
Mary - Artificial Rose [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年10月20日 at 14:23:08

Artist: Mary
Title: Artificial Rose
Source: BMS
Tags: BOF 2012 Intelligence Arts TKSalt ゲルテナ展覧会 Geltena Tenrankai 8284
BPM: 175
Filesize: 5250kb
Play Time: 02:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (4.89 stars, 689 notes)
  2. Beginner (1.94 stars, 120 notes)
  3. Hyper (4.98 stars, 334 notes)
  4. Standard (3.56 stars, 162 notes)
  5. TK'S Muzukashii (4.75 stars, 555 notes)
  6. TK'S Oni (4.89 stars, 902 notes)
Download: Mary - Artificial Rose
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
TK'S Muzukashii and TK'S Oni by TKSalt

I hope you enjoy this!

from #modreqs

I'm a newbie modder point out my mistake plz ._.
can't mod taiko diff, skipped QwQ

  1. red=unrankable issue
  2. purple=should fix
  3. black=my suggestion
  4. gray=feel free to ignore

01:19:478 (2,3) - overlapping in easy should be avoided.
01:50:678 (3,1) - ^
02:03:021 (2,3) - ^
01:51:535 (2) - tail 1 grid down to make blanket

00:29:764 - add note
00:35:249 - ^
00:45:192 (1) - middle point 1 grid down
00:46:392 (2,3) - make parallel
01:42:792 (1) - add points to make nice blanket
01:50:164 (1) - overlapped by slidertrack
02:00:621 (3) - tail 1 grid down to make blanket
02:15:707 (1) - it looks weird D:
01:51:021 (2) - NC

00:18:449 (3) - start at 00:18:621 (follow the drum ._.)
00:21:192 (2) - ^
01:03:707 (1) - start at 01:03:878
01:33:364 - oh i think here is so nice to use a 1/6 reverse slider
00:46:392 (5) - tail 1 grid left
01:45:535 (1) - Ctrl-g
02:10:564 (2) - ^
01:11:935 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - the placement isn't very nice. Try these patterns:
01:38:678 (1) - such a long straight slider looks bad D:
02:02:507 (3) - tail right 3 grid
00:39:021 (7) - tail whistle
00:02:507 (1) - remove NC (similar position after this is all not NC, try make unified)
01:14:849 (4) - NC
01:17:421 (4) - ^
01:20:335 (8) - ^

;w; i'm noob, modding this diff is hard for me
01:15:107 (2) - remove this or add note at 01:15:192
00:06:107 (8) - full overlap under (6)?
00:06:107 (8) - drum here add some stuff
00:06:107 (8) - ^
01:29:764 (3,4) - make blanket
00:06:964 (2) - tail whistle
00:09:878 (2) - whistle
00:50:678 - whistle in this section is a bit too loud
01:09:878 (8,1) - exchange NC

like this song ._.
red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. mp3のビットレートが何故か32kbpsになってます。実際聞いた感じではそこまで低いことはまずありませんが、ルールに正確に従って行くならば、mp3は128~192kbpsのいずれかに設定する必要があります。曲の長さも13分と表記されている当たり、このmp3の表記にはなんらかの不具合があると思います。
  1. 00:01:992 (2) - これは一体どこの音を拾っているのでしょうか?
    裏の音を拾っているならば00:01:992 - 00:02:164 - 00:02:335 - 00:02:507 - の4箇所を意識する必要がありますし、他の楽器の強音を意識した場合は00:02:164 - を拾う必要があります。
    ただ後者の音取りをするとかなり複雑になり、Easy Normalとしては分かりにくい音取りになる可能性が高いという点には注意してください。
    1. 前者

      1. 00:01:992 (2) - 3/2 slider + reverse
    2. 後者

      1. 00:02:164 (2) - circle
      2. 00:02:507 (3) - 3/2 slider
  2. 00:04:735 (2) - ^
  3. 00:06:792 (1,2,3,4) - なぜここの部分の音取りが他の部分と異なっているのでしょうか?
    実際00:07:135 - などにも音があり、それらと異なる音取りをするメリットはほとんど無いように感じます。
  4. 00:09:535 (1,2) - 言いたいこと自体は上に同じ。
  5. 00:13:135 - なぜここの音のようにoff beat上にある音を拾わないのでしょうか?
  6. 00:14:507 - ^
  7. 00:15:878 - ^
  8. 00:17:078 (5) - 00:17:249 に関して ^
  9. 00:18:449 (2,3) - ^ ここで裏の音に変わっていますが、この中途半端なタイミングでの変化追加は多くの人が不自然に感じるはずです。
  10. 00:21:192 (2,3) - ^
  11. 00:28:735 (1) - 始点と終点で拾っている音が異なっており、それに違和感を感じました。始点に合わせていくならば00:29:592 - でスライダーが終わり、終点に合わせるならばon beatの00:29:078 - の音もしっかり拾う必要性があります。
    PS. この後をずっと見て行くとon beat基準にしたほうが修正が楽なのはありますが、Normalとの難易度差が埋まってしまい、難易度バランス的に良くないというのはあります。
    前者の案を採用したならば00:50:678 - まで全てそれで統一させる必要があります。
  12. 00:30:107 (2) - ^
    (1)の始点基準ならば00:29:935 - からスタートで00:30:792 か00:31:135 - に終点、後者なら00:30:449 - をリズムとして優先させ拾っていく必要があります。
  13. 00:31:478 (1,2,3,4) - ここからbreakまで取っている音が変わってませんか・・・?
  14. 01:01:649 (1,2,3) - (1)のパターンで揃えたい所。そして01:12:621 - 付近までそれを継続させたい。
  15. 01:12:621 (1,2) - (3)の音取りの感じで行くと

    1. 01:12:621 (1) - 1/1 slider
    2. 01:13:478 (2) - circle
    後ろの音拾っていくとすると00:28:735 - のdownbeatのパターンのようになります
  16. 01:15:364 (1,2) - ^
  17. 01:18:107 (1) - ^
  18. 01:20:849 (1,2) - ^
  19. 01:25:307 - この後の静かな部分を考慮してここで音を拾いたい。01:24:964 を1/1スライダーにするのはどうだろう。
  20. 01:27:707 (3) - 01:28:392 に終わりを移動。
    01:28:392 - で上のと同じように静かになって雰囲気変わるので、その直前でスライダーを終わらせて、はっきり区別をさせたいところ。
  21. 01:33:192 (2) - ^ 加えて、この場合リバースを追加するのがいいかもしれません。
  22. 01:45:535 (3,1) - NC(NewCombo)入れ替え・・・?
  23. 01:46:221 (1,2) - (nazi) サークルを下側へ移動。この重なりがうるさい人はしつこく指摘してきます。
  1. この譜面は全体的に各オブジェクト間の距離が広く、Normalとしてはこの難易度バランスに難があるように感じました。
  2. 00:08:335 - add note here.
    この後の(1)のほうが音が強いので、この2箇所のどちらか一方だけを拾うならばこの拾い方は良いと思いますが、00:02:849 (4) のように音の小さい方もフォローしているので、ここにもある小さい音を拾うのがベターです。
  3. 00:13:135 - add clap
    00:12:278 - の音の拾い方、音の付け方を考慮すると、後ろで同じ音が鳴っているそこにclapを入れない理由はないように思えました。
  4. 00:39:707 (1,2,3,4) - この後からずっと音のとり方が変わっているのでは?

