
Drake Bell - You're Not Thinking

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AkagamiNamikaze wrote:

IRC mod

2013-09-17 12:07 mancuso_JM_: mi map necesita mods, y buenoo.. te iba a pedir si podias mirarlo
2013-09-17 12:07 AkagamiNamikaze: cual?
2013-09-17 12:08 mancuso_JM_: ACTION is listening to [ Drake Bell - You're Not Thinking]
2013-09-17 12:08 mancuso_JM_: ese
2013-09-17 12:08 AkagamiNamikaze: lel
2013-09-17 12:08 AkagamiNamikaze: normalmente pediría m4m
2013-09-17 12:08 AkagamiNamikaze: pero no tengo ningun mapset completo akfjgksjdfksdfkgjdfk
2013-09-17 12:08 mancuso_JM_: xD
2013-09-17 12:08 mancuso_JM_: yo ya le hice mod al que tenes completo xDD
2013-09-17 12:09 AkagamiNamikaze: lo sé, por eso no puedo aksjgsfkdjs
2013-09-17 12:09 AkagamiNamikaze: lo veré el fin de semana si? te modearé lo que pueda eh, tu tienes un muy buen mapping style
2013-09-17 12:09 mancuso_JM_: dale, dale.. para mi esta perfecto
2013-09-17 12:09 mancuso_JM_: no tengo apuro :3
2013-09-17 12:09 mancuso_JM_: Gracias!
2013-09-17 12:09 AkagamiNamikaze: De nada oe :3
2013-09-17 12:09 AkagamiNamikaze: te pediré algo de todas maneras :3
2013-09-17 12:09 mancuso_JM_: xD
2013-09-17 12:09 AkagamiNamikaze: ACTION is listening to [ Coldplay - Fix You]
2013-09-17 12:10 AkagamiNamikaze: No te pido mod, más bien playtest
2013-09-17 12:10 mancuso_JM_: ACTION is editing [ Coldplay - Fix You [Unrepairable]]
2013-09-17 12:10 AkagamiNamikaze: ya que al mapset le falta :x
2013-09-17 12:13 AkagamiNamikaze: ACTION is playing [ Drake Bell - You're Not Thinking [Hard]]
2013-09-17 12:16 AkagamiNamikaze: lol
2013-09-17 12:16 AkagamiNamikaze: excelente
2013-09-17 12:16 AkagamiNamikaze: dat flow
2013-09-17 12:16 mancuso_JM_: :3
2013-09-17 12:16 AkagamiNamikaze: lo único... haz una Insane D:
2013-09-17 12:16 mancuso_JM_: lol
2013-09-17 12:17 AkagamiNamikaze: btw considera tickrate 3
2013-09-17 12:17 AkagamiNamikaze: suena algo excesivo pero encaja muy bien.
2013-09-17 12:18 mancuso_JM_: me parece demasiado :/
2013-09-17 12:18 AkagamiNamikaze: y si bajas ese bpm?
2013-09-17 12:18 AkagamiNamikaze: (que me parece doblado)
2013-09-17 12:18 mancuso_JM_: no, es el correcto
2013-09-17 12:18 AkagamiNamikaze: meh, no sé akgjkdfj
2013-09-17 12:18 mancuso_JM_: xD
2013-09-17 12:19 AkagamiNamikaze: realmente yo rankearía la Hard tal como está
2013-09-17 12:19 AkagamiNamikaze: me encanta.
2013-09-17 12:20 mancuso_JM_: hahah Gracias :3
2013-09-17 12:20 mancuso_JM_: no mapeo nunca en 1/3, pero bueno xD
2013-09-17 12:20 AkagamiNamikaze: lel
2013-09-17 12:20 AkagamiNamikaze: 1/3 es raro
2013-09-17 12:20 AkagamiNamikaze: also 02:10:288 (2) -
2013-09-17 12:21 AkagamiNamikaze: no es totalmente simétrico /nazi
2013-09-17 12:21 AkagamiNamikaze: pero al parecer no se puede poner simétrico :v
2013-09-17 12:22 AkagamiNamikaze: y eso fue lo único
2013-09-17 12:22 AkagamiNamikaze: lol, y estaba revisando la diff casi que a 50%
