
Stevie Hoang - All I Have Is Love

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 9:07:24 PM

Artist: Stevie Hoang
Title: All I Have Is Love
Tags: summer
BPM: 122
Filesize: 5128kb
Play Time: 03:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Skies (3 stars, 221 notes)
  2. Stars (4.86 stars, 381 notes)
Download: Stevie Hoang - All I Have Is Love
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
girl, let's lay under the stars
look up and we'll see the perfect skylight!
feel the beating of my heart~
no need to rush baby, let's take our time

♥ ^____^;
♥ ^____^;
♥ ^____^;

♥ ^____^;
Topic Starter

Calm wrote:

♥ ^____^;
thanks for the mp3.

♥ ^____^;
lov u 2

Calm wrote:

♥ ^____^;
fix this post

kd pls
6 stars deposited
6 more when i edit my mod in
you know this was gonna happen some day


Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

tag "Summer" since the album name is "Summer Love" and Love is already part of the title

thats some BAT-ass (@Raose) difficulty settings you got there
00:26:123 (1) - was this extra NC intentional?
00:48:746 (2,3) - i would say give these two a curve to have a gradual transition from (00:47:763 (1)) which gives a more natural flow
01:21:697 (3) - whoa stack this on the end of 01:19:730 (1)? They appear almost together and is just aesthetically bothering me ><
02:21:205 (3) - place it here to form a triangle 02:25:631 (1) - meh i'd say this is too soon after spinner, especially since it is located at the corner of the playfield; either delete it or move it closer to the center of the screen for easier navigation
02:45:795 (1,1,1,1) - lol that combo spam
03:20:222 (1) - seems more natural if you start the spinner later at 03:21:205 and map 03:20:222 instead, this way you get a nice finish of the previous stanza and a spinner start on the new one

00:22:189 (6) - no anti-jump NC?
00:31:902 - maybe a note here to fill that 1/4
00:36:451 (3) - how bout a curve upwards so 00:36:451 (3,4,5) forms a triangle?
00:42:845 (10) - lol why isnt the NC here, 00:42:845 (10,1,2,3) should have the same colour
00:47:271 (7,1) - i imagined this to be a stream or triplet but what you have works too i guess
01:03:009 (7) - a good place to change to a repeat slider so you cover the 1/4s in the music (the guy sings "is love" in 1/4 here as well)
01:38:172 (1) - feel like this combo is a bit long, how bout move the NC to 01:38:664 (3) instead? this way the circles get a consistent colour on them as well
01:53:172 (6,7) - seems like this is a good place to copy paste + flip, currently the two sliders are slightly different in their curves
02:05:959 (7) - same as 01:03:009 (7)
02:17:763 (8) - move it a bit left so it makes a nice blanket on 02:17:025 (6): 02:26:123 (7) - forgot a NC i think
02:45:058 - add a note to start this section here, this is where the vocals begin and feels more natural as a starting point imo
02:57:599 (1) - seems better to remove NC here to keep consistency with other similar sections
03:20:222 (1) - same as Skies

Kite stole all my hitsound suggestions so i went NC instead xD
here is the other 6 stars, good luck on ranking ♥ ^____^
♥ ^____^;

00:29:566 (3) - Missed a clap here
00:39:894 (1) - Finish on start?
00:42:353 (4) - Missed a clap here
00:47:763 (1) - Finish on start?
00:58:582 (6) - Missed clap at the end
01:03:500 (1) - Finish on start?
01:05:468 (3) - Missed clap at the end
01:06:451 (4) - I think you misplaced clap / whistle on this slider
01:10:386 (4) - Clap at repeat?
01:11:369 (1) - Finish?
01:17:271 (3) - Finish at the end?
01:34:976 (1) - Finish at start?
01:45:795 (4) - Missed whistle?
01:50:713 (1) - Finish on start?
02:20:713 (2) - Clap?
02:21:205 (3) - Clap at end?
02:35:959 (3) - ^
02:36:943 (4) - Clap on repeat?
02:47:271 (1,1,1) - What with the new combo spam here? >< Any special reason?
02:53:664 (1) - Finish on start?
03:00:550 (4) - Clap on repeat?
03:01:533 (1) - Finish?
03:09:402 (1) - Finish?
03:15:304 - Drop this section to 45% volume?
03:17:025 - Drop this section to 20% volume?
03:17:271 (1) - Finish at start and clap at end?
03:18:254 (2) - Clap at end?
03:19:238 (3) - ^

Very sorry for useless hitsound mod, but I can't find anything else wrong with that difficulty.