    1. 00:39:707 (1) - cricle
    2. 00:40:049 (2) - 3/2 slider
    3. 00:40:907 (3) - 1/1 slider
    4. 00:41:421 (4) - cricle
    5. 00:41:764 (5) - ^
  5. 00:42:449 (1,2) - ^ 上の(1,2,3)参考に修正
  6. 00:45:192 (1,2,3) - ^ 全体を参考に修正
  7. 00:47:935 (1,2,3) - ^
  8. 01:11:249 (1,1) - スピナー直後のサークルは初心者がコンボブレイクを起こす可能性があります。
  9. 01:24:964 (5) - 01:25:478 まで延長。今の状態だと終わるのが少し早いイメージ。
  10. 01:27:707 (5) - ^
  11. 01:30:449 (3) - ^
  12. 01:33:192 (5) - ^
  13. 01:34:564 (1) - リバースの位置が中途半端でどこの音も拾えていないように感じました。
  14. 01:42:792 (1) - これもリバースが何も拾えていないのが問題です。
  15. 01:51:535 (3) - リバースを削除し以下の提案

    1. 01:51:535 (3) - 1/1 slider
    2. 01:52:221 (4) - 5/2
    3. 01:53:421 (5) - circle
  1. AR+1?
  2. 00:03:878 - 後ろで00:03:535 - と同じ音が鳴っているようなのでここにもnote置きたい。
  3. 00:08:507 (6,7) - このジャンプが強引すぎるように思えます。
  4. 00:09:878 (2,3) - このoverlapは外観的な意味で悪く思えました。

    (2)コピペ+X,Y軸反転 x224 y200
  5. 01:37:135 (8,1) - Hardにおいてこれは視認性が悪くコンボブレイクを起こしやすいポイントで、修正も安易な場所なので修正を推します。
  6. 01:45:535 (1) - 画面外に触れているスライダー
  1. 00:06:792 (1,2,3) - 前のパターンに対して大きく飛び過ぎです。ここに曲調的大きな変化はなく、これが単に不必要に大きなジャンプを加えているだけのように感じました。
  2. 00:08:507 (6,7) - ^

    00:07:992 (5,6,7,8) - 含めての修正案
  3. 01:03:021 - ここの音を拾っていないのにはなにか理由が?
  4. 01:05:764 - ^
  5. 01:08:507 - ^
  6. 01:15:107 (2) - overmapped
  7. ルールに違反した点はなし
Hyper, AnotherでもStandard以下程ではないにせよ多くのmodが必要です

mod time: 4 hours

Topic Starter

EmingK wrote:

from #modreqs

I'm a newbie modder point out my mistake plz ._.
can't mod taiko diff, skipped QwQ

  1. red=unrankable issue
  2. purple=should fix
  3. black=my suggestion
  4. gray=feel free to ignore

01:19:478 (2,3) - overlapping in easy should be avoided.done
01:50:678 (3,1) - ^done
02:03:021 (2,3) - ^done
01:51:535 (2) - tail 1 grid down to make blanketdone

00:29:764 - add notedone
00:35:249 - ^none
00:45:192 (1) - middle point 1 grid downdone
00:46:392 (2,3) - make paralleldone(maybe, some people says not parallel :( )
01:42:792 (1) - add points to make nice blanketnone
01:50:164 (1) - overlapped by slidertrackdone
02:00:621 (3) - tail 1 grid down to make blanketdone
02:15:707 (1) - it looks weird D: haha
01:51:021 (2) - NCdone

00:18:449 (3) - start at 00:18:621 (follow the drum ._.)none
00:21:192 (2) - ^none
01:03:707 (1) - start at 01:03:878 done
01:33:364 - oh i think here is so nice to use a 1/6 reverse sliderdone
00:46:392 (5) - tail 1 grid leftdone
01:45:535 (1) - Ctrl-gdone
02:10:564 (2) - ^done
01:11:935 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - the placement isn't very nice. Try these patterns:done
01:38:678 (1) - such a long straight slider looks bad D:
02:02:507 (3) - tail right 3 griddone
00:39:021 (7) - tail whistledone
00:02:507 (1) - remove NC (similar position after this is all not NC, try make unified)done
01:14:849 (4) - NCdone
01:17:421 (4) - ^done
01:20:335 (8) - ^done

;w; i'm noob, modding this diff is hard for me
01:15:107 (2) - remove this or add note at 01:15:192 done
00:06:107 (8) - full overlap under (6)?保留
00:06:107 (8) - drum here add some stuff?
00:06:107 (8) - ^?
01:29:764 (3,4) - make blanketdone
00:06:964 (2) - tail whistledone
00:09:878 (2) - whistledone
00:50:678 - whistle in this section is a bit too loudI tried soft-whistle
01:09:878 (8,1) - exchange NC

like this song ._.

Thank you!


NewRulerNA wrote:

red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. mp3のビットレートが何故か32kbpsになってます。実際聞いた感じではそこまで低いことはまずありませんが、ルールに正確に従って行くならば、mp3は128~192kbpsのいずれかに設定する必要があります。曲の長さも13分と表記されている当たり、このmp3の表記にはなんらかの不具合があると思います。 mp3のプロパティで確認したところ曲の長さが2:27、ビットも192kbpsと表示されており、何の異常も確認されませんでした
  1. 00:01:992 (2) - これは一体どこの音を拾っているのでしょうか?
    裏の音を拾っているならば00:01:992 - 00:02:164 - 00:02:335 - 00:02:507 - の4箇所を意識する必要がありますし、他の楽器の強音を意識した場合は00:02:164 - を拾う必要があります。
    ただ後者の音取りをするとかなり複雑になり、Easy Normalとしては分かりにくい音取りになる可能性が高いという点には注意してください。
    1. 前者

      1. 00:01:992 (2) - 3/2 slider + reverse
    2. 後者

      1. 00:02:164 (2) - circle
      2. 00:02:507 (3) - 3/2 slider
  2. 00:04:735 (2) - ^ done
  3. 00:06:792 (1,2,3,4) - なぜここの部分の音取りが他の部分と異なっているのでしょうか?done
    実際00:07:135 - などにも音があり、それらと異なる音取りをするメリットはほとんど無いように感じます。
  4. 00:09:535 (1,2) - 言いたいこと自体は上に同じ。done
  5. 00:13:135 - なぜここの音のようにoff beat上にある音を拾わないのでしょうか?done
  6. 00:14:507 - ^done
  7. 00:15:878 - ^done
  8. 00:17:078 (5) - 00:17:249 に関して ^done
  9. 00:18:449 (2,3) - ^ ここで裏の音に変わっていますが、この中途半端なタイミングでの変化追加は多くの人が不自然に感じるはずです。ここから裏の音が出てきたのだから違和感はないと思われます
  10. 00:21:192 (2,3) - ^ 音とりに問題を発見したので変更しました
  11. 00:28:735 (1) - 始点と終点で拾っている音が異なっており、それに違和感を感じました。始点に合わせていくならば00:29:592 - でスライダーが終わり、終点に合わせるならばon beatの00:29:078 - の音もしっかり拾う必要性があります。
    PS. この後をずっと見て行くとon beat基準にしたほうが修正が楽なのはありますが、Normalとの難易度差が埋まってしまい、難易度バランス的に良くないというのはあります。
    前者の案を採用したならば00:50:678 - まで全てそれで統一させる必要があります。00:31:478- からの音とりに合わせました
  12. 00:30:107 (2) - ^
    (1)の始点基準ならば00:29:935 - からスタートで00:30:792 か00:31:135 - に終点、後者なら00:30:449 - をリズムとして優先させ拾っていく必要があります。^
  13. 00:31:478 (1,2,3,4) - ここからbreakまで取っている音が変わってませんか・・・?^
  14. 01:01:649 (1,2,3) - (1)のパターンで揃えたい所。そして01:12:621 - 付近までそれを継続させたい。
  15. 01:12:621 (1,2) - (3)の音取りの感じで行くと

