
The Quick Brown Fox - Big Money [Osu|Taiko]

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Alma Wade

[Luanny] wrote:

why did you revive it?
Just let it die please? ;_;
People want it to be ranked because watching players from the whole globe struggle on such a hard map is entertaining as fuck, what is wrong with this ? why do you get so mad when people want your map to be ranked, YOUR OWN MAP, and then you whine "Omg dis map iz bad its too hard stop post plz" who are you to even say to people to stop post ? Because they can't pass the map ? Nobody can ...

If players want this map to get ranked its for a reason, and still, I don't get why you get mad because of it.
I am his girlfriend and I have all the liberty to say ANYTHING I want to him, being serious or not.
I just can do it.
Happy now? ~

edit: maps are meant to be played, not watched
if you want to watch something go to youtube
osu! is a game, keep this is mind.
Topic Starter

Alma Wade wrote:

[Luanny] wrote:

why did you revive it?
Just let it die please? ;_;
People want it to be ranked because watching players from the whole globe struggle on such a hard map is entertaining as fuck, what is wrong with this ? why do you get so mad when people want your map to be ranked, YOUR OWN MAP, and then you whine "Omg dis map iz bad its too hard stop post plz" who are you to even say to people to stop post ? Because they can't pass the map ? Nobody can ...

If players want this map to get ranked its for a reason, and still, I don't get why you get mad because of it.
No, it's not funny. Maps are meant to be played, not watched. And only #30k+ players who just want to "watch pro players play the map" want this to be ranked, none of the top players actually do.
Once you can pass this map with something more than a B, call me.

By the way, I'm not really caring about people who tell me to map an Extra diff with 1/8 streams to my 97bpm calm map.
Alma Wade

Blue Dragon wrote:

[Luanny] wrote:

why did you revive it?
Just let it die please? ;_;
People want it to be ranked because watching players from the whole globe struggle on such a hard map is entertaining as fuck, what is wrong with this ? why do you get so mad when people want your map to be ranked, YOUR OWN MAP, and then you whine "Omg dis map iz bad its too hard stop post plz" who are you to even say to people to stop post ? Because they can't pass the map ? Nobody can ...

If players want this map to get ranked its for a reason, and still, I don't get why you get mad because of it.
No, it's not funny. Maps are meant to be played, not watched. And only #30k+ players who just want to "watch pro players play the map" want this to be ranked, none of the top players actually do.
Once you can pass this map with something more than a B, call me.
What are you even saying, competitive games leads to e-sports and e-sports is meant to be watched, i still don't know what is wrong in wanting to watch proplayers play this map o.O, I mean, are your preferences better for me than my own are ?

By the way, I'm not really caring about people who tell me to map an Extra diff with 1/8 streams to my 97bpm calm map.
It means you remembered me oO, and i never tell you about 1/8 streams, this beat map was an example, i was more talking about a higher AR, but, you know how to map (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) better than me, that was just a suggestion.

Keep watching them if you want, just don't wait something that nearly no human player can play being ranked.
This doesn't need to be ranked to be watched, right? Right.
Topic Starter

Alma Wade wrote:

What are you even saying, competitive games leads to e-sports and e-sports is meant to be watched, i still don't know what is wrong in wanting to watch proplayers play this map o.O, I mean, are your preferences better for me than my own are ?
This is a game, not an e-sport. A game. Is meant. To. Be. Played.
If you want to watch something, go play LoL or stuff like that. osu! isn't a 'watching pros' game.
By the way, I'm pretty sure I'm the mapper. So yeah, I have the right to choose what I want for the map, more than you.
Alma Wade

Blue Dragon wrote:

Alma Wade wrote:

What are you even saying, competitive games leads to e-sports and e-sports is meant to be watched, i still don't know what is wrong in wanting to watch proplayers play this map o.O, I mean, are your preferences better for me than my own are ?
This is a game, not an e-sport. A game. Is meant. To. Be. Played.
If you want to watch something, go play LoL or stuff like that. osu! isn't a 'watching pros' game.
By the way, I'm pretty sure I'm the mapper. So yeah, I have the right to choose what I want for the map, more than you.
If osu! isn't a watching pro game why is there shoutcasted worldcups ? And this was my feelings on the map.

Well if its your will not wanting this to get ranked, we can't help it. But don't complain when people post on this thread o.O, whatever there rank is
This map could be ranked. Doesn't matter if no human can pass this. It's a beatmap, just like every single other beatmap, this follows the criteria rules, this could be ranked.

There should be like 100-300 players in this game that can pass this diff with no mods, it seems like we can have a top50 in this, idk.

It won't be ranked anyway. This needs a full spread 'cause of rules.
Kanye West

AkagamiNamikaze wrote:

This map could be ranked. Doesn't matter if no human can pass this. It's a beatmap, just like every single other beatmap, this follows the criteria rules, this could be ranked.

There should be like 100-300 players in this game that can pass this diff with no mods, it seems like we can have a top50 in this, idk.

It won't be ranked anyway. This needs a full spread 'cause of rules.
100-300 my ass. More like 3 or 4, but that's besides the point.

And the "zomg this map deserves to be watched" thing is invalid too; just spectate someone play it or download a replay. Hypothetically if the map were ranked, the scoreboard would be full of boring no fail and halftime replays anyways.

If BD wanted this ranked, he would try to get it ranked, with whatever that entails (mapping/getting diffs and mods) but he's not going to do that so the least you can do is to respect the mapper's decision.

Alma Wade wrote:

If osu! isn't a watching pro game why is there shoutcasted worldcups ? And this was my feelings on the map.

Well if its your will not wanting this to get ranked, we can't help it. But don't complain when people post on this thread o.O, whatever there rank is

That's just osu! staff trying to emulate the way E-Sports tournaments are presented; the world cup amounts to nothing more but free supporter/a bit of pride/fun.
This should be ranked!
Should be ranked

Kanye West wrote:

And the "zomg this map deserves to be watched" thing is invalid too; just spectate someone play it or download a replay. Hypothetically if the map were ranked, the scoreboard would be full of boring no fail and halftime replays anyways.

If BD wanted this ranked, he would try to get it ranked, with whatever that entails (mapping/getting diffs and mods) but he's not going to do that so the least you can do is to respect the mapper's decision.
Calm down dude. I respect BD's decision and I'm not saying "the map should be ranked just for the sake of specs" or something like that, I'm just saying this map COULD be ranked, could be. /me leaves
Raging Bull
Funny because the last slider is one (or probably the only absolute) reason why this map cannot be rank. Not counting the near the ending fuckton of 1/2 AR10 square jumps.
Honestly, idk if anyone has said this already but a lot of people sure are thinking it:

Alma Wade, you're fucking moronic.
are you going to finish the Extreme diff?
Rest in pieces.
why was the map deleted? D:
because big money
i cri
editing so shit won't happen
Slider like at the end of the map is unrankable, not because you are gay, but it's a mixture of hold and (normal) drag slider. Even cookiezi miss some ticks on that slider. Better change that "hold then drag" slider to a spinner, then this map gets approved.
1. this map is deleted
2. this map is a joke and bd never wanted to rank it
3. even if he wanted this would never get ranked
4. this slider is epic
5. you're really late.
Uhm.... the taiko version still works - the osu! version does not
nvm, we got this:
lolol it's uploaded with bd's nick
I wanted to commend you on your hitsounds but I guess it's too late now :cry:
meh bd's never going to learn hitsounds

[Luanny] wrote:

meh bd's never going to learn hitsounds
maybe it's just my sampleset but they're great

especially the notes in the intro.
awesome map
Hopefully he reuploaded the map
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