
Neru - Ningen Shikkaku

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Provided (apparently final) timing (for the beginning). .osu is here
Sun Rainbow

Sun Rainbow wrote:

- Tu -

Foreverends wrote:

Sun Rainbow wrote:

Lan wings
Topic Starter

Lan wings wrote:

We discussed via IRC.
00:07 nold_1702: 藍翼,可以test下我的圖嗎><
00:07 Lan wings: np
00:07 *nold_1702 is editing [ Neru - Ningen Shikkaku [Posthumous]]
00:07 Lan wings: 鬼畜向嗎
00:08 nold_1702: 一點
00:08 Lan wings: 看來是很鬼畜了
00:08 nold_1702: orz 早知說不
00:08 Lan wings: 我懂的
00:09 Lan wings: 額
00:09 Lan wings: 4分鐘
00:09 nold_1702: okayy
00:09 Lan wings: 沒速度
00:13 Lan wings: 可以了
00:13 nold_1702: okayy
00:13 nold_1702: :pp 謝謝你喔><
00:13 nold_1702: 很感謝你><""
00:14 Lan wings: 我去個wc先
00:16 Lan wings: sb瞎了點;_;
00:16 nold_1702: ;__;
00:16 nold_1702: 我見你沒開sb
00:19 Lan wings: 應該是你這邊關了
00:19 nold_1702: lol
00:22 Lan wings: 唔
00:22 nold_1702: :v
00:22 Lan wings: 最後那下鋼琴可以加個假note
00:22 nold_1702: 加了
00:22 Lan wings: 還是說已經加了我刪SB沒看到
00:22 Lan wings: 唔
00:22 nold_1702: 你應該del了sb所以沒看到
00:22 Lan wings: 沒del
00:22 nold_1702: haha
00:22 nold_1702: 在我這邊我看到假note
00:23 Lan wings: 只是下面那菜單里刪了
00:23 nold_1702: 應該是因為這所以..orz
00:23 Lan wings: 那是因為你那邊沒有關閉
00:23 Lan wings: 有加瞎眼提示么?
00:23 Lan wings: 開始好像沒見到
00:23 nold_1702: 啊
00:23 nold_1702: 忘了xp
00:23 Lan wings: 這種情況算比較閃的了
00:23 nold_1702: 謝謝你喔 藍翼
00:24 nold_1702: 很感謝你
00:24 Lan wings: 我的話多打打fc沒問題
00:24 nold_1702: 很觸
00:24 Lan wings: 不過有個三連好像打了兩次都掉了
00:24 Lan wings: 我去瞄瞄
00:24 Lan wings: 00:33:627 (2,3,4) -
00:24 Lan wings: 估計位置有點靠右
00:25 nold_1702: hmm
00:25 nold_1702: okayy
00:25 Lan wings: 我換窗口玩玩看
00:26 nold_1702: 我上傳了
00:26 Lan wings: 玩崩了
00:26 nold_1702: 為什麼flower跟伙2
00:26 nold_1702: 你*
00:26 nold_1702: 是一起上線跟下線的orz
00:26 Lan wings: ?
00:26 Lan wings: 我osu崩了
00:26 nold_1702: okayy
00:27 nold_1702: 上傳><"
00:27 nold_1702: update
00:29 Lan wings: 減速slider好像不太容易分辨
00:29 nold_1702: Okayy
00:30 Lan wings: 就是這種
00:32 Lan wings: 對了
00:32 nold_1702: 是??
00:32 Lan wings: 假note可以加個miss音效<.<
00:32 nold_1702: ..
00:32 nold_1702: 這樣很..
00:32 nold_1702: 很2
00:33 Lan wings: 跟鋼琴音應該會挺配
00:33 nold_1702: 我跟rainbow說說
00:33 nold_1702: 這應該要加sb音效orz
00:33 Lan wings: 嗯 sb音效不算難搞
00:33 nold_1702: 謝謝你喔藍翼;w;
00:33 nold_1702: 但是慢slider不太會fix..
00:33 Lan wings: 01:24:252 (1,2,3) -
00:34 Lan wings: 這裡flow不太好
00:34 Lan wings: 慢slider不算什麽大問題
00:34 Lan wings: 頂多1PC被坑下
00:34 Lan wings: 打多幾遍就知道了
00:35 Lan wings:
00:35 Lan wings: 類似這樣效果挺好
00:35 nold_1702: okayy
00:35 nold_1702: 做好了><"
00:36 Lan wings: 如果你需要講究點的話可以這樣
00:36 Lan wings: 01:24:252 (1) - 這裡指著前面那個3
00:36 Lan wings: 01:23:939 (3) - 的頭
00:36 nold_1702:這樣?
00:36 Lan wings: 01:24:408 (2) - 然後後面這個複製前面的轉角度
00:36 nold_1702:
00:37 Lan wings: 不是啦
00:37 Lan wings: 01:24:252 (1) -
00:37 Lan wings: 這裡slider直線延伸過去到那個3的slider頭
00:38 nold_1702: 可以拍張圖來嗎;__;
00:38 Lan wings: 就剛才那個
00:38 Lan wings: 只要稍微往右拉一點就好
00:38 Lan wings: 01:24:408 (2) - 然後這個是複製前面的
00:38 Lan wings: 旋轉20°
00:39 Lan wings: 01:24:564 (3) - 3複製2旋轉20°
00:39 Lan wings: 20°好像有點大
00:39 Lan wings: 我試試小點的
00:40 Lan wings: 唔 差不多這樣
00:40 nold_1702: hmm
00:40 Lan wings:
00:40 Lan wings: 轉15°
00:41 nold_1702: okayy'
00:41 nold_1702: done :p
00:42 Lan wings: 01:59:096 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 好梗我喜歡
00:42 Lan wings: 不過有點難讀
00:43 Lan wings: 後面沒啥了
00:43 Lan wings: 好圖good luck
00:43 nold_1702: okayy
00:43 nold_1702: 謝謝你喔><"
00:43 nold_1702: 來留個言,給kd
00:43 Lan wings: 另外個人吐槽下
00:43 Lan wings: 鬼畜的圖不建議做瞎眼SB
00:43 nold_1702: xp SR做的
00:44 Lan wings: 雖然是能關掉 但是還是不太好
00:44 *Lan wings is listening to [ Neru - Ningen Shikkaku]
00:45 Lan wings: 之前崩了的沒了我就不貼了
00:45 Lan wings: 或者你post你貼irc
00:45 Lan wings: 我post*
00:45 nold_1702: okayy
Topic Starter
Easy DONE 8-) :arrow:
Sun Rainbow
预计周六日可以交SB 还有我其实想做Taiko我会说?
<3 :oops:
你的Hard的 unicode爆了阿 記得改
hahahaha this map is fucking awesome
do not like song :<

