
What's the deal with adding lyrics?

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It's not like I'm going to sing along while I'm FCing something? It also seems quite a hassle to get it SB'd, so why do people bother?
It looks better when watched.

It also shows the mapper put more effort into his map.
I've only seen one or two maps do this, and I agree it's particularly hard to appreciate the effect when playing, but it is a rather straightforward (if tedious) task that gives a map a professional-ish quality
I agree with Remco though

Why would you spend all your time on creating a complete songtext in a storyboard? It's just a waste of time :|

lesjuh wrote:

Why would you spend all your time on creating a complete songtext in a storyboard? It's just a waste of time :|
It's the little shit like lyrics that make a good map an excellent map, though. The effort really shows and regardless of how redundant the lyrics are in terms of actual utility, the overall aesthetic they give generally raises the quality of a map by quite a large degree.

There's no big things without little things.
Who knows, maybe someone likes to autoplay through and just read the lyrics. :3

Also it helps you to understand some Japanese songs you may not understand before. That's really a good thing. ;)
Card N'FoRcE
Why are we complaining about good things? >.<

I mean, it's true that it's a long work to make storyboarded lyrics for a map, but what's wrong with it? D:
As long as they don't bother the player in gameplay i don't think it's something bad (as ignorethis said, they can be helpful later, when spectating or watching =3). Also, the player doesn't waste any time if they are there or not D:

Some maps have good sotryboarded lyrics and i think it's a good thing (they're awesome if there's a video in the background) ^^
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Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Why are we complaining about good things? >.<

I mean, it's true that it's a long work to make storyboarded lyrics for a map, but what's wrong with it? D:
As long as they don't bother the player in gameplay i don't think it's something bad (as ignorethis said, they can be helpful later, when spectating or watching =3). Also, the player doesn't waste any time if they are there or not D:

Some maps have good sotryboarded lyrics and i think it's a good thing (they're awesome if there's a video in the background) ^^
I don't say it's a bad thing that shouldn't be allowed or something, I mean that it's just a waste of timing making.
Card N'FoRcE
Sure, i'm not saying you told that ^^"

I was trying to say that in my opinion complaining about this seems useless, because it's the mapper who spends time to make the storyboard. If you don't want to make lyrics noone forces you and that's why i don't understand your point ^^"

EDIT: ok Remco ^^
I guess it's me, i always read these kind of threads as rants Dx
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Card N'FoRcE wrote:

I was trying to say that in my opinion complaining about this seems useless
I didn't make this topic to complain about added lyrics, but to find out WHY people add these, since it's a time wasting, long chore.
Well for my map (Kumo Made Todoke) the main reason why I added lyrics was to remove the 'taikoscroll' when playing Taiko...

...I don't know about the others though.
Storyboarding can be fun, so maybe people just do it because they enjoy doing it

LuigiHann wrote:

Storyboarding can be fun, so maybe people just do it because they enjoy doing it
That's actually true. It's kind of satisfying when you can storyboard something that you're trying to achieve.
some people might enjoy the song so much they want lyrics. for example if you check on youtube for songs you can see lots of comments asking for lyrics etc, so i think it's nice that people SB in lyrics.

ignorethis wrote:

Who knows, maybe someone likes to autoplay through and just read the lyrics. :3

Also it helps you to understand some Japanese songs you may not understand before. That's really a good thing. ;)

Wow, that's pretty much why I added lyrics to my Innocent Key map back in February or so...
I wanted people tog et the joke on the lyrics and everything..
You are going to sing along while you're FCing the song.

(It just shows that effort was actually put into the map, and make it 'less' boring for those spectators I guess. Oh, and understand what the song means :D )
If you use GIMP and know how to script, making fancy text becomes a breeze.
Adding (translated) lyrics to touhou beatmaps make make them more enjoyable. (At least for me)

To be honest i wish that more people added lyrics to their beatmaps .

Edit:Also, I like my lyrics on Enjoy the Silence (I think it's add allot to the map ;) )
Do it like this and you are gonna sing along. Or at least stare and love.

Larto wrote:

Do it like this and you are gonna sing along. Or at least stare and love.
We all know you love singing along, Larto.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Why are we complaining about good things? >.<
People get mad when you complain about bad things
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Personally, I like it when lyrics are added. It shows that the mapper cares about the song, and I think that's what we want here, right? If a mapper doesn't care as much about their song, it makes the players feel less motivated to play the map. If they have something like lyrics to sing along to, generally people will like the map more.

It isn't just about cosmetics, it's about effort. IMO if you put the effort in to add lyrics, that'll bring a map from a potential 8 to a 9.

Here's my list of important things in a map:
1.) Song choice. Pick a good song to map! If the song sucks, generally people won't like your map, no matter how good it is.
2.) Good, clear mapping. Make the patterns easy to read, or in the harder maps, tricky. Also it's nice to add some eye candy, like sliders and beats to background video or something. Make it PLAY well, but try to make it LOOK GOOD too.
3.) Storyboard! Not all mappers use SBs, myself being one of them. The little touches on a storyboard can easily make a map go from just being "good" to being "great." Lyrics added, or adding a "pulse" effect, or making a slideshow, all of these increase the quality of a map greatly. The extra effort shows that the mapper cares about your experience as a player.

So yeah. >_>
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