2013-09-17 12:23 AkagamiNamikaze: En la Nomal
2013-09-17 12:23 AkagamiNamikaze: normal
2013-09-17 12:23 AkagamiNamikaze: 00:14:707 (3) - Yo curvaría este slider, idk
2013-09-17 12:24 mancuso_JM_: oh.. espera
2013-09-17 12:24 AkagamiNamikaze: me avisas lol
2013-09-17 12:25 AkagamiNamikaze: 00:21:102 (1) - Puede ser más simétrico poniendo el segundo sliderpoint en x:156 y:88 y el tercero en x:52 y:60
2013-09-17 12:25 AkagamiNamikaze: 00:25:870 (3,4) - Esto puede ser muy confuso s
2013-09-17 12:25 AkagamiNamikaze: s:*
2013-09-17 12:26 AkagamiNamikaze: Todo lo de simetría te lo digo al final akjkfsdfkgj
2013-09-17 12:26 mancuso_JM_: ese que me dijiste lo veo simetrico, el 02:10:288 (2)
2013-09-17 12:26 mancuso_JM_: en Hard ese no?
2013-09-17 12:27 mancuso_JM_: hace ctrl+h y vas a ver que va al mismo lugar del otro lado
2013-09-17 12:27 AkagamiNamikaze: bueno... yo suelo amoldar un slider al cuerpo del otro
2013-09-17 12:27 AkagamiNamikaze: a eso me refiero.
2013-09-17 12:28 mancuso_JM_: ahh.. eso es otra cosa xD
2013-09-17 12:28 AkagamiNamikaze: separados se ven bien, pegados se nota una diferencia
2013-09-17 12:28 AkagamiNamikaze: a eso me refería adksjkfj pero no se puede arreglar, parece, intenté y no lo pude hacer.
2013-09-17 12:28 mancuso_JM_: dejame ver
2013-09-17 12:28 AkagamiNamikaze: todo lo demás que te dije es en la Normal
2013-09-17 12:28 mancuso_JM_: el slider en 1/3 de la normal lo hice curvo
2013-09-17 12:28 mancuso_JM_: se ve mejor
2013-09-17 12:28 AkagamiNamikaze: yep :3
2013-09-17 12:30 mancuso_JM_: los dos 1/3 los cambie por un 1/1
2013-09-17 12:30 AkagamiNamikaze: te iba a decir que en esos 1/3
2013-09-17 12:30 mancuso_JM_: y lo otro nazi tambien lo cambie xD
2013-09-17 12:31 AkagamiNamikaze: pusieras un slider que fuera de 00:25:870 a 00:26:219
2013-09-17 12:31 AkagamiNamikaze: y listo lel
2013-09-17 12:33 mancuso_JM_: algo parecido hice
2013-09-17 12:33 mancuso_JM_: los ubique sobre los ticks blanco, se siente mejro
2013-09-17 12:33 mancuso_JM_: mejor*
2013-09-17 12:35 AkagamiNamikaze: 01:09:940 - deberías mapear aquí, es un eco que quedaría bien con un pattern o algo así, y como resalta, debería estar en la Normal.
2013-09-17 12:35 AkagamiNamikaze: aunque sea un hitcircle lol
2013-09-17 12:36 AkagamiNamikaze: puse uno en ese lugar en x:76 y:184, no rompe spacing y se ve... bien.
2013-09-17 12:36 mancuso_JM_: prefiero seguir el instrumental aca
2013-09-17 12:36 AkagamiNamikaze: bueno, ok :3
2013-09-17 12:36 mancuso_JM_: vas a ver que hay un stop en el instrumental en ese punto
2013-09-17 12:36 mancuso_JM_: y eso es lo que sigue
2013-09-17 12:37 mancuso_JM_: al final esto es un IRC mod? xD
2013-09-17 12:37 AkagamiNamikaze: si :3
2013-09-17 12:37 AkagamiNamikaze: ya me puse a hacerlo, ya qué asjskfjks
2013-09-17 12:38 mancuso_JM_: yo como estoy libre, no tengo drama xD
2013-09-17 12:38 AkagamiNamikaze: 01:26:684 (3,4) - oye, vienes de sliders curvos largos y sliders rectos cortos, estos dos desentonan un poco imo... y si los haces curvos?
