
Hitsound Volume Editor In Composition Panel

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I was talking to TVO today about Hitsound Volume adjustments and their convenience. One of the ideas that came up was a hitsound volume adjustment slider. Basically a small slider telling how loud you want the hitsound to be at that point.

Here is how I want it to work:
When you select a note, the volume slider appears. It should have the current hitsound volume as its setting. If you want to change the volume, one of 2 things will occur:
If it does not have an inherited timing section (green line) placed on it, it will get a green line with that new volume (there should probably also be an option to not make a green line and just change the volume of the previous green line)
If there is a green line on it, then the volume of that green line will be adjusted

blissfulyoshi wrote:

(there should probably also be an option to not make a green line and just change the volume of the previous green line)
Then just scroll to the first object where you want that specific volume.

This would make a great addition. PgUp and PgDn to set volume in increments of 1 or 5?
More likely to be 5, you don't often see non-multiples of 5 in maps.
Topic Starter

those wrote:

Then just scroll to the first object where you want that specific volume.
My original goal was to make sure mappers don't need to be inconvenienced trying to go back to a green line, especially if you are testing a point around where your selection is currently at.

Was talking to Shiro, and he wanted to integrate a custom sampleset chooser into this. Anyone have any ideas on a clean way of doing this?
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