
ZUN - The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Fiel

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Sun Rainbow
00:08:718 (5) - 为何break
00:17:289 (2,3) - 包好点
00:27:944 (3,1) -
01:30:592 (1,2) - 包好点
01:44:147 (2,3,1) - 为啥忽然clap了
音效是硬伤 你可以下24clap

00:03:004 (3,1) - 叠住了
00:23:004 (1) - 包好 顺便DS
01:51:014 (1,2) -
02:10:532 (1,2) - 这对于normal很难

00:05:861 (1,3) - 包好2
00:25:565 (5) - NC

个人观点:你这图属于一年半前的图 你可以去多玩玩 多看下新rank的图 学习一下他的排列

那 加油吧
01:49:568 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不NC?

00:41:140 (1,2,3) - 不會讓人誤會為3連打? 還有我覺得把3 ctrl+g比較好
00:50:783 (2,3,4,5) - 間隔好大
01:38:725 (9) - 我覺得這裡不用NC
01:50:653 (1) - ^

01:21:480 (1) - Del nc
01:22:029 (1) - nc
01:22:577 (2) - del nc
01:23:492 (1) - NC

00:21:575 (4) - NC
01:13:282 (3) - 包好2
01:36:375 (4) - NC

Topic Starter

Sun Rainbow wrote:

00:08:718 (5) - 为何break 大概给新手调整?
00:17:289 (2,3) - 包好点 好
00:27:944 (3,1) -
01:30:592 (1,2) - 包好点 好
01:44:147 (2,3,1) - 为啥忽然clap了 和原曲相对应。
音效是硬伤 你可以下24clap 好的

00:03:004 (3,1) - 叠住了
00:23:004 (1) - 包好 顺便DS好 好
01:51:014 (1,2) -
02:10:532 (1,2) - 这对于normal很难 滑条还好吧

00:05:861 (1,3) - 包好2好
00:25:565 (5) - NC 好

个人观点:你这图属于一年半前的图 你可以去多玩玩 多看下新rank的图 学习一下他的排列
你的排列需要加强。节奏可以。 要的

那 加油吧
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

01:49:568 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不NC?

00:41:140 (1,2,3) - 不會讓人誤會為3連打? 還有我覺得把3 ctrl+g比較好好的
00:50:783 (2,3,4,5) - 間隔好大还好吧
01:38:725 (9) - 我覺得這裡不用NC FIXED
01:50:653 (1) - ^ FIXED

01:21:480 (1) - Del nc fixed
01:22:029 (1) - nc fixed
01:22:577 (2) - del nc fixed
01:23:492 (1) - NC fixed

00:21:575 (4) - NC fixed
01:13:282 (3) - 包好2 fixed
01:36:375 (4) - NC fixed

thank you for modding :)


  1. 00:00:147 (1) - Finish on Start of slider
  2. 00:03:004 (1) - ^
  3. 00:05:861 (1) - ^
  4. 00:08:718 (5) - remove Finish
  5. 00:11:575 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  6. 00:15:861 (3) - 1 grid up
  7. 00:16:932 (1,2,3) - and adjust distance tp 1.2x
  8. 00:21:575 (1) - Finish
  9. 00:23:005 (1) - ^
  10. 00:38:997 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  11. 00:40:069 (3) - finish this too.
  12. 00:52:032 - don't need to expand break time
  13. 01:27:882 - add note?
  14. 01:39:448 ~01:47:761 - Normal Hitsound more better

  1. 00:03:004 (3) - NC
  2. 00:09:432 (1,1) - so close! maybe Hard for normal user
  3. 00:11:575 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  4. 00:21:575 (3) - how about this rhythem?
  5. 01:25:504 (4) - remove Finish
  6. 01:26:419 (1) - Finish
  7. 01:27:882 (1) - finish on start of slider
  8. 01:42:339 (1) - forgot add clap?
  9. 01:43:785 (4) - this too
  10. 01:48:303 (5) - NC
  11. 01:55:351 (3) - move to (304,176)
  12. 02:09:809 (3) - Finish
AR 7

  1. 00:35:783 (3) - Finish
  2. 00:37:212 (2) - Ctrl + G ?
  3. 01:08:997 (1) - Finish
  4. 02:09:809 (5) - Finish on start of slider
Topic Starter

