
League of Legends

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Finished my first 10 ranked games and got directly promoted to Silver V. Feels good to not have to go through bronze.
Oh...Dear....after dealing with Silver people you will regret your words xD, RUSH, TRY TO GET AWAY FROM SILVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, OR YOU WILL BE STUCKED INTO THE F****** HELL

GeeNX wrote:

Oh...Dear....after dealing with Silver people you will regret your words xD, RUSH, TRY TO GET AWAY FROM SILVER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, OR YOU WILL BE STUCKED INTO THE F****** HELL
Getting +30 LP per match, hope i'll be out of here soon :c
Do it as soon as possible, I did a mistake.... I was like that I got to gold I 90 points, BUT I DIDNT WIN THAT NEXT ONE, so I started w/l w/l AND WHAT NOW, 27 points and +4 x game, and when I get higher it will be +1 and +2... gosh it will be hard
I just played an aram with a 5 man ap team vs an amumu with 300 mr ... that wasn't fun :p

dat ip after the game
Omg you were right. 1 inhib down, match was won by far. We decide to take baron to end it. Lee sin decides that farming minions top is better than getting baron and what happens? Baron 2000hp left, enemy team spots us, and destroys us all + they get baron. Needless to say the lead was thrown.

Dat Lee man.

Silver 1 and 2 isn't that bad. It's the bottom of silver that's terrible.

Jordan wrote:

Dat Lee man.

My experiences against Lee Sin in Twisted Treeline has made me forever hate him...
Kanye West
I get matched with plats in normal solo queue but haven't played a game of ranked since s1

Every game is so hard :(

Started off with mid losing and starting 0/6/0.
Except... they put Xerath top and I was destroying him. Not 'really' sure he knew how Gangplank works (he was a level 10).

Aside from top, we had a terrible early game. But came back for a strong win. They couldn't win a teamfight to save their life (they got aced twice with none of us dying, and another time with four of them dying and only one of us dying).

I do so much damage and my ultimate makes them react so chaotically. I love it. =D

Swain dc'ing didnt have that much of an impact to the result, i went 3/0/x in laning phase.
Sona is fun
Nice pub stomp. That's generally what happens when you dominate your lane.

Vulf wrote:

Nice pub stomp. That's generally what happens when you dominate your lane.
I don't even know how Xerath works, was making it up as I went, lol.
Is he actually meant for top? =S
I was actually referring to Synchrostar. 25 to 4 at 20 mins is a pub stomp game. I hate those because they aren't even fun half the time.

To answer your question. No Xerath doesn't really work against 90% of the tops. Especially clarity, heal, and dorans ring start Xerath.

Vulf wrote:

I was actually referring to Synchrostar. 25 to 4 at 20 mins is a pub stomp game. I hate those because they aren't even fun half the time.

To answer your question. No Xerath doesn't really work against 90% of the tops. Especially clarity, heal, and dorans ring start Xerath.
Yeah, that is a little one sided...
He was level 10 so I didn't think he overly knew what was going on...
y'all should all add me and help me get out of silver
ign Helen Keller
You did not even say what server you play on...
any fellow diamond players here? :P ;)

Reioken wrote:

any fellow diamond players here? :P ;)
does platinum II count? >:­(
there is a bunch of diamond players out there, don't worry

btw Zac is still broken as shit, even after nerfs
winstreak bros ww@



No shoes needed for ARAM.
Varus is way to easy to play.
So is every AD carry except Ezreal

Is it hard to reach platinum when u get +5 per game... damn
96 minions in a 55+ minute game wow I bet you dc
Barry Zito
Somebody wanna play with a Silver 1 Noob :3 ?

shyvana is fun

those wrote:

96 minions in a 55+ minute game wow I bet you dc
nop, that game they had a dc, and I was mad because my jungler was stupid, he didnt gave me the first blue, so I said, if I dont take the next blue I am afk, he stole next one and I went afk XD

BTW: last 10 ranked 9W 1L, just at 42 points :`(

those wrote:

96 minions in a 55+ minute game wow I bet you dc
The game length is bugged on lolking anyways.
y that is truth too ^ I think it wasnt more than 30 min. The kata one says 25 min and we won on 13 min so xD
So looks like we are the same winning LP, difference you're diamond I am fuck1ngold xD yay you played with Jimbz, he is spanish ^^ btw he is the only pro spanish I played with
just depends on your hidden MMR, i tanked my MMR in d1 too hard and now i get 1 lp per win l0l, but still when i was at 80 lp i got 4 or max. 6 too so i guess it just is like that at d1 so you dont just reach challenger in no time

btw, i made a Kassadin guide some time ago but haven't really sent it to many people, feel free to check it out: ... uild-guide

steal all kills



creds to cookie
Dem TPA Skins ....................
- O n i -
lol wow
those skins look amazing together
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