2013-09-17 12:39 mancuso_JM_: si, tienes razon
2013-09-17 12:39 mancuso_JM_: ya los cambio xD
2013-09-17 12:40 mancuso_JM_: listo eso
2013-09-17 12:41 AkagamiNamikaze: 02:02:963 (3) - mueve el primer sliderpoint a x:136 y:220, se ve mejor
2013-09-17 12:42 AkagamiNamikaze: 02:10:870 (2) - Este se ve mejor si lo curvas hacia arriba, hará algo bonito con 02:11:684 (4)
2013-09-22 18:18 mancuso_JM_: Hey!
2013-09-22 18:18 AkagamiNamikaze: Mancu :3
2013-09-22 18:19 AkagamiNamikaze: supongo que quieres seguir el IRC mod, right?
2013-09-22 18:19 mancuso_JM_: como va?
2013-09-22 18:19 mancuso_JM_: te iba a decir eso si xD
2013-09-22 18:19 mancuso_JM_: te fuiste rapido el otro dia xDD
2013-09-22 18:19 AkagamiNamikaze: bueno, bueno
2013-09-22 18:19 AkagamiNamikaze: dame un momento y seguimos donde quedé aksdjgsfk
2013-09-22 18:20 mancuso_JM_: ok, avisame
2013-09-22 20:52 mancuso_JM_: psst.. Mi map esta casi bubble :p
2013-09-22 20:52 AkagamiNamikaze: lol
2013-09-22 20:52 AkagamiNamikaze: es que es muy perfecto
2013-09-22 20:52 AkagamiNamikaze: told ya :D
2013-09-22 20:52 mancuso_JM_: :D
2013-09-22 20:52 mancuso_JM_: al menos postea lo que ibamos del IRC mod
2013-09-22 20:53 mancuso_JM_: asi te doy kudos xD
2013-09-22 20:54 AkagamiNamikaze: bah, prefiero terminar.
2013-09-22 20:55 mancuso_JM_: lol
2013-09-22 20:56 AkagamiNamikaze: ehm, creo que la última cosa que le vi a la Normal era 02:36:102 (2) -
2013-09-22 20:57 AkagamiNamikaze: muévelo a x:336 y:208 con segundo sliderpoint en x:440 y:252 y tercero en x:440 y:372 para mejor simetría.
2013-09-22 20:58 AkagamiNamikaze: listo?
2013-09-22 20:58 mancuso_JM_: dale
2013-09-22 21:00 AkagamiNamikaze: mmm
2013-09-22 21:00 AkagamiNamikaze: la easy está muy perfecta
2013-09-22 21:00 AkagamiNamikaze: ):
2013-09-22 21:01 mancuso_JM_: :D
2013-09-22 21:01 AkagamiNamikaze: 02:10:288 (1,2) - ten cuidado con estas
2013-09-22 21:01 AkagamiNamikaze: pueden confundir newbies
2013-09-22 21:01 AkagamiNamikaze: imo.
2013-09-22 21:02 mancuso_JM_: creo que el NC lo hace mas ''predescible'' ademas de que el ''stop'' sigue la cancion correctamente
2013-09-22 21:02 mancuso_JM_: creo xD
2013-09-22 21:02 AkagamiNamikaze: Lo haría predecible si hubiera un NC en 02:10:986 (2) -
2013-09-22 21:02 AkagamiNamikaze: pero ahí un newbie puede confundir eso con un 1/1 cualquiera y agarrar ese miss
2013-09-22 21:03 mancuso_JM_: baka newbies xD
2013-09-22 21:03 AkagamiNamikaze: hay varias así que siguen la música y son traps pero como la mayoría son hitcircle+slider es algo más pasable, por la naturaleza de los sliders
2013-09-22 21:03 AkagamiNamikaze: pero como aquí son dos hitcircles puede ser miss seguro :v
2013-09-22 21:04 AkagamiNamikaze: pero bueno, dejo eso a tu criterio, es lo único
2013-09-22 21:04 AkagamiNamikaze: de resto, flawless mapset.
2013-09-22 21:04 mancuso_JM_: gracias :3
Gracias man! :3..

