime
Trash Boat
em, dropped? i dont remember
your age when you make your 1st Facepalm
around 9

same YAW
10 maybe?

When you had your first cup of coffee
around 9?

age when u forget things easily
Probably started at 13..

Same question
Restless Spirit
Has not occured yet. I hope it never does.

Your age when you had your first kiss?
Hasn't happened yet.

Your age when you tried coffee for the first time?
Restless Spirit
Should have been when I was 16 years old or so. Didn't like it then, got used to it and abandoned coffee in the same year because it did nothing of the expected effect of keeping me awake. Black tea however does a better job.

Your age when you first tried out a cigarette? Did you like it? Do you even smoke to this day because of this?
I had just turned 14, smoked like 5, haven't smoked one in almost 3 years. It was okay, but not something I wanted to be hooked on.

same q
i think it was when i was below 10 years old and i didnt like it so maybe thats why i dont smoke

same q
Never did, never planning to. And because my answer's so shitty:

Same Q (Your age when you first tried out a cigarette? Did you like it? Do you even smoke to this day because of this?)
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