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Hello ~ Nice intro :D and welcome to osu!
Welcome to osu!

Hope you'll enjoy your stay here! :)
Hello there Mirchi! ^^ Hope you enjoy it here! :D
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Thankyou guys for the warm welcomes ! >\\< I appreciate it a lot ♥
Aw it's okay theowest c: I really forgot all the information about my old account haha. Even email whatsoever .. I'm just terrible at memorizing account information ;w;
Besides, it's been so long I probably used a weird name that I found ''cool'' at the time, but would sound stupid now hehe :oops:
Lol, that name doesn't sound too stupid. You're fine...Welcome.
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Haha, thankyou riki c:
Definitely loving this community ♥
Welcome to the community! If you need assistance with anything feel free to PM me here or ingame!
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Thankyou Pocket! c:
I appreciate all the help offers a lot ♥

And props to tenshi for helping me so much today!
Welcome to the osu community! Enjoy your stay here and have fun playing the game~ ^^
I'm playing Osu! for about 8 month ago, but this is the first time i vist the forum and read someone's post. . .
I just want to say hi to everyone :)

btw, Mirchi -san .. i love your pixel icon
how to make it ?? (i'm curious)


hope i'll see you in the game too..

P.S. sorry, my english is bad :roll:
have fun here :3

oh, i love your avatar :3
also you dA page :3
welcome :3 i'm new here tooooooooooooo :)
hope to see you ingame :)
Best introduction title ever.

Anyways, Theo is right. Posting your arts in the art forum would be neat. We don't see much pixel art there.

There is also an anime forum if it suits your fancy.

Have fun and stuff, welcome.
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Thankyou everyone for the welcomes and compliments !! ♥

NoirVeil: i use photoshop with a 50x50 canvas and put the zoom at 1000% so i can see the pixels. Then i select the pencil tool with square brushes and start creating what i want c: Your english isn't bad at all! owo

Guru: yay, we should totally play together! ^^

MMzz: yeah i'll do that :>

Mirchi wrote:

Guru: yay, we should totally play together! ^^
but i warn you, i'm really suck >w<
arigatou gozaimasu... !!
thank you ,, i'm so appreciate it ^^

good luck for your pixel art
yo, hope you're enjoying the game so far.
added you. so lets play sometime :D
Welcome newcomer to Osu forum :D
take your time and see around and have fun ^^ and if you need help? ask :P
have a good day then ^^
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Hehe it's ok Guru :3
No problem NoirVeil! I'm glad i could help c: Thankyou! ♥
Alrighty, added chu back Lagger1121! I've already got addicted haha
Thankyou Nyan, good day to you too! ^^

Mirchi wrote:

Hehe it's ok Guru :3
added you as friend :3
Yunia Anindya
yoroshiku~ :3
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