Just in case: We fixed some things in Easy and Normal (right now, we fixed a pattern for symetry in Normal and I fixed other little thing on my own in Easy)

You should change these things on every difficultie:

Combo colours:
The yellow is way too bright for the background which is darker and more soothing and this enthusiastic yellow. Try soften it a little. Also there are these lines, which are two types of orange. Barely any yellow.

This one rythm mistake:
00:32:265 - The sliders should obviously start here and there shouldn't be a circle. You mapped to the vocal most of the time, and obviously at this part as well, so you should also map to the vocal. Slider should start here, and remove the circle. Everything else is fine then, nothing should be added after. A circle here 00:36:451 - is fine due to it giving better playment and also being rythmwise correct.


00:24:940 (2) - Always a little risky to make no hole into the loop. The player, especially beginners, get easy confused and might let go or else.
00:37:033 (3) - Instead of this off-white-tick slider you could add a spinner here, fits well to the song. From 00:36:684 - to 00:37:847 - . Add a circle here 00:38:544 - and then it plays fine again. Its less confusing than this slider.
01:02:963 (1,2,3) - The transition and flow is broken. The first slider goes sideways while there is this circle which breaks the flow. So the player has to go up instead of following the slider. That means he has to move his wrist more than needed for a good gameplay. It would go better if you 01:04:358 (3) - reverse this.
01:35:637 (3) - Again, i find this very unfitting for an easy.
01:58:777 - You should add a break here instead of this being mapped. The little breaks are too less for an Easy. Beginners will need it. They have less practise and their wrist starts hurting fast. The difficultie is also very tiring.


00:10:870 (2,3) - I don't know about this pattern. It's not very well made for a Normal. For one thing, it's too much time between them, so they might missclick it. This also breaks your gamerythm you have when playing.
02:00:172 (1) - This plays fine, yes, but it's out of place and you didn't make any long sliders unless it was fitting. This needs changing into something rythmwise better.

Read the "testplayers opinions" from our queue, to get more opinions about your map!

Very well done, even though the patterns are very repetitive, but that's to be expected on a 1/3 song.
Topic Starter

BounceBabe wrote:

You should change these things on every difficultie:

Combo colours:
The yellow is way too bright for the background which is darker and more soothing and this enthusiastic yellow. Try soften it a little. Also there are these lines, which are two types of orange. Barely any yellow. I used other yellow, hope it's ok.

This one rythm mistake:
00:32:265 - The sliders should obviously start here and there shouldn't be a circle. You mapped to the vocal most of the time, and obviously at this part as well, so you should also map to the vocal. Slider should start here, and remove the circle. Everything else is fine then, nothing should be added after. A circle here 00:36:451 - is fine due to it giving better playment and also being rythmwise correct. that's so true! xD. Fixed in all diffs.