    1. 01:12:621 (1) - 1/1 slider
    2. 01:13:478 (2) - circle
    後ろの音拾っていくとすると00:28:735 - のdownbeatのパターンのようになります none
  16. 01:15:364 (1,2) - ^ ^
  17. 01:18:107 (1) - ^ ^
  18. 01:20:849 (1,2) - ^ ^
  19. 01:25:307 - この後の静かな部分を考慮してここで音を拾いたい。01:24:964 を1/1スライダーにするのはどうだろう。done
  20. 01:27:707 (3) - 01:28:392 に終わりを移動。
    01:28:392 - で上のと同じように静かになって雰囲気変わるので、その直前でスライダーを終わらせて、はっきり区別をさせたいところ。done
  21. 01:33:192 (2) - ^ 加えて、この場合リバースを追加するのがいいかもしれません。none ここは無音で
  22. 01:45:535 (3,1) - NC(NewCombo)入れ替え・・・?done
  23. 01:46:221 (1,2) - (nazi) サークルを下側へ移動。この重なりがうるさい人はしつこく指摘してきます。done
  1. この譜面は全体的に各オブジェクト間の距離が広く、Normalとしてはこの難易度バランスに難があるように感じました。
  2. 00:08:335 - add note here.done
    この後の(1)のほうが音が強いので、この2箇所のどちらか一方だけを拾うならばこの拾い方は良いと思いますが、00:02:849 (4) のように音の小さい方もフォローしているので、ここにもある小さい音を拾うのがベターです。
  3. 00:13:135 - add clapdone
    00:12:278 - の音の拾い方、音の付け方を考慮すると、後ろで同じ音が鳴っているそこにclapを入れない理由はないように思えました。
  4. 00:39:707 (1,2,3,4) - この後からずっと音のとり方が変わっているのでは?none.00:45:192 まで変わってません

    1. 00:39:707 (1) - cricle
    2. 00:40:049 (2) - 3/2 slider
    3. 00:40:907 (3) - 1/1 slider
    4. 00:41:421 (4) - cricle
    5. 00:41:764 (5) - ^
  5. 00:42:449 (1,2) - ^ 上の(1,2,3)参考に修正
  6. 00:45:192 (1,2,3) - ^ 全体を参考に修正修正
  7. 00:47:935 (1,2,3) - ^^
  8. 01:11:249 (1,1) - スピナー直後のサークルは初心者がコンボブレイクを起こす可能性があります。
  9. 01:24:964 (5) - 01:25:478 まで延長。今の状態だと終わるのが少し早いイメージ。キックに合わせてあります
  10. 01:27:707 (5) - ^ ^
  11. 01:30:449 (3) - ^ ^
  12. 01:33:192 (5) - ^ ^
  13. 01:34:564 (1) - リバースの位置が中途半端でどこの音も拾えていないように感じました。done
  14. 01:42:792 (1) - これもリバースが何も拾えていないのが問題です。done
  15. 01:51:535 (3) - リバースを削除し以下の提案done

    1. 01:51:535 (3) - 1/1 slider
    2. 01:52:221 (4) - 5/2
    3. 01:53:421 (5) - circle
  1. AR+1?done
  2. 00:03:878 - 後ろで00:03:535 - と同じ音が鳴っているようなのでここにもnote置きたい。done
  3. 00:08:507 (6,7) - このジャンプが強引すぎるように思えます。
  4. 00:09:878 (2,3) - このoverlapは外観的な意味で悪く思えました。(3)によって視認しにくかった(5)(6)は修正しましたが、(3)自体は音的にも繰り返しであってるのでnone

    (2)コピペ+X,Y軸反転 x224 y200
  5. 01:37:135 (8,1) - Hardにおいてこれは視認性が悪くコンボブレイクを起こしやすいポイントで、修正も安易な場所なので修正を推します。done
  6. 01:45:535 (1) - 画面外に触れているスライダー
  1. 00:06:792 (1,2,3) - 前のパターンに対して大きく飛び過ぎです。ここに曲調的大きな変化はなく、これが単に不必要に大きなジャンプを加えているだけのように感じました。
  2. 00:08:507 (6,7) - ^

    00:07:992 (5,6,7,8) - 含めての修正案
  3. 01:03:021 - ここの音を拾っていないのにはなにか理由が?裏の音のみを取っているからです
  4. 01:05:764 - ^ ^
  5. 01:08:507 - ^ ^
  6. 01:15:107 (2) - overmapped
  7. ルールに違反した点はなし
Hyper, AnotherでもStandard以下程ではないにせよ多くのmodが必要です

mod time: 4 hours


New modder, orz.
Can't mod taiko, sorry

Red - unrankable
Blue - try to fix
Green - my suggestions
Pink - very minor things that bother me

00:42:792 (1,2,3,4) - the circle-slider-cirle-slider thing here feels a little bit harder than the rest of the beatmap
00:47:935 (1,2) - hard for beginners to make this jump --- the slider does not end near the start of the next slider, and when I was a beginner this was very confusing, even though there is plenty of time to make it from (1) to (2). Suggestion: something to the effect of
02:18:449 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A little hard for easy, two singles with a short slider than another 2 singles -- remove 2,5?
02:07:478 (1,2) - add repeat on 1, remove 2 - feels way too hard of a jump for normal, even if it complies with distance snap. Also doesn't feel right with the beatmap.
00:09:878 (2,3) - Make the sliders overlap less, kind of like this
01:03:707 (1) - Curve like Does not match the feel of the beatmap.
01:15:364 (1) - Curve like above
Nothing I can see.

Probably missed some read: a lot of things in, sorry. :(
Topic Starter

[Seraphin] wrote:

New modder, orz.
Can't mod taiko, sorry

Red - unrankable
Blue - try to fix
Green - my suggestions
Pink - very minor things that bother me

00:42:792 (1,2,3,4) - the circle-slider-cirle-slider thing here feels a little bit harder than the rest of the beatmapdone
00:47:935 (1,2) - hard for beginners to make this jump --- the slider does not end near the start of the next slider, and when I was a beginner this was very confusing, even though there is plenty of time to make it from (1) to (2). Suggestion: something to the effect of
02:18:449 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A little hard for easy, two singles with a short slider than another 2 singles -- remove 2,5?I don't think Easy diff needs only easy point.
02:07:478 (1,2) - add repeat on 1, remove 2 - feels way too hard of a jump for normal, even if it complies with distance snap. Also doesn't feel right with the beatmap.So hard? I feel your suggestion makes this harder.()
00:09:878 (2,3) - Make the sliders overlap less, kind of like this
01:03:707 (1) - Curve like Does not match the feel of the beatmap.done
01:15:364 (1) - Curve like aboveI don't think this doesn't match.
Nothing I can see.

Probably missed some read: a lot of things in, sorry. :(
Thank you for Modding!

個人的にはKIAI TIMEのスタートを01:59:249からの方が好きです。


00:39:707 (1) - 1拍子目ですがホイッスルがありません
00:47:249 (5) - 8拍子目のホイッスルがありません
00:50:678 (7) - 休憩前にフィニッシュサウンドを入れてみてはどうでしょう?

01:11:249 (2) - 01:22:735 (5)の間はヒットサウンドをSoftCustum1にしてみるのはどうでしょうか


00:17:764 (1,2) - あまり整っていないスペーシングに見えます
00:30:792 (10) - これ以降の個所では8拍子目と1拍子目にホイッスルが入っていますが、ここだけ7拍子目にホイッスルなので違和感があります
00:34:735 (3,5) - ここはもう少し間隔を離した方が見た目的には良くなりそうです
00:44:507 (7) - 個人的には今までのヒットサウンドと同じように8拍子目にホイッスルを入れられるスライダーに変更したほうがよく聞こえます
00:49:992 (10) - 休憩前にフィニッシュサウンドを入れてみてはどうでしょう?

