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i prefer both
corat coret tp kaga ikutan convoy

dNextGen wrote:

tapi kan nanti dikira nerd dan gak gaul kalo gak coret2 :( :( :( :(

JMC wrote:

ahahaha ane nge post gitu setelah tadi siang liat pawai siswa SMA pada corat coret, ugal ugalan naek motor, lampu merah dihajar aja.....
=='' sok banget itu, ketahuan motor punya ortu jadi ga tau susahnya beli motor...
enakan klo pas lulus ke game corner di mall terus main DDR rame2 sampe boothnya rusak 8-)
halo smua
Madoka Ayukawa
SeXK is back
Sena Aizawa

urs4chan wrote:

JMC wrote:

ahahaha ane nge post gitu setelah tadi siang liat pawai siswa SMA pada corat coret, ugal ugalan naek motor, lampu merah dihajar aja.....
=='' sok banget itu, ketahuan motor punya ortu jadi ga tau susahnya beli motor...
enakan klo pas lulus ke game corner di mall terus main DDR rame2 sampe boothnya rusak 8-)
akwakwkawkawkk LOL

XK2238 wrote:

halo smua
alo gan
Madoka Ayukawa
the death smile c:
woi punggung gua woi
Rey Fullbuster
promo avatar ah :v
Madoka Ayukawa
Reynaldo+Reynaldi for best couple 2013

_Tokage_ wrote:

Reynaldo+Reynaldi for best couple 2013

_Tokage_ wrote:

Reynaldo+Reynaldi for best couple 2013

MaulanaMuhammad wrote:

_Tokage_ wrote:

Reynaldo+Reynaldi for best couple 2013
and then Reynal Dodi appears
wah yang ngerencanain gather makin banyak ya.. 'w')''
Madoka Ayukawa
berhubung habis stalk
Happy Birthday to Xinely~
Rey Fullbuster
hapeeh basudai cici meli *ripenglish


Rey Fullbuster wrote:

hapeeh basudai cici meli *ripenglish

Can you speak properly for once
anw hbd Xinely
Yunia Anindya
kak Xinely ultah?

hepi besdey btw >w<
thank you all :oops:

ini semua karena rendy.. demi Tuu---- *runs*
Yunia Anindya

Xinely wrote:

thank you all :oops:

ini semua karena rendy.. demi Tuu---- *runs*
kak Rendy kenapeeee :/
douitashimashite btw~ kita beda sebulan kak ultahnya HEHE :D
Urabe Mikoto
meli hbd >w<
Happy birthday my minion Meli /o/
HBD Xinely ~
selamat hari jadi dek~
Happy Birthday Xinely :)
Happy Birthday Xinely :D
wdw meli happy birthday /o/
Meli, mana neh angpaonya hue
Selamat ulang tahun la ya

Sumatran wrote:

Meli, mana neh angpaonya hue
Selamat ulang tahun la ya
angpao avaiable 1 years start from now
gk dateng hangus hehehe

Also thanks all \:D/
kirimin dong mel 8)
Rey Fullbuster

Frizz wrote:

Rey Fullbuster wrote:

hapeeh basudai cici meli *ripenglish

Can you speak properly for once
anw hbd Xinely
itu sengaja gw bikin spoilernya kyk gitu ga pake jarak

Xinely wrote:

demi Tuu---- *runs*
wkwkwkkwkwkkw Meli Wiguna *digampar
orang satu ini senang banget yah pakek spoiler
Sama kayak navy394038045
hai, aq bru nie d forum... ad yg dri malang..?
Yunia Anindya

joy1334 wrote:

hai, aq bru nie d forum... ad yg dri malang..?
saya asli malang xD tapi pindah ke Sidoarjo owo

joy1334 wrote:

hai, aq bru nie d forum... ad yg dri malang..?
!summon abyan

Frizz wrote:

Sama kayak navy394038045
gw sering di kaskus sih, kebiasaan pake spoiler (bukan spoilerbox)

navy0333 wrote:

Frizz wrote:

Sama kayak navy394038045
gw sering di kaskus sih, kebiasaan pake spoiler (bukan spoilerbox)
Bener kata lu pris.
this is gonna be good game for us(audience & fans). That Chinese G1 league/cup was totally boring to me, I was waking up every single morning last 3 days in order to watch "good Doto" but as you all saw - that was "one sided"(A) massacre of the every single Chinese team they played against and common opinion was that "Chinese doto" is the most boring "farm fest" playstyle.
This guys show to the world, who they really are and whats their level of fear(professional respect to the "better" teams in the world = there is no better than Alliance atm). So I just cant be more proud than I am on S4, Akke, Loda, AdmiralBulldog and little EGM that dont wanna try/drink that Champagne on his birthday(today) and celebrate the G1 success with all of us "EU DOTO = BEST DOTO fans".
Even though BTS Crew led by sarcastic prick "Aui_5000" or however many zeros his nick has along with Merlini Police and that mega tard "Luminous" who all were celebrating every death of Alliance, no matter what opponent was their against - YOU GUYS SHOULD BE NEUTRAL BROADCASTERS and you totally disappointed me and most of the Dota 2 community who supports our continent playstyle(along with your 3 US teams that compete with us as equal and present EU - not US playstyle because there eis no leagues and talented teams in big United States of Whatever), Shame on you LD for having such a morons to comment and cheer for the Chinese teams like IG, LGD and even DK against our Alliance, whenever they executed(and it was almost every teamfight) they made a point by "ok that was luck for Loda etc.) Hello BO1 vs. best CHINESE TEAMS IS JUST PERFECT and pls dotn say its just a luck or under-performed by Chinese teams, taking away the perfection and skills of ALLIANCE members ALONG WITH YOUR GRAPHIC INTERFACES that are srsly demented = come on LD get serious if you wanna keep that viewers few more weeks(LGD, IG, DK etc they all have 10-s and 9-s for personal skills, execution etc) but ALLIANCE has 8-7 marks and 9 I think was for execution - so pls tell me why they won it without a single BO1 game loss and why they raped 2:0 in finals?!!!
I guess your and Aui answer will be "it was not an LGD day, week or a year but you will never say that ALLIANCE defended the EU DOTA Scene playstyle and gave Chinese Teams a few more lessons about versatility, diversity of drafting and above all BIG HERO POOL and some new moments called "PA" and "Lone Druid" classes where they dont give us farm-fest of 60-70mins and stomp the base - WE PLAY LONE DRUID ON HARDLANE guys :)

LD, Merlini Police, Aui_2000, Lumminous etc. from BTS Studio - community think that you are completely incapable and dont deserve to broadcast TI3 as you see on every single DOTA 2 related forum, as a jurnalist 1st lesson is "BE OBJECTIVE" when broadcasting. If you think Im wrong, just check the videos of games on youtube and check YOU and LUMMINOUS commentating jokes in the middle of the team-fights and say that LODAs playing PL is like !I($!#$/)P guy practicaly farmed 25mins for items that Chinese need 70min farm-fests and gave them a farm lessons with every single hero he was given by ALLIANCE Captain "S4" who the hell loves PL or playing him at all? But PL is 1 man army and Chinese learned a lot as they learned that Lone Druid is the strongest Hardlaner there is + that SD is not a MID hero :)
Pls reconsider broadcasting Dota 2 or next time we go and listen Chinese or some "Thai vs. Nikaragua meets Somalian" stream at TI3...
Toby, Ayesee, Epi, V1iat, CaspeRRR and the rest of the guys should be example to BTS that you can cast objectively and have friends in a team with no problem, specially when you cast with Chinese(Aui, Lumminous etc...) guys and your team plays against them ;)
At least be kind and say "ALLIANCE" is the best team in the world at this moment and biggest TI3 favorite, if I am wrong, ppl who bet their items(few hundred thousands of them) are not.
Good luck in seize/overrun Dota 2 community & EU/US casters to watch and respect you after that charade you made in a BTS friendly atmosphere insulting every single one of them ALLIANCE members like they are some idiots who wondered at G1 by mistake and won it by pure luck...
You say "congrats" in that situation, nothing more, nothing less.

coba dibaca sapa tau ada hal yg berguna

gw juga ga tau sebenarnya tujuannya nulis pake ginian segala
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