00:29:074 (4) - Missed a clap at the end
00:39:894 (5) - Finish at start?
00:42:353 (9) - Missed a clap here
00:47:763 (1) - Finish at start?
00:59:074 (10) - Missed a clap here
01:05:468 (6) - Clap at the end
01:06:451 (8) - Again seems to have confused clap / whistle on this slider
01:10:386 (7) - Clap on repeat?
01:11:369 (1) - Finish on start?
01:34:976 (1) - Finish on start?
01:42:845 (1) - ^
01:50:713 (1) - ^
02:12:845 (6) - Clap at start
02:13:582 (7) - Clap?
02:18:254 (1) - Clap on repeat
02:22:189 (1) - Finish at start?
02:29:320 (1) - Clap?
02:53:664 (1) - Finish at start?
03:01:533 (1) - ^
03:09:402 (1) - ^
03:15:304 - Drop this section to 45% volume?
03:17:025 - Drop this section to 20% volume?

Really couldn't find anything wrong in both difficulties except a few hitsound inconsistencies..
Great job!
Topic Starter
♥ ^____^;

took everything above! thanks. :o
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

tag "Summer" since the album name is "Summer Love" and Love is already part of the title addedddddd

thats some BAT-ass (@Raose) difficulty settings you got there
00:26:123 (1) - was this extra NC intentional? it is!
00:48:746 (2,3) - i would say give these two a curve to have a gradual transition from (00:47:763 (1)) which gives a more natural flow curved 3 so 1,3 is curved with 2 as a straight slider.
01:21:697 (3) - whoa stack this on the end of 01:19:730 (1)? They appear almost together and is just aesthetically bothering me >< haha, sorry! fixed.
02:21:205 (3) - place it here to form a triangle works with me!
02:25:631 (1) - meh i'd say this is too soon after spinner, especially since it is located at the corner of the playfield; either delete it or move it closer to the center of the screen for easier navigation moved it closer to the center.
02:45:795 (1,1,1,1) - lol that combo spam wooops
03:20:222 (1) - seems more natural if you start the spinner later at 03:21:205 and map 03:20:222 instead, this way you get a nice finish of the previous stanza and a spinner start on the new one you got it.

00:22:189 (6) - no anti-jump NC? nice catch
00:31:902 - maybe a note here to fill that 1/4 okay~
00:36:451 (3) - how bout a curve upwards so 00:36:451 (3,4,5) forms a triangle? hmm, I like how it is now. perhaps elaborate on this? what I do doesn't exactly work out.
00:42:845 (10) - lol why isnt the NC here, 00:42:845 (10,1,2,3) should have the same colour nice catch!
00:47:271 (7,1) - i imagined this to be a stream or triplet but what you have works too i guess i'm not too keen on 1/4th usage, as you can tell :p
01:03:009 (7) - a good place to change to a repeat slider so you cover the 1/4s in the music (the guy sings "is love" in 1/4 here as well) okay, you got it.
01:38:172 (1) - feel like this combo is a bit long, how bout move the NC to 01:38:664 (3) instead? this way the circles get a consistent colour on them as well works with me! sweet.
01:53:172 (6,7) - seems like this is a good place to copy paste + flip, currently the two sliders are slightly different in their curves fixed
02:05:959 (7) - same as 01:03:009 (7) same as above~
02:17:763 (8) - move it a bit left so it makes a nice blanket on 02:17:025 (6): nice. fixed!
02:26:123 (7) - forgot a NC i think nice catch. fixed~
02:45:058 - add a note to start this section here, this is where the vocals begin and feels more natural as a starting point imo hmm, sounds good.
02:57:599 (1) - seems better to remove NC here to keep consistency with other similar sections mk
03:20:222 (1) - same as Skies works with me!

Kite stole all my hitsound suggestions so i went NC instead xD
here is the other 6 stars, good luck on ranking ♥ ^____^
♥ ^____^;

thanks for the mod!

