
Skin request

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If anyone could make me a Fire Emblem skin that would be fantastic. :D
t/22984 :

Ephemeral wrote:

  1. When you are posting your skin, please include screenshots showing what you skin looks like. It will help people decide it they want to try it or not.
  2. If you need somewhere to upload your skin, try somewhere like mediafire, dropbox or puush.
  3. Please don't request any skins, it may already exist. Try checking Dragvon's Skin Compendium or deadbeats Completed Skin Compendium
  4. If you see someone using a nice skin on youtube, twitch or somewhere else, please don't ask here, instead ask the person who uploaded the video or was streaming the video
  5. If you have any skin questions or need skinning help, check out MLGnom's Skinning Tutorial thread, there will be someone there who can help you, and you may even learn something new.
Or you can ask in these newly-created threads and hope for the best:
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