
How to set your IRC password

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IRC connections now require manual auth each connect, or a password to be used when connecting. Please use this thread to share instructions on how to use passwords in various IRC clients, and report any clients which don't work properly.

Screenshots very welcome.

Connecting once:
/server 6667 <password>

Adding permanent configuration (assuming you already have a network called "osu"; remove the -network tag if not):
/server add -auto -network osu 6667 <password>
For mIRC:

Just put the password in the password field
..... I... can't seem to get consistent results... so I'm not really sure if my password is working correctly.

But oh well. I know of how to supposedly enter server passwords in mIRC, so I guess I'll show how here.

Use this screenshot for reference. Navigate to servers category of the options menu (Tools > Options) as seen on the left. Assuming you've added osu! to the list to regularly connect to, select the server, and click the edit button on the right side. If you haven't added it for some reason, click the Add button instead. In the window that pops up, the password field is at the bottom, where you can paste in your password.

Alternatively, you can use the IRC command that peppy posted for connecting once. The latter one that he posted doesn't work, since mIRC syntax detects and tries to connect to "add" instead. If someone knows how to add/modify server configuration via command line, that would be appreciated.

Also, if this method is incorrect, then feel free to correct me; as I said, I'm not sure if it even works yet.

EDIT: Well damn, Sakura beat me by <1 second.

1. Go to "File" and then "Select Server"
2. Click "Add"
3. The "Add Server" Window should appear:

Description: Bancho
IRC Server:
Ports: 6667
Group: Bancho

Password: your password

Click "OK"


1. You should still have the Bancho server selected from the previous step. Simply click "Select". If you don't, go to "File" then "Select Server" and then find Bancho and select it.
2. Click "Connect"

After connecting once, Bancho should show up under File -> History and you can just choose it from there, so you can skip these steps.
I still win, because my post is longer and I posted on the same second as Sakura :<
Actually Description and Group dont matter they are just for you to give a name to the server and to store it in a folder

Sakura Hana wrote:

Actually Description and Group dont matter they are just for you to give a name to the server and to store it in a folder
Putting "this part doesn't matter do whatever" in a step of lists is confusing and stupid, especially when later parts of the instructions refer to what you put in that part. Especially if they really "do whatever" and just type JOWEJTJOQJTIE and wonder why they can't find it later.
How to set your IRC password for osu! if you're using XChat / XChat2:

Step 1: Select the server on the server list.
Step 2: Click in "Edit".
Step 3: Write or copy-paste the password given in the "Server Password" box.
lol @ random spam bots (Reported anyway)

I like having security passwords for connecting to IRC. However when I'm testing this earlier it was working, but now it isn't anymore. Perhaps I'll try again later. :o

I would prefer going for this though, just like how some of the IRC servers implement this:
/msg Bancho-Bot identify <account-password>
Basically it's just allows you to whisper to the server bot (in this case: Bancho-Bot. Other IRC servers usually use Nickserv) for authentication before you're allowed to join the chat.

It would be even better if the password is linked to our account password, although separate registration is alright.
uh oh. KVIRC

[10:29:56] Logging in as SiNR!SiNR :SiN
[10:29:56] Using server specific password (******)
[10:29:58] [SOCKET ERROR]: Remote end has closed the connection
[10:29:58] Connection terminated [ (]
Enna Alouette
hmm~ i have a problem i DC after i set the password why~?
ok solved~
Anyone have any success connecting with Colloquy? When I try to connect to I alternate between these two errors:
Error: Server closed the connection
Error: Lost connection with server: Connection reset by peer

I'm an IRC nuub, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on :(
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Is this the colloquy OS X client, or on an iOS device?

peppy wrote:

Is this the colloquy OS X client, or on an iOS device?
I was referring to the OS X client, but since you bring it up I can't seem to be able to connect via the iPod client either.
Topic Starter
I tested on OS X and could authorise successfully:

Need example for kvIRC? I could make one.
Well here you go:

Pro tip! Read this to save time
You can just also just enter
/server -p=YOURPW 6667
into the status console. This will save the Server to your list. But this is assuming you don't use other Networks, because if you have other networks you should really do it as instructed below.

in kvIRC 4+ press "CTRL + S" to open the Server browser:

  1. Press on the globe to add a new Network
  2. Enter a name of your liking (i chose Bancho IRC)
  3. Select the new Network (red circle)

  1. Press on the Server to add a new server to the network you just created
  2. Enter the servers DNS ""
  3. Press on "Advanced" (In this picture "Erweitert")

  1. Enter your IRC password here
  2. Press okay to save the changes
?: You can enter a Server Name here, it can be anything.

You're done, press connect :)

It seems as if you need to append "|irc" to your nickname for the Server to let you in. Is that true? Because it only let me connect after i did add it.
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|irc is only if you are also connected via osu! with the same name. Your instructions are missing the part with finding the link to authorise the client (need access to the console).
Ah thanks, forgot to open the console

Also, I am an idiot and the error messages I was giving before were for Adium, not Colloquy (I just started using Adium and I'm used to associating IRC with Colloquy). Sorry bout that, but any tips for connecting with Adium? :P
soooo this ain't working. I am using the password that i'm told and i am trying to connect with nanashiRei|irc and it says the server closed the connection. When i remove the password i get asked to authorize my IP again, and then i'll be able to connect for the next 24h. After that i just have to repeat the step of authorizing my IP~ i hope this is not meant to be like this, cuz in germany we have changing ip addresses.

I added a picture showing where the link is displayed :x
[deleted user]
I updated!!!!!!!!

Thanks to sharing.........
@rei be sure that cou did not copy any space in th pass...
In case your IRC client doesn't provide easy access to the network messages, your password may be found at:
I got a problem, I want to have it on my iPhone but it dosen't work .w.
Trying to ask every friend i have but they can't help me .w.

Rei Hakurei

Benjamin wrote:

I got a problem, I want to have it on my iPhone but it dosen't work .w.
Trying to ask every friend i have but they can't help me .w.

Nickname : fill it with your IRC name, should starts with your Username at least or else Bancho reverted it into your Username
Username : fill it with your forum username
Realname : optional value :)
Password : fill it from
Not sure how everyone got theirs to work but, mines keep failing to connect. I'm using HexChat.
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Make sure your nickname is set to Outsanity.
Ah! I somehow got it to work now. :D
Yeah, I can't get IRC to work on Adium

Account Tab
Nickname: YodaSnipe
Password: <copy/pasted from mm's link>

Personal Tab
Realname: <empty>
Username (Ident): YodaSnipe

Options Tab
Port: 6667
Encrypt connection using SSL is UNCHECKED
Encoding: UTF-8

Privacy Tab
Encryption: Encrypt chats as requested
Typing: Let others know when you are typing

Proxy Tab
Connect using proxy is UNCHECKED

Error: Server closed the connection

Any help would be appreciated!

*p.s.* I also tried using YodaSnipe|IRC, YodaSnipe|irc instead of just YodaSnipe still nothing.

Edit: uhhhh not sure why, but when I posted this post once it double posted, just tried deleting one and it deleted both...

2: Help please?
what is the password ???

yashiroisana wrote:

what is the password ???
Follow the link you get when you first connect with an IRC client.
XChat-2 / HexChat

1. Click on 'Add'
2. Name it whatever you want
3. Click 'Edit'
4. Put in the Servers field, make sure to press enter
5. Enter the password you find on
6. Hit 'close' and 'connect'.

The nickname you set doesn't really matter..
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This should be a wiki page instead of a forum post. I'm removing the sticky. If someone feels the urge to convert it to a wiki article, that would also be awesome.
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