00:24:940 (2) - Always a little risky to make no hole into the loop. The player, especially beginners, get easy confused and might let go or else. I didn't understand really well what you wanted to say me here :/. Can you explain me better?
00:37:033 (3) - Instead of this off-white-tick slider you could add a spinner here, fits well to the song. From 00:36:684 - to 00:37:847 - . Add a circle here 00:38:544 - and then it plays fine again. Its less confusing than this slider. This is not confusing, I repeated this a lot of time before, it is a slider, so, if they click 2ms late they won't have problem, because is not a single note. I really want to leave that, in addition a spinner doesn't make sense here.
01:02:963 (1,2,3) - The transition and flow is broken. The first slider goes sideways while there is this circle which breaks the flow. So the player has to go up instead of following the slider. That means he has to move his wrist more than needed for a good gameplay. It would go better if you 01:04:358 (3) - reverse this. I like how this flow, because you just need to go on an upside, anything weird appear here in my opinion.
01:35:637 (3) - Again, i find this very unfitting for an easy. Same as I said before.
01:58:777 - You should add a break here instead of this being mapped. The little breaks are too less for an Easy. Beginners will need it. They have less practise and their wrist starts hurting fast. The difficultie is also very tiring. Due to this pattern, I'll use HP Drain Rate 1, I like how this play in an easy, in general the map has a lot of sliders, and I don't feel adding a break in this point. (reduced every HP Drain Rate for a better diff. spread)


00:10:870 (2,3) - I don't know about this pattern. It's not very well made for a Normal. For one thing, it's too much time between them, so they might missclick it. This also breaks your gamerythm you have when playing. I simplify it a bit, using 1/1 instead of 1/3 kick sliders or that kind of things.
02:00:172 (1) - This plays fine, yes, but it's out of place and you didn't make any long sliders unless it was fitting. This needs changing into something rythmwise better. But I like how it plays, and I don't want to make anything hard in the first object after the kiai. After this spinner I started following everything properly, but this long slider is a good rest time for average players in my opinion.

Read the "testplayers opinions" from our queue, to get more opinions about your map!

Very well done, even though the patterns are very repetitive, but that's to be expected on a 1/3 song. Hmm.. maybe.. The song is a bit repetitive too xD.
Thanks again! (and waiting for the testplayers in your queue)

Other chatlog with Mystyk after her testplay opinion..