  1. Upscaled the original image without losing quality in it so it'll be osu! regulations of 1366x768; find it here.

A really solid difficulty here; really not all that much to nitpick about.
  1. 00:18:254 (3) - Thoughts on dragging this down to x:383 y:127 so you get a nice drop/run off from the previous (2)?
  2. 00:26:123 (1,2,3,4,5) - Feels a bit lacking. What about trying to bring the focus onto the vocals and using this rhythm -
    00:26:123 (1) - Slider lasting until 00:26:861 -
    00:27:353 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:28:090 -
  3. 00:32:517 (2,5) - The hit-burst from (2) is still mildly present when (5) comes into focus.
    Alternatively with this area, what about giving it a bit more pizzazz?
    Part 1:

    Part 2:
I had a lot more of a mod for this difficulty but lost it all during a minor net drop-out so this is all I could really remember poking at before... sorry. :(

A complete lack of star patterns makes me sad.
  1. 00:18:254 (7,8,9,10,1) - Prime example of a place that could use one! Or just make it so the (10,1) transition isn't just a dead end on the really fun back and forth it had going for it.
  2. 00:22:189 (1,2,3,4) - Feels a bit lacking for how the music is. Possible rhythm change for this section here which sounds really nice -
    00:22:189 (1) - 1/1 slider here.
    00:22:927 (2,3,4,5,6) - All of these are circles.
  3. 00:24:648 (2,3) - Spread this out a little bit more?
  4. 00:27:845 - Circle here please.
  5. 00:32:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about giving this a little more life with a cute change to -

    00:32:025 (1,2) - 1.2x
    00:32:763 (2,3) - 1.3x
    00:33:009 (3,4) - 1.4x
    00:33:500 (4,5) - 1.5x
  6. 00:34:730 (6) - Toss this over to x:453 y:216 to help ramp the flow from everything else.
  7. 00:38:910 (1,2,3,4) - Make this a little less bland maybe? Something like [url=]this[/img] works really nicely.
  8. 00:41:123 (6) - If you do the above just pop this higher on the y axis.
  9. 00:45:304 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - Something like this for less static of a feeling?
  10. 00:49:730 (5,6,7) - I love this combo so damn much, really fun to play combo!
  11. 00:51:697 (1,2,3,4) - What about livening this up to match how fun the previous was? Rough example -
  12. 01:26:615 (8,9) - This could deal with a bit more spacing so it feels like you're playing a xylophone. xD
  13. 01:34:238 - Add a beat here please.
  14. 01:37:681 (5,6,7,8) - A bit more life to this maybe?
Everything else is basically the same sort of suggestive changes just to liven up certain areas of the song so I'll stop here since the difficulty itself is fair solid.

Insert cool Thing to write before starting a mod here

Prologue: Maybe not everything suggestion I make will be understandable, because I don't know how to explain myself the right way. I'm sorry for that, but i tried to argue in the most comprehensible way possible for me.


  1. first: I completely agree with ampzz. There are no skies. why. sad.
  2. 02:14:320 (1,2,3) - before you used straight sliders, that play a tiny littly bit antiflow to emphasize the staccato in singing, i think. Now this part somehow feels off, i dont really know why, it just does. Especially 1 and 2 should stand out. I don't think 3 should be a repeating slider, because ... how should i explain it... there are 3 notes, right but they should be seperated because he uses the consonant "h", which is like a break in the voice and all. Maybe 3 circles for the last slider would fix that. I'm not really sure.
  3. 00:23:418 - this note stands out and should be added, imo. i know it would break your pattern but "stars" is the most difficult diff and i think there shouldn't be missing parts. sth like that.
  4. 00:24:648 (2,3) - actually i think those sliders don't fit with the music. there is no sound there and all. Also you could make their flow better, with rotating them 50 ° or sth like that.
  5. 02:04:484 (5) - i think i'd use strg + g here for a straigt flow. I like straight flow, thats why.
  6. 02:54:402 (2,3,4) - i think you should use a lone slider for the word "love" because it weights much. otherwise this part would be really boring, imo

  1. 00:32:517 (2,5) - i think you should stack those 2 somehow because looks.
  2. 02:33:009 (3,4,1) - spin 3 around for 132° and then adjust the map like this: the flow is better and it plays better and the look isnt that bad.
  3. 02:48:746 (4) - rotate 7° for the same.
  4. i should stop trying to mod this now, it would only become nazi because it's really good and other suggestions wouldn't be necessary.
Take my star-formed shuriken.
Topic Starter

ampzz wrote:

  1. Upscaled the original image without losing quality in it so it'll be osu! regulations of 1366x768; find it here. done!

