
Free Anime/Manga Renders! ☆ Kitagami ☆

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Here you can request Anime/Manga Renders for your avatar, signature, user page, storyboard, osu! skin or anything else! I'm not a pro, though.

What is an Anime/Manga Render?

It is a cutout of an Anime/Manga character with transparent background. In other words, I basically remove the background of an anime/manga image so that editing becomes easier. :D

Check if the thread is open on my last post!
Anime/Manga images only!
Max images per request: 2
Use the request form! (it is below the Rules)
Please use puush to upload your image. (If you can't, at least make sure that I can view the image)
No Hentai/Ecchi images.
Low quality images will be ignored!
If I refuse your request, I'll explain why.
Please, specify what you want from the image on your request. (By describing it or even by using MS Paint!)
By requesting, you allow me and others to use freely the finished render.
Extra Rule for Beatmap Skins/SB

On the Beatmap description, please give credits to me since I did put effort on the render image! :oops:
Request form

If there's no Image 2, just delete the fields that refers to the second image.

Number of Images: <1 or 2>
Image 1: <Puush link of image 1>
Image 2: <Puush link of image 2>
Wanted part of Image 1: <Describe here what you want from Image 1>
Wanted part of Image 2: <Describe here what you want from Image 2>
Request Examples
[Example 1]
Number of Images: 1
Image 1:
Wanted part of Image 1: Rin and Len + Musical Notes

[Example 2]
Number of Images: 2
Image 1:
Image 2:
Wanted part of Image 1: Rin and Len + Musical Notes
Wanted part of Image 2: Kaito + Little stars
A Bit of my Work

Notice that I don't own any of the illustrations below! I just removed their backgrounds!

Here I'll be sharing a bit of the work I do! Some finished renders will be here for free use! Click on the image to check the full size!

What you can do with Renders

If you know some photoshop editing, you can do many things with Renders!

osu! Skins (Combobursts, Hitcircles, Backgrounds, etc.)
Beatmap Storyboards
Transparent background Avatars
And other things
Topic Starter
Let's start with 2 slots!
You mean anime/manga vectors.

Do a chuuni for me
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Well, they are the same thing and I think they are better known as "renders".

You were supposed to link me an image... but whatever o.o

I picked one and I hope you like it. Click on the image for full size version.

I'm curious, how exactly does one make renders? Photoshop via pen tool?

Because my renders come out like crap ._.

Cropzy wrote:

You mean anime/manga vectors.

Do a chuuni for me
These aren't vectors. Where did that come from? Vectors are a little more complex than just cutting out anime characters. And these aren't actually renders either, but everyone calls them that

I don't have a specific picture that I want rendered, but since I'm here, a Kirino would be nice

Kitagami wrote:

Well, they are the same thing and I think they are better known as "renders".

You were supposed to link me an image... but whatever o.o

I picked one and I hope you like it. Click on the image for full size version.

wow, thats actually really good, im impressed. I may have a few requests for you soon
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[Close] =w=

@mathexpert9981: Oh, yep.

We use the Pen tool from Photoshop. I actually found out how to make Renders recently! There are plenty of Youtube Tutorials out there, you should check them out :D If you want, here's one of them

@Hoverlegs: Kirino? What Kirino? There are many Kirinos out there, please give at least a surname >.<!

@Cropzy: Yay, I'm glad you liked it ^^
cool stuff! I lover renders, they make my wallpapers alot easier.
This will feel more at home in the new Art subforum, perhaps?

ychao wrote:

This will feel more at home in the new Art subforum, perhaps?
done. but I don't think the host of this topic even cares about this anymore.
>Forgets to look at OP timestamp

You're probably right, theo.
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My bad, it's just that I didn't have much time these days.

Alright 2 slots
Wow, this Thread has a lot of potential. :D
Let me see if I need something.. :3
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Bumping this...!

Still [OPEN] 2 slots
Number of Images: 1
Image 1: Here
Wanted part of Image 1: Full
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Miyu's request
Miyu's Request
Click on the image for the full size version!

I hope you like it! Very cute image, btw *o*

1 Slot open!! :3
Wow, you are doing a great job here! I know where to request now when I need a render! n__n
thanks. :3
Number of Images: 1
Image 1:
Wanted part of Image 1: The woman.
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Kaona's request
Kaona's request
Click on the image for full size version!

I found the same image but with a better quality and size, I hope it's okay.

Katze wrote:

Wow, you are doing a great job here! I know where to request now when I need a render! n__n
Thank you! I'll be waiting for your request!

I'll stop here for today ^^

Thank you. <3

And yes, it's fine. c:
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Still not accepting requests!

Just sharing this render I made~!

For free use! Enjoy~!
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This thread will be always open for requests. I'll close it only if I already have too many requests or I'm too busy to do them
Yup, just as I said! It will be always open~! Please don't keep hurrying me to do the requests and wait patiently!

And here is a render for you guys to use!

Click on the image for the full size version
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