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guapanese. no.

same q
Baby languages, now i think about japanese and english now.

Have ever kissed your monitor? Why? How was it?
[quote="Jacqli":43e23]Baby languages, now i think about japanese and english now.

Have ever kissed your monitor? Why? How was it?[/quote:43e23]

I have not, but if i would it would probably be because there was something eatable on it, and i think it would feel kind of dusty... and weird.

Favorite animal and why?
you and your quotes lol

Nice question tho.
well i guess i can just sit and watch the world burn as well.
were you smart enough to find this question?
miharu_chan0, that's not right.
nothing justifies billions of kitten being burned on this planet, not even doom music.

also to preserve order in this thread:
Billy Herrington or ♂Van♂Darkholme♂

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

not even doom music.
Icy what you did there.

OT I haven't heard of either

same q

Can you pls shave your legs ?
shaved it weeks ago.

same q
lol i can't :(

hug me??
sure why not..
if you had to plan out your death how would you like to die?
I'm only 16 and I have to plan how I die? :<
Peacefully, in a place without much people (maybe in the countryside). I want it to be really beautiful and full of nature. I wouldn't really want my funeral to be overly elaborate; I'd prefer a more low-key procession.

I recently got a 3DS. What DS/3DS games should I get for it?
mm... pokemon~

your terrible and shameful secret is revealed to everyone, how do you feel about this?
depends on what the secret is.

same q
i'll feel shit

do you trust easily?
[Lunatic Elf]
...;; yes;;..

3 favorite mode

Hidden / Hard Rock / Double Time / Night Core / Sudden Death / Perfect / Flash Light / Easy / No Fail / Half Time / Relax / Auto pilot/ Spun Out
Hidden #1 for ranked maps, Easy+DT combination #2 fun for unranked, Autopilot #3 because I can't play Insanes without it because cursor freezes when touching kb

same q
#1: Hidden and SuddenDeath, for sure (mostly insane maps).
#2: Hidden, HardRock, DoubleTime, Flashlight, and SuddenDeath (for Easy maps).
#3: Hidden, Easy, HalfTime, and SuddenDeath (for uberly insane maps).

Same question.
Professor Prinny
Hidden, Hard Rock and Double Time

How long on average do you spend time on your computer?
per what? per lifetime? i guess a lot of years

what was the first time you did something in a videogame where you really felt like you accomplished something?
i beat Dark Souls. Only took me 130h and 3 characters (70h on the first two, 130 on the last), but it was worth it.

same q because interesting
Probably when I got to Beast Makers in Spyro the Dragon. I managed to beat the game years later, though, I was really young at that time.

same q
When I beat Jordan on expert in the original Guitar Hero. It was early '06, a few months after the game came out, and I was ten at the time.

Same question.
when I got full combo and AAA in ReflecBeat+, song Elisha.

thoughts on freedom dive?
prrrro ;3;

can we be friends :DDD

how many % of your 'friends' in facebook are your actual friends irl. ones you often see and hang out with.
I don't see most of them often any more, but I know almost all of them personally.

If you have accounts on social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), have you ever thought about getting rid of them? If you don't, have you ever thought about getting some?
i have deleted some of my friends on fb that i dont really personally know

same q
I'm too lazy to deleting my own account so i just leave it deserted~

did you wash, your own socks?
My mom does that. :3

What happened in your most recent nightmare?
i do my own laundry ._. ninja'd
i was an experiment subject of faceless people and they did horrible things to me ;-; can't remember the details though

when do you think you'll stop playing osu
Osu is something I play in bursts so I never get bored of it and always want to improve. Until I find something else that fits that role better, I guess.

If you could relive one moment in your life, what moment would that be?
I've kept coming back to it, albeit sporadically, for two years. I don't know that I'll give it up altogether any time soon. That's a ninja.

OT: I think I've already answered this question, give me a minute to find it. The question was actually a bit different, so I don't think it's applicable. Because I can't think of anything better right now, I'll say the first time I ate a cannolo.

Same question.
i honestly dont know. i really dont have any good memories left on my life

what is your best memory of your life?
Eating pie.

What's you're favorite sort of pie? mines chicken mmmmmmmm
sweet: lemon meringue pie~
savory: Shepard's pie~

What celebrity do you admire the most? (I use the word celebrity loosely, basically anybody more well known than your average Joe).
Christopher Poole aka moot ...

how did you find osu! ?
I read on the WoW forums that some raid healers like to play osu! before they raid to get in the zone. I was a raid healer and it seemed like a good idea, so I tried it out.

What did you do today?
woke up went to class came home booted up laptop and here I am...
same Q
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