A really solid difficulty here; really not all that much to nitpick about.
  1. 00:18:254 (3) - Thoughts on dragging this down to x:383 y:127 so you get a nice drop/run off from the previous (2)? works with me.
  2. 00:26:123 (1,2,3,4,5) - Feels a bit lacking. What about trying to bring the focus onto the vocals and using this rhythm - I prefer how it is now as it's more.. I believe the word is simple?
    00:26:123 (1) - Slider lasting until 00:26:861 -
    00:27:353 (2) - Slider lasting until 00:28:090 -
  3. 00:32:517 (2,5) - The hit-burst from (2) is still mildly present when (5) comes into focus.
    Alternatively with this area, what about giving it a bit more pizzazz? took part 1 as intended, left 2 a bit varied from your example.
    Part 1:

    Part 2:
I had a lot more of a mod for this difficulty but lost it all during a minor net drop-out so this is all I could really remember poking at before... sorry. :(

A complete lack of star patterns makes me sad.
  1. 00:18:254 (7,8,9,10,1) - Prime example of a place that could use one! Or just make it so the (10,1) transition isn't just a dead end on the really fun back and forth it had going for it. As much as I like stars (believe me, I really do), I just don't think they fit. As for 10 -> 1, I believe the anti-jump suits just fiiiine.
  2. 00:22:189 (1,2,3,4) - Feels a bit lacking for how the music is. Possible rhythm change for this section here which sounds really nice - These patterns are derived from 00:18 and so forth. I like how they are now.
    00:22:189 (1) - 1/1 slider here.
    00:22:927 (2,3,4,5,6) - All of these are circles.
  3. 00:24:648 (2,3) - Spread this out a little bit more? done!
  4. 00:27:845 - Circle here please. but why? :(
  5. 00:32:025 (1,2,3,4,5) - What about giving this a little more life with a cute change to - I like how you think. :p

    00:32:025 (1,2) - 1.2x
    00:32:763 (2,3) - 1.3x
    00:33:009 (3,4) - 1.4x
    00:33:500 (4,5) - 1.5x
  6. 00:34:730 (6) - Toss this over to x:453 y:216 to help ramp the flow from everything else.
  7. 00:38:910 (1,2,3,4) - Make this a little less bland maybe? Something like [url=]this[/img] works really nicely. as much as I hate doing this, it fits really nicely. you got it.
  8. 00:41:123 (6) - If you do the above just pop this higher on the y axis. mk.
  9. 00:45:304 (8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - Something like this for less static of a feeling? I like it. done!
  10. 00:49:730 (5,6,7) - I love this combo so damn much, really fun to play combo! :D
  11. 00:51:697 (1,2,3,4) - What about livening this up to match how fun the previous was? Rough example - I think I like how it is now~
  12. 01:26:615 (8,9) - This could deal with a bit more spacing so it feels like you're playing a xylophone. xD changed it up a little.
  13. 01:34:238 - Add a beat here please. why? the rest of the combo fits how it is now.
  14. 01:37:681 (5,6,7,8) - A bit more life to this maybe? you got it.
Everything else is basically the same sort of suggestive changes just to liven up certain areas of the song so I'll stop here since the difficulty itself is fair solid.

ChivaCookie wrote:


Insert cool Thing to write before starting a mod here

Prologue: Maybe not everything suggestion I make will be understandable, because I don't know how to explain myself the right way. I'm sorry for that, but i tried to argue in the most comprehensible way possible for me.


