
Average Speed Ability - Profile Feature [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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It would be interesting to see players' speed ability through a BPM average.

For example, if a player plays a 150 BPM, 175 BPM and 200 BPM beatmap, the BPM average would be 175 BPM. This small feature could boast a player's speed and show how fast they can play. It would be interesting to see pro players' BPM speed especially! This feature could also challenge players to improve their skills by wanting to raise their BPM average to surpass other players' BPM averages.

How does this sound?
420bpm here I come
we should change DT to variable 75%-150% then show in profile the average percentage

(suspect 1000pc scenario
Topic Starter
For Double Time mods, the doubled BPM can be taken into consideration. Just like difficulties with names such as Easy+ or Hard+, there can be a way to show that players can play with the Double Time mod enabled.
No. Most people know their own capabilities and limits, so use your profile to flaunt this useless information.
And what about map with doubled bpm like Scarlet Rose and such?
And if I play a map with very low bpm like Giniro Hikousen? Will it lower my average BPM just because the map itself is slow? It means I should stop playing slow map if I don't want to lower my average BPM :/
BPM isn't speed anyway. Speed is object density. A 200bpm stream map is way "speedier" than a 140bpm alternating map where the mapper picked to call it 280bpm.

Worst feature request ever \ : D /
Players have no fixed speed anyway. We're humans not robots.
Besides what Aqo said, why would you want to know the average? Even after dt is applied, the song has a capped bpm. Meaning that there are always songs that are going to drag down your average.

I agree with denying this.
the people have spoken
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