1:36 Mystyk:
11:36 Mystyk: there o/
11:37 Mystyk: BounceBabe postedi t
11:37 Mystyk: if you want to know my opinion xD
11:38 mancuso_JM_: I think sometimes is weird to play in 1/3
11:38 mancuso_JM_: but I didn't have alternative
11:39 mancuso_JM_: I needed to put notes over ''purple'' ticks
11:39 mancuso_JM_: xD
11:39 mancuso_JM_: this about ''Drake Bell - You're not thinking''
11:39 Mystyk: ohh
11:40 mancuso_JM_: if I want to follow the music, I needed to do so
11:40 mancuso_JM_: and I try to simplify a lot the rhythms, you know
11:40 Mystyk: you mean when i said its weird to click them?
11:40 Mystyk: cuz they are on red tick?
11:40 Mystyk: actually i checked those parts
11:40 Mystyk: and its true that the lyrics come at that point xD
11:40 mancuso_JM_: I mixed both xD
11:40 Mystyk: seems like you cant really help it
11:41 Mystyk: since the song is like that
11:41 mancuso_JM_: yep, exactly that
11:41 Mystyk: ><
11:42 Mystyk: it would be hard to suggest anything
11:42 mancuso_JM_: but this ''weird'' feel is because we play 1/2 - 1/4 maps especially
11:42 mancuso_JM_: at least I think so
11:42 mancuso_JM_: and well, about the sliders, he sings in that way
11:42 mancuso_JM_: so, this is the best way to follow the patterns
11:42 Mystyk: hm
11:43 mancuso_JM_: is not easy to map in 1/3 then xD
11:43 Mystyk: lool it is 1/3
11:43 Mystyk: i think i jsut noticed
11:43 Mystyk: 00:46:219 (1,2) -
11:43 Mystyk: but not all of them are weird
11:43 Mystyk: but this one was xD
11:44 mancuso_JM_: lol.. baka Mystyk xD
11:44 mancuso_JM_: first times that I played this map, I found it a bit weird due to the 1/3 snap
11:44 Mystyk: LOL
11:44 Mystyk:
11:44 mancuso_JM_: but after to play it some times, everything went really ok xD
11:44 Mystyk: but wouldnt this play/sound better though?
11:44 Mystyk: or maybe you have tried xD
11:44 Mystyk: ahh
11:45 mancuso_JM_: the 2/3 spacing is much better
11:45 mancuso_JM_: especially because there is no sound in 00:46:684 -
11:45 mancuso_JM_: same thing that I said to BB in my response to her mod post, listen it in 25/50% playback
11:46 Mystyk: lol yes true xD
11:46 Mystyk: but imo it is not that noteicable
11:47 Mystyk: if you put them closer
11:47 Mystyk: +it feels more comfortale to play
11:47 Mystyk: i dont think people can tell when exactly "not" starts
11:47 mancuso_JM_: is not that hard, for that reason I used AR8
11:47 Mystyk: because they are very close i think it sill sounds fine
11:47 mancuso_JM_: everything is easier to catch with that
11:47 Mystyk: and i know it is kinda hard to edit 1/3
11:48 Mystyk: well okay if you say so
11:48 Mystyk: i like the normal diff better tbh xD
11:48 mancuso_JM_: xD
11:48 mancuso_JM_: btw, I have similar patterns before
11:48 mancuso_JM_: e.g: 00:09:940 (1,2) -
11:48 Mystyk: hm?
11:49 mancuso_JM_: after to play some of them, I think then the player will learn the map more
11:49 mancuso_JM_: because the rhythm is pretty constant in the whole of the map
11:49 Mystyk: well yeah
11:49 Mystyk: btw
11:50 Mystyk: 01:02:498 (1) -
11:50 Mystyk: i think you should end that reverse slider earlier
11:51 mancuso_JM_: hmm.. why?
11:51 Mystyk: and use hit circle or something
11:51 Mystyk: because he starts singing
11:51 Mystyk: "I"
11:51 Mystyk: earlier than 01:02:963 (1) -
11:51 Mystyk: 01:02:963 (1) -
11:52 Mystyk: i think that reverse sliders just plays weird ><
11:52 Mystyk: anything else would play better imo
11:52 mancuso_JM_: it was recommended by other modder, and I like how it plays
11:52 mancuso_JM_: it follows drums as you can listen :/
11:53 mancuso_JM_: dunno where is the ''weird'' thing in that slider
11:54 Mystyk: i know it follows drums
11:54 mancuso_JM_: I can compare it with a simple 1/4 slider, followed by a 1/1 slider, a lot of maps has this kind of varieties
11:55 mancuso_JM_: the only difference is that this one is in 1/3 xD
11:55 Mystyk: well to me it was confusing because it had too many repeats, and because he is singing "I" earlier (as I just said) so I would like to click the long slider earlier (or click something else which shows new lyrics part and not the drums)
11:55 Mystyk: and i found the spacing big (even though it is actually not big LOL since you use 1,2 but still...T_T)
11:57 mancuso_JM_: I did something, I'll update and you check it if it's ok?
11:58 Mystyk: okay
11:59 Mystyk: please please pleassssseeeeeeeee
11:59 mancuso_JM_: done ^^
11:59 mancuso_JM_: I deleted one reverse and added a note instead
11:59 Mystyk: LOL
11:59 Mystyk: i was just about to suggest something like that
11:59 Mystyk: but in different direction haha jesus
11:59 mancuso_JM_: lol
12:01 mancuso_JM_: is it ok???
12:01 Mystyk: looks ebtter!
12:01 Mystyk: better*
12:01 mancuso_JM_: ^____^
12:01 Mystyk: *.*
12:01 Mystyk: XDD
12:02 Mystyk: please please pleaseeeeeeeeee
12:04 mancuso_JM_: btw, thanks! :)
12:04 Mystyk: for what? xD
12:05 mancuso_JM_: for the testplay, opinion, suggestions, etc (?
12:05 mancuso_JM_: xD
12:05 Mystyk: lol you're welcome xD
12:05 Mystyk: anytime o/ :D

Well, here we made only a change (in Hard), but still.. Thanks! I gave her some explanations anyway! :P

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

BounceBabe wrote:


00:24:940 (2) - Always a little risky to make no hole into the loop. The player, especially beginners, get easy confused and might let go or else. I didn't understand really well what you wanted to say me here :/. Can you explain me better?
I was meaning, you having a loop in the slider, as in a ribbon bow, without any little hole in it to sign where you have to go to and follow. Beginners might find this confusing since they should only experience more simple things. Long sliders, straight sliders, slight curved sliders, big bow sliders,...

