
Edit mode oops ... [Resolved]

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An error has occured :(
Please report this on the forums along with as much detail as possible of how it happened.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Void Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime)
Saved easy mode beatmap as Normal and was editing. I switched the snap divisor to quarter beats to put in a slider, extended it, and switched the snap divisor back to half beats. Replayed it once to make sure that the beat was correct. I wanted to change the position of the slider so I selected the tail end of it and tried to drag it around to the right position as the head end was in the spot I wanted. The editor decided to snap it to half-beats so I hit CTRL-Z to undo.

Tada! Error message.
Okay two things:

1. The snapping being half instead of quarter - this is actually something I changed on purpose due to people mistiming sliders too much. You'll just have to set one snap divisor higher than you would need when it comes to the length of sliders :).

2. Weird bug. Definitely to do with undo/redo - not a lot of testing went into that. I'll have a quick look tonight to see if I can find the cause!

Thanks for the report
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peppy wrote:

1. The snapping being half instead of quarter - this is actually something I changed on purpose due to people mistiming sliders too much. You'll just have to set one snap divisor higher than you would need when it comes to the length of sliders :).
Snapping to half beat isn't a problem, in fact I prefer it when I first design a beatmap. It's after, when I'm creating the normal and hard that I swap back and forth between half and quarter. I also play everything over and over to check that I'm hitting the right beat.

peppy wrote:

2. Weird bug. Definitely to do with undo/redo - not a lot of testing went into that. I'll have a quick look tonight to see if I can find the cause!

Thanks for the report
No problem, happy to help out.
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