
League of Legends

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oh right

I've gotten fat, sorry.

TKiller wrote:

I've gotten fat, sorry.
yeah dude,what happened to the old badass looking TKiller
I am slowly working on it.
that's great,gotta drink les alcohol man

didnt know that EG had a LoL team before,they commonly known as thrower in Doto 2 i hope they dont do the same shit too in LoL

SiFly wrote:

Always wondering what people moves to flame others etc, is it giving them fun?? I play the game to have fun, and being nice to others is a part of that, since it will hopefully be responded with a nice attitude back. I don't care if somebody dies in lane, or something bad happens, everyone makes mistakes, or has to play sometimes vs an enemy that is simply stronger than you.
It's because certain people think they're better than they actually are, and talking down to other members of the team reinforces them in that thinking. Essentially they spend so much time focusing on the mistakes of other people and flaming them for said mistakes that they become completely oblivious to how bad they are, which in turn makes them feel better about themselves. ofc im no psychologist but imo this is how it works

tyrael6192 wrote:

SiFly wrote:

Always wondering what people moves to flame others etc, is it giving them fun?? I play the game to have fun, and being nice to others is a part of that, since it will hopefully be responded with a nice attitude back. I don't care if somebody dies in lane, or something bad happens, everyone makes mistakes, or has to play sometimes vs an enemy that is simply stronger than you.
It's because certain people think they're better than they actually are, and talking down to other members of the team reinforces them in that thinking. Essentially they spend so much time focusing on the mistakes of other people and flaming them for said mistakes that they become completely oblivious to how bad they are, which in turn makes them feel better about themselves. ofc im no psychologist but imo this is how it works
mate where are you i wanna play ;_;
I'm actually surprised that in a game that is so team oriented, people aren't more willing to work as a team. You can be one of the best players ever, I don't care if you're not willing to work with your teammates. You'd think, even if players flame each other, they'd know that League requires teamwork to win a game.
I know with MMOs like WoW and RO, people work together to get to the end, or nothing gets accomplished.

Vulf wrote:

Junglers and supports take most of the blame.

I kinda stopped jungling this season because it's not even fun. At least season 2 had gold items to stack to keep up with on gold. RIP heart of gold.
I actually find it's Junglers and ADCs. If you're an ADC, you're expected to do most of the damage on the team (at least, that's what I've seen). That's too much pressure imo. But then again, I don't ADC or support so what do I know.
A lot of the games I play, people complain about the ADCs or the junglers. The support doesn't get shit because they don't HAVE to do shit. All they do is ward the river they cry and stun/snare/slow/heal. Simple as that.

tyrael6192 wrote:

SiFly wrote:

Always wondering what people moves to flame others etc, is it giving them fun?? I play the game to have fun, and being nice to others is a part of that, since it will hopefully be responded with a nice attitude back. I don't care if somebody dies in lane, or something bad happens, everyone makes mistakes, or has to play sometimes vs an enemy that is simply stronger than you.
It's because certain people think they're better than they actually are, and talking down to other members of the team reinforces them in that thinking. Essentially they spend so much time focusing on the mistakes of other people and flaming them for said mistakes that they become completely oblivious to how bad they are, which in turn makes them feel better about themselves. ofc im no psychologist but imo this is how it works
Sounds fun. Oh well, guess some people have to get self esteem somewhere.

@maal, EUW playing since S1, hit 30 just before it ended and got 1250 elo after placements right away. Haven't dropped under 1200 mark ever and currently have 2 accounts in Gold V and haven't played on either of them since. In normal games I got a 54-58% winrate.
Just played a game solo and three of the people on our team were together. Figured it would be a good thing. One of the three people raged, left for ten minutes, came back and muted everyone. The two people with him/her then made fun of em for the rest of the game.
Apparently re-mades aren't always the way to go... ... who knew?

Hika wrote:

A lot of the games I play, people complain about the ADCs or the junglers. The support doesn't get shit because they don't HAVE to do shit. All
they do is ward the river they cry and stun/snare/slow/heal. Simple as that.
I think supports should get a lot of credit where due, they're just... not... People just look at kills and say something along the lines of "Wow, our ADC is good!"

What is the point of that screenshot.

TKiller wrote:

What is the point of that screenshot.
Look at Panth on the other team.

Penta Circlejerk showing da skill

InSec wanna be

Also I wanted to thank maal since his kayle ults made us win! GO PENTA CICLEJERK

EDIT: Report BrokenArrow for not knowing proxy singed nor InSec
Bought Thresh because he was the only support I didn't own.

Now I've played 5 games with him and all I have to say:
That shit is ridiculously overpowered. Like what the fuck all the damage/utility/CC I can throw around is just retarded.

It's weird he hasn't been nerfed harder yet.

Igenatius wrote:

Bought Thresh because he was the only support I didn't own.

Now I've played 5 games with him and all I have to say:
That shit is ridiculously overpowered. Like what the fuck all the damage/utility/CC I can throw around is just retarded.

It's weird he hasn't been nerfed harder yet.
Maybe you're unusually good with him. Always a possibility.
That being said, I've seen / heard him being banned a lot too.
Thresh is straight up ridiculous.