Jenny wrote:

do not like song :<

Jenny wrote:

do not like song :<
u wot m8

the song is daaamn catchy, and the beatmap is even superior!
我的耳邊似乎時常有一個聲音在問:「你究竟算不算一個人?」----我在破爛的供桌前禱告著:「神啊,請指示給我,我究竟是不是一個人呢?」---我自己終於解決了這個問題。我說:「像這樣怎麼能夠算做一個人呢?這豈不太污辱了這個神聖的字嗎?」於是我明白我並不是一個人, 而是一条人。

Amamiya Yuko wrote:


[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

我的耳邊似乎時常有一個聲音在問:「你究竟算不算一個人?」----我在破爛的供桌前禱告著:「神啊,請指示給我,我究竟是不是一個人呢?」---我自己終於解決了這個問題。我說:「像這樣怎麼能夠算做一個人呢?這豈不太污辱了這個神聖的字嗎?」於是我明白我並不是一個人, 而是一条人。
想做個diff都沒 D:


  1. 你加new combo太多了 一般10个左右都可以的 你这就没超过6个..

  1. 00:03:766 (2) - 可以听出来两次是不一样的, 这里ctrl+G反过来比较好
  2. 00:14:425 (2,3) - ^
  3. 00:05:766 - 停在这里 然后00:05:988 - 叠个note?
  4. 00:08:655 (1,2,3) -
  5. 00:27:221 (1) - 这样比较好吧..
  6. 00:52:221 (1,2,3) - 为什么这里打起来这么莫名
  7. 01:24:096 - 从这里就开始了啊.. 为什么空两格放
  8. 01:33:080 (2) - 感觉有点过了, x:356 y:72左右就可以了 这一段间距都这么近//
  9. 01:42:533 (2) - 为什么不是0.5 orz
  10. 02:52:689 (2) - ^
  11. 03:42:689 (2) - ^
  12. 04:22:689 (2) - ^
  13. 04:47:689 (2) - ^
  14. 02:00:759 - 大概是歌曲的原因我感觉这一段很不好抓..
  15. 02:04:564 (1) - 这里每次都出100啊 换成这样大概就舒服很多了
  16. 02:38:314 (5) - 放这里..
  17. 后面怎么这么闪
  18. 03:34:486 (7) - 这样就好了吧.. 太长不好看
  19. 04:04:096 (1,2,3,4) - 。。这怎么打
  20. 04:48:627 (1) - 数字太大了

