Skvimpa wrote:
if you look at the high ranked players or pros if you want to call them that, they all use tablets or so far that's all I've seen. So I think there's more to it then just personal preference unfortunately.
correlation does not imply causation
First of all, tbh we don't even know if the trend is true for the say, top 5000 "pros" (though if there were accurate statistics to back this up I would be interested).
Regardless of this, just because there
might be a trend of the high ranked players being more common doesn't necessarily mean that playing w/ a tablet is more effective than a mouse, at least to the point where a separate ranking system would be necessary.
...but, even if it did (which I don't think it is), there are still many issues with having a separate ranking system. For one, it would be redundant because I'm willing to bet that the best tablet users match the skill of the best mice users. That is to say, the two rankings would look very similar, only with different users (unlike mod rankings– no mod scores are quite different from flashlight scores). Why would implementing this be necessary? imo, an excess of features in a game or application is detrimental to aesthetics and simplicity of the software. More importantly, this seems pretty useless and a waste of time for something that isn't very reliable to begin with. afaik, there's no way for osu to differentiate mouse clicks and tablet clicks; therefore users could just put whatever they wanted. For those who like to play different ways (I have a friend who can play both way, and does so depending on his mood
), it would be annoying to set the mode every time they changed styles.