TaMul wrote:



  1. 00:00:147 (1) - Finish on Start of slider OK
  2. 00:03:004 (1) - ^ OK
  3. 00:05:861 (1) - ^ OK
  4. 00:08:718 (5) - remove Finish NO
  5. 00:11:575 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider OK
  6. 00:15:861 (3) - 1 grid up OK
  7. 00:16:932 (1,2,3) - and adjust distance tp 1.2x OK
  8. 00:21:575 (1) - Finish NO
  9. 00:23:005 (1) - ^ NO
  10. 00:38:997 (1) - Finish on Start of SliderOK
  11. 00:40:069 (3) - finish this too. OK
  12. 00:52:032 - don't need to expand break time I'll think about it
  13. 01:27:882 - add note? think this break is too short
  14. 01:39:448 ~01:47:761 - Normal Hitsound more better
NO Sorry
  1. 00:03:004 (3) - NC
  2. 00:09:432 (1,1) - so close! maybe Hard for normal user fixed
  3. 00:11:575 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  4. 00:21:575 (3) - how about this rhythem? I'll think about it
  5. 01:25:504 (4) - remove Finish OK
  6. 01:26:419 (1) - Finish
  7. 01:27:882 (1) - finish on start of slider
  8. 01:42:339 (1) - forgot add clap? Yes think you
  9. 01:43:785 (4) - this too ^
  10. 01:48:303 (5) - NC NO
  11. 01:55:351 (3) - move to (304,176) fixed
  12. 02:09:809 (3) - Finish OK

AR 7 No It's hard to read the map

  1. 00:35:783 (3) - Finish NO
  2. 00:37:212 (2) - Ctrl + G ? NO
  3. 01:08:997 (1) - Finish NO
  4. 02:09:809 (5) - Finish on start of slider OK
Thanks four modding :)

ts8zs wrote:

00:19:254 (8) - Ctrl+G no
00:35:783 (1,2,3) -
00:37:390 (3) - move to 136,252
00:39:712 (3) - 咱改了下位置
00:42:212 (1) - no
01:20:382 (9) - moveto 112,192
01:30:773 (1,2,3) - no

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

01:49:568 (1,2,3,4,5) - 不NC?
Topic Starter
接下来再处理一些瑕疵就差不多了 :D

黑: 随意可忽略
蓝: 请认真考虑
红: 不符合规则


00:00:147 (1) - slider 太弯, 建议把尾点移左点
00:00:861 (4) - ^ 尾点移右
00:08:004 (1,2,3,4,5) - 一般来说做星不会加slider的吧...而且你这样放slider打起来也不顺手
00:30:322 (1,2) - 这距离拉远点吧...
00:39:712 (2,3,4) - ^ 不要叠住..
00:43:997 (1,2,3,4,1) - 做个星啊

怎么说呢...不够整齐&干净 而且各种对称... 还有就是难度没分好, 到了有些部分难 有些部分太简单...




00:01:575 (1,2,3) - 这DS虽然一样但是00:02:111 (2,3) - 会给人有一种太靠近了的感觉 建议不要跟DS拉远点
00:11:575 (1,2,3,4) - ...真心觉得真的别放这种梗 非常难看
00:16:218 (2) - CTRL+G 这种反上去的梗会让人不习惯
01:09:175 - 我觉得这里没必要空住 加个note?

N&E 好像没啥大问题
Topic Starter

mintong89 wrote:


黑: 随意可忽略
蓝: 请认真考虑
红: 不符合规则


00:00:147 (1) - slider 太弯, 建议把尾点移左点 FIXED
00:00:861 (4) - ^ 尾点移右 FIXED
00:08:004 (1,2,3,4,5) - 一般来说做星不会加slider的吧...而且你这样放slider打起来也不顺手 FIXED
00:30:322 (1,2) - 这距离拉远点吧... 我找找地方。
00:39:712 (2,3,4) - ^ 不要叠住..好
00:43:997 (1,2,3,4,1) - 做个星啊 现在挺好的

怎么说呢...不够整齐&干净 而且各种对称... 还有就是难度没分好, 到了有些部分难 有些部分太简单...