  1. 00:03:766 (2) - ctrl+G 嗯
  2. 00:09:322 (2) - x:356 y:184
  3. 01:02:455 - 可以add note吗..
  4. 01:03:471 (7) - 这个用3/4感觉比较好 而且打起来都差不多..
  5. 01:30:814 (3) - 和2叠起来
  6. 01:39:642 (6) - 这个是故意的吗o.o 好鬼畜的样子
  7. 02:04:408 (3) - 来
  8. 03:06:225 - 我觉得这一段可以放点左右来回跳的梗 ww
  9. 04:04:539 - 这里的短滑条好喜感www
  10. 04:48:627 - 假note呢..
Ends' Hard

  1. 我没update ww
  2. 00:45:033 (2) - 既然是hard难度, 1/2拍的滑条就好了..
  3. 03:08:471 (1) - 滑条拉长点那个圈去掉..
  4. 04:09:721 (1) - ^
  5. 04:10:346 (4) - 这个的箭头挡住了
  6. 04:05:346 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 不好。。
  7. 04:27:299 (3) - remove

  1. 00:19:990 (3,4) - 这样没关系吗o.o
  2. 01:20:971 (1) - ^
  3. 03:14:408 (1,1,1,1,1) - taiduole..
  4. 03:57:221 (1,2) - blanket
  5. 04:07:846 (2,1) - ^
  6. 04:48:627 (1) - 不一样大的一下就发现了啊..

  1. 03:48:471 (6) - 这里的blanket做的有点不太好
  2. 03:53:471 (6) - ^
  3. 看上去还好吧 233
  4. 其实我觉得间距有点大..

edit: 其实我觉得间距有点大的是normal 放错位了 23333
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:


  1. 你加new combo太多了 一般10个左右都可以的 你这就没超过6个.. :arrow: I love NCs lol.

  1. 00:03:766 (2) - 可以听出来两次是不一样的, 这里ctrl+G反过来比较好 :arrow: okayy
  2. 00:14:425 (2,3) - ^ :arrow: okayy
  3. 00:05:766 - 停在这里 然后00:05:988 - 叠个note? :arrow: 不好,聽下去有點不知所措..
  4. 00:08:655 (1,2,3) -
  5. 00:27:221 (1) - 这样比较好吧..
  6. 00:52:221 (1,2,3) - 为什么这里打起来这么莫名
  7. 01:24:096 - 从这里就开始了啊.. 为什么空两格放
  8. 01:33:080 (2) - 感觉有点过了, x:356 y:72左右就可以了 这一段间距都这么近//
  9. 01:42:533 (2) - 为什么不是0.5 orz :arrow: 其實因為我認為現在的RHYTHM聽起來很有勁...下面都一樣的
  10. 02:52:689 (2) - ^
  11. 03:42:689 (2) - ^
  12. 04:22:689 (2) - ^
  13. 04:47:689 (2) - ^
  14. 02:00:759 - 大概是歌曲的原因我感觉这一段很不好抓.. :arrow: :<
  15. 02:04:564 (1) - 这里每次都出100啊 换成这样大概就舒服很多了
  16. 02:38:314 (5) - 放这里.. :arrow: 太遠了
  17. 后面怎么这么闪 :arrow: 請重dl
  18. 03:34:486 (7) - 这样就好了吧.. 太长不好看 :arrow: good
  19. 04:04:096 (1,2,3,4) - 。。这怎么打 :arrow: 我打起來沒什麼問題@@
  20. 04:48:627 (1) - 数字太大了

  1. 00:03:766 (2) - ctrl+G 嗯 :arrow: 在這個難度我認為轉了頭尾會影響美觀
  2. 00:09:322 (2) - x:356 y:184 :arrow: noo..
  3. 01:02:455 - 可以add note吗.. :arrow: 因該不可以ww
  4. 01:03:471 (7) - 这个用3/4感觉比较好 而且打起来都差不多.. :arrow: 你太鬼畜了
  5. 01:30:814 (3) - 和2叠起来 :arrow: ..
  6. 01:39:642 (6) - 这个是故意的吗o.o 好鬼畜的样子 :arrow: 是!
  7. 02:04:408 (3) - 来 :arrow:
  8. 03:06:225 - 我觉得这一段可以放点左右来回跳的梗 ww
  9. 04:04:539 - 这里的短滑条好喜感www
  10. 04:48:627 - 假note呢..
:arrow: 我都不知道為什麼突然消失了..

