
Tags and Sources

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I think "source" would act as "album" for tracks from a CD.

That's how I view and treat it, anyway.
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strager wrote:

I think "source" would act as "album" for tracks from a CD.

That's how I view and treat it, anyway.
If a map has a source, the map title appears in this format at the top of the screen in Song Select:
Source (Artist) - Song [Difficulty]

The artist appears in brackets when there is a source, so it seems to me like Source is more of an "alternate artist" that the average person would more commonly know the song from (ie. TWEWY as opposed to Takeharu Ishimoto), and not simply the album the song belongs to.
Source should cover either CD albums or arranges if it's not from a game/show.

Source (Artist) - Song [Difficulty]
Album/Arrangers(Artist/Band who is singing this specific song) - Song

that is how i see it if the map isn't from a game. and imo it should be put there.

Also does it bug you that people ARE putting in tags that are in the title/source or is it other people asking the mapper to put them in the tags? because the first question... well lol it shouldn't bother you, and the second, who the hell forces people to do that????? (then again this might not be what is bothering you)
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Gabi wrote:

Source should cover either CD albums or arranges if it's not from a game/show.

Source (Artist) - Song [Difficulty]
Album/Arrangers(Artist/Band who is singing this specific song) - Song

that is how i see it if the map isn't from a game. and imo it should be put there.
Unless someone is doing an album project, in which case I could sort of understand, I don't think the album a song comes from is really relevant information. The fact that the artist appears in brackets while the source isn't gives me the impression that the source is more relevant than the artist, and therefore a source should only be added if this is the case.

Also does it bug you that people ARE putting in tags that are in the title/source or is it other people asking the mapper to put them in the tags? because the first question... well lol it shouldn't bother you, and the second, who the hell forces people to do that????? (then again this might not be what is bothering you)
I've seen several cases where people have suggested adding the artist and other redundant information to the tags, and the mapper agreeing to so. Also, there are a handful of modders who tell people to find a source in every map they mod, and I just kind of get tired of people telling me to find a source when there isn't one. I'm not saying that you should never suggest finding a source, but imo you should only do so if the map is from a TV show video game etc.

Sorry if I'm ranting, it's just the way that tags/sources should be used hasn't really been addressed before now, and I think it's something that would be worth clearing up.
Yeah, unless the album is more recognized than the song itself I wouldn't put it in the Source field.

Though it would still make a nice tag, I think.
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