
Teleportation complete!

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Hello people of OSU!

Im 18, The name is Cerebrawl but u can call me whatever u like.
Ive played this game long ago but i stopped for a year. Now im back and i suck!
So yea, im also looking to being an active member of the forums.
Welcome back! :D
I know how that feels, I had a year-long hiatus from osu as well. Don't worry you'll get back your mojo in no time!
Hope to see you around the forums then! ^^
Welcome back and welcome to the forums!^^
Yunia Anindya
welcome to the forums~ :3
This is like what happens to me after just one week of hiatus xp My skills go down the drain and I forget how to osu XD Hahahahaha but welcome back!
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Ahah Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :D
Welcome to the board, Enjoy your seat here ya!
Have a fun time in the forum :D, hope to see you around.
Welcome to the community!

Hello! We are all welcoming here so there is no need to be shy, if you would like to add me to your friendslist, view my profile and hit add friend. If you haven't done so already, please take a look through the rules. You can talk about anything in particular (as long as its not spam) here. Need more information on osu? Check out our wiki which has a large wealth of knowledge! In addition if you encounter any issues and require technical support, do so here. I hope to see you around and if you have any questions feel free to PM me!
Welcome! :)
I hope you enjoy your time here ^^
Welcome! :)
And congratulation on ur success teleport :?:
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