Ends' Hard

  1. 我没update ww
    :arrow: ends他用不到net,所以我代他fix好了
  2. 00:45:033 (2) - 既然是hard难度, 1/2拍的滑条就好了..
  3. 03:08:471 (1) - 滑条拉长点那个圈去掉..
  4. 04:09:721 (1) - ^
  5. 04:10:346 (4) - 这个的箭头挡住了
  6. 04:05:346 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 不好。。
  7. 04:27:299 (3) - remove

  1. 00:19:990 (3,4) - 这样没关系吗o.o
  2. 01:20:971 (1) - ^
  3. 03:14:408 (1,1,1,1,1) - taiduole..
  4. 03:57:221 (1,2) - blanket
  5. 04:07:846 (2,1) - ^
  6. 04:48:627 (1) - 不一样大的一下就发现了啊..

是人 :arrow:
沒加 ":arrow: "的就是fix了


[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:


  1. 03:48:471 (6) - 这里的blanket做的有点不太好 fixed
  2. 03:53:471 (6) - ^ fixed
  3. 看上去还好吧 233 QwQ. . .
  4. 其实我觉得间距有点大.. 感覺還可以w

mod 感謝w
Sorry for my bad english
00:15:996 (2) - add whistle to sliders end instead of finish?
00:19:990 (1,2) - sounds noisy. Maybe whistle at sircle, nothing at sliders start and finish at sliders end?
01:08:054 (4,5,1,2,3) - not nice. Maybe something like this?
01:13:471 (1) - left anchor point 2 grid left and 2 grid down.
02:46:908 (5) - left anchor point 2 grid left.
02:50:658 (4) - aaaagrh! 1 gread right please! It intersects with slider.
04:20:658 (4) - left anchor point 1 grid left and central anchor point 1 grid right.
04:29:408 (2,1) - maybe make large jump there?

00:19:990 (6) - add whistle to sliders end instead of finish?
00:48:783 (2) - maybe x:488 y:256?
03:56:283 (2) - maybe whole slider 2 grid left?

Ends' Hard
00:51:283 (7) - hey !@#$%^
02:06:283 (6) - please, 2 grid right.
02:48:471 (4) - maybe whole slider 1 grid down and right?

623's Easy
01:31:596 (4) - right anchor point 1 grid right
01:36:283 (2) - 1 grid left and 01:36:908 (3) - 1 grid left and up.

Amazing map, thanks nold_1702, happy623, Foreverends and special thanks Sun Rainbow!

andrei7 wrote:

Sorry for my bad english

623's Easy
01:31:596 (4) - right anchor point 1 grid right
01:36:283 (2) - 1 grid left and 01:36:908 (3) - 1 grid left and up.
all fixed, thanks :)
Topic Starter

andrei7 wrote:

Sorry for my bad english
00:15:996 (2) - add whistle to sliders end instead of finish?
00:19:990 (1,2) - sounds noisy. Maybe whistle at sircle, nothing at sliders start and finish at sliders end?
01:08:054 (4,5,1,2,3) - not nice. Maybe something like this?
01:13:471 (1) - left anchor point 2 grid left and 2 grid down. :arrow: it will touch 01:14:096 (1) if I change.
02:46:908 (5) - left anchor point 2 grid left.
02:50:658 (4) - aaaagrh! 1 gread right please! It intersects with slider.
04:20:658 (4) - left anchor point 1 grid left and central anchor point 1 grid right.
04:29:408 (2,1) - maybe make large jump there? :arrow: LOL no becasue I think it should give a 1/1 break players and I find it no reason for placing a jump .

00:19:990 (6) - add whistle to sliders end instead of finish? :arrow: haha sorry I think finish sounds better here.
00:48:783 (2) - maybe x:488 y:256? :arrow:
03:56:283 (2) - maybe whole slider 2 grid left?

Ends' Hard
00:51:283 (7) - hey !@#$%^
02:06:283 (6) - please, 2 grid right.
02:48:471 (4) - maybe whole slider 1 grid down and right?