00:01:575 (1,2,3) - 这DS虽然一样但是00:02:111 (2,3) - 会给人有一种太靠近了的感觉 建议不要跟DS拉远点 试试看
00:11:575 (1,2,3,4) - ...真心觉得真的别放这种梗 非常难看 好吧偷懒了 我换
00:16:218 (2) - CTRL+G 这种反上去的梗会让人不习惯 好的
01:09:175 - 我觉得这里没必要空住 加个note? 好的

N&E 好像没啥大问题
感谢MOD :)
神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Fields 虽然不是什么问题但是你~两边的空格一个是全角一个是半角看起来挺奇葩的。。弄成一样的吧

罗马音title我不是很确定 直接翻译成英文大丈夫?

Lunatic的kiai开始时间跟别的diff不同 需要弄成相同的

00:01:754 (2) - 这里感觉用3连打有点太早且多余 也没有很切合音乐 建议用普通单点

00:02:289 (4) - 同上

00:06:575 (4) - 建议加newcombo 更好看一些

00:07:289 (7) - 同上

00:23:004 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).

01:26:419 (1,2) - 如果不想被一些人找茬的话最好用20音量以上(类似的5音量的不再提 sliderend5可以接受)
Topic Starter
:) :)

Nymph wrote:

神さびた古戦場 ~ Suwa Foughten Fields 虽然不是什么问题但是你~两边的空格一个是全角一个是半角看起来挺奇葩的。。弄成一样的吧
罗马音title我不是很确定 直接翻译成英文大丈夫?这个原曲是这样显示的

Lunatic的kiai开始时间跟别的diff不同 需要弄成相同的

00:01:754 (2) - 这里感觉用3连打有点太早且多余 也没有很切合音乐 建议用普通单点 已改梗

00:02:289 (4) - 同上

00:06:575 (4) - 建议加newcombo 更好看一些 好

00:07:289 (7) - 同上

00:23:004 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). FIXED

01:26:419 (1,2) - 如果不想被一些人找茬的话最好用20音量以上(类似的5音量的不再提 sliderend5可以接受)
感谢MOD :)
Megurine Luka
Quick Check So I will use Chinese.
Not a full mod so it's your choice to decide whether give the kd or not.


00:16:932 (1) - spacing
00:20:146 (1,2,3) - spacing不齐
00:30:687 (3) - 开始在00:30:870?
00:45:425 (1) - 尾巴往左收一格
01:17:272 (4,5,1) - spacing不齐
01:22:029 (2) - 结束在01:22:577
01:48:845 (6) - 我觉得这个折返有点多..一般来说E/N折返不建议超过3
01:53:906 (1) - spacing