  1. first: I completely agree with ampzz. There are no skies. why. sad.
  2. 02:14:320 (1,2,3) - before you used straight sliders, that play a tiny littly bit antiflow to emphasize the staccato in singing, i think. Now this part somehow feels off, i dont really know why, it just does. Especially 1 and 2 should stand out. I don't think 3 should be a repeating slider, because ... how should i explain it... there are 3 notes, right but they should be seperated because he uses the consonant "h", which is like a break in the voice and all. Maybe 3 circles for the last slider would fix that. I'm not really sure. 1 - all, 2 - I, 3 - have is -- or rather, that's how I looked at it.
  3. 00:23:418 - this note stands out and should be added, imo. i know it would break your pattern but "stars" is the most difficult diff and i think there shouldn't be missing parts. sth like that. I think it's fine as-is. I know this is the most difficult difficulty, but I believe that gaps like these are just fine.
  4. 00:24:648 (2,3) - actually i think those sliders don't fit with the music. there is no sound there and all. Also you could make their flow better, with rotating them 50 ° or sth like that. I don't see a problem with them. And with how they are now, I do this consistently throughout the difficulty.
  5. 02:04:484 (5) - i think i'd use strg + g here for a straigt flow. I like straight flow, thats why. as much as I would like to say yes, this creates a jump from 5 -> 6.
  6. 02:54:402 (2,3,4) - i think you should use a lone slider for the word "love" because it weights much. otherwise this part would be really boring, imo the new combo doesn't signify it? :(

  1. 00:32:517 (2,5) - i think you should stack those 2 somehow because looks. ampzz's suggestion totally overrides this. I would of taken it if his mod wasn't first! :p
  2. 02:33:009 (3,4,1) - spin 3 around for 132° and then adjust the map like this: the flow is better and it plays better and the look isnt that bad. okay.
  3. 02:48:746 (4) - rotate 7° for the same. mmmmk
  4. i should stop trying to mod this now, it would only become nazi because it's really good and other suggestions wouldn't be necessary.
Take my star-formed shuriken.
thanks to the both of you!
Random mod~


00:40:877 (2,3) - Missing Whistle?
00:46:779 (5) - Delete Clap
00:54:894 (4) - Clap
00:58:582 (6) - Delete Whistle at the end?
01:06:451 (4) - Missing hitsounds
01:21:697 (3) - Clap
01:41:861 (4) - Add Clap at the reverse
01:52:681 (3) - Distance?
02:36:943 (4) - Add Finish at the end?
02:56:615 (4) - Distance?
03:10:386 (3) - ^!
03:18:254 (2) - Add Whistle at the start
03:20:222 (4) - Add hit sounds?


00:33:500 (4) - Shouldn't the first hit sound be a Clap instead of Whistle?
00:44:812 (7) - Since the background music is a bit different here, consider deleting Whistle at the head.
00:46:779 (6) - Whistle at the head instead clap
00:54:894 (1) - Adding a clap may fit the music
00:59:074 (10) - Delete Whistle? Not sure if this is a beat to emphasize.
01:02:763 (6) - Clap?
01:03:009 (7) - Clap at the head.
01:05:468 (6,8) - Clap at the end
01:26:369 (8) - Clap at the start and end
01:42:107 (7) - Clap
01:42:353 (8) - Well it may feel a bit boring, but placing at (324,104) will be better in flow imo.
01:53:664 (7) - Whistle at the start instead clap
01:57:845 (1) - Clap
02:05:713 (6) - Clap
02:05:959 (7) - Clap at the head
02:18:254 (1) - Add Whistle at the head?
02:35:959 (1) - Add a Finish?
02:59:074 (1,3) - Deleting NC in (1) will be better because of the long note. Rather add from (3).
03:00:550 (5) - Add Clap at the end
03:08:664 (6) - Add Clap
03:20:222 (6) - Add Whistle at the start
03:20:713 (7) - Add Clap

xD mostly hit sound mod. Nice map~
Topic Starter
Literally took everything except for 01:42:353 (8) on Stars.