623's Easy
01:31:596 (4) - right anchor point 1 grid right
01:36:283 (2) - 1 grid left and 01:36:908 (3) - 1 grid left and up.

Amazing map, thanks nold_1702, happy623, Foreverends and special thanks Sun Rainbow! :arrow: :oops: thanks
And also thank you for modding lol
好正@@ 比多粒星星先XD

[623's Easy]
D combo好長.... =.=特別係intro, pre-chorus同 chorus,斬開一半?
00:17:389 (5) - NC
00:22:221 (1) - 同前一個combo colour同色,要轉
01:02:846 (4) - NC
01:19:096 - 加note?
01:28:783 (6) - 01:29:096 - 完?
03:39:564 (1,2,3,4) - 跟番之前? 呢個有D難

00:29:096 - 因為一開始跟曬vocal 所以會覺得呢度應該有野- -
00:39:096 - ^
00:54:096 - 加note?
01:20:971 (1,1,2) - 唔清楚normal比唔比呢D spacing~_~
02:22:846 (4) - NC?
02:52:221 (1,2,3,4) - 唔鐘意呢個anti-jump~_~
02:54:721 - 呢度D 1/1 好怪~_~ 我會覺得 會好d
03:34:096 - 加note?

[End's Hard]
00:45:814 (4) - 唔好遮左個arrow
01:15:971 (1) - Remove NC
01:17:221 (1) - ^ (因為同之前唔同~_~)
第1,2,3段個pre-chorus d NC唔同~_~最好搞搞佢o:
02:06:752 (8) - Delete?
02:11:596 (7) - 轉1/1?
02:49:564 (1) - 轉notes?
03:20:658 - 加notes?
03:21:908 - ^
03:23:158 - ^
03:24:408 - ^
04:07:221 (1) - Remove NC
map埋最後 -v-?

我想問副歌D combo係專登整成咁o:?
因為有D係第1拍 (長白線)落,有D就係第3拍
e.g:01:25:971 - & 01:30:346 -
01:00:189 (3) - white tick無野有D怪怪地~_~
01:42:689 (2) - 跟番歌詞? (定係專登o:?)
02:42:221 (5) - NC?
02:50:971 (4) - NC?
03:29:096 (1) - Remove NC
03:29:564 (2) - NC
03:54:408 (1) - 指落少少?
04:03:471 (1,2,3,4) - 用slider或姐stack?好難read到係1/3~_~

01:10:658 (4) - ctrl + G?
01:27:689 (2) - 我覺得呢個同01:27:221 (1) - 係差1/4而唔係1/2
01:39:642 (6) - 特登o:? 因為我覺得好難~_~
03:24:096 (1,2,3) - 轉一下spacing? 感覺唔似 1/2,玩左幾次都當左佢1/3= =
04:03:471 (1,2,3,4,5) - 呢度原來係 1/6 o: 打落個感覺怪怪地但係唔知點講~_~
04:05:658 (4) - 呢個真係好易打錯~_~轉做咁樣?

Mio_chan wrote:

好正@@ 比多粒星星先XD

[623's Easy]
D combo好長.... =.=特別係intro, pre-chorus同 chorus,斬開一半? fixed
00:17:389 (5) - NC fixed
00:22:221 (1) - 同前一個combo colour同色,要轉 fixed
01:02:846 (4) - NC fixed
01:19:096 - 加note? fixed
01:28:783 (6) - 01:29:096 - 完? 不了w
03:39:564 (1,2,3,4) - 跟番之前? 呢個有D難 ;w;同前面係咁重複唔係幾好
Topic Starter

Mio_chan wrote:

好正@@ 比多粒星星先XD

00:29:096 - 因為一開始跟曬vocal 所以會覺得呢度應該有野- - :arrow: haha 我想做個自創rhythm -3- 同埋之前都係跟drum同bg而唔係跟vocal lol
00:39:096 - ^ :arrow: ^
00:54:096 - 加note? :arrow: :p
01:20:971 (1,1,2) - 唔清楚normal比唔比呢D spacing~_~ :arrow: 我都唔清楚xp但係無一條明文講唔比anti jump
02:22:846 (4) - NC? :arrow: ok
02:52:221 (1,2,3,4) - 唔鐘意呢個anti-jump~_~ :arrow: ok
02:54:721 - 呢度D 1/1 好怪~_~ 我會覺得 :arrow:但係因為咁樣會變到好難= = 會好d
03:34:096 - 加note? :arrow: 加左會cut左個melody