00:07:289 (3,4) - 用一样的slider



只是quick check 就不做Full mod了 /w\



rechecked and irc modded

Good first map imo. Good Luck


22:30 Megurine Luka: 现在应该OK了
22:30 Megurine Luka: 那就重新来
22:30 Megurine Luka: 还是看hard吧
22:30 sjoy: 好的
22:31 Megurine Luka: 00:02:111 (2) - 试试看x=352 y=256
22:31 Megurine Luka: 这样正好被两个slider夹在中间
22:31 sjoy: 好的
22:31 sjoy: 是跟你之前的不一样吧? 0 0
22:31 Megurine Luka: 嗯
22:31 Megurine Luka: 很大不一样
22:31 Megurine Luka: 我大概更新到的是你不知道哪个时间的某个更新版本
22:31 sjoy: 应该好很多了吧0 0
22:31 Megurine Luka: =-=
22:31 Megurine Luka: 确实
22:31 Megurine Luka: 哎
22:32 Megurine Luka: 一定都是官网的坑比服务器惹的祸QVQ
22:32 Megurine Luka: 00:15:504 (4) - 好像包的不是很好 0.0,可是稍微弯一点
22:32 sjoy: 你说的那次是我没注重流畅性
22:32 Megurine Luka: 对
22:32 sjoy: 后来我花了3天都再改这个
22:32 Megurine Luka: 噗
22:32 Megurine Luka: 我错了
22:32 Megurine Luka: T.T
22:32 sjoy: 没事-w-
22:33 Megurine Luka: 00:15:504 (4) - 这个slider
22:33 Megurine Luka: 尾巴向上一格可解
22:33 Megurine Luka: 应该会好看很多
22:33 sjoy: 好的
22:33 Megurine Luka: 00:17:111 (1,2,3) - 显得有点约束了
22:33 Megurine Luka: 其实Hard没必要太注重DS
22:33 Megurine Luka: 你可以移到x=64 y=152
22:34 Megurine Luka: 会好一些
22:34 sjoy: 好的
22:34 Megurine Luka: 00:22:468 (4) - 同理,x=168 y=62
22:34 Megurine Luka: y=64
22:34 Megurine Luka: 打错
22:35 Megurine Luka: 00:28:858 (1) - 这个倒是可以00:28:126 (6) - 用这个ctrl+h ctrl+j
22:35 sjoy: 我现在我才开始慢慢关DS了。之前什么都不会的菜开起来的。。
22:35 Megurine Luka: 嗯
22:35 Megurine Luka: 一开始DS有助于mapping的
22:35 Megurine Luka: 等熟练了之后就可以关掉了
22:35 Megurine Luka: 再熟练之后就可以关grid了
22:36 sjoy: 我现在我正学着看PREV 和NEXT
22:36 Megurine Luka: ouo
22:36 sjoy: 发现挺管用的
22:36 Megurine Luka: 01:11:140 (8) - 这个可以用01:10:425 (6) - 一样的
22:37 Megurine Luka: 01:40:894 (1) - 和2稍微分开一点0.0
22:37 sjoy: 移动到 144 64吧 ?
22:38 Megurine Luka: 哪个?
22:38 sjoy: 01:11:139 (8) -
22:38 Megurine Luka: 不需要
22:39 Megurine Luka: 你等等我调下puush
22:39 Megurine Luka: 我猜测你大概想做的效果是
22:39 Megurine Luka:
22:40 Megurine Luka: 这样的0.0
22:40 sjoy: 好厉害知道我怎么想 0 0
22:40 Megurine Luka: 0.0如果猜中就好了
22:41 Megurine Luka: 01:18:553 (1) - 稍微往左边两格0.0
22:42 sjoy: 好的。
22:42 Megurine Luka: 然后看下Lunatic 0.0
22:43 sjoy: 应该差别更大._.
22:43 Megurine Luka: 嗯
22:43 Megurine Luka: 看了一下觉得很不错0.0
22:44 sjoy: 现在应该被泡的概率增大了吧 0 0
22:44 Megurine Luka: 00:30:870 (2) - 可以和前一个slider拉开一点
22:44 Megurine Luka:
22:44 Megurine Luka: 大约类似这种
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:

Quick Check So I will use Chinese.
Not a full mod so it's your choice to decide whether give the kd or not.


00:16:932 (1) - spacing FIXED
00:20:146 (1,2,3) - spacing不齐 FIXED
00:30:687 (3) - 开始在00:30:870? 好
00:45:425 (1) - 尾巴往左收一格 好
01:17:272 (4,5,1) - spacing不齐 FIXED
01:22:029 (2) - 结束在01:22:577
01:48:845 (6) - 我觉得这个折返有点多..一般来说E/N折返不建议超过3
01:53:906 (1) - spacing


00:07:289 (3,4) - 用一样的slider 好



只是quick check 就不做Full mod了 /w\

感谢抽空MOD :)
mod as requested, sorry for delay


00:00:147 (1,2,3) - copy one of this sliders and replace the other two, rotate... currently their shapes are inconsistent and they look not intentionally random made
00:01:575 (3,4,5,1) - try making them more geometric
00:08:718 (5) - new combo here for consistency with 00:03:004 (1) - maybe?
00:16:932 (1,2) - swift new combo, long white tick is where the rhythm really changes, its also for consistency with 00:11:575 (1) -
00:27:944 (3,1) - blanket can be improved here
00:34:712 move the break to this point, looks nice imo
01:04:711 (1) - i dont think this new combo is nescessary, this part is the same as 00:11:575 (1,2,3,4) - and you did not used this nc logic there
01:07:568 (1) - ^
01:23:492 (1) - personally don't like this curve, consider making it softter
01:27:882 - add a note here, its an important sound
01:48:122 - add a note here, i think skipping this long white tick feels weird


