
General Pokemon Thread

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Blazevoir wrote:

Following its reveal in CoroCoro on Saturday, The Pokémon Company has now announced the US names of the latest Pokémon. First, Gogoat shall be known as Gogoat. Elikiteru will be known as Helioptile, Yayakoma will be known as Fletchling and Yancham will be known as Pancham. In addition to this, they have also confirmed a few other bits. First, the Karos Region shall be called Kalos and Miare City shall be called Lumiose City. The move Parting Remark will be called Parting Shot and Parabola Charge will be Parabolic Charge.
These names...
What I find amazing about those names is that the only one that would be easy to guess is Gogoat, yet the "leaker" got all of them right... Meaning he's probably real.

Meaning we're probably indeed getting a type immune to Dragon.

inb4 Light-type (Dragons will not harm that which is sacred.)
Guess we're seeing a revamp \o/ *headdesk*
the names are killing me


Blazevoir wrote:

Guess we're seeing a revamp \o/ *headdesk*
I doubt they'll go the Gen III route and make it not be able to communicate with Gen V. Besides, Gen II introduced a new type and even a changed system and it was still able to communicate with Gen I.
Few stuff from that post are hard for me to imagine, such as

Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy)
Mawile (Deceiver Pokémon) as part fairy

A few attacks will be dual-typed.
The complexity @_@

also, there was an update with starters typing

Update (Tuesday, 9:00 PM) - Oopsies, the secondary types of Chespin and Froakie's final evolutions should be switched. Post edited.
The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Dark, and Water/Fighting.
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@mm: Fairy-type.

Blazevoir wrote:

Guess we're seeing a revamp \o/ *headdesk*
You can only transfer forward, not backward, gens so there shouldn't be any issues.

@bmin: lol@WPM's typo.

As for Mawile... It looks fairy-ish. Fairies aren't necessarily good. They are just magical humanoid-ish beings that usually have some "cute" factor to them.
Oh, God, I"m getting even more hyped for this. I seriously need to get a 3DS soon... All these new pokémon look kinda cool.
found this on pokememes. kinda temped to check the videos again to find this ._.

deadbeat wrote:

found this on pokememes. kinda temped to check the videos again to find this ._.
Looks like a pre-evolution to Gogoat... god that name is horrible. It hurt to type it.

Ekaru wrote:

2013 update ... bIrWryFc7A

'Nuff said.

Should It be Gen 7 by now?

Lance wrote:

deadbeat wrote:

found this on pokememes. kinda temped to check the videos again to find this ._.
Looks like a pre-evolution to Gogoat... god that name is horrible. It hurt to type it.

sounds like there's going to be a 90 minute Q&A for pokemon X/Y at E3
Jason Schreier, one of the writers over at Kotaku, has confirmed that Nintendo will be holding a Pokemon X & Y presentation and question & answer session at E3 next month. The presentation will apparently be for an hour and a half and will begin at 6pm PT on June 11th. It’s not clear if this is going to be a roundtable event like we have had previous years. ... -qa-at-e3/

deadbeat wrote:

sounds like there's going to be a 90 minute Q&A for pokemon X/Y at E3
Jason Schreier, one of the writers over at Kotaku, has confirmed that Nintendo will be holding a Pokemon X & Y presentation and question & answer session at E3 next month. The presentation will apparently be for an hour and a half and will begin at 6pm PT on June 11th. It’s not clear if this is going to be a roundtable event like we have had previous years. ... -qa-at-e3/
Brb, calling Dialga to go forward in time /wishfulthinking
be interesting to see what questions they actually answer :p
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deadbeat wrote:

be interesting to see what questions they actually answer :p
Q: Are there Pokemon in this game?
A: (Insert long-winded answer here)

Q: Are there trainers in this game?
A: (Insert long-winded answer here)

Q: Why did you color the sky blue?
A: (Insert long-winded answer here)

"Oh, looks like our time is up! Bye-bye!"
We picked this shade of blue for the sky because it's brighter. More vivid. It allows people to look up and the sky and think "Wow. That's a blue sky". We wanted people to re-experience pokemon in a new way, one with sky. Bright blue sky. I think we have managed to achieve that.
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New Pokemon confirmed for Smash next week.

Therefore, new Pokemon confirmed to be revealed from Corocoro during the E3 time period. YEEEEEEAH!
Can't wait until E3 :3
I don't seem to be too hyped out for X & Y for some reason though...
lets go fairies
Okay, but what are they weak against? Also, Y U NO STARTER EVOLUTIONS?!
Maybe poison for once. I don't think I would mind buffing up poison type.
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Blazevoir wrote:

Okay, but what are they weak against? Also, Y U NO STARTER EVOLUTIONS?!
Let me find the Pokebeach leak because both the names and the "Fairies are SE against dragons" pretty much confirms it.
i was thinking it would be dark but meh
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I like those two Pokemon. :D Anyways, this is probably true:

Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.

I'm dying of kawaii~
I'm gonna lose it on Lucario... x.x

The fangirling will be had!


Ya, I'll probably have to go see Lilligant for that.

Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.
Does this means Fairy types won't be having resisting types other then immunity to Dragon type attacks?
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According to a trailer WPM saw and took pictures of involving a German-speaking NPC - check Pokebeach - it looks like there are "sky battles". This is yet another part of that leak.

We should get more info later, but if that's true then that pretty much confirms his source for real.

CoroQuetz wrote:


I'm dying of kawaii~
I immediately thought of Nintendogs lol
I hope it won't be necessary to pet them all the time to get their affection, it would be tedious as hell

What will Gallade's typing be now though? Still Psy/Fight while Gardevoir is Fairy/Psy?
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Gallade will probably be Psychic/Fighting. first two evos being Psychic would lead to a sensible evolution line.
Fairy type.

are you guys happy about this because I feel a little uneasy
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Hika wrote:

Fairy type.

are you guys happy about this because I feel a little uneasy
Fairy type was partially designed to balance the Dragon type so I'm happy. ~

Sky battles confirmed, 3 new pokemon revealed and one of them is a Fletchling evo, Talonflame
Talonflame looks meh compared to the cute Fletchling, and honestly that name is pretty lazy like Talon + Flame what

and a horde of zubats will no longer be just a joke

at the end, was the a whole group of houndours, or just double team?
Pretty sure an actual horde

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