[End's Hard]
00:45:814 (4) - 唔好遮左個arrow :arrow: 遮唔哂所以可接受lol
01:15:971 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: 唔得lol
01:17:221 (1) - ^ (因為同之前唔同~_~) :arrow: ^
第1,2,3段個pre-chorus d NC唔同~_~最好搞搞佢o: :arrow: :o 我睇下..
02:06:752 (8) - Delete? :arrow: (y)
02:11:596 (7) - 轉1/1? :arrow: okay
02:49:564 (1) - 轉notes? :arrow: okay
03:20:658 - 加notes? :arrow: no
03:21:908 - ^
03:23:158 - ^
03:24:408 - ^ :arrow: nonononono lol
04:07:221 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: 呢個好似係需要的
map埋最後 -v-? :arrow: ends佢懶...

我想問副歌D combo係專登整成咁o:? :arrow: yes :o
因為有D係第1拍 (長白線)落,有D就係第3拍
e.g:01:25:971 - & 01:30:346 -
01:00:189 (3) - white tick無野有D怪怪地~_~ :arrow: 個meloidy係咁lol
01:42:689 (2) - 跟番歌詞? (定係專登o:?) :arrow: 後者xp
02:42:221 (5) - NC? :arrow: good
02:50:971 (4) - NC? :arrow: 唔得..好怪
03:29:096 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: ok
03:29:564 (2) - NC :arrow: ok
03:54:408 (1) - 指落少少? :arrow: 指落d個pattern就唔同哂..
04:03:471 (1,2,3,4) - 用slider或姐stack?好難read到係1/3~_~ :arrow: ok

我好廢~_~,所以呢個難度mod得唔好唔好怪我;_; :arrow: Q_Q
01:10:658 (4) - ctrl + G? :arrow: pattern設計是這樣lol
01:27:689 (2) - 我覺得呢個同01:27:221 (1) - 係差1/4而唔係1/2 :arrow: ...唔明
01:39:642 (6) - 特登o:? 因為我覺得好難~_~ :arrow: yesss :p
03:24:096 (1,2,3) - 轉一下spacing? 感覺唔似 1/2,玩左幾次都當左佢1/3= = :arrow: okayy
04:03:471 (1,2,3,4,5) - 呢度原來係 1/6 o: 打落個感覺怪怪地但係唔知點講~_~ :arrow: ~_~...但係佢真係1/6
04:05:658 (4) - 呢個真係好易打錯~_~轉做咁樣? :arrow: 轉左做reverse個feel無哂- -...
Topic Starter
waiting for faust=(
18:22 Nymph: nold啊
18:22 nold_1702: 是.
18:23 Nymph: 唔 normal 01:43:627 (1,2) - 04:26:127 (1,2) -
18:23 Nymph: (很难看啊T_T)
18:24 nold_1702: 如果轉做1.0 spacing呢lol?
18:24 Nymph: 嗯啊好点吧
18:24 Nymph: 感觉整个图就这2个地方不好看(
18:24 Nymph: 液
18:24 Nymph: 顺带一提normal的AR再高一点?
18:25 nold_1702: 但感覺現在的ar好似還好?
18:25 Nymph: 嗯 就是考虑了下spread什么的
18:25 Nymph: 因为跟easy一样 改不改都行就是
18:26 nold_1702: 01:43:627 (1,2) -
18:26 nold_1702:
18:26 nold_1702: 這樣子可以嗎lol
18:26 Nymph: 嗯挺好的
18:27 nold_1702: 好呀,ar提高一格到4?
18:27 Nymph: 然后就是hard diff 没有display warning
18:27 Nymph: 嗯 可以
18:29 nold_1702: 我insane轉了2個hitsound
18:29 Nymph: 嗯ok
18:31 nold_1702: 嗯,upload好
18:31 Nymph: 嗯

just fix some patterns on normal diff, and check the display storyboard warning on hard diff, nothing much, really awesome map.

Topic Starter
Thank you Nymph :P
Irc modded with mapper, change some patterns in all diffs, disable Letterbox during breaks, reduce audio lead-in and remove inappropriate distance between note & spinner in Easy diff.