01:07:307 (1) - もう少し綺麗なスペーシングにした方がいいです
01:57:878 (1,2,3,4) - 音量をだんだん小さく、もしくはだんだん大きくして盛り上げるアクセントにしてみると面白いかもしれません

KIAI TIMEの中の1拍子目にフィニッシュサウンドを入れると少し迫力が増すと思います。


00:06:107 (8) - ホイッスルを入れた方が最初のリズムと合います
00:07:992 (5,6,8) - ^
00:11:249 (5,10) - リズムとしては5にホイッスル追加、10を削除
00:12:792 (2,3,4,5,6) - もう少し綺麗なスペーシングにした方がいいです
00:22:907 (5) - ここのクラップは入れない方がいいか次の1コンボ目に回すべきです
00:33:535 (9) - 1つ目のホイッスル削除

02:12:192 (5) - ここは同じリズムを刻めるよう、クラップを入れられるスライダー又はサークルにしたほうがいいと思います

しかし、00:50:678 (1) - 01:00:107 (1)
(例えば00:51:707 (7,8)のどちらか、または8のみを単発サークルにする等)


Topic Starter

Wakia wrote:


個人的にはKIAI TIMEのスタートを01:59:249からの方が好きです。今のままの方が盛り上がりに重なっていると思うので・・・


00:39:707 (1) - 1拍子目ですがホイッスルがありませんdone
00:47:249 (5) - 8拍子目のホイッスルがありませんdone
00:50:678 (7) - 休憩前にフィニッシュサウンドを入れてみてはどうでしょう?done

01:11:249 (2) - 01:22:735 (5)の間はヒットサウンドをSoftCustum1にしてみるのはどうでしょうか全てのDiffにてNormalで統一してあり、また曲に反しているようには感じられません


00:17:764 (1,2) - あまり整っていないスペーシングに見えますfixed
00:30:792 (10) - これ以降の個所では8拍子目と1拍子目にホイッスルが入っていますが、ここだけ7拍子目にホイッスルなので違和感がありますfixed
00:34:735 (3,5) - ここはもう少し間隔を離した方が見た目的には良くなりそうですfixed
00:44:507 (7) - 個人的には今までのヒットサウンドと同じように8拍子目にホイッスルを入れられるスライダーに変更したほうがよく聞こえますdone
00:49:992 (10) - 休憩前にフィニッシュサウンドを入れてみてはどうでしょう?done

01:07:307 (1) - もう少し綺麗なスペーシングにした方がいいですdone
01:57:878 (1,2,3,4) - 音量をだんだん小さく、もしくはだんだん大きくして盛り上げるアクセントにしてみると面白いかもしれませんdone

KIAI TIMEの中の1拍子目にフィニッシュサウンドを入れると少し迫力が増すと思います。考えてみます


00:06:107 (8) - ホイッスルを入れた方が最初のリズムと合いますdone
00:07:992 (5,6,8) - ^done
00:11:249 (5,10) - リズムとしては5にホイッスル追加、10を削除done
00:12:792 (2,3,4,5,6) - もう少し綺麗なスペーシングにした方がいいですfixed
00:22:907 (5) - ここのクラップは入れない方がいいか次の1コンボ目に回すべきですdone
00:33:535 (9) - 1つ目のホイッスル削除done

02:12:192 (5) - ここは同じリズムを刻めるよう、クラップを入れられるスライダー又はサークルにしたほうがいいと思いますdone

しかし、00:50:678 (1) - 01:00:107 (1)
(例えば00:51:707 (7,8)のどちらか、または8のみを単発サークルにする等)


Cherry Blossom
Hai, random mod (i was just looking for maps, and i got this map lol) :D
I can't mod taiko, sorry TKS :D

You can add "Ein Neuer Heiliger Krieg" to tags.


00:12:278 (1) - more above, i know that is auto-fixed when you play it but it's better to put this slider more above.
00:18:449 (2) - move this slider to : 00:18:621, if you did it, shorten the slider on 00:19:135, better rhythm and feeling for a beginner
00:19:821 (3) - ^ (move & shorten)
00:21:192 (2) - ^ (move & shorten), you should do this to give time to the beginner, it's seems a bit overmapped for an easy diff
00:36:964 (1) - i don't really like long straight slider, it's boring, you can add a second point to make a little curve like this :
00:49:307 (2,3) - this can be more cute :
01:05:764 (3) - You can do this, more cute :
02:21:192 (1) - i prefer using soft hitsound for this spinner

01:34:564 (1) - awh god...


OD+1 or 2
Your diff is really hard for newbie players.

01:05:249 (6,7) - a bit lower, it is stacked on the scorebar, you can also flip horizontally with 01:06:621 (8)
01:29:764 (2) - more above, you know why.
01:40:049 (1) - nice but the part around the circle is not well round. i arranged it :
:!: after the red point : first x320 y28, second x372 y-4, third x444 y-4, fourth x480 y44, 5th x484 y96, 6th x476 y128, 7th x464 y160, 8th x440 y184, 9th x408 y184, 10th x380 y192, red point x360 y200

02:00:621 (3) - better blanket : second point x260 y292, tail x164 y232

Well, solid diff, but maybe has things that i didn't find.


AR8 ? make sure that the diff is mapped for playing with AR8. (jumps etc.)

00:01:992 (4) - for a better blanket : x448 y336
00:35:249 (4) - put this circle elsewhere, i doesn't fit imo.
00:38:678 (6) - Blanket :
00:46:907 (6,7) - i suggest you this :

don't forget to hitsound the tail.

01:03:707 (1) - move this slider to 01:03:878 and shorten by one 1/2 tick
01:38:678 (1) - you know what i will say... awh you can make a lighting slider like this :


OD8 please, OD7 is borrrriiiing D:

00:25:992 (1,2,3,4,5) - i prefer using soft hitsounds.
00:55:135 (5) - if you space, NC here.
00:55:478 (9) - ^
01:03:021 - add a note.
01:05:764 - ^
01:08:507 - ^
01:08:678 - ^
01:24:792 (5,6) - closer, (5) is stacked on the scorebar.
01:29:078 (1,2) - i suggest you to put these notes further, more jump.
02:04:221 (1,1,1) - don't spam with NC here, just one is useful.
02:20:678 (6) - NC

Not bad, i like it, i like the music too x).
Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hai, random mod (i was just looking for maps, and i got this map lol) :D
I can't mod taiko, sorry TKS :D

You can add "Ein Neuer Heiliger Krieg" to tags.No one search this words.IMO :o

[Beginner]All done!!

00:12:278 (1) - more above, i know that is auto-fixed when you play it but it's better to put this slider more above.
00:18:449 (2) - move this slider to : 00:18:621, if you did it, shorten the slider on 00:19:135, better rhythm and feeling for a beginner
00:19:821 (3) - ^ (move & shorten)
00:21:192 (2) - ^ (move & shorten), you should do this to give time to the beginner, it's seems a bit overmapped for an easy diff
00:36:964 (1) - i don't really like long straight slider, it's boring, you can add a second point to make a little curve like this :
00:49:307 (2,3) - this can be more cute :
01:05:764 (3) - You can do this, more cute :
02:21:192 (1) - i prefer using soft hitsound for this spinner

01:34:564 (1) - awh god...

[Standard]All done!

OD+1 or 2OD+1
Your diff is really hard for newbie players.

01:05:249 (6,7) - a bit lower, it is stacked on the scorebar, you can also flip horizontally with 01:06:621 (8)
01:29:764 (2) - more above, you know why.
01:40:049 (1) - nice but the part around the circle is not well round. i arranged it :
:!: after the red point : first x320 y28, second x372 y-4, third x444 y-4, fourth x480 y44, 5th x484 y96, 6th x476 y128, 7th x464 y160, 8th x440 y184, 9th x408 y184, 10th x380 y192, red point x360 y200

02:00:621 (3) - better blanket : second point x260 y292, tail x164 y232

Well, solid diff, but maybe has things that i didn't find.

[Hyper]All done!

AR8 ? make sure that the diff is mapped for playing with AR8. (jumps etc.)fixed

00:01:992 (4) - for a better blanket : x448 y336
00:35:249 (4) - put this circle elsewhere, i doesn't fit imo.
00:38:678 (6) - Blanket :
00:46:907 (6,7) - i suggest you this :

don't forget to hitsound the tail.