Let's make a Blitzcrank and Leona hybrid while adding a unique mechanic to the champion.

Yeah right.

Justykanna wrote:

Maybe you're unusually good with him. Always a possibility.
That being said, I've seen / heard him being banned a lot too.
I'm a decent support, but nothing special. Things that make him strong in my opinion:
Autoattack damage steroid (really high).
Hook which allows for a godlike combo with E/lantern/ult.
Retardedly high damage on ult (first wall hit).
The stats he gains from gathering souls.

Get ruby sightstone first and after that go for aegis, you'll be able to tank a lot of shit.

Poppy is fun x3
Poppy is trash. :c
Poppy is beautiful she can go 1v5 under every turret in the game at the same time
poppy op
only problem is that most toplane matchups are bad for her which is why i run her support
It's not even about if they are good or not because everything can work in solo queue.
Poppy is an excellent example of poor design and she is old as hell too. She is confirmed for changes.

After harassing Morello constantly on both the LoL forums and Twitter about Warwick I finally got a response that he will be getting something eventually.

Vulf wrote:

After harassing Morello constantly on both the LoL forums and Twitter about Warwick I finally got a response that he will be getting something eventually.
"Eventually", lol. Who knows when that'll be.
Probably a very long time. Hopefully not Karma long though.

Warwick as is can't be a strong pick because of how toxic his laning is, and he will get nerfed again if they buff him. He needs to be reworked because his kit makes little sense with awkward scaling on passive, Q and R. His W and E are used as support abilities for his team more than he uses them for himself most of the time. Then there is mobility and power creep issues that he suffers from.

Morello has pretty much said (since February) that Warwick is weak, but we have no idea how to balance him. Same was said for poppy almost a year ago, and then again for Irelia recently. I have a feeling all 3 of them will get a rework.
Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively.

[AirCoN] wrote:

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively.
Orianna. That's not too hard to figure out. Though it could be argued that full effect of Twisted Fate's power may be a little difficult. He is all about timing windows. And Lee Sin too.

Those are the only champs that I feel are somewhat difficult to play to their full potential.
Stuff like Syndra and Cassiopeia come to mind. They are both really strong when played well, but incredibly easy to mess up with.
I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
Kanye West

[AirCoN] wrote:

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively.
depends on what you mean by "hardest to play effectively"

there's high skill floor champions - ones that are completely or close to useless if not played well, as well as high skill ceiling champions - those that are really good if played to maximum potential.

some high skill floor champs would be anivia, gragas, alistar, syndra, and cassiopeia. also orianna and janna to a lesser extent because they still both have targeted shields and orianna's aoe from the ball is fairly forgiving in range.

there are a ton of high skill ceiling champs, like lee sin, zed, vayne, nidalee, shaco, thresh etc

TKiller wrote:

I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
sure, in lane cassio can stomp anyone, kind of like draven in botlane, but the real difficulty behind her is using her to max potential in teamfights. you basically have to position perfectly for an ult and then spend the rest of the fight trying not to get killed from divers

TKiller wrote:

I can see why you mention Syndra but Cassiopea?

Just hit every fucking button.
Her skill shots are incredibly easy to dodge.
Ah yeah, forget about Zed. Hitting his Q is really important and those bitches are tiny :V
Draven is impossible to play, when you aa an enemy you have to direct toward where you want your axes to land and catch and repeat. This means.. you'll have to know where you want to be with your next autoattack, very quickly and constanly. Aiming the axe landing position is already very hard to do mechanically.

Vulf wrote:


SiFly wrote:

Draven is impossible to play, when you aa an enemy you have to direct toward where you want your axes to land and catch and repeat. This means.. you'll have to know where you want to be with your next autoattack, very quickly and constanly. Aiming the axe landing position is already very hard to do mechanically.
don't mind the fact that your early game is so ridiculously strong that you can kill the enemy adc 100-0 in 4 or 5 axes...
Glad his passive is getting reworked.

And now to patiently wait for the Yi rework so that I don't get a fucking AP Yi ruining my aram games every 2 or 3 games...

Why do I have to get always trolled on ranked? Damn
- O n i -
cheerleader on hit grapes build

Justykanna wrote:

Vulf wrote:

After harassing Morello constantly on both the LoL forums and Twitter about Warwick I finally got a response that he will be getting something eventually.
"Eventually", lol. Who knows when that'll be.

Who is, mechanically, the hardest champion to play effectively
I don't know who's the hardest but some tough ones are Draven, Orianna, Cassio, Syndra.
Also one thing I want to note about support champions, a good Janna is a blessing to your team. A bad Janna and the match is 4v6.
Pro tip: Don't play Shen if you're too stupid/blind to look at the minimap.

Shen in my game didn't ult once during laning phase because he had "a hard time in lane".

Devalix wrote:

Pro tip: Don't play Shen if you're too stupid/blind to look at the minimap.

Shen in my game didn't ult once during laning phase because he had "a hard time in lane".
You can even just watch the health bars of your allies and press the F2-5 keys to watch them quickly if you see something happen ;s

Igenatius wrote:

Also one thing I want to note about support champions, a good Janna is a blessing to your team. A bad Janna and the match is 4v6.
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