Incredible Map and nice SB works~~ i really can't wait to push it forward


Irc mod log
22:38 nold_1702: .
22:38 Scorpiour: OvO
22:38 Scorpiour: 时间可能会长一点没问题?
22:39 nold_1702: 沒問題,阻礙到你不好意思
22:39 Scorpiour: 没事这图本来也打算要给你rank的
22:39 Scorpiour: 我自己的事情刚好弄完
22:39 Scorpiour: 别着急:>
22:46 Scorpiour: 00:32:221 (1,2) - 这里
22:46 nold_1702: 是posthumous難度嗎
22:46 Scorpiour: (1)有没有可能延长到3/4的长度而不是现在的1/2
22:46 Scorpiour: 对
22:46 Scorpiour: 最高的diff
22:47 nold_1702: hmm,這個1/2是故意的,我想1/2的rhythm比較好
22:48 nold_1702: 因為vocal跟之前的都不一樣了,轉一轉個melody
22:48 Scorpiour: 嗯…………
22:48 Scorpiour: 因为前面vocal一直在3/4所以突然变1/2有一点意外
22:48 nold_1702: 不好意思..
22:48 Scorpiour: 没事
22:49 Scorpiour: 00:37:221 (1) - 这里的stack偏移是故意的?
22:49 nold_1702: 是的
22:49 Scorpiour: okay
22:52 Scorpiour: 01:10:658 (4) - 要不要考虑ctrl+g一下?
22:52 nold_1702: lol之前這個有人提起,但是我認為現在的模樣打起來比較合符音樂..orz不好意思..狂reject的..
22:53 Scorpiour: k
22:58 Scorpiour: 咦后面的伪note呢……
22:58 nold_1702: 還在.
22:58 Scorpiour: 么有看到啊
22:58 Scorpiour: 奇怪
22:58 nold_1702:
22:58 nold_1702: lol
22:58 Scorpiour: 诡异
22:58 nold_1702: ..
22:59 Scorpiour: 说真的我相当enjoy这图的说
22:59 nold_1702: :p 謝謝
22:59 Scorpiour: Insane
22:59 nold_1702: 我去問問別人他們有沒有看到
22:59 Scorpiour: 00:05:321 (3) - 这里要不要考虑做成Slider+Note的结构?
22:59 nold_1702: 可以
23:00 Scorpiour: 恩
23:01 Scorpiour: 00:15:996 (3) - 这里呢?
23:01 nold_1702: 可以
23:01 Scorpiour: 00:19:990 (6) - 这里我倾向于给个NC……
23:02 nold_1702: okayy
23:03 nold_1702: 轉了之後,00:05:766 加不加finish/whistle好呢..如果00:05:988 (4) - 加了finish
23:03 nold_1702: .
23:03 nold_1702: 00:05:766 -
23:03 nold_1702: 00:05:988 (4) -
23:04 Scorpiour: 我觉得这里00:05:988 (4) - 不放additional音效也可以的
23:05 nold_1702: 就是只加finish在白線?
23:05 Scorpiour: 对
23:05 nold_1702: 但是聽起來紅線好像空空的'
23:05 Scorpiour: 如果红线上不放音效的话白线上没有finish就有点空了
23:05 Scorpiour: 前面finish的回音会一直延长很久倒是……
23:07 nold_1702: ok
23:07 Scorpiour: 01:42:533 - 这里感觉有一点别扭……
23:07 nold_1702: 如果紅跟白一起放finish呢..
23:07 Scorpiour: 会不会有点重叠了?
23:09 nold_1702: 01:42:533 -這個是故意的..其他一樣節奏的部份都是這樣..因為我想在這裡創一個melody..如果加了note在白線就會變了節奏..但我聽起來好似不太好
23:09 Scorpiour: 我对比了一下你extra的节奏
23:09 Scorpiour: 那个diff在这里是个很干脆的1/1
23:09 Scorpiour: 所以听着很直接了当的就过去了
23:09 nold_1702: 是的
23:09 Scorpiour: 这变突然扭了一下
23:10 Scorpiour: 然后就觉得有点怪怪的了
23:10 nold_1702: 但是在00:22:221 (1,2,3) -
23:10 Scorpiour: 前面这里毕竟是前奏……
23:10 Scorpiour: kiai段一直持续的鼓点很强烈的……
23:11 Scorpiour: 这些都不是什么大问题所以决定权完全交给你自己:>
23:11 nold_1702: okayy,,不好意思喔...
23:11 Scorpiour: 没关系啦
23:12 Scorpiour: 除非是质量问题或者unrankable issue否则我不会非要mapper改什么的
23:12 nold_1702: 感覺我很叛逆,什麼都拒絕..怕令人反感orz