01:03:707 (1) - move this slider to 01:03:878 and shorten by one 1/2 tick
01:38:678 (1) - you know what i will say... awh you can make a lighting slider like this :

[Another]Alomost done without one

OD8 please, OD7 is borrrriiiing D:

00:25:992 (1,2,3,4,5) - i prefer using soft hitsounds.
00:55:135 (5) - if you space, NC here.
00:55:478 (9) - ^
01:03:021 - add a note.
01:05:764 - ^
01:08:507 - ^
01:08:678 - ^ no, it doesn't match the rhythm I follow.
01:24:792 (5,6) - closer, (5) is stacked on the scorebar.
01:29:078 (1,2) - i suggest you to put these notes further, more jump.
02:04:221 (1,1,1) - don't spam with NC here, just one is useful.
02:20:678 (6) - NC

Not bad, i like it, i like the music too x).
Good Luck ~
Thank you for Modding~ :)
Hi! From my queue~

Maybe when is kiai time, put the volume at 70%?

Lol. Weird sliders like 01:34:564 (1) :D No change need
00:01:307 (1) - It came in my head. This?
01:13:992 (3) - At the end, whistle
01:16:735 (3) - ^
01:19:478 (2) - Whistle
01:22:907 (4) - At the end, whistle
01:30:449 (2) - ^
01:34:221 (3) - Whistle
02:03:364 (3) - At the end, whistle

00:06:792 (3) - Try this?
00:28:735 (1) - Copy 00:29:249 (2) and Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J
01:11:249 (2) - Change the slider?
01:18:107 (5) - Make the same slider as 01:19:478 (7) and flip. If so, 01:18:107 (5,6,7) change position something like that?
02:14:678 (4) - At the end, whistle

00:11:935 (10) - x:180 y:252
00:12:107 (11) - x: 296 y:224

Good Luck and star!
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

Hi! From my queue~

Maybe when is kiai time, put the volume at 70%?Good! done :)

Lol. Weird sliders like 01:34:564 (1) :D No change need
00:01:307 (1) - It came in my head. This?I think this is hard for Beginners. :o
01:13:992 (3) - At the end, whistlenone
01:16:735 (3) - ^^
01:19:478 (2) - Whistle^
01:22:907 (4) - At the end, whistle^
01:30:449 (2) - ^^
01:34:221 (3) - Whistle^
02:03:364 (3) - At the end, whistle^

00:06:792 (3) - Try this?DS is not 1.0 :(
00:28:735 (1) - Copy 00:29:249 (2) and Ctrl+H and Ctrl+Jdone
01:11:249 (2) - Change the slider?No, but I remenber this mod.
01:18:107 (5) - Make the same slider as 01:19:478 (7) and flip. done
If so, 01:18:107 (5,6,7) change position something like that?none. It doesn't follow DS
02:14:678 (4) - At the end, whistlewhy here? none

00:11:935 (10) - x:180 y:252184,256? done
00:12:107 (11) - x: 296 y:224done

Good Luck and star!
Thank you for Modding!
Taiko mod requested via forum PM~

Most of these are just suggestions, you can choose to ignore some of them if you like.

  • [TK'S Muzukashii]
  1. 00:11:249 (35) - add a don here because it sounds too empty ><
  2. 00:43:821 (142) - this note is not needed because there is no sound here in the music, move it to 00:43:992
  3. 00:49:307 (166) - same for this one, move it to 00:49:478
  4. 02:06:621 (448) - move to 02:06:449
  5. 02:17:592 (505) - kat fits better here imo ><
  6. 02:26:678 (553) - add Finish

    [TK'S Oni]
  7. 00:24:964 (116) - change this to kat because the piano in this part has a higher pitch than the others
  8. 00:32:335 (173) - change to kat, the violin has high pitch
  9. 00:35:249 (194) - ^
  10. 01:28:221 (460) - change this to a don and then change 01:28:392 (461) to kat because i think d k d k fits this part better ><
  11. 01:32:678 (486) - change to don and change 01:33:021 (488) to kat (?) sounds better in my opinion
  12. 01:34:564 (500) - add Finish here because the beat here is strong
  13. 01:35:849 - add don here to get a ddk so that it sound more continuous :3
  14. 01:47:421 (597) - kat fits better here
  15. 01:48:621 (607) - ^
  16. 02:26:164 (895) - the kat here sounds kinda weird, how about changing it to a don so that you can get a kdddkkkkd? :3
Epic song and map, had fun modding this =w=
Good luck!
Hi~ Urushi38 TKSalt~. From PM.
I'm a moding beginner for Taiko mode .
I am glad if it becomes helpful.
I begin mod for suggestions.


  • None.
    d=don(Red note)
    D=Big don (Finish)
    k=katsu(Blue note)
    K=Big katsu(Finish)
  1. 01:35:592 - add notes?
  2. 01:34:564 (321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332) -
    01:35:592 - の間が気になりました。もしここの間を作るならその後(01:36:278 (329,330,331,332,333,334) -)もnoteを減らすと個人的にはいいと思います。あと、01:36:449 - にノーツが欲しかったですね。
    01:35:592 - add d
    01:36:792 - move →01:36:449 -
  3. 02:09:364 (463) - remove
  4. 02:20:078 - add notes ただ、ここの連打がddkになってしまうので、addすると前後のdかkを変える必要が出るかな?
  1. 00:32:335 (173) - k
  2. 00:37:821 (211) - k
  3. 00:45:021 - add notes?
  4. 00:50:507 - add notes
  5. 01:27:192 (455) - ,01:32:678 (486) - try to change d?
  6. 01:35:849 - add d
  7. 01:35:678 - if add 01:35:849 - and, you want.. add ?
  8. 01:36:107 - add d
  9. Either
    01:38:592 - addk
    01:39:107 - remove *I think better.
  10. 01:44:078 - try to change k?
  11. 01:47:335 - add k
  12. 01:47:678 -remeve or move →01:47:849 -
  13. 01:50:592 - add d
  14. 01:52:307 -k ?

I thank you for reading it through
I wish you good luck :D

Jerry wrote:

Taiko mod requested via forum PM~

Most of these are just suggestions, you can choose to ignore some of them if you like.

  • [TK'S Muzukashii]
  1. 00:11:249 (35) - add a don here because it sounds too empty >< - fixed.
  2. 00:43:821 (142) - this note is not needed because there is no sound here in the music, move it to 00:43:992 - nope. fit the bass drum.
  3. 00:49:307 (166) - same for this one, move it to 00:49:478 - ^
  4. 02:06:621 (448) - move to 02:06:449 - fixed. nice!! ;w;
  5. 02:17:592 (505) - kat fits better here imo >< - fixed.
  6. 02:26:678 (553) - add Finish - fixed.

    [TK'S Oni]
  7. 00:24:964 (116) - change this to kat because the piano in this part has a higher pitch than the others - fixed.
  8. 00:32:335 (173) - change to kat, the violin has high pitch - fixed.
  9. 00:35:249 (194) - ^ - fixed.
  10. 01:28:221 (460) - change this to a don and then change 01:28:392 (461) to kat because i think d k d k fits this part better >< - fixed.
  11. 01:32:678 (486) - change to don and change 01:33:021 (488) to kat (?) sounds better in my opinion - nope.
  12. 01:34:564 (500) - add Finish here because the beat here is strong - fixed.
  13. 01:35:849 - add don here to get a ddk so that it sound more continuous :3 - fixed.
  14. 01:47:421 (597) - kat fits better here - hm.. but fit the bass drum..
  15. 01:48:621 (607) - ^ - nope.
  16. 02:26:164 (895) - the kat here sounds kinda weird, how about changing it to a don so that you can get a kdddkkkkd? :3- could be. but probably no problem ._.

Epic song and map, had fun modding this =w=
Good luck!
thanks for modding Jerry-san!! :)


Hi~ Urushi38 TKSalt~. From PM.
I'm a moding beginner for Taiko mode .
I am glad if it becomes helpful.
I begin mod for suggestions.