00:01:575 (1) - remove new combo, its not nescessary
00:19:789 (4,1) - make them blanket,will look much better
00:20:861 (2,3,1) - try to make them not touch
00:28:858 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part surely needs more work on placement / aesthetic. my sugestion:
01:08:997 (1,2,3,4) - was this supposed to be symmetric? if yes i sugest you make them perfect and centered on the screen, if no please remap this part
01:17:272 (1) - remove new combo
01:17:638 (2,1) - swift new combo
01:19:102 (2,3,1) - try to make them not touch
01:35:833 (1) - remove new combo
01:37:279 - add new combo
01:48:303 (5) - new combo
01:51:014 (1,2,3,4) - this combo is a bit boring for me, looks unfitting in that diff, 1 and 2 does not looks good as the same shape and 2 4 does not looks good overlapping like that, try this
02:04:749 (3) - new combo
02:06:918 (1,1,2,3) - nice


i like this hard, flows really good and all, but still could use more refinement on slider shapes and a recheck on spacing, but you can check this by your own

00:00:147 (1,2,3) - looks a bit random made, something like that looks more suitable or this
00:01:575 (1,2,3) - needs some refinement on this blankets : ( they were suposed to be symmetrical. please remove this notes then make a new pattern like that, but make them ligned at x and y, after making them perfect you can select them and rotate by 45
00:22:646 (5) - symmetry maybe?
00:30:322 (1) - remove new combo, its not nescessary and its inconsistent to previous parts
00:33:431 (1) - spinner is unfitting here, feels sudden, i sugest you map this part
00:43:997 (1) - remove new combo
00:44:711 (1) - ^
00:45:247 (2) - new combo
00:46:140 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:997 (3) - new combo for consistency with next combos
01:03:282 (1,2,3) - this is more visual appealing
01:10:425 (6) - new combo for consistency with next combos
01:40:894 (1) - remove new combo
01:46:677 (1) - ^
01:53:544 (1) - remove new combo
01:54:267 (3) - new combo
01:54:990 (1) - remove new combo
02:05:472 (1,3) - swift new combo
02:09:086 (1) - remove new combo
02:09:809 (5,1) - swift new combo


irc modded


looks fine to me

that's all, nice map :)
Colin Hou
  • the last red section is not bad but the green one should be removed imo.
  1. 00:35:069 (2) - a new combo here if it's not supposed to be that.
  1. 01:49:568 (1,2,3) - 3/4 rhythm here.
  2. 00:35:426 (2) - add a new combo if you're not on purpose.
  1. 00:30:687 (3) - too early.
  2. 01:25:504 (3) - end this at 01:26:419.
1st map来看,基本功很硬啊,比较厉害。目前就是缺点娱乐性,GD的note丢的有点太随性,争取做到每个都可以看出来设计的原因是最好,毕竟到了现在差距也就这上面能体现了。

因为风格比较成型所以只作了点technical check,期待大变化
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  • the last red section is not bad but the green one should be removed imo.
  1. 00:35:069 (2) - a new combo here if it's not supposed to be that. Fixed
  1. 01:49:568 (1,2,3) - 3/4 rhythm here. FIXED
  2. 00:35:426 (2) - add a new combo if you're not on purpose. OK
  1. 00:30:687 (3) - too early. fixed
  2. 01:25:504 (3) - end this at 01:26:419. fixed
1st map来看,基本功很硬啊,比较厉害。目前就是缺点娱乐性,GD的note丢的有点太随性,争取做到每个都可以看出来设计的原因是最好,毕竟到了现在差距也就这上面能体现了。

因为风格比较成型所以只作了点technical check,期待大变化
好的我会继续尝试新的风格的 感谢MOD :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

mod as requested, sorry for delay It doesn't matter :)