Hope I cleared that missunderstanding.
Sorry this took so long, I forgot osu! existed for a few days.
moar Drake Bell!

  • [Hard]
  1. 00:26:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Este ritmo suena un poco raro, me parece que queda mucho mejor si intentas esto en vez de lo que tenes ahora. Sigue un poco mejor la voz:
  2. 02:14:707 - Agrega una nota aca para seguir la voz y el ritmo tutu tutu tutu? xD
  • [Normal]
  1. 01:28:661 (2) - Este slider suena muy mal imo. Creo que en este caso es mucho mejor que lo pongas en el tick blanco, ya que hasta la vocal se escucha ahi.
  2. 01:59:126 - Esta parte me parece que no queda muy bien.. como es mappeable y todo.. creo que agregar una nota en 01:59:126 y otra en 01:59:823 suena bien con la melodia :3
  • [Easy]
  1. 00:23:544 (4) - Ufff hacia mucho tiempo que no marcaba algo nazi xD que tal si mejoras la blanket con esta curva?
Holy sh-- you improved so much. I'm glad. :)
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

moar Drake Bell! yey! :3

  • [Hard]
  1. 00:26:684 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Este ritmo suena un poco raro, me parece que queda mucho mejor si intentas esto en vez de lo que tenes ahora. Sigue un poco mejor la voz:
  2. 02:14:707 - Agrega una nota aca para seguir la voz y el ritmo tutu tutu tutu? xD Todo hecho aca!
  • [Normal]
  1. 01:28:661 (2) - Este slider suena muy mal imo. Creo que en este caso es mucho mejor que lo pongas en el tick blanco, ya que hasta la vocal se escucha ahi. Personalmente me gusta, porque no segui basicamente la voz aca, sino que el instrumental. La primer parte sigue el intrumental (si escuchas bien es donde empieza la bateria), al final del Sldier si empece a seguir la vocal, por eso me gusta como esta. Para darle otra variedad al mapa y no ser monotono con el tema de la voz :P
  2. 01:59:126 - Esta parte me parece que no queda muy bien.. como es mappeable y todo.. creo que agregar una nota en 01:59:126 y otra en 01:59:823 suena bien con la melodia :3 Siento que un momento de pausa esta bien en esta dificultad, especialmente luego del kiai. Me parece que un momento sin notas le va a hacer bien al jugador xD
  • [Easy]
  1. 00:23:544 (4) - Ufff hacia mucho tiempo que no marcaba algo nazi xD que tal si mejoras la blanket con esta curva? Hace mucho que no modeabas (/runs) xD Ok, la acomode un poquito, creo que ahi estaria :P
Holy sh-- you improved so much. I'm glad. :)
Gracias! :D. Updated!!
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Gracias!!! :D
Felicidades <:
Felicidades mancuso! :)
Gratz!!! Mancuso_JM!

Thinking again!^^
omg so nice! congrats :o

Congratz JM! Thanks BounceBabe, Jericho MMzz and Kei!
Sry 4 delay ><

and....if you keep this rhythm on mapping znd ranking, you will pass Andrea before 2016 Olympic Games.
Topic Starter
Thanks guys! :3


Alarido wrote:


Congratz JM! Thanks BounceBabe, Jericho and Kei!
Sry 4 delay ><

and....if you keep this rhythm on mapping znd ranking, you will pass Andrea before 2016 Olympic Games.
MMzz was the bubbler, he ninja'd Jericho xD
will get to modding soon xD
yay congrats mancus!! *.*
Gratz ~
Felicidades mancu ya-no-pantalones-cuadrados ;)
Topic Starter
Thanks again, guys ^^
Gratz Man! :3
Grats Mancu :)
Congratz :3
Topic Starter
Thanks! (so many greetings :D)
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