Thanks for the mod Sonnyc! :o

Frostmourne wrote:

♥ ^____^;
tweaked somethings via irc though!
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Frostmourne wrote:

♥ ^____^;
tweaked somethings via irc though!
2013-09-28 02:23 Frostmourne: btw , let's get started
2013-09-28 02:23 Frostmourne: before I go sleep
2013-09-28 02:23 Frostmourne: 01:12:353 (3) - normal
2013-09-28 02:23 Frostmourne: clap
2013-09-28 02:23 Frostmourne: tail
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: i'm never hitsounding my diffs
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: ever again
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: evERRRRERererr
2013-09-28 02:24 Frostmourne: lol
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: 3 does have a clap on the tail
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: o_O
2013-09-28 02:24 Frostmourne: wait
2013-09-28 02:24 Frostmourne: I think I sent a wrong one
2013-09-28 02:24 dkun: r u ok
2013-09-28 02:24 Frostmourne: 01:06:451 (4) -
2013-09-28 02:24 Frostmourne: Dx
2013-09-28 02:25 dkun: set
2013-09-28 02:25 Frostmourne: ohh
2013-09-28 02:25 Frostmourne: or you intended to go with that whistle
2013-09-28 02:25 Frostmourne: i'm not quite sure hehe
2013-09-28 02:25 Frostmourne: but it feels a bit out of place
2013-09-28 02:25 dkun: well, i've had like three hitsound mods
2013-09-28 02:25 dkun: and i'm a very deaf person
2013-09-28 02:25 dkun: I listen to hitsounds and my mind goes "YES THIS IS OK"
2013-09-28 02:25 Frostmourne: lol
2013-09-28 02:25 dkun: whistle+clap works there imo
2013-09-28 02:26 dkun: it sounds alright
2013-09-28 02:26 dkun: I can remove either/or if you want
2013-09-28 02:26 Frostmourne: oh sure
2013-09-28 02:26 Frostmourne: I will point out things
2013-09-28 02:26 Frostmourne: that are inconsistent only hehe
2013-09-28 02:26 Frostmourne: taking an example on 00:54:894 (4,5) -
2013-09-28 02:27 Frostmourne: you should add a clap on the tail of 01:57:599 (5) -
2013-09-28 02:27 dkun: done
2013-09-28 02:27 dkun: how about on the repeat?
2013-09-28 02:28 Frostmourne: 02:52:681 (4) -
2013-09-28 02:28 Frostmourne: yea yea
2013-09-28 02:28 Frostmourne: on the repeat one
2013-09-28 02:28 Frostmourne: that is what I meant
2013-09-28 02:28 dkun: done
2013-09-28 02:29 Frostmourne: em..
2013-09-28 02:29 Frostmourne: about HP
2013-09-28 02:29 Frostmourne: the spacing uses in this map are a bit
2013-09-28 02:30 Frostmourne: large
2013-09-28 02:30 Frostmourne: not that large though but just a bit far
2013-09-28 02:30 Frostmourne: far* yeaaaa
2013-09-28 02:30 Frostmourne: HP-1
2013-09-28 02:30 Frostmourne: could be more lenient!
2013-09-28 02:30 dkun: mmmmm
2013-09-28 02:30 dkun: yeah
2013-09-28 02:30 dkun: works with me
2013-09-28 02:31 Frostmourne: rofl
2013-09-28 02:32 Frostmourne: em.. Hard
2013-09-28 02:32 Frostmourne: AR7 or 8 both fine
2013-09-28 02:32 Frostmourne: I would use 7 though , depends on your taste!
2013-09-28 02:32 dkun: i'd prefer 8
2013-09-28 02:32 Frostmourne: ok!
2013-09-28 02:33 dkun: it's just the higher spacing
2013-09-28 02:33 dkun: that makes me lean towards 8
2013-09-28 02:35 Frostmourne: cool
2013-09-28 02:36 Frostmourne: and last thing I'm curious the idea behind
2013-09-28 02:36 Frostmourne: is about the last kiai end
2013-09-28 02:36 dkun: mmm?
2013-09-28 02:36 Frostmourne: not sure
2013-09-28 02:36 Frostmourne: but I feel like it should be on 03:17:271 (1) -
2013-09-28 02:36 Frostmourne: instead of the current
2013-09-28 02:37 dkun: ah, I see what you're getting at
2013-09-28 02:37 Frostmourne: the current made me feel "end here rlly?"
2013-09-28 02:37 dkun: haha yeah
2013-09-28 02:37 dkun: i'll change it on both diffs

thx bby <3
Wow!! He is English- Vietnamese origin :)

jonathanlfj wrote:

Neat countdown.

Fixed the BG to the proper aspect ratio (improved quality anyway).
Fixed up a spinner on the easiest diff so it wouldn't trip up the player.

Everything checks out here.

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