00:00:147 (1,2,3) - copy one of this sliders and replace the other two, rotate... currently their shapes are inconsistent and they look not intentionally random made fixed
00:01:575 (3,4,5,1) - try making them more geometric fixed
00:08:718 (5) - new combo here for consistency with 00:03:004 (1) - maybe? uhmm I think it is not neccessary
00:16:932 (1,2) - swift new combo, long white tick is where the rhythm really changes, its also for consistency with 00:11:575 (1) - fixed
00:27:944 (3,1) - blanket can be improved here ok
00:34:712 move the break to this point, looks nice imo I think it can help newer for adust.
01:04:711 (1) - i dont think this new combo is nescessary, this part is the same as 00:11:575 (1,2,3,4) - and you did not used this nc logic there
01:07:568 (1) - ^ fixed
01:23:492 (1) - personally don't like this curve, consider making it softter fixed
01:27:882 - add a note here, its an important sound ok
01:48:122 - add a note here, i think skipping this long white tick feels weird ok


00:01:575 (1) - remove new combo, its not nescessary ok
00:19:789 (4,1) - make them blanket,will look much better OK
00:20:861 (2,3,1) - try to make them not touch OK
00:28:858 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part surely needs more work on placement / aesthetic. my sugestion: you did a good job thanks a lot :)
01:08:997 (1,2,3,4) - was this supposed to be symmetric? if yes i sugest you make them perfect and centered on the screen, if no please remap this part OK remap
01:17:272 (1) - remove new combo fixed
01:17:638 (2,1) - swift new combo fixed
01:19:102 (2,3,1) - try to make them not touch fixed
01:35:833 (1) - remove new combo foxed
01:37:279 - add new combo fixed
01:48:303 (5) - new combo fixed
01:51:014 (1,2,3,4) - this combo is a bit boring for me, looks unfitting in that diff, 1 and 2 does not looks good as the same shape and 2 4 does not looks good overlapping like that, try this OK
02:04:749 (3) - new combo
02:06:918 (1,1,2,3) - nice thank you :)


i like this hard, flows really good and all, but still could use more refinement on slider shapes and a recheck on spacing, but you can check this by your own

00:00:147 (1,2,3) - looks a bit random made, something like that looks more suitable or this I choose the form
00:01:575 (1,2,3) - needs some refinement on this blankets : ( they were suposed to be symmetrical. please remove this notes then make a new pattern like that, but make them ligned at x and y, after making them perfect you can select them and rotate by 45 ok I'll try it
00:22:646 (5) - symmetry maybe?
00:30:322 (1) - remove new combo, its not nescessary and its inconsistent to previous parts fixed
00:33:431 (1) - spinner is unfitting here, feels sudden, i sugest you map this part I'll think about it
00:43:997 (1) - remove new combo
00:44:711 (1) - ^
00:45:247 (2) - new combo
00:46:140 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:997 (3) - new combo for consistency with next combos
01:03:282 (1,2,3) - this is more visual appealing it's great :)
01:10:425 (6) - new combo for consistency with next combos
01:40:894 (1) - remove new combo
01:46:677 (1) - ^
01:53:544 (1) - remove new combo
01:54:267 (3) - new combo
01:54:990 (1) - remove new combo
02:05:472 (1,3) - swift new combo
02:09:086 (1) - remove new combo
02:09:809 (5,1) - swift new combo
(all nc solved)

irc modded


looks fine to me

that's all, nice map :)
I have been very greatful to you do a lots for me! :)
I can see you make great efforts on this map, and it is so much better than last time you show it to me.

Let's give it a try.
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

I can see you make great efforts on this map, and it is so much better than last time you show it to me.

Let's give it a try.
thank you very much :)
wow congrats :)
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

wow congrats :)
Topic Starter

384059043 wrote:

多谢 8-)
Spring Roll
Topic Starter
多谢 :D 多谢
Hi, timing needs a fix before I can mod this.

You need a 163 BPM section at 01:26:419. Any sections after that should be +9.
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

Hi, timing needs a fix before I can mod this.

You need a 163 BPM section at 01:26:419. Any sections after that should be +9.
Looks good here.

Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

Looks good here.

Thanks :)
sorry for taking so long! map looks good to go!

(fixed stacks in lunatic and unsnapped green lines in extra!)
congrats on the first ranked map!
Topic Starter
thank you all people :)
Congratz! for first ranked
Many new mappers in today ><
My god
wocao gong xi qiu mutual
Gratz!!! For First RANKED MAP!!!
zun <3
grats :3
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