  • None.
    d=don(Red note)
    D=Big don (Finish)
    k=katsu(Blue note)
    K=Big katsu(Finish)
  1. 01:35:592 - add notes? - アクセントのつもりだったのかわからないけどここだけ無いのは不自然でしたね…
  2. 01:34:564 (321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332) -
    01:35:592 - の間が気になりました。もしここの間を作るならその後(01:36:278 (329,330,331,332,333,334) -)もnoteを減らすと個人的にはいいと思います。あと、01:36:449 - にノーツが欲しかったですね。 - 確かに抑揚は欲しかったのですがMuzukashiiだとちょっと退屈になりすぎちゃうのでそのままにしてます… ._.
    01:35:592 - add d
    01:36:792 - move →01:36:449 - - fixed.
  3. 02:09:364 (463) - remove - fixed.
  4. 02:20:078 - add notes ただ、ここの連打がddkになってしまうので、addすると前後のdかkを変える必要が出るかな? - それっぽく修正しました!.
  1. 00:32:335 (173) - k - fixed. same as Jarry's mod
  2. 00:37:821 (211) - k - fixed.
  3. 00:45:021 - add notes? - nope.
  4. 00:50:507 - add notes - nope. これらのパートはまだ休む場所があっても良い気がします…!
  5. 01:27:192 (455) - ,01:32:678 (486) - try to change d? - 最初作った時、kkdkにしようか悩んでたのですが 01:27:878 のノートに合わせて今の形が無難だと判断しました。
  6. 01:35:849 - add d - fixed. same as Jarry's mod
  7. 01:35:678 - if add 01:35:849 - and, you want.. add ? - そのままで!
  8. 01:36:107 - add d - ここも気持ち休ませてるパートなのでそのままにします!
  9. Either
    01:38:592 - addk
    01:39:107 - remove *I think better. - 悩みましたがこちらにします
  10. 01:44:078 - try to change k? - nope.
  11. 01:47:335 - add k - なんとなくバスドラだけに合わせたいのでそのままで!
  12. 01:47:678 -remeve or move →01:47:849 - - ここもそのままで!
  13. 01:50:592 - add d - 試しに置いてみます!nice :)
  14. 01:52:307 -k ? - nope.

I thank you for reading it through
I wish you good luck :D
thanks for modding. 頑張ります! :)

updateお願いします! : Link
Topic Starter
Update :)
Newbie mod

Good Map and Goog song :3
If you think this is a poor mod , just don't give kds
Some diff is pass because they are great
From #modreqs

00:29:935 (4) - Try to make like this(!?)
00:35:421 (3) - ^
00:38:164 (4) - ^
00:46:392 (4) - ^
00:49:135 (5) - ^

00:13:135 (2,4,6,8) - NC

01:28:392 (1,2,3,4) - More Straight?
01:40:049 (1,2,3,4) - No Symmetry
01:59:764 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Can more like a star(!?)
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

Newbie mod

Good Map and Goog song :3
If you think this is a poor mod , just don't give kds
Some diff is pass because they are great
From #modreqs

00:29:935 (4) - Try to make like this(!?)done
00:35:421 (3) - ^None. You may feel strange about this partly fix, but I don't think that we put notes on all sounds
00:38:164 (4) - ^^
00:46:392 (4) - ^^
00:49:135 (5) - ^done

00:13:135 (2,4,6,8) - NC

01:28:392 (1,2,3,4) - More Straight?fixed
01:40:049 (1,2,3,4) - No SymmetryNone. I can't find any issues :(
01:59:764 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Can more like a star(!?)fixed
Yours is not poor MOD! Thank you! :)
DEAncientNaga's Mod Queue

Nicely mapped

Feels like almost the whole song should be KIAI time lol (just kidding)
Toggle off Letterbox during break, feels better :3

00:31:821 - Add something here, maybe a slider or 2 circle

00:43:821 - Add circle



Not much to mod, it's quite nice for me
Topic Starter

DEAncientNaga wrote:

DEAncientNaga's Mod Queue

Nicely mapped

Feels like almost the whole song should be KIAI time lol (just kidding)
Toggle off Letterbox during break, feels better :3Looks good!

00:31:821 - Add something here, maybe a slider or 2 circledone

00:43:821 - Add circlenone. I don't feel it's good.



Not much to mod, it's quite nice for me
Thank you for Modding! :)

Taiko tagはいらないそうですが、removeしてみてはどうですか?確かなソースはありません :cry:

OD+1 (OD1は低いと思います。)
00:08:849 (3) - 最低難易度ではnoteが被らないほうが好ましいと思います。
00:20:849 (1) - DSは統一するべきです。(ほかにも 00:35:592 (2) - こことかあるのですべて統一してください。最低難易度では全て揃えるべきです)
00:31:821 (2,3) - 音取りでは好ましいかもしれませんが、最低難易度なのでたたき辛いと感じました。以下をお試しください

00:43:478 (2,3) - どこの音を拾っているのかわかりませんでした。このようにしてみるのはどうでしょうか?

00:45:878 (2,3) - メロディをフォローするのであればこちらの音取りのほうが好ましいと思います。

01:11:249 (2) - 前のスライダーに被っているので汚く見えました
01:46:221 (2) - フォローするのであればもっと1を綺麗に囲むべきだと思います

Hyper and Anotherは別の人がmodしてくれるので少々お待ちを~~・・・。
細かなミス(DS)で汚く見えてしまう部分が多々ありました。good luckです :)
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

Taiko tagはいらないそうですが、removeしてみてはどうですか?確かなソースはありません :cry: よく考えたらmode検索で十分ですね。removed

[Beginner]all done
OD+1 (OD1は低いと思います。)
00:08:849 (3) - 最低難易度ではnoteが被らないほうが好ましいと思います。
00:20:849 (1) - DSは統一するべきです。(ほかにも 00:35:592 (2) - こことかあるのですべて統一してください。最低難易度では全て揃えるべきです)
00:31:821 (2,3) - 音取りでは好ましいかもしれませんが、最低難易度なのでたたき辛いと感じました。以下をお試しください

00:43:478 (2,3) - どこの音を拾っているのかわかりませんでした。このようにしてみるのはどうでしょうか?

00:45:878 (2,3) - メロディをフォローするのであればこちらの音取りのほうが好ましいと思います。

[Standard]Almost done without one
この難易度も非常にDSの乱れが目立ちました。整えてくださいおそらくは01:01:649 (1) - (9)の事かと思われますが、リズムは明確であり、曲に沿っていると自負しております
01:11:249 (2) - 前のスライダーに被っているので汚く見えました
01:46:221 (2) - フォローするのであればもっと1を綺麗に囲むべきだと思います

Hyper and Anotherは別の人がmodしてくれるので少々お待ちを~~・・・。
細かなミス(DS)で汚く見えてしまう部分が多々ありました。good luckです :)
丁寧なMODありがとうございました :)
  1. HitColorが順番的に赤➩濃赤になるので一つColorをたすかどちらかを変えてみてはどうでしょうか。
  1. 00:40:907 (4,5,6) - DSを狭くすると連打はしやすいとおもうのですがこういったところがみにくくなってしまうので(5,6)の流れをFollowしてあげると良いと思います。
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - MODのHardRockを付けた際に大きくスコアのところにはみ出てしまうので移動したほうがいいと思います
  3. 01:51:535 (1) - Backの音と合ってないと思います。単調ではありますがこのような音取りはどうでしょうか
  4. 02:10:564 (2) - Ctrl+g?

  1. 00:19:135 (5) - NC
  2. 00:27:364 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - NCの区切りで音量に変化をつけてみてはどうでしょうか
  3. 01:37:649 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 綺麗な六芒星にできるとより良くなると思います。
  4. 02:04:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDSは一定にしたほうがいいと思います。
  5. 02:18:278 (4) - NC
Good Luckです!
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

  1. HitColorが順番的に赤➩濃赤になるので一つColorをたすかどちらかを変えてみてはどうでしょうか。緑を追加してみました
  1. 00:40:907 (4,5,6) - DSを狭くすると連打はしやすいとおもうのですがこういったところがみにくくなってしまうので(5,6)の流れをFollowしてあげると良いと思います。fixed
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - MODのHardRockを付けた際に大きくスコアのところにはみ出てしまうので移動したほうがいいと思いますfixed
  3. 01:51:535 (1) - Backの音と合ってないと思います。単調ではありますがこのような音取りはどうでしょうかdone
  4. 02:10:564 (2) - Ctrl+g?done
  1. 00:19:135 (5) - NCfixed
  2. 00:27:364 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - NCの区切りで音量に変化をつけてみてはどうでしょうかdone
  3. 01:37:649 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - 綺麗な六芒星にできるとより良くなると思います。fixed
  4. 02:04:907 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDSは一定にしたほうがいいと思います。done
  5. 02:18:278 (4) - NC

Good Luckです!

MODありがとうございました :D
Hi :),

Mod from my queue:

  1. Your kiai is a little bit short. Why not starting it at 01:59:249? The song isn't less intense than in your current kiai.
  1. 00:08:849 (3) - Whistle on the head?
  2. 00:16:392 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is weird to play. The song is more intense than the start of the song but there are less notes and sliders. Besides the rythm is different but the song is nearly the same as before.
  3. 00:47:935 (1) - Curve it in order to avoid the overlap and have a blanket.
  4. 01:09:878 (2) - Move it to x=32 y=308?
  5. 01:40:049 (1,2) - Try avoiding the overlap.....
  6. 01:53:078 (1) - I find it weird when your spinner is shorter than some of your sliders....
  7. 02:10:221 (1) - Same as 00:47:935 (1).
  8. 02:16:735 (2,3) - They are stuck to each other but the other notes aren't so you should use a little bit higher spacing right here.
  1. 00:16:392 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe you could do somthing like this:
  2. 00:29:764 (3,4) - Move 3 to x=396 y=228 and 4 to x=340 y=284 in order to avoid the overlap and have a nice blanket. ^^
  3. 01:07:135 (1,2) - Maybe something like this:
    In this case you can stretch out the DS a little bit.
  4. 01:21:878 (3) - Make symetrical to the tail of 01:20:849 (1)?
  5. 01:33:878 (1) - This lonely combo doesn't have any purpose.
  6. 01:42:449 (1) - ^
  7. 01:46:049 (1,2) - A x5.21 Jump in a NORMAL!!!!!!! There is a problem somewhere......
  8. 01:50:164 (1,1,1) - These NC don't have any purpose.
  9. 02:17:078 (2,1) - This overlap is pointless. Try avoiding it.
  1. 00:05:249 (6) - Move it to x=52 y=64.
  2. 00:11:421 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Maybe you could use a NC for making it easier to read.
  3. 00:26:764 (4) - CTRL+G if we follow the logic of upside/down/upside/down etc... (Then CTRL+G also on 00:27:021 (5))
  4. 00:31:478 (1,2) - gives a better flow imo.
  5. 00:37:821 (4,5,6) - All these overlapping doesn't look really good....
  6. 00:41:078 (8) - NC?
  7. 00:49:821 (12,13) - I find this jump a little bit exagerated.....
  8. 00:49:478 (9) - NC? (When your combo goes to 14 without any stream maybe you should look for a NC....)
  9. 01:22:735 (7,8) - It' hard to see that they are 1/4 beat apart while playing.....
  1. 00:45:707 (3,4,5) - Avoid the pointless overlap. You can do something like this for example:
    For example.
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - Remove NC.
  3. 01:22:735 (6,1) - Guess....
I can clearly see at your mapping style that you enjoyed way more to do the Another diff than the others XD
Anyway, ~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

rezoons wrote:

Hi :),

Mod from my queue:

  1. Your kiai is a little bit short. Why not starting it at 01:59:249? The song isn't less intense than in your current kiai.
  1. 00:08:849 (3) - Whistle on the head?done
  2. 00:16:392 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part is weird to play. The song is more intense than the start of the song but there are less notes and sliders. Besides the rythm is different but the song is nearly the same as before. Intense is not more notes.
  3. 00:47:935 (1) - Curve it in order to avoid the overlap and have a blanket.done
  4. 01:09:878 (2) - Move it to x=32 y=308?done
  5. 01:40:049 (1,2) - Try avoiding the overlap.....I had tried, but I couldn't get good anything. And this isn't problem of playing, doesn't make so ugly. IMO
  6. 01:53:078 (1) - I find it weird when your spinner is shorter than some of your sliders....this spinner is fine. Only some slider are bit longer.
  7. 02:10:221 (1) - Same as 00:47:935 (1).done
  8. 02:16:735 (2,3) - They are stuck to each other but the other notes aren't so you should use a little bit higher spacing right here.foxed
  1. 00:16:392 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe you could do somthing like this:done
  2. 00:29:764 (3,4) - Move 3 to x=396 y=228 and 4 to x=340 y=284 in order to avoid the overlap and have a nice blanket. ^^done
  3. 01:07:135 (1,2) - Maybe something like this:done
    In this case you can stretch out the DS a little bit.
  4. 01:21:878 (3) - Make symetrical to the tail of 01:20:849 (1)?done
  5. 01:33:878 (1) - This lonely combo doesn't have any purpose.done
  6. 01:42:449 (1) - ^done
  7. 01:46:049 (1,2) - A x5.21 Jump in a NORMAL!!!!!!! There is a problem somewhere......done
  8. 01:50:164 (1,1,1) - These NC don't have any purpose.done
  9. 02:17:078 (2,1) - This overlap is pointless. Try avoiding it.done
  1. 00:05:249 (6) - Move it to x=52 y=64.done
  2. 00:11:421 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Maybe you could use a NC for making it easier to read.done
  3. 00:26:764 (4) - CTRL+G if we follow the logic of upside/down/upside/down etc... (Then CTRL+G also on 00:27:021 (5))done
  4. 00:31:478 (1,2) - gives a better flow imo.none
  5. 00:37:821 (4,5,6) - All these overlapping doesn't look really good....done
  6. 00:41:078 (8) - NC?done
  7. 00:49:821 (12,13) - I find this jump a little bit exagerated.....none
  8. 00:49:478 (9) - NC? (When your combo goes to 14 without any stream maybe you should look for a NC....)done
  9. 01:22:735 (7,8) - It' hard to see that they are 1/4 beat apart while playing.....none
  1. 00:45:707 (3,4,5) - Avoid the pointless overlap. You can do something like this for example:done
    For example.
  2. 01:05:764 (1) - Remove NC.done
  3. 01:22:735 (6,1) - Guess....done
I can clearly see at your mapping style that you enjoyed way more to do the Another diff than the others XD
Anyway, ~Good Luck~
Thank you for Modding! :)

if possible, I recommend you changing the whistle to soft or some special one like this:
lack of hitsounds in the kiai of most easier diffs. please think of some cool sound pattern.

00:04:907 (4,5) - Highly recommend that you ctrl+G, as the jump feels more "dynamic".
00:07:478 (4) - reverse arrow partially overlapped. please consider this.
00:07:649 - add whistle? it represents a rising atmosphere
00:09:192 - ^
00:10:392 - ^
00:17:507 - add a note? sounds more intense
00:29:078 (2) - missing soft clap?
00:29:249 - add whistle? the 3/2 whistle pattern sounds more regular
00:30:792 - add soft clap?
00:34:564 (2) - ^
00:34:735 - add whistle?
00:40:049 - add soft clap?
00:42:792 (2) - ^
00:45:535 - ^
00:48:278 (2) - ^
00:49:992 (5) - not sure. extend by 1/4? plays cooler
00:52:478 (4) - it should be at 00:52:649 - imo.
01:13:992 (5) - try moving 1/2 earlier. if so, also move 01:16:735 (5) - 01:19:478 (5) - 01:22:221 (5) -
01:56:849 (4) - move 1/4 later? it sounds better.
02:04:049 (1,2,3,4) - looks quite like 1/4 stream, especially as after the 1/4 slider. try this:

00:07:649 - 00:10:392 - add whistle? same as Another
00:41:764 (7) - increase spacing imo. not so goodlooking
01:37:307 - try removing the whistle. if so, also add whistle to 01:37:478 - 01:37:992 - 01:38:507 - .
(then adjust some other hitsound pattern lol)
01:42:792 (2,4) - 4's reverse arrow is overlapped. make some rotation.
01:46:907 (3) - space more

cool sliders...
00:34:221 (1) - rotate this so that the following 3 won't overlap it's tail
00:40:564 (2,3,4) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:45:707 (2,3,4) - ^
01:04:392 (5) - NC? 8 notes in a combo seems too long as a normal level.
01:20:849 (4) - ^
01:53:764 (1) - finish
01:56:507 - better add a break here
02:19:821 (2) - simply copy 1? current pattern looks not so good just like a toilet lid

00:07:478 (2,3,1) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:28:735 (1,2,3) - ^
00:32:849 (4,5,1) - ^
01:05:764 (3) - try this?
01:53:078 (1) - finish
02:18:449 (1,2,3) - tiny spacing inconsistency

[TK'S Oni]
00:06:107 (26) - change to d? responds better to the previous bars. if so, do the same to 00:08:849 (40) -
01:01:821 - 01:04:564 - add k? sounds cooler imo
01:13:992 (400) - move 1/2 early? if so, do the same to 01:16:735 (408) - 01:19:478 (418) - 01:22:221 (426) -
02:12:364 (789) - k?
02:17:849 (837) - ^

[TK'S Muzukashii]
01:52:907 (406) - k?
02:04:221 (441) - ^
02:08:507 (459,460) - k d, imo

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:


if possible, I recommend you changing the whistle to soft or some special one like this:
lack of hitsounds in the kiai of most easier diffs. please think of some cool sound pattern.ok, I'll try.

[Another]About Done
00:04:907 (4,5) - Highly recommend that you ctrl+G, as the jump feels more "dynamic".
00:07:478 (4) - reverse arrow partially overlapped. please consider this.
00:07:649 - add whistle? it represents a rising atmosphere
00:09:192 - ^
00:10:392 - ^
00:17:507 - add a note? sounds more intense
00:29:078 (2) - missing soft clap?
00:29:249 - add whistle? the 3/2 whistle pattern sounds more regular
00:30:792 - add soft clap?
00:34:564 (2) - ^
00:34:735 - add whistle?
00:40:049 - add soft clap?
00:42:792 (2) - ^
00:45:535 - ^
00:48:278 (2) - ^
00:49:992 (5) - not sure. extend by 1/4? plays cooler
00:52:478 (4) - it should be at 00:52:649 - imo.none
01:13:992 (5) - try moving 1/2 earlier. if so, also move 01:16:735 (5) - 01:19:478 (5) - 01:22:221 (5) -
01:56:849 (4) - move 1/4 later? it sounds better.
02:04:049 (1,2,3,4) - looks quite like 1/4 stream, especially as after the 1/4 slider. try this:

[Hyper]About Done
00:07:649 - 00:10:392 - add whistle? same as Another
00:41:764 (7) - increase spacing imo. not so goodlooking
01:37:307 - try removing the whistle. if so, also add whistle to 01:37:478 - 01:37:992 - 01:38:507 - . I look for new hitsound. I consider after that
(then adjust some other hitsound pattern lol)
01:42:792 (2,4) - 4's reverse arrow is overlapped. make some rotation.
01:46:907 (3) - space more

[Standard]All done!
cool sliders...
00:34:221 (1) - rotate this so that the following 3 won't overlap it's tail
00:40:564 (2,3,4) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:45:707 (2,3,4) - ^
01:04:392 (5) - NC? 8 notes in a combo seems too long as a normal level.
01:20:849 (4) - ^
01:53:764 (1) - finish
01:56:507 - better add a break here
02:19:821 (2) - simply copy 1? current pattern looks not so good just like a toilet lid

[Beginner]All done!
00:07:478 (2,3,1) - tiny spacing inconsistency
00:28:735 (1,2,3) - ^
00:32:849 (4,5,1) - ^
01:05:764 (3) - try this?really cool
01:53:078 (1) - finish
02:18:449 (1,2,3) - tiny spacing inconsistency

Good luck~
Thank you Great Modding! :)

Flower wrote:


[TK'S Oni]
00:06:107 (26) - change to d? responds better to the previous bars. if so, do the same to 00:08:849 (40) - - fixed.
01:01:821 - 01:04:564 - add k? sounds cooler imo - nope. its a little unnatural ;_;
01:13:992 (400) - move 1/2 early? if so, do the same to 01:16:735 (408) - 01:19:478 (418) - 01:22:221 (426) - good...but i want to fit the bassdrum :3
02:12:364 (789) - k?
02:17:849 (837) - ^ - really good as a change of accent. fixed these and the peripheral.

[TK'S Muzukashii]
01:52:907 (406) - k?
02:04:221 (441) - ^
02:08:507 (459,460) - k d, imo - all no change ;_; but fixed some sounds.

Good luck~
thanks for mod!! :oops:

updateお願いします! Link
Topic Starter
Update :)
00:26:507 (126,127,128,129,130,131) - kk dd k d
00:29:764 (156) - k
00:52:392 (310) - del?
01:11:935 (385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393) - kdkdddkdd
01:32:849 (486,487) - dk
01:58:649 (679) - k?
02:01:821 (705,706,707) - kkd?
02:15:021 (810,811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818) - kkddkkkkd
02:25:392 - d
>02:23:935 (873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889,890,891) - ddddkkkkddkkdkdkkdk
02:26:421 (899) - d
(Fogotten updated:P Will Edit latter)
00:29:764 (83) - k
00:33:535 (98,99,100) - dkk
00:35:078 (104,105,106) - dkk
00:39:021 (120,121,122) - ddk
00:59:935 (200,201,202) - kK?
01:17:764 (251) - d
01:19:478 (257,258) - kd
01:23:421 - k
01:31:307 - d?
Standard as gift :3
00:04:906 (4,5) - I don't think this is a good idea:3 swap it.
00:42:964 (3,5) - swap:3
01:11:935 (7) - NC?
01:13:649 (4) - move to 01:13:478 -
01:16:392 (4) - move to 01:16:221 - Why do you did this:3
01:19:135 (4) - ...
01:46:307 (5) - moveto 256,328
Extra: 01:27:535 (6) - wow 2points can make a smooth 180° :3
00:13:135 (1) - note?
Standard(I think this is simmilar with Normal:3)
01:34:564 (1) - So this is more like Easy:3
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:


Standard as gift :3
00:04:906 (4,5) - I don't think this is a good idea:3 swap it.done
00:42:964 (3,5) - swap:3[done
01:11:935 (7) - NC?done
01:13:649 (4) - move to 01:13:478 - fixed
01:16:392 (4) - move to 01:16:221 - Why do you did this:3^ maybe, I look up to every suggestion.
01:19:135 (4) - ...^
01:46:307 (5) - moveto 256,328none
Extra: 01:27:535 (6) - wow 2points can make a smooth 180° :3lol
00:13:135 (1) - note?slider
Standard(I think this is simmilar with Normal:3)
01:34:564 (1) - So this is more like Easy:3tried
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -done
02:21:192 (1) - End at 02:23:764 -done

ts8zs wrote:

00:26:507 (126,127,128,129,130,131) - kk dd k d
00:29:764 (156) - k
00:52:392 (310) - del?
01:11:935 (385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393) - kdkdddkdd
01:32:849 (486,487) - dk - fixed.
01:58:649 (679) - k?
02:01:821 (705,706,707) - kkd?
02:15:021 (810,811,812,813,814,815,816,817,818) - kkddkkkkd - fixed.
02:25:392 - d
>02:23:935 (873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888,889,890,891) - ddddkkkkddkkdkdkkdk
02:26:421 (899) - d - fixed.
(Fogotten updated:P Will Edit latter)
00:29:764 (83) - k
00:33:535 (98,99,100) - dkk
00:35:078 (104,105,106) - dkk
00:39:021 (120,121,122) - ddk
00:59:935 (200,201,202) - kK?
01:17:764 (251) - d - fixed.
01:19:478 (257,258) - kd
01:23:421 - k
01:31:307 - d?
thanks for modding!! :oops:

updateお願いします。 Link
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