
osu! for OS X

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Okay, so lately osu! on OS X hasn't evolved much (apart form the last update of the wrapper engine that I suggested to peppy).
I just got a retina macbook and wondered how we could help the wrapper get better.

First, we need to stick to InfinityRaw as engine, for that it provides much better performance, but as it's slowly getting outdated itself (the team behind in the porting team's forums has died it seems) we need to get the patches they applied to it, and apply to last wine engines.
Would be nice to use WS8 CX 12.1.12 as a base since codeworks prolly did a lot of improvements on their side, and it'd be stupid to just not profit from it.

Many other bugs are impossible to solve on our sides since we don't really know how osu works. I talk about freezing when starting a beatmap, or also when you DL a map w/ osu direct you need to restart osu! for it to be discovered.
I talked to peppy about this, and himself doesn't really get why wine just acts like it's caching the filesystem so you need to restart it so file modifications get detected (ie new map file). It seems that it's wine-related although it's just an idea. If anyone knows how to force wine to not cache fs, pls tell us.

Last thing about gameplay would be to find a way to use OpenGL. With the latest OSX (Mavericks, actually only in Dev previewq) version supporting the latest version of it, we'd get much better performance and stability than through directx translation. Tho when you change in options to opengl is jsut restarts and still uses directx in the end. On the same example, FPS management goes back to 120fps limit no matter what, when mac's displays are (afaik) 60fps max so we'd better use a low latency 60FPS preset, but again, just goes back to 120fps if you look at the fps counter.

Then, the retina displays. Not already officially supported by wine, as wine usually bases itself on a windows 98 to 7 imitation and only win8 supports it well. (if not only 8.1 Iunno lol). I although find a way to get it to wok.
First DL this (thx doh123, dev of wineskin) :
Replace with an appropriate value to get back to 72dpi by reducing everything on screen. On 15" mbpr it's 2800*1880 so you write "2800 1880".
Open wineskin inside osu, screen settings, override, windowed at any resolution we don't care. When osu starts, go to options and select the native resolution (the one you entered earlier). it'll go well. Then close osu!, go back to standard settings for screen management in wineskin, open system prefs on osx and in display go back to "optimized for the retina display". Restar osu. You're done it should work in "retina" version.
Although texts are super-sized in descriptions (not in chat), and notifications are weirdly big, everything should work well.
Of course, playing osu! in much higher resolutions mean lower fps, but the non-retina version of osu on a retina screen just hurts the eyes, like a blurred photography...

Well that's all for now, so if anyone knowledgeable has any ideas regarding the issues mentionned, or about other ones, just tell.
If you think you can, please release your own version of the wrapper. This would be a huge help to me. I've been meaning to update the wrapper but it's a large time sink for me. I can provide hosting and everything, and am happy to do a double-check over it once you've put something together.
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Sadly I lack knowledge to go further, that's why I made this thread :-\
:(. maybe others will be able to help here. or maybe you can learn :p
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I wish I could, I'll try to get help on some wine forums, maybe it'll be easier that way, since it doesn't seem that among the (few?) osu! mac users there are anyone willing (or having time) to improve the wrapper >.<

PS : Please use .net Framework 4.0 and not 4.5 for the next update you talk about in your dev blog, since 4.5 is fully incompatible w/ wine >.<
Or then it'll be needed to have a separate version of osu! for mac, what prolly would be a hassle for you (I guess).
The retina monitor switching APIs only exist in Windows 8.1 and require an update from us to support. Otherwise 7 supports retina just fine.
Shouldn't notifications/tooltips be the correct size for the retina screen? (as opposed to being way too small) Or are they getting upscaled twice?
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What do you call "switching" APIs? And iirc 7 downscales a lot w/ retina displays, and that's why I needed to go back from HiDPI 1440*900 to standard DPI level 2880*1800 to get osu to be in "HD".

About notifications and tooltips, they are upscaled. I don't know if it's twice or more, but they definitely are much bigger than how they're supposed to be.
Image :

Also, the "connecting to bancho" thingy is downscaled (it's the sole downscaled thing afaik)

And last but not least, kanas and kanjis won't show up anymore, but I guess that one is to blame on wine, maybe it needs corefonts or any other font-related winetrick

In chat, kanjis/kanas won't show up either, but the messages are perfectly scaled (ie like default setting on osu!-friendly setup)


Btw here are some logs up to the beatmap selection menu. I already installed corefonts and takao fonts.
Wine :
X11 :
"Monitor switching" as in handling the change in DPI when moving between monitors. Windows 8.1 is required to set a different DPI per monitor.

re: tooltips: What DPI is Wine using / what resolution is osu! set to?
High DPI + low res will make fixed-size elements appear very large. This is by design. If osu! is running at 2880 and they're still this big, something is wrong with your Wine configuration.
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Oh okay.

Wine is using native resolution to run (1440*900 at 200something DPI, that is around a 2880*1800 at standard dpi).
The thing is that at my native 1440... resolution, the elements are loaded for a standard DPI screen, thus everything gets pixellated, that's why I configured wine like that.
Wine currently doesn't support HiDPI resolution, so it can't tell osu that the native 1440*900 needs to be a standard-DPI 2880*1800 :-\
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