23:13 Scorpiour: :>
23:13 Scorpiour: 在我看来mapping这种事情如果无法表达出自己对音乐的理解的话那么是很失败的
23:13 nold_1702: 關於上面的hitsound,你認為:00:05:766 不加finish 而finish加在00:05:988 好嗎
23:14 Scorpiour: 03:14:564 (3,4,1) - 不过这个有些擦边球有何
23:14 Scorpiour: 擦边球也*
23:15 nold_1702: 你是說,hp bar?
23:15 Scorpiour: 不是是遮挡的位置
23:16 Scorpiour: 上面那个finish,我认为红线和白线至少应该有一个finish
23:16 Scorpiour: 嗯……红线finish也许会更好一点,但是这样的话白线必须不能加finish
23:16 nold_1702:
23:17 nold_1702: test上來是這樣子的lol
23:17 Scorpiour: 这里你可以手动stack
23:17 nold_1702: ok
23:17 Scorpiour: 就是用0.1的Spacing之类的来stack而不是用stack leniency
23:17 Scorpiour: 因为有一个问题是HR
23:18 Scorpiour: 明白吧:>
23:18 nold_1702:
23:18 Scorpiour: okay nice~
23:23 Scorpiour: 抱歉稍等下有点小事
23:23 nold_1702: 嗯
23:23 nold_1702: 關於posthumous,我加了一個clap 還有normal都是
23:23 nold_1702: normal跟hard
23:24 Scorpiour: 嗯
23:37 Scorpiour: Hard
23:37 nold_1702: ok
23:37 Scorpiour: 04:05:346 (1,2) - 把这两个弄成平行的?
23:38 Scorpiour: 04:05:346 (1) - 比如把这个的尾巴描点放到189:253
23:38 Scorpiour: 或者我直接找guest mapper说?
23:38 nold_1702: 不用..
23:38 Scorpiour: k
23:38 nold_1702: 他很小上
23:38 Scorpiour: 你自己决定把我觉得平行了会视觉效果好很多
23:38 nold_1702:
23:39 Scorpiour: 好像前面和1的角度又有点楞了…………
23:39 Scorpiour:
23:41 nold_1702:
23:42 Scorpiour: 恩。。好像这样也可以
23:44 Scorpiour: 咦伪note似乎好了
23:44 Scorpiour: 奇怪。
23:44 nold_1702: lol你是說posthumous?
23:44 Scorpiour: Hard结尾又看到。。
23:46 Scorpiour: Normal..
23:46 Scorpiour: 00:29:252 (2) -
23:46 Scorpiour: 你确定要做这个节奏么……
23:46 nold_1702: 是..
23:47 Scorpiour: hmmm Normal里面这种节奏有点奇怪不过考虑到下面还有Easy...放过
23:47 Scorpiour: 不过Normal我强烈建议AR+1
23:47 nold_1702: ...呀
23:48 nold_1702: 妮妮都說了..我接受了但忘了加哈哈
23:48 Scorpiour: < <
23:48 Scorpiour: 记得加上
23:48 nold_1702: 現在加了
23:48 Scorpiour: 嗯
23:57 Scorpiour: Easy
23:57 Scorpiour: 00:23:627 (3,4) - 我倾向于把这个blanket弄的好看一点
23:59 Scorpiour: 01:19:799 (1) - 然后是这个,这间距在Easy真是很不建议,至少分开1/2的距离会比较好
00:00 nold_1702: ok
00:02 Scorpiour: 01:43:627 (3) - 依然是blanket建议
00:03 Scorpiour: 02:29:799 (1) - 然后继续spinner和note的间距
00:05 Scorpiour: 03:43:627 (3) - 继续blanket
00:06 Scorpiour: 03:59:799 (1) - 第三次……
00:07 Scorpiour: 04:09:721 (1) - 第四次
00:07 nold_1702: = =
00:07 Scorpiour: Easy就这些了
00:08 nold_1702: 等等..
00:09 Scorpiour: 还有几个应该是一定要弄的
00:09 Scorpiour: 首先是Audio Lead-in减到1000ms
00:09 Scorpiour: 所有diff
00:09 nold_1702: lol
00:09 nold_1702: 為什麼不可以2秒的
00:09 Scorpiour: 因为已经有1322ms了
00:09 Scorpiour: 你再加2500ms就是3822ms了………………
00:10 nold_1702: ok
00:10 Scorpiour: 然后第2个是Letterbox
00:10 Scorpiour: 习惯上带SB的图会关掉
00:12 Scorpiour: